By jeanscoolwife

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✿ꕥ°✎ Baseball player Jean x Journalist Reader (modern au) ✿ꕥ°✎ Currently chapter: 18/24 "𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎... More

𝟏. tabula rasa
𝟐. sight for sore eyes
𝟑. caramel sundae's
𝟒. when the party's over
A/N - important
𝟔. guiding lights
𝟕. sunsetz
𝟖. the night is young
𝟗. dirty converse
𝟏𝟎. his sweater
𝟏𝟏. regrets
𝟏𝟐. one for sorrow. two for joy
𝟏𝟑. stars around your scars
𝟏𝟒. confession
𝟏𝟓. consequences
𝟏𝟔. staring at the sky
𝟏𝟕. everything i wanted
𝟏𝟖. the retched story

𝟓. somebody else

473 16 6
By jeanscoolwife

hey, guys<3 I wanted to take a different approach and I wanted to get this chapter up quickly! I'm putting my all into this and I'm using my breakup as inspiration so this chapter means a lot to me. it's named after my favourite song ever and my breakup song. I hope you enjoy it!

Warning: mentioning of mental health and toxic relationships.

3k words.


Somebody Else
"So, that's Y/N? the girl you grew up with, right?"
-back at the event-

Jean's POV
The event wasn't reasonably interesting, I mostly was with Pieck, and she refused to ever leave my side. Sometimes it wasn't very pleasant but I didn't mind all that much. I felt constricted with her and stuck in one place at all times. She made me feel special and I tried to do the same as that is what she deserves but was that how relationships were supposed to feel? Like your feet are stuck in concrete and you're wearing them as shoes.

We had only been together 5 months and I do really like her but It's easy to put into words. I feel like I'm supposed to feel more strongly about her to the point where it's hard to even construct a sentence, because I would have too much to say about her.

We stood with Reiner and Connie, we were mostly talking about the game and whatever else. I said I would get drinks for us all, so I did that. I started walking over to the refreshment table that was until I saw someone extremely familiar, I stopped in my tracks. She looked exactly like someone I used to know. It wasn't long until she met eyes with me, my eyes widened as I realised.

Y/N L/N.

I couldn't believe my eyes, there she stood, wearing long black trousers and a green long-sleeved top. Her hair was nicely curled, exactly how she used to do it in High school. She looked different but still as pretty as I remembered. My heart felt heavy, I hadn't felt like this in a long time. Was I nervous?

I plucked up the courage to approach her, she looked as if she had seen a ghost.

"Of all the people in the world, I never expected to see you again."

I said it like I wanted those words to stick with her, I was prominent in that fact. I never thought I would see her again, I thought she would always be someone I used to know. She stood there looking up at me, her lips slightly partly like she was going to speak but not a sound came out. She finally spoke after a few moments, "I- uh," her words were struggling to come out. It reminded me of when we first ever met when we were younger, she was so shy when meeting new people, she could never speak.

Please, let her remember who I am, who I was, and who I told her I always wanted to be.

She finally spoke up, "Yeah, I didn't think I would see the day."

She does remember me, thank god. I wanted her to say more, she acted like she was scared of me. I was frustrated at that fact, I had no right in feeling that way, I don't even know what I expect her to say.

"So, how have you been? What have you been up to?" I asked. I didn't want this to be awkward or for her to feel I was giving her the cold shoulder. "I've been good, I graduated College, then moved away and got a job here in Maria. I'm a Journalist." She smiled a bit.

"You became what you always talked about," I also broke a small smile. I felt a wave of relief as I felt a lot less tense than I did before. "Yeah and so did you. From what I have heard, you've done very well for yourself. Just like you said when we were 18."

I chuckled, warmth filling my heart, "yeah, I guess we got what we wanted in the end."

Part of me felt like it was a lie, did we really get what we wanted?

It felt like old times for a brief moment. It was nice. It wasn't long until that moment was over.
"Hey, babe. I was looking for you, I was wondering where you had wandered off to." She chimed, a big smile on her face. I put my arm around her waist, "Hey." I smiled down at her, "Pieck this is Y/N, then Y/N this is Pieck."

"I'm his girlfriend, nice to meet you." She looked over at Y/N and smiled. Of course, she had to specify she was my girlfriend. Always so territorial. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." Y/N smiled a small amount at Pieck. She quickly excused herself, it seemed she wanted to get away as quickly as possible. "Well, it was nice to meet you and it was nice seeing you, Jean."
"Nice to meet you, Y/N."
"Yeah, nice seeing you..." I trailed off, fairly emotionless with a hint of disappointment. She waved at us a little and made her way in the opposite direction, she slowly faded away into the crowd.

