The Seventh Flame

By Megs_204

158 50 9

There is one reason and one reason only why the kingdom of Perdita has been at peace for so many lifetimes. B... More

Map and Character List
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

15 5 0
By Megs_204


Icy fingers gripped Blade's arm in the darkness as Crynn silently let him know he was there. Angry wind slashed at their faces and the rain danced wickedly atop the two men's heads as they tried to get their bearings, crouched atop the tall, stone wall. The hair on Blade's neck stood on end, and a shiver raced down his spine, a lump forming in his throat.

It was time.

Blade's lips parted to reveal an ugly smile as he wiped the dirty rainwater from his brow. From here, they could see everything. Towers made of stone and ancient wood cast shadows over the damp and foggy streets below. The perfect cover. Blade couldn't have asked for better weather. The castle walls were the strongest things around and yet, they could not keep him from accomplishing his task.

Kill the king.

Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stairs as they began to descend and Crynn glanced over his shoulders with a grimace. The sound seemed to echo through the corridor as the sounds of the raging storm outside faded away. Blade wasn't worried about the creak of the floorboards; it would be an early alert if any guards were to come in their direction. While Blade listened ahead for any oncoming signs of life, the tired and underpaid guards wouldn't be listening as closely.

Soon the narrow corridors inside the walls widened and the two men found themselves in the open air once again. This time, however, they were within the walls. The cobblestone streets were vacant, and the only sources of light flickered through the windows of sleeping homes. Other than the sound of distant music and the screeching ravens perched atop a tower, the night was tranquil. With silent footsteps Blade and Crynn crept through back allies and shadows, nearing the second row of walls. These would not be so easily breached. Even at a distance, Blade saw the small shapes of bodies pacing back and forth, torches in their hands.

Still, there wasn't an ounce of fear in his body. The tattoos up his back had healed days ago. He had the mark of the flame. It gave him strength. It gave him a purpose. He would bring the fall of the crown. He or Crynn, who had a circlet of flames that wrapped around his bicep. For years they had trained and dedicated themselves to this mission. They'd watched as the rebellion went from a handful of lost souls to an underground army. The kingdom was growing uneasy. It was turning over on itself. Peace cannot last forever; it corrupts itself from the inside out.

Blade was determined to cut the head off the corruption itself. The King. The ignorant King. If he were not removed from the throne, he would allow the neighbouring kingdoms to run them over, as long as it meant he could avoid an all-out war. He would do anything to continue the false sense of endless peace. The security that blinded the people from his crimes. He did not want to be remembered as the King that brought his people back into dark times. But he was too late for that.

Blade just hoped that the one who rose to the throne would be better. King Theon had taken in seven children sixteen years ago, and since, has raised them all to be his predecessor. The King was supposed to be the one to choose who succeeded him, however, with the King gone, no one knew who would take the throne. Personally, Blade thought any of The Seven would do a fine job. He hoped this would be his last assassination. He would kill the King and then retire. Maybe he would move out to the kingdom, spend the rest of his days in the sunshine of Anatol.

"Blade." Crynn hissed under his breath, crouching against the ivy-covered castle wall, "I see the door, think it'll be unlocked?"

"As long as that rat, Azure, held up his end of the deal."

"And if he didn't?" Crynn didn't trust Azure, and neither did Blade. Azure was a rat pretending to be a mouse. A crook parading as a servant. His sticky fingers often got him into trouble, trouble that Blade once got him out of... for a price. Azure owed him one, and he would pay up if he knew what was good for him.

"He knows that we know where to find him." Blade smirked as the wooden door easily swung open. They hurried inside and shut it behind them, blocking out the light from the moon, engulfing them in darkness.

Ten paces forward. Make a left. Through the door at the end of the hall.

Blade had gone over the plans every night. He knew them by heart and yet, something felt wrong. They stood, hidden by the archway that led to the courtyard. Tired guards stood at the front entrance as well as a few other posts, while a few servants milled around, finishing up their late-night duties. Blade and Crynn pulled their hoods even lower over their faces and started the trek across the open space. They were lucky it was a chilly night, and they did not look out of place in their cloaks.

Even so, Blade felt his heart hammer in his chest when they left the shadows and entered into the firelight. Everything suddenly seemed so loud. Their footsteps. The hushed voices of two maids as the left the castle for the night and headed home. The soft clank of metal as the guards shifted their feet. He was hyper-aware of the long swords and spears the guards held. He had not been able to bring such magnificent weapons – they were not so adapt to his mission of stealth. Instead, the insides of his cloak were lined with cruel knives.

Crynn let out a long breath of air when they reached the side door they were to enter. Blade, however, still held his. It felt too easy. No guard asked them who they were or where they were going. The guards hadn't even given them half a glance. Yet, Blade felt like there were eyes following his every step. He couldn't help but picture glowing orbs in every corner. Imagine footsteps at his heals. The ghost of a knife at his neck. Back in the safety of the shadows, Blade felt his heart calm once more.

