Escapism [Lookism x Male Read...

By eros_minded

79.3K 4.2K 1.5K

Your ugly experiences will always be with you, no matter how much you try to bury them, they will never leave... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Special Chapter
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Kinda Important A/N

Chapter 20

1.4K 115 37
By eros_minded

Whiny Idiots Always End Up Rejected

[1st POV]

Daniel swiped his card against the sensor, and the door to the other part of Samuel's office unlocked. Daniel opened the door for me. "Hurry," he demanded. "Hurry [Name]. Na na na, I don't care about your feelings at all," I grumbled, entering the room. Daniel sighed. "I didn't mean it like that," he grumbled back, before kneeling in front of a safe. As he kneeled down, the walkie talkies began to speak. "Uh... So the plan is in action... The security team is with Warren, he said to hurry up and find Amy and Natalie? I dunno, he kept leaving out his words. Oh shi-" Doo's voice was cut off, as I assumed he let go of the button. Daniel swore under his breath. As Doo was speaking, he had gotten the safe open. He rushed up, and shut the door to this part of the office. Although it was dark, Daniel grabbed my hand, and led me under what I assumed to be a desk. "[Name]. My next action is gonna seem weird. Don't wake me, don't move, don't even breath too loudly. Okay?" I furrowed my brows. "Okay?" Daniel laid his head on my lap, and began falling asleep. I shook my head. "Name, hurry up while I take a nap," I muttered mockingly. "Shh." I shut myself up for Daniel. While I couldn't see through the darkness, I could tell we both wore amused smiles. I did my best to be still and quite, and while I had no idea what he was doing, I trusted him.

After a couple minutes, Daniel was awake again. "Do you have your phone?" "No, they took it along with the other items." "Dammit." Daniel and I slowly felt around the room, trying to find the door. I found it first, and swung it open, accidentally hitting Daniel in the face. "Ow!" "Shit! I'm so sorry!" Daniel held his nose in pain. "It's fine," he rasped, in pain. Daniel walked over to a safe in the corner, took off his badge, and used it to open the safe. "Nice." He pulled out some of the contracts, and handed me some, before standing up. "Let's go," he said, pulling me up by the hand, then leading me to the door. He released me, and I began following Daniel, as he seemed to have more of an idea of where to go than I did. We were stopped by multiple security people, yet it seemed pretty easy to take them down. Daniel and I dragged two people each, as we walked. "Who would've thought Mr. Gold was the president?" Daniel muttered. "What-" Alexander Hwang turned to us. Behind him, I saw a tall boy around my age, with gray hairs and gold glasses. I widened my eyes. I would've totally believed that was Samuel, except all his tattoos were gone. Maybe he got them removed, or at least covered. "Hello," Daniel greeted with a smile. "You're late, (Daniel Park, and [Name] [Last Name])." Warren grinned, and smashed two security people's heads together. I smiled back at him with admiration. "Don't look at me, Daniel was the one taking a nap," I mused.

Alexander scowled, and made his way over to us. "Alright, I'll admit it. It's impressive, how hard you worked to take down my company. Disguised as a VVIP, with that black badge you stole, or whatever... But what now? Do you have proof of us keeping kids captive, all you have is-" A loud cackle broke out, the mockery which cut off Alexander Hwang. That laugh came from me of course, after I threw the contracts in front of him. "God, I forgot that you never knew when to shut up!" I exclaimed loudly, continuing the mockery. "I'd say you did a good job hiding the contracts, but Daniel seemed to find them easily, so I can't even give you credit for that." Alexander kneeled down, scrambling to pick up the papers. "The illegal contracts! How did you find these?!" Samuel stood next to Alexander, speechless. Daniel continued off of my words. "As you guys conducted illegal activities, you've been disqualified from the four crews." "The finale of Alexander Hwang's business... Pathetic, just like he is." I smiled, patronizingly, before looking over to Samuel. I waved silently.

"Disqualified my ass." Alexander stood up. "I'm pathetic? You're still in my company. Security team? Get them." I scoffed. "I'm so scared," I mocked, speaking under my breath. Warren, Daniel and I all stood back to back. "(Now this is a combination you don't see often)." "Stop omitting your speech." "Warren, you left out the entire sentence."

