The Awakening {Jason Kolchek...

Από accioavacadoxx

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-You're a new Medical Assistant, who applied in the Military, not expecting to be hired. You were plucked up... Περισσότερα

T W E L V E - Missing


462 17 14
Από accioavacadoxx

"Jason, wait up!" Nick called out, as I slowed down to barely a walk. I turned back to glance down the passage I had just come from, to see Sergeant Kay and Corporal Merwin marching in my direction, with their guns at the ready.

"What are ya' guys doin'? I told ya' to stay back at the base with Colonel King." I explained, to which Merwin scoffed aloud. "You think I'd stay with that prick longer than I have too? You're joking." Merwin responded.

"We're a team. You and I. We're brothers." Nick exclaimed, giving my back a firm smack out of respect. I nodded my head, feeling very appreciative for the two soldiers in front of me. "Right, let's go then!" I ordered, waving Nick and Merwin on, to get them through the narrow, and dimly lit passage. I could have stood around and argued some more, but who really had the time for that?

"Just out of curiosity though. . . Are we sure this is smart, man?" Nick asked, looking back to check on me once he had passed by. "The Colonel will be pissed." he informed me, holding his rifle tightly to his chest.

I gave my Sergeant buddy a tilted smirk, as I walked through the narrow ally, and came to stand beside him on the other side.

"Worried are we, Sergeant?" I asked, sounding just the right amount of cocky and arrogant. Nick rolled his eyes as he let out an exasperated sigh.

"Worried about the Colonel? No way. Worried about us being down in this hell, while being chased by those freaks? Well, let's just say that I'm not exactly comfortable with the idea of us parading around this cave, with little resources, and no backup." Nick explained, eyeing the area cautiously. I chuckled lightly, although I agreed wholeheartedly. This wasn't exactly my idea of fun, nor was it the kind of situation I'd ever choose to be in; but that's life, and this was the hand I had been dealt.

"Look, Nicky, don't panic. We'll track down [Y/N], haul ass back to the main Hall, regroup with Colonel dumb-fuck, and find a way out of here. Simple." I stated, as I began walking in the only direction we could.

"Oh. Really? That simple?" Nick asked, with a hint of amusement to his tone.

I knew Nick was worried, and I knew he was doubting my ability to lead and protect, even if he wouldn't verbally admit it. Hell, I was doubting myself. . . But we were stuck down here. We had to handle the situation the best way possible, even if that meant taking it one step at a time.

I was willing to risk my life to find [Y/N].

"Hey, when you guys are done having your lil' bitch session, feel free to come have a look at this. I think I found a lead." Merwin announced, stopping by a rather large boulder. He knelt down to pick something up, and turned it over in his hands a couple times, before handing it to me to have a look at.

"It's [Y/N]'s, right?" he asked. I made my way over, and grabbed the little roll of bandage, and I instantly felt the slightest of ease and relief.

Sure, it was just a roll of bandage, and it could have belonged to any of the soldiers who ended up trapped down here. . . but [Y/N] was the Medic, and  if she still had her pack on her, this could have quite easily fallen out.

"She must have come through here, and not that long ago." I confirmed, sticking the roll of bandage into one of the many pockets on my pants. It may have been a little grubby, but it was still a good resource to keep on hand.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold up. We can't be sure that's hers." Nick added, and in that moment, I saw the doubt flash in his eyes. "It's just a roll of bandage. How can we be sure that that belongs to [Y/N]?" he asked, looking desperately for a stronger lead than the one I was going off.

"We don't have another lead. We gotta trust the feelin'."

"What feeling?" Nick asked, looking at me like I was a crazy person. "Jason, we could be following an Iraqi's trail." Nick pointed out, and I let out a slight sigh, but not of frustration or annoyance. I understood Nick's concern and hesitance.

Unlike me, Nick had people to go home too. He had a sister, and a mother, who were worried sick about him. Two people who loved him dearly, and wanted him to return home safely. And I could tell that in this very moment, Nick was regretting ever leaving his hometown to join the Marines.

Shit, even Merwin looked nervous, although he'd never admit it.
Merwin had a wife and son back home. I knew how eager he was to get back and see them, after he showed up at my barrack late one night, completely intoxicated, and rambling about how badly he missed his family.

I understood their cautious behaviour and worried expressions.

I wasn't quite so lucky though.