Why does my heart ache slightly? Whatever. Just ignore it and enjoy your night.

"So, that's Y/N. The girl you grew up with, right?" Pieck looks over at me with her brow slightly raised. "Yeah, she is. Does it matter?"
"I don't know, depends. By the way, you were gawking at each other just then, I'd say there was more than a friendship."
I sigh in frustration, one impressive thing is how well she can read people. I slipped up there. "I wasn't gawking at her, it's just been a long time since I saw her. I just didn't expect it that's all."
"You didn't answer my question," she says in a more annoyed tone. "Okay, yeah fine. We were more friends at one point, but we never officially dated. It sizzled out." I say back, my frustration building up. "And you decided to never tell me this?" Pieck raised her voice slightly, clearly annoyed. Frankly, I just couldn't be bothered with it. "I think you're overreacting. It was five years ago." I bite.
"It still happened." She bites back.
"I can't be bothered with this," I said walking away from her. She didn't follow me, for once.

An hour or two passed, and I was now walking out with Connie towards the private car. Pieck tugs on my arm as she catches up with me, I stop in my tracks and tell Connie to wait in the car. I turn to her, "What." I say bluntly.
"I'm sorry, you were right. I was overreacting, I just get worried. You know how my last relationship ended up..." She said sombrely, I sigh and hold her hand reassuringly. "I'm not going to do anything behind your back, I would never want to hurt you."
She breaks a small smile and her hand tightens around mine, "Yeah, I know. I just overthink things."
"I understand." I smile back. "Now come on, let's go."

We make our way into the car, it was me, Connie, Eren, his girlfriend Mikasa and Reiner. We all chatted away and had a few more pre-drinks before we got to the club.

We arrived at the club and get in straight away due to us being VIPs. I could get used to all this.

Time went by, and Eren, Connie and I had a few shots. I spent the most time with Pieck as usual. It had been an hour or so, we had all moved to the dance floor. Pieck and I were dancing together and that's when I saw Y/N. She was dancing with Reiner, my eyes were glued to them as I watched them talk and smile. We met eyes and I quickly turned my gaze back upon Pieck. It boiled my blood seeing Reiner so close to Y/N. It shouldn't but it did.

Your POV

There was no right for you to feel upset about Jean and Pieck, you have also had a relationship since. Lewis. But you suppose the difference was Jean didn't have to watch that unfold.

It was all fun and games at the start, you met in your creative writing class. He shared the same love of books and writing. He also wanted to be a journalist. He lied. The only reason he said he wanted the same career was to get close to you. He wanted someone to fuck and chuck. When he asked you to be his girlfriend, you were ecstatic. You thought he was perfect for you. In reality, he constantly wouldn't make plans with you unless it was you going over to his dorm or you going to his. Mostly him coming over so he could just leave whenever he wanted. You wouldn't watch movies or have deep conversations. You would just fuck and that would be it, no aftercare, no cuddles. Nothing. After you had finished, he would get up shower and leave. 2 months in and it seemed like he didn't have a care in the world about you. You had found that he had been sleeping with other girls behind your back the whole time you were together. He used you whenever he had no one else. Why would someone be so cruel and make you their girlfriend and then treated you like a side piece?

You eventually plucked up the courage to dump him. Your friends had your back the entire time. They were the ones to make you realise that you deserved better. You tried to get to know new people and expand your options but you had no interest. You thought Jean and you had something but it sizzled, you thought Lewis and you were a match but it turned out he was a lying, manipulative cheater. Part of you believes maybe there is just no one out there for you.


["Hey, Alexa. Play 'Somebody Else' by the 1975"]

"So, can I buy you a drink?" Reiner said to you, his eyes not leaving your face. "Yes," you smile.

Letting your wandering thoughts leave you. There was no point in dwelling on something that never was official. It simply should not matter anymore. You didn't want to believe Jean was with Pieck at first. You don't want him but you hated to think about them together. Your eyes should be set on someone who wants you and not when they are in a relationship. That's what you are telling yourself at least. Your love had gone cold and he's intertwined his soul with somebody else. There was not anything that you could do about it, the universe is harsh and unfair. That's the way it works.