The security team began their job, attacking the three of us that were still standing. Poor Doo was passed out, he never stood a chance. The weaker men of the security team were easier to take out, but then the older ones were up. "(Is this guy Jerry Kwon's father?)" Warren asked, wiping his face. I turned my head, trying to contain my laugh, though my efforts were fruitless. "Hey, Pretty Face. Be honest, you were holding back in the elevator, weren't you?" The baldie asked with a grin. Now that I got a closer look at him, he seemed familiar, but there were too many thoughts in my head to place my finger on who it might be. "Be more specific, my friends are both pretty," I responded, framing my hands under both of my friends' faces. "Aww, you've got a pretty face too, [Name]!" Daniel slung an arm around my shoulder. Warren ignored mine and Daniel's banter. "I've only got one thing to say. In my record of 1,200 wins out of 1,204 matches, I've defeated plenty of thugs like you," he responded to the baldie. I winced, turning away from Warren. "Not this again," I whined, "it's cringy as hell!"

Warren continued on, receiving and throwing punches at the man. Daniel was occupied too, which left me with one last man. "Uh, I feel like I should be cool and intimidating too, but uh, I've got nothing," I said, before throwing a punch. The man turned his head. "It's alright if you're the less cool friend," the man taunted, smiling. I frowned, my jaw dropping. "I'm very cool! It's not my fault I've got nothing to say to an old ass, wrinkled, raisin, naked mole rat, bald bitch!" I yelled, pummeling the man before me. It was surprisingly easy. "Uh, aren't you gonna get up?" I softly kicked his head, confirming that I had indeed knocked him out. "Aww man." I pouted, before joining Daniel and Warren once again. "How much (strength) do you (two) have left?" Warren asked, taking off his shirt. "I'm sorry, can you stop leaving out your words? I can't understand you." Daniel responded. "He asked how much strength we have," I informed. "Doesn't matter. It's a three on two match now." "It might not be," Warren corrected Daniel. "From what I can tell, they're not on the same side."

I looked at the scene before me. Alexander was interrogating Samuel, who seemed relaxed. Alexander yelled at Samuel, who responded in a calm manner. "Let's not fight in front of the kids," Samuel soothed. I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Jeez, what'd you do to get Alexander hating you so much?!" I blurted, grinning. Samuel smiled back. "When'd you get so cheerful? You were such a crybaby when we were kids." I gasped. "No I wasn't! I was just sentimental! Besides, I was a very happy person, even when I was crying!" Samuel laughed silently. "Sentimental? Alright, if that's how you remember it." I huffed. "I was plenty cheerful! I distinctly remember you and Jake referring to me as 'sunshine'!" "It wasn't a compliment." "How is that not a compliment?!"

"Shut up you two, you're annoying me," Alexander fumed. I rolled my eyes. "We're just a couple of friends catching up. Not my fault you don't wanna talk." Alexander huffed and puffed like a big bad wolf. "Stop standing there, Senior Manager Kim." Manager Kim attacked Warren, sending him stumbling back. "Are you sure? If I take on this fight, I'll have to charge extra." Manager Kim went after me next. He was so fast, I couldn't even blink. "It's okay to pass out kid, there's no shame in that." I smiled. "If you weren't protecting a bunch of child traffickers, I'd think you were father figure material," I responded, attempting to hit him back. Though my hits landed, they didn't seem to affect him. "What the hell, (old man)? Were you going easy on me back there?" Warren asked. "Don't be disrespectful, he's our elder," I whispered. "There wasn't extra pay involved back then, plus you reminded me of my old self," Manager Kim answered, taking off his glasses. "I guess you're still sentimental, old man." Manager Kim punched Warren in the face. "I'm sad we had to meet like this, kid."

I winced as Warren took the hit. "Rock, paper, scissors, Daniel. Loser joins the fight, it doesn't feel right to do a three verses one." Daniel and I played a couple rounds of rock, paper, scissors, there being no victor. "So we'll just do a three verses one," I concluded. Daniel attacked Manager Kim, copying a move he used on Warren. "I hate a three against one, but we need to put an end to this as soon as possible," Warren said. Daniel gasped. "Wow! You actually finished your sentence!" "I'm not Big Deal," Warren continued, "I can't afford to be sentimental. Neither can you, [Name]." Warren turned to me. "I understand that these were your friends, but we need to take them down, together." I smiled softly. "Those guys are Workers, not my friends. Maybe if we had met sooner, things would be different." "[Name], knock that off. Neither of us can afford to be sentimental either," Daniel scolded. I threw my arms up. "Jeez, let me mourn the loss of my friends, Daniel!" "It's not like they're dying, [Name]!" "(Both of you) knock it off," Warren cut in. "Amy and Natalie are the main priority. Got it?" I nodded, while Daniel responded verbally. "Got it."

