ll The Uzukage ll

By IdkWhyiHaveW4ttpad

195K 5.2K 1.4K

Naruto was banished from that terrible village konoha. Naruto is mistreated in his village. Naruto was false... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 28

Part 11

6.7K 212 24
By IdkWhyiHaveW4ttpad

Naruto's slumber was amazing, it was so peaceful, bonus with Kurama's warmth.

Naruto fluttered his eyes open, to meet with 6 kids, hovering over him.

Naruto blinked a few times and glanced at the 6 kids with confusion written all over his face.

"Yes?" Naruto knitted a brow.

"We did it!" The 6 kids all exclaim in unison.

"Did what?" Naruto provided them another confused look.

"We burst the rubber ball!" Tsuki and Taiyo exclaimed.

"Yeah! and we burst the water balloon!" The other 4 kids heaved their fists in the air and beamed proudly.

"You did? Show me!" Naruto beamed, forgetting that Kurama was still snuggled in his lap, peacefully sleeping.

Kurama was also awoken from his serene slumber...

Kurama let out a growl, as he was disturbed from his tremendous rest. Naruto sweat dropped. He had forgotten the vicious fox was there.

"Ah- im sorry kyuu!" Naruto apologized, as he picked up the moody fox, and caressed his soft fur.

Kurama grumbled, as he relaxed into the touch, and rested his head on Naruto's shoulder.

Naruto lets out a sigh of relief before turning his attention to the 6 kids in front of him. "Show me," Naruto said in a steadier tone.

The 6 kids nodded cheerfully.

Tsuki and Taiyo grabbed a rubber ball and started to use their chakra.


The rubber balls both burst in unison.

The other 4 kids, had a water balloon in their hands, and they funneled up their chakra as well.

*pop!* the water balloons burst, as the water splashed all over their shirts.

Naruto grinned happily.

"YOU GUYS DID IT! IM SO PROUD" Naruto exclaimed cheerfully.

Kurama growled.

"Sorry kyuu" Naruto chuckles.

"Kitto, Yuki, Khuu, and Tora, go and try to burst a rubber ball, Tsuki and Taiyo will authorize you, once you guys burst the rubber ball, you all can try to finalize the final step!"  Naruto declared openly.

"Hai!" The 6 kids exclaimed.


"Taiyo! Can you help me please?" Yuki whined as she struggled to burst the rubber ball.

Taiyo nodded, as he went to her side. "You must increase the volume and density of your chakra. I can't tell you how to precisely do it, cause that would be cheating, but increase the volume, and density of your chakra." Taiyo explained the best he could.

Yuki nodded.

The 4 kids proceeded to struggle, but with Taiyo's explanation, they were less confused.

Naruto watched as he settled in the grass, with Kurama who was the size of a big dog, snuggled behind him, conducting like a pillow for the blonde.

"They're doing so good!" Naruto giggled.

Kurama grumbled.

"I'm starting to think you like them more than me.." Kurama complained as he rested his head on his paws.

"You'll always be my favorite don't worry kyuu" Naruto giggled as he laid back.

Kurama let out a soft chuckle as his tails encircled around Naruto.

'Warm!' Naruto relieved tension into the warmth.


"This is too difficult!" The 4 unfortunate kids yelled in unison.

Kurama sighs, as he poofed into his mortal form.

"Alright listen up" Kurama declared openly.

The 4 kids glanced at him while Tsuki and Taiyo both feared for the 4 kids.

"I'll be assisting you now, get ready I don't care if your kids, Im not going soft" Kurama declared as he had his typical bitter expression.

"Hai!" The 4 kids all agreed.


*pop!* the rubber balls burst.

Kurama smirked proudly.

He had traumatized the 4 kids but it worked, they did it.

Kurama slipped his katana back onto his kimono.

Naruto grinned. "Time for step 3!" Naruto declared openly which gave rise to the 6 kids' cheers.