The only thing I had to return home too, was a dark apartment, with no furniture, and an old pack of beers in the fridge, that had long since expired.

Maybe that's why it was so important that I found [Y/N]. Maybe that's why I was willing to bet my life, that this old roll of bandage, belonged to her.

I had to find her.

"Nick, I understand if ya' wanna turn back, but I can't. You know I can't." I started, and just like that, Nick's features softened.

"What do ya' mean, man?" he asked, eyeing me curiously. Merwin looked just as confused and as intrigued as Nick did.

I let out an audible sigh, "If [Y/N] is alive, I'm going to find her. Shit. . . I have to believe that she's alive and okay. . . I have too." I explained, feeling very uneasy about talking like this to two grown men, who viewed me as their strong minded leader. "[Y/N] has somehow gotten to me already. . . I can't explain it. . . but I'm not just about to let her die down here." I finished, shaking my head slightly. I can't believe I was saying this crap.

Nick gave a slow, but sure nod of his head. He understood, without me saying it. Damn, even if I didn't fully understand it yet, Nick definitely did.

I was thankful that he didn't push for further explanation from me. I hated all this mushy crap.

"Right then," Merwin added, cutting in, "We better find her quick then. If she was using the bandage, then she's hurt, which means she's bleeding. Those things will track her down in no time." Merwin added, and I knew he was right. We had to get moving. If [Y/N] was injured, and alone, with no weapon, and little of any other supplies and resources; then we didn't have long to find her. She could be in serious trouble.

"I say we go down the path closest to where the bandage was found. If injured, she can't have gone far. Don't fall behind, and keep in radio contact at ALL times!" I ordered, hoping for a miracle, but preparing myself for the worst.

"[Y/N], look! The torch is flickering much faster now. There must be an opening nearby." Salim explained, as we rushed down narrow ally's, and squeezed between many little gaps, or crawled under numerous rocks. It was all rather exciting, really. Terrifying, as I have mild claustrophobia, but exciting.

Just when my ankle almost gave out, and the exhaustion almost became too much for my tired, beaten body. . . there it was. A rather large hole in the cave ceiling, with boulders that lead up to it. Sure, they didn't exactly look “stable,” but it was definitely manageable. We could get out, if we just worked together.

The outside world was right there.

I could feel the crisp, cool desert air on my skin, which caused small hairs to prick up, and goosebumps to splash across my skin.
The night sky had many twinkling stars, and the bright white glow of the moon, which only made the outside seem even more inviting.

What I wouldn't give to be on the service, eating a bowl of hot stew, with a cold beer in hand. To be clean, and have all my wounds re-dressed, with a book on my lap.

It sounded heavenly.

But I couldn't leave.

"Come, I'll help you up, then I'll follow." Salim exclaimed, but I quickly grabbed ahold of his hand, and pulled him back to look at me.

"Salim, I can't leave." I explained, in a quiet, sombre tone. It was only four words spoken, yet Salim understood.

"You don't think they're still alive, do you?" he asked, coming closer to me.

I thought for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't know, but I do know that I'd never forgive myself for leaving this place without searching for them."

"But we have searched for them. We've wandered around for many hours, and haven't seen any sight of another living person. It's not looking good, [Y/N]." Salim answered, rubbing a soothing pattern on my hand with his thumb.

"I know, I know. . . but I can't leave them behind. . . I can't leave, Jason." I said, offering Salim a sad smile.

"I'll stay. I'll help you look for them-"

"No, Salim, you have to go. Your son is back home, waiting for you, and probably worried sick." I explained, as I took a step away from the Iraqi. "Besides, who knows what will happen if I find Jason and you're with me. He'll want you tied up, questioned, and possibly imprisoned back on base. It's not worth the risk."

Salim thought about this for a moment, then gave a long, hesitant nod. "Okay," was all he said, but the look on his face, showed great concern. "Please stay safe, [Y/N]!"

"You too." I responded, giving the man one last sad smile, before I turned on my heel, and went back deeper into the caves.

I couldn't bare to look at the man as he climbed up and out of the cave. Something about his character and body language, reminded me of my late father, who I missed more than anything.

In a way, it felt like I was losing my dad all over again. That's why I had quickly left, not daring to even so much as glance over my shoulder at his departing form.

I needed to stay focused.

I needed to find the others.

I needed to find, Jason.

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