"Then we all agree. We'll take down that monster together."

It was easier said than done. Manager Kim was a tough guy. If he had morals, I might've had some respect for him as a person. My respect only reached his abilities in a fight. Manager Kim picked up his previously ringing phone, as Warren and I lunged for him. Manager Kim threw a fist at Daniel, but paused before it could land. "Yes, boss." Manager Kim retracted his hand. "Yes, sir. There's nothing to worry about, sir. I'll get on with that right away." Manager Kim snapped the flip phone shut. "Times up. It's been fun kids, but I'm off duty now," he spoke. "What?" The three of us were confused. Manager Kim ordered the other three staff to get up, which they did easily, causing my jaw to drop. "Were they pretending to be knocked out...?" I whispered. Daniel and Warren shrugged.

"Senior Manager Kim! What the fuck are you doing, you fucking nutjob?! Get back to fighting, right now!" Alexander whined and demanded. I closed my eyes, his voice was giving my a headache. "God, I wish he could just shut his damn mouth," I mumbled, rubbing my head. "President Hwang. The services provided by the White Tiger Job Center for ONE MCN has been terminated today." The four men bowed after Manager Kim paused. "We move with money, and our boss just closed a better deal. He had decided to no longer provide manpower to ONE MCN." Alexander yelled at Manager Kim and the others, offering a bigger deal, and asking how much the new client was paying. "The new client isn't someone you could dare measure up to," Manager Kim responded. I turned my back to the Workers, as a loud laugh escaped my lungs. I smacked Daniel as I laughed. "[Name]- that hurts- why are you doing this to me? When did you get so strong?" "BWAHAHAHA! ALEXANDER JUST GOT REJECTED!"

"Daniel Park, Warren Chae, and [Name] [Last Name]. You want to get rid of Workers, right?" "Y-Yes sir!" Daniel and I bowed. "No thank you sir! I just wanted to save Amy and Natalie! I promised Warren I would! Workers scare me, sir!" Warren elbowed me. "(Stop being so polite), you fools." He whispered harshly. "I reckon we'll be meeting again, since there are three more affiliates," Manager Kim said, walking out with the others. "THERE ARE THREE MORE?!" Warren smacked me, and scolded me for yelling. "Excuse me, Mr. No Name Sir! Can you give me a clue about the other affiliates?!" "Don't call him Mr. No Name! Just say Manager Kim, like we've been saying before!" Daniel doubled over, grabbing his chest, as a shocked and pained look entered his face. I grabbed his shoulders. "Are you alright? Is it inflammation? What did you eat today? Do you have any allergies?" I questioned, worried about my friend. "Hey, Daniel Park. (What's wrong?)"

Warren helped Daniel stand, by holding him up by the arm and waist. "Sorry, my body was suddenly burning up," Daniel apologized. "He's allergic to his emotions." "(Common colds are nasty these days)," Warren responded. "Yeah, I already ate too." I gasped. "Daniel! You didn't need me to translate!" I clapped for Daniel. As the three of us chatted, we were cut off by Alexander Hwang suddenly yelling in response to Samuel Seo. "It was you wasn't it?! The one pulling the strings!! This was all apart of some plan, wasn't it?! Tell me!!" I scrunched my face up in disgust. "What a baby," I muttered, as the three of us began making our way over. "They're coming for us!! Hurry up and do something!! Hurry up, you bastard!! Seriously, do something!! Samuel!! Please!!" Alexander sobbed. I sighed. "Not a braincell in that skull has matured, not even a little," I mumbled, as Alexander continued sobbing to Samuel. "Samuel!! Hyeong!! Do something about it!! If they find out we're doing something illegal, we're done for!! These guys are going to ruin everything!!" "We already found out, though?" Alexander back into Warren. "M-Monster!!" Alexander shriveled back in fear. "Samuel!! Please save my ONE MCN!!"

