The Tiger and The God

By WingsSave

8.4K 393 25

Atsushi could feel something wet dripping down his chin as he stumbled forward. His side was radiating pain t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

461 27 6
By WingsSave

Chuuya's POV

The thought that these people might have been conducting experiments on children infuriated the Port Mafia Executive all the more. Walking over to the hospital bed he looked at the patient file that lay open on the bedside table. His eyes widened when he read the name on the file. Tachibana Bao. Chuuya flipped more through the past medical history. As he suspected, the child was the son of Tachibana Sou. Chuuya looked up from the file at the kid. Since he lacked any medical training he couldn't understand much of what was written but he did find out a few things. Bao was 8 years old and apparently, he had an incurable, rare disease referred to as Byoki o korosu, aka 'killing illness'. It seemed that the child had inherited it from his father, who was himself dying from this mysterious neurodegenerative disease that caused the brain to atrophy. The kid's organs had started to shut down as a result of the disease, the destruction of his brain had caused damage to the spinal cord and cell tissue.

Sighing, Chuuya set the file back down on the table and looked at the child. He made up his mind to come back for the boy once he had found Nakajima and dealt with Tachibana. "Hang in there, kid. I'll come back for you." He told the boy before finishing his search. Finding no sign of Nakajima nor Tachibana he continued up to the fourth floor. He dealt with the resistance he encountered upon setting foot on that floor before searching. He looked through eight different rooms before he finally found Nakajima.

"Nakajima!" Chuuya ran over to the operating table that the weretiger was restrained to. He shook the younger man's shoulders but he got very little response. "Ok, come on! Wake up, teme." Chuuya told Nakajima, undoing the restraints before picking him up and carrying him out of the room. He wasn't sure what he should do. He couldn't search for Tachibana with Nakajima in tow. The sign beside one door read EMPLOYEE LOUNGE. Chuuya opened the door and seeing that nobody was inside, he placed Nakajima on the couch in the room. "I'll be back for you, Nakajima. I promise. I just have to take care of one more thing." He told the weretiger. "At least this couch is more comfortable for you than that table."

"Not that it matters much, che-che-che! He's just goin' to get comfy on an operating table somewhere else."

Chuuya started to turn to face Tachibana but Nakajima weakly reached a hand up to stop Chuuya. "Don't look him in the eyes..." The weretiger said in a faint, teeny voice. Chuuya tried to ask him why but Nakajima didn't have enough energy to speak more.

Don't look him in the eyes. That was what Nakajima had told him. Chuuya activated his ability and closed his eyes and turned to face Tachibana. If he couldn't use eyesight there were still other senses that he could use. He focused on listening to the sounds around him. It was a small room. He should be able to hear their movement more than if they were in a big room; however, the room was also going to be a hindrance. If they fought in the room, Nakajima would get caught up in it. Chuuya also had no idea what sort of attack Tachibana might make.

The sound of a very faint footstep ahead of him caught Chuuya's attention. Charging in the direction of the noise, Chuuya used the changes in the field of gravity up ahead to help him detect where Tachibana was. He swung his leg up and swiftly delivered a kick. It seemed like he had made contact with Tachibana, judging by how he had felt his foot make contact with something and a cry of pain from right ahead of him. He needed to end this quickly. Nakajima needed to be taken to the hospital and so did Bao.

It was a miracle that he didn't run into the doorway or wall as he exited the room. He again listened to the sounds around him as he unholstered his knife, waiting until he heard movement before reaching out and grabbing up what he was assuming was Tachibana. He thrust the blade into what he assumed was the man's gut and twisted the blade.

Atsushi's POV

Bleary sunset eyes opened as the young male started to wake up. If one were to look at him closely they could see that his eyes were devoid of any bright color. It would seem as if the color of his eyes were drained away. He groaned as it felt like his body was hit by a freight train. He didn't know what happened after he had passed out. All he could remember last was telling a figure not to look Tachibana in the eye and then seeing the figure glowing red before moving in a blur. He looked around the room he was in to see if he could place where he was. It looked like he was laying on a couch in an employee room.

As he was focusing on trying to figure out where he was at exactly he didn't see the hand that reached out to him. He sat straight up groaning in pain when he felt something grip his arm. "You are not supposed to be here!!" Atsushi didn't know what to do as he was petrified. He slammed his fist into the person's face before running into a corner. He was still bleeding profusely as it was taking a while for his tiger to heal him. Most of his energy had been set toward keeping him alive than healing his wounds.

How did he get free? He thought of the figure he saw before he passed out and remembered Dazai-san saying something about Nakahara-san having a red aura when he activates his ability. His eyes widened as he weakly stood up. He had to warn the executive. He had to tell him about Tachibana's ability. He stumbled out of the room to go look for Nakahara-san. He pressed a hand to his wound trying to keep everything from falling out. He gripped the wall as he staggered leaving blood trails across the wall. His head felt so muddled as he was losing so much blood as he continued on. At this point, he was running on pure adrenaline so he could warn the executive.