Reiner offers his hand, you take it. Despite the fact you had just met, he was very touchy. Not in a creepy way but in a kind way. You thought he was charming and in all a nice guy by what you could tell at least. You glance back at Jean one last time and his eyes were no longer on you but on Pieck. They were conversing, he was smiling at her and she was laughing at something he said. Your heart wouldn't stop aching. Why do you care so much?

Reiner and you had arrived at the bar and sat down on the stools. "So, what is your usual drink?" He asked as he waved over the waiter, "Vodka and coke." You replied with a small smile. "Good choice," he nodded with a smile, he ordered what you wanted and ordered himself a beer.

He turned himself to you and took a sip of his drink, "Tell me more about yourself."

"Uh, well. I used to live in Trost with my Mother and sister, and I went to Trost University to major in journalism." You told him, sipping at your drink, your face cringing at the taste, the bartender clearly put a little too much vodka in it. "Too much vodka in that?" He chuckled. "Yeah, just a little." You laughed a bit. "Aside from that, Trost is one of the top universities in the country. You must be pretty damn smart." He sipped his drink again after he spoke. "Yeah, I guess. What about you? Where did you go to college?"

"I went to Maria Sports Academy, along with Eren, Connie and Jean."

Jean. He seems to be everywhere. Or mentioned by everyone you encounter. It is a small world. You can't escape him. 

"Oh wow, so is that how you met them? I suppose you were in the same classes or whatever?" You ask. You were curious of course, why wouldn't you be?
"Yeah, I knew Eren beforehand then we met Jean in our class, and we all just clicked. Although, Eren and Jean argued way too much. Every day they were at each other's throats but deep down I know they love each other ." Reiner looks ahead for a moment, reminiscing about the old times. "We met Connie when we all somehow managed to be signed by the same team, he eventually joined our friend group. Then there's Bertolt, who I have known since I was a kid. We didn't go to the same college but we never lost touch, he and Armin get on especially well, they always nerd out over books and such. I'm glad they all got along with him. They're all my best friends and I wouldn't be who I am now without them. I love them all but they don't need to know that."
You smile at him as you listen, the way he spoke about his friends was so sweet. "That's nice. It's always important to have those kinds of people in your life."

"Yeah, it is. What about you? Made any friends yet apart from myself?" He teased slightly, you laughs a little before you speak. "Yeah, my roommates are pretty cool. I've become close with one of my coworkers already which is nice."
"I'm glad to hear it."

Reiner and you talked for a little longer, you were trying to find things in common but it was hard. The only thing which you did have in common was the fact you both like sport. He was nice to talk to, there was no denying that but there was just something missing. You couldn't quite place your finger on what it was.

The night soon came to an end and you found Sasha and Hitch so you could all go home together. You got a taxi back to your apartment complex, Hitch had drunk a little too much so you and Sasha both linked arms with her, you were on her right and Sasha had the left. You made your way back to your apartment, Sasha said she will put Hitch to bed as she usually is quite a character when she is drunk. It made it nearly impossible to get her to sleep. You obliged and made your way into your room, you looked around at the plain walls and little furniture, and you thought you should give it a makeover, Hitch and Sasha already had said they would help you out. You got changed out of your clothes and put them on the wooden draw that was adjacent to the bed, you opened your drawers and got out a pair of plaid pyjamas and a plain black tank top. You grabbed the cover of your bed and comfortable as you situate yourself in the cold duvet. You lay down and stare at your ceiling, your thoughts wandering back to your interaction with Jean. It bothered you way more than it should have. Pieck seemed nice and you told yourself that they were cute together. You hated that fact.

About 10 minutes passed, and your phone buzzed on the bedside table, you grab it and you see a text from someone that you never thought would message you ever again.

Today, at 1:02 AM


Do I respond? What else could we really say to each other?

Straight after you received a text from an unknown number.

Hey, it's Reiner. It was nice meeting you tonight, hopefully, ill see you again soon.

You smile a little, open the text and start typing your reply. You also don't forget to save his number.

hey, it was nice to meet you too. I would like that

Cool, how about breakfast tomorrow? I know a nice diner we could go to

sounds great! :)

I can pick you up if you'd like.

sounds perfect, I'll send you my address in the morning


You swipe back to Jean's message, you stared at it. With your fingers hovering over the keyboard, you couldn't decide if you should respond. You take a deep breath and turn off your phone, putting it back on your bedside table. It killed you to not respond but you didn't know how to speak to him anymore.

You close your eyes, you just wanted to sleep but your heart ached, and you hated it.


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