Samuel washed his hands, maintaining his calm stature. "So what would you like me to do about it, Mr. President?" He asked, his voice cold and empty. "You motherfucker!! I told you to stop thinking about that guy!! What do you mean about what I want you to do?! Take them down, of course!! It's a piece of cake for you!! You know why Mr. Gun rejected you?! Because you're a fucking dimwit, that's why!!" I winced. "Chill out Alexander, in any case you're much stupider than Samuel," I commented softly. Alexander did not take kindly to my words, as he began throwing a fit about what I had said. "Samuel! Start with [Name]! He's always been mean to us!" "Nah, just to you, Alexander." Samuel ran a hand through his hair, ignoring the complaints Alexander made about me. "Even after all these years, that's one name I can't let slip through my ears." Samuel began walking towards Daniel. "Do you happen to know, Daniel Park? Why Gun rejected me?" I furrowed my brows. I had no clue Gun and Samuel fought. Maybe it was one of the things I had forgotten. Samuel pulled something shiny from his pocket. "They won't tell me why, Daniel. Would you tell me why? Why Gun won't approve of me?" Samuel slipped a brass knuckle over his hand. My felt my chest grow tight. "Why do you think I'm not getting his approval?" I grabbed my throat, was something lodged in it? It was getting hard to breath. Was the room getting hotter? I felt Warren grab my hands. I looked down, noticing a thick red flowing from my palms. The same red was stuck under my nails. Did I do that? I couldn't feel a thing. "[Name]? (Why're you crying)?" I wiped my face. "Am I?" My voice came out as a small squeak. It was odd. My heart was racing, it felt like it would beat so hard my ribs would break. I couldn't speak. I couldn't ask if Warren might've known what was wrong.

I felt my head being grabbed, and being shoved into a wall. My eyes flashed over the figure who attacked me. It was a happy looking Samuel. "Why're you crying again, [Name]?" Samuel asked grinning. I felt a hard, cold punch meet my jaw. I stumbled sideways. Samuel's smile grew angrier. "The fuck is wrong with you? Did you forget? You promised you'd fight me!" Samuel punched the center of my face. "I did?" I wiped the tears from my face, which was useless, as the clear tears were now replaced with dark blood. "I can't remember." I laughed dryly. Samuel grabbed my jaw, his smile falling. "What do you mean? You promised. You said you'd get stronger, then you'd fight me. Are you taking back what you said? Is it because you know you'll lose?" I smiled back, trying to catch my breath. "Were you always so angry like this?" I asked softly, grabbing and rubbing my chest. Samuel slammed my head back into the wall. I ran my hand across the back of my head. I couldn't tell if it was bleeding, since my hand was already bloody. Warren pulled me away from Samuel, as Daniel took my place. "I can't feel my hands," I whispered, holding my palms out. "Did I make a promise like that?" "Don't talk." Warren demanded. He wrapped my arm around his shoulder, and held me up by the waist. "That guy is seriously fucked. You don't have (to remember anything about) him." I nodded, trying my best to grasp an understanding of his words. Warren continued to talk to me, but I ignored it. I looked at Samuel and Daniel. They both had on a single brass knuckle, and were fighting with insane smiles.

No, Samuel really had always been like this. How could I forget such a thing? He was so angry and aggressive. Were we really friends? Or did we just hang out? Was there something wrong with me? Or did he treat everyone like this?

I removed my arm from Warren's grasp. "[Name]?" "I don't think Samuel or Daniel are gonna be finished for a while. Let's just go find Amy and Natalie." I began walking towards the exit, but Warren grabbed me by the wrist. "[Name], you're out of it right now. (I'm not sure what's happening), but you can't be fighting." I shook my head. "It's fine. I'm fine. Let's go, they're in danger." Warren let go of my wrist. I turned my head, and noticed him sending a punch at Samuel. "You coward. Stop using (weapons)." Samuel carried a car door on his shoulder, an innocent smile on his face. "A coward? Me? I'm not the only one using weapons, you know." I walked over, peering inside the car. Daniel now had both brass knuckles on one fist. "What're you two doing here, still? You should be looking for the kids. I'll wrap this up quickly." Daniel had the same smile as Samuel. I frowned. "Don't be ridiculous, (Daniel). We don't have (time) to enjoy this." Warren helped Daniel up. "Us two need to end him." "What about [Name]?" Daniel looked over at me, before snickering. "What happened to your face?" I stared at him blankly, before flipping him off. "Don't mock me." "End me my ass!" My reaction was a bit slower than Daniel and Warren's, but we all looked over to the voice. Alexander was in a vehicle. "Samuel!! I started the car!! We'll save the precious ONE MCN together!! Just trust me, hyeong!" Alexander stepped on the gas, continuing to yell. The wheels were moving, however the car was not. "Samuel, why isn't the car moving?"