He heard the sounds of fighting and followed it to see Nakahara-san fighting Tachibana with his eyes closed. He watched as Nakahara-san stabbed Tachibana in his lower abdomen but because his eyes were closed he didn't see Tachibana pull out a trocar from his lab coat. Atsushi before he knew it pushed Nakahara-san out of the way. He yelled out as he was stabbed in his arm causing him to fall to his knees. Gripping onto his stomach even tighter he glanced at the redhead. "Once your ability is activated he can't use his ability on you." He grunted in a low voice as he heard Tachibana laugh. He felt himself collapse onto the floor hard-knocking his head causing it to bleed.

'Damn it' He thought to himself as he knew he was stronger than this but he also knew with his wounds he wouldn't be able to help. Why did he have to be so weak? Why did he let himself get captured? Why did he always have to have someone save him? He flinched away at the hand touching his arm causing him to whimper. He opened his eyes not realizing he had closed them to see the mafioso over him. He didn't want to be touched as it just meant more pain was to come. He could feel himself fade into darkness. He knew he wouldn't be able to stay awake much longer but he forced himself to stay awake as he didn't want to be hurt anymore. Tears gathered into his eyes as he watched the mafioso stand back up and face the bleeding insane leader. He noticed the ginger said something to him but he couldn't hear it as his ears were ringing.

His eyes felt heavier and heavier as he watched Nakahara-san fight the leader. He stared as much as he could in awe as he watched the executive fight. He watched as the ginger kicked Tachibana into the wall which caused the Chinese man to cough up blood. Tachibana let out an estranged laugh as he seemed to lose his mind even more. Watching the executive stand over the man he knew instinctively what was about to happen. He watched as the ginger pulled out a knife and went to stab the deranged leader into the chest. The moment before the knife hit its target Atsushi had fallen unconscious.

Chuuya's POV

The scream that exited out of the body in front chilled him to the bone. He slowly opened his eyes to only witness Tachibana's eyes dull as life seeped out of him. He let out a breath of relief as the body under him finally slumped over. He pulled out his knife from the heart of the fallen leader, wiping it on his pants. He placed the knife in the holster that was hidden by his vest. He looked over the area to make sure there was nothing left to 'clean up'. His eyes widened as he caught sight of Atsushi bleeding out on the floor not far from him. When the hell did the weretiger get here? He rushed over to the weretiger, checking his pulse. It was extremely faint which concerned him. He needed to get Atsushi out of here quickly. Fuck he also needed to get that kid out of here as well. He swore under his breath as he grabbed his phone. It looked like he would be calling the agency after all. The doctor of theirs is the best bet for Atsushi's survival. Damn it that means he would have to see the goddamn Mackerel. He picked up Atsushi with his ability heading out to the car that was parked outside the facility. He set the weretiger down gently looking at him with so much concern. A look he would never allow anyone to see. He rushed into the facility again to check on the kid as the phone kept ringing. Why isn't that damn mackerel answering his phone?

"AH CHIBI! WHAT DO I OWE THIS UNPLEASANT CALL?!" He growled as he heard the stupid asshole yell in his ear. He had to remind himself not to hang up and that this was for Atsushi. He actually cared about the weretiger. The time they spent in the safehouse made him realize that the white-haired boy wasn't that bad. He liked the weretiger and how the boy seemed to be so genuine. He could deal with the Mackerel for him.

"Dazai. Shut up." His voice was low. He could hear the brown-haired male stop immediately. He could also hear rustling in the background meaning the Mackerel was actually listening to him.

"I need you to tell the Agency doctor to be ready to have a patient." He hesitated with what he was about to say next. He knew Dazai wasn't going to take this next part easily. Dazai was extremely protective of his mentee. He knew that Dazai would visit him for this to get all the details. Fuck.

"It....It's Atsushi. He is hurt badly and his tiger is not healing him properly." The line was silent which made Chuuya gulp down his nerves. The one thing Chuuya absolutely despised was how fucking terrifying Dazai was when he needed to be. It was why when Dazai was still in the mafia Chuuya stayed out of his way. Yes he butt heads with him but when Dazai turned dark he knew to stay away or listen to Dazai's orders no matter what. Especially since he knew what it was like to have that dark side turned on him.

"Chuuya. Get him here now." Dazai hung up on him after that. Chuuya scrambled to call his subordinates to make sure the kid that was in the facility was moved to a hospital. He watched his subordinates arrive as he peeled out onto the road. He sped down the road breaking laws left and right to make sure he made it to the agency in time. He activated his ability as he drove to make sure Atsushi wasn't jostled too much as he took fast turns and braking when needed. He made sure his ability stayed activated as he slammed his brakes as his car slid in front of the ADA. He saw Dazai waiting outside of the building and winced. That conversation will not be fun in the least bit. He yanked himself out of the car and rushed to the back of the car. He could see a puddle of blood in the backseat where Atsushi was lying. He grew even more concerned when he saw the weretiger barely breathing. He checked the younger boy's pulse and sighed in relief as he still felt that faint heartbeat. He carefully moved Atsushi into his arms before rushing to the ADA. He ignored the obvious glare Dazai was sending his way that definitely meant they would be talking later. They rushed up the stairs slamming the door open to find the doctor girl ready for them. He gently laid Atsushi down and let the agency lady take care of him. He was pushed out of the infirmary by Dazai. God he wished he had a glass of wine right now. 

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