The 6 kids had all lined up, with Naruto in front of them, also with Kurama behind Naruto, hand on his katana handle. Now that they noticed Kurama was tall.

"This is the last step so listen up, the user must combine the first two steps into a contained sphere. To help in this regard, you may be given a balloon to help visualise the intended shape, if the balloon is popped or otherwise moves, although mastery is not yet achieved." Naruto explained.

"Hai!" The 6 kids cheer.

The 6 kids proceeded to incorporate the two first steps and began to try and form their chakra into a ball, with the assistance of a balloon.

'Hm, just like konohamaru....speaking of konohamaru I wonder how he's doing..' watching the 6 kids reminded him of a kid he used to train.

The kid's name was Konohamaru. Konohamaru was always called. "The honorable grandson" by everyone in Konoha, although Naruto was the first to call him by his name. Naruto was extraordinary which made Konohamaru admire the blonde. Konohamaru has brown hair, and navy blue eyes, he also always wears a blue scarf.

Naruto sighs.

"Hm? Just send him a letter" kurama chuckles.

"I forgot you could read my thoughts.." Naruto sighed.

Kurama smirks.

Naruto bit his finger, and slammed his hand onto the floor. "Summoning!" Naruto yelled.

A cloud of smoke poofed. A little fox whose fur was white, appeared once the smoke had disappeared.

"Hi sir! What can I do for you?" The fox yipped merrily as its tail swished happily.

"Hi Ariashi! Can you transmit a letter to Konohamaru?" Naruto pet the little fox. Kurama attempted to hide his jealousy by pretending he was busy.

"Yes sir!" Ariashi yipped cheerily, her tail wagging.

Naruto smiled.

The blonde took out a scroll and began to write.

Hello Konohamaru.

This may be shocking but bare with me.

It's been a long time huh? Did you miss your "big brother" hell I sure miss you. I completely trust you so I'm gonna spill something. I'm in uzushiogakure as the uzukage, I understand that you love Konoha so keep in mind this is just a suggestion. I'm inviting you to stay at uzushiogakure, as a shinobi. Tell Ariashi your response, I'll be looking forward to your response. Konohamaru.


Naruto reread his letter making sure it was perfect. Once he was confident he rolled the scroll up, and handed it to Ariashi.

"Go, take it to Konohamaru please" Naruto pet the fox's head and smiled gently.

Ariashi yipped and she ran off.

Naruto turned around to see a pouting kurama.

"Hey kyuu, you alright?" Naruto was a combination of confused and worried.

"No." Kurama grumbled as he crosses his arms.

Realization had hit Naruto.

Naruto giggled.

"Come here" Naruto sighed.

Kurama walked over to Naruto still having that pouting look plastered onto his face.

Naruto caressed Kurama's dull hair and smiled. "You'll always be my favorite no worries" Naruto reassured.

Kurama grumbled as he let the blonde play with his hair.

"Woah it's actually soft" Naruto mumbled as he continued to play with kurama's hair.

"Ahem" kurama Knitted a brow.

"Right, that's not what I meant" Naruto chuckles.

"Naruto-nii!" The 6 kids all yell in unison with an obvious tint of enthusiasm in their tone.

Naruto turned his attention to the 6 kids and knitted a brow.

"Look" Tsuki lets his hand out and a small orb of chakra has materialized.

The other 5 kids did the same. Tsuki's was much bigger then the rest.

Naruto's eyes glowed, as he watched the chakra orb rotate.

"alright! Im so proud of you guys!" Naruto exclaimed tugging them all into a tight hug.

Excitement filled the air.

Watching the scene made a slight smile crawl onto Kurama's lips.

'Maybe these brats won't be so bad.'

Thank you for actually reading this book! I really hope your enjoying it, also if I made any mistakes go ahead and point it out I'll fix it! Thank you for the reads, I really appreciate it! Im being motivated by the people that comment on my chapters so thank you! I love you all ❤️

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