There was no stopping this.

Down the hall. Last door to the left. Turn at the corridor adjacent to the window.

Two guards rounded the corner ahead and Blade pulled Crynn into a tight corner, hiding themselves behind a pillar. Dragging their feet, the guards passed, unaware that they were only feet away from two assassins. Once they were out of sight, Blade and Crynn continued. Ducking into corners and side halls when they had to. No one saw them. No one heard them. Blade itched for a fight.

He did not know it, but his wish would be granted. For as silent they were, someone who was even lighter on their feet followed behind. And although the assassins knew how to stick to the shadows, darkness seemed to bend around the person whose gaze followed their every movement. The person followed them with such silent grace, even Blade started to forget about the feeling of eyes on his back.

Up the spiral stairs. Down the hall filled with stained glass windows. Make a right.

The King's room was there. Through the large oak doors. At the end of the hall.

Blade's head was slammed into the wall before he even had the chance to reach for one of his seven daggers. As he reeled from the pain shooting through his skull, Blade heard Crynn grunt as the dark figure slammed their knee into his gut. With one hand pressed against the gash on his forehead, he pulled the person from his friend, causing their hood to fall away.

He would recognize that face anywhere. Anyone would.

Curls of obsidian hair bounced over her shoulders, two thin braids framing the dangerous look on her face. Her skin was like a painting, clouds of white over a darkening sky. Like white flowers embroidered in a midnight fabric. Dark eyes, the same shade as the shadows he favoured. She was shorter than both Blade and Crynn, but that didn't make them any more secure. They knew the type of danger they were in. Slowly, her lips pinched together in a thin line as she drew the weapon that lay dormant on her hip.

It was Aideen. One of The Seven. It was possible that Blade stood before the future Queen. It was possible she would kill him before he reached the King. Blade knew that none of The Seven were to be underestimated, and where there was one, others were likely close by.

Crynn lunged at her from behind, but it was as though Aideen had a third eye. She effortlessly side-stepped out of the way and as he stumbled past, she grabbed the neck of his cloak, pulling his back against her. The dagger in her hand appeared at his throat as fast as the smile to her lips.

It was rumoured that Aideen had been one of the most difficult of the children for the King to tame. She was sometimes more animal than human. The streets and her life in the dirt ran deep in her veins. She was no bejewelled noble. She was a warrior. A vicious one.

"You didn't really think those tattoos made you invincible, did you?" Her words dripped with mockery, "Do you know how many flames I have carved from the skin of fools like you?"

"You cannot stop this." Blade spat, meeting his friend's fearful gaze, "The end has already begun."

"It has, hasn't it?" Aideen pushed her blade down on Crynn's throat, causing a fine line of crimson blood to drip from where it pressed. Blade rolled onto the balls of his feet; he would not go down without a fight. This was what he had been trained for. Just before he could move, Aideen spoke once more. "I will let you two walk out of here unscathed if you can answer one simple question."

Blade had no intentions of leaving the castle without the King's head, but he nodded. He knew he did not have the power in this situation, so he would wait for a moment when he did.

"Where are you keeping my sister? Where is Callisto?" Aideen's fingers gripped tighter around Crynn's arm as Blade's eyebrows pinched together. He had heard rumours of the disappearance of Callisto. Another of the Kings chosen children. The Seven were often in the eye of the public and she had not been seen for some time. Although Blade was high in the ranks of the rebellion, there were still things he did not know. A friend of his had mentioned something about new information coming their way. A new bargaining chip. Leverage against the crown.

He understood instantly. Callisto hadn't just stepped away from the spotlight. She had been taken from it. They had taken her from it. They had the power and Aideen had made a mistake by allowing Blade to know that.

"Release him and I'll tell you." Blade did not intend to tell Aideen anything, nor did he have any information valuable to give. But once her grip on Crynn loosened, even if it was just for a moment, Blade knew he could bring her down.

"That isn't how this works," Aideen said, but Blade saw the slight movement as she released the pressure on Crynn's neck. He took that moment to launch a throwing dagger at the arm Aideen held Crynn with and jumped to pull his friend from her grasp. As fast as Blade was, Aideen was faster. Although one of her arms was wounded, she split Crynn's throat with the other.

Blade let out a cry of anguish and his steps faltered. He never should've gone on this mission with someone he cared about. He shouldn't have brought along a liability. Blade dropped to his knees at his friends' side, while Aideen stumbled back, pulling the blade from her arm. The sounds of running guards drifted from down the corridor. Blade didn't care. Fury surged in his veins.

He sliced at Aideen's legs, catching one of her ankles. She roared in anger, grabbing a handful of Blade's thick hair and wrenching his head back. He moved to burry a dagger deep in her stomach, but before he got the chance, five guards rounded the corner, surrounding them, pointing their weapons at Blade's heart. Aideen slammed his head into the wall once more and Blade's vision started to swim.

He had failed. The King was alive while Crynn was dead. They never stood a chance.

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