"Baldie! Baldie! No pancakes for baldie! I think you've been a bit naughty! Who were you trying to crush with this car? You can't just swoop in and take away my playmates. It's my job to give these kids a little spanking!" A large man stepped out from behind the car. He wore a tan hat, and tan suit, and held a bottle of alcohol. "I'm getting too old for this, my poor arms are gonna be so sore tomorrow!" The man stepped in between the four of us. "Hey, do you guys know this man?" Warren asked. I shrugged. "Don't ask me, my memories are obviously all fucked up." "It's you kiddos, right? The ones being a pain in Mr. Choi's ass? Well, that's too bad for you. I've been asked to teach you naughty boys a lesson." The man took a swig of the beverage. "I promise to be gentle with your danglers. Now, come at me." Nobody moved. We were all confused by this new appearance. "What are y'all standing around for? Let's see some baby boy flesh." I got a good look of the man's face. He was a bit wrinkly, and he had a scary smile. "I'm not too sure how I feel about your choice of works. What the fuck is a dangler? Or baby boy flesh?" The man looked down at me. "How disrespectful you are. What's up with those eyes, have you been taking drugs? That's illegal, you know." I furrowed my brows. "Why would I be taking drugs..?" He patted me on the head. "What a shame. One of them's out of commission. That's too bad." "Out of commission...? Hey, you never answered me about the dangler thing."

Warren punched the old man in the gut, though he didn't seem affected at all. He took another gulp of whatever alcohol he had. "I have a question (old man). It doesn't hurt at all?" "I see, I see..." The old man grabbed Warren by the jaw, holding him up against the wall. "Are you about thirteen? The little boy I adopted off of the street must've grown this much as well." I blinked. "Warren, how's the weather up there-?" Daniel gave a small pat on my head as a warning. "Seriously [Name]?" I chuckled quietly to myself. "I thought it was funny..." "Wanna know what I taught that little boy?" The man swung his head back, and Warren braced for impact. However, the old man didn't go with a headbutt. He bit Warren in the fucking eye. "Wildness! Ha! Faked it like a headbutt!" My smile dropped, as I heard Warren's pained yell. The old man slammed Warren into the ground, breaking the tile. "Daniel what do I do?" I whispered. "Why are you asking me?" "You're the one with the plans. I'm out of commission!"

Warren stood up, letting out a war cry. "Stop jumping around as if I've lost already," Warren snapped. "Ooh lala, I'm so scared!" The man taunted. "I've still got one eye left." I placed my hands on top of my head. "I can't think clearly, Daniel." "Okay...?" "But I've still gotta help." "No you don't, just relax." I shook my head. "I do. I promised Warren I'd help find the girls. What would he think of me if I backed out on that promise so quickly?" Daniel huffed, frustrated with my attitude. "Warren won't care." "Yes he would. He would care, he just wouldn't say it- HOLY SHIT MISTER, PLEASE PUT YOUR PANTS BACK ON!" I slapped my hands over my eyes, accidentally getting blood in them. "EW, MY EYES! FIRST THE OLD MAN, NOW THIS?!" "I have to throw out these blood stained pants now. I just realized it's Friday, I shouldn't take my pants off on a Friday." "EXACTLY SIR, SO PLEASE PUT THEM BACK ON! IT'D BE ONE THING IF YOU WERE HOT, BUT YOU'RE OLD, AND WEIRD-"

The man began making his way over to Samuel. I couldn't hear their conversation very well, so I made my way over to Warren. I took off my tie, and held it up to his eye. "Do you think you'll be blind?" I asked. He laughed softly, and shook his head. "I doubt it." "Don't laugh at me, it's a serious question. You'll probably get rabies from that dude's saliva."

"BIG BRO! SAMUEL!" I directed my attention away from Warren, once I heard the vexing voice of Alexander. My jaw dropped. "I think he's kidnapping Alexander..." "PUT YOUR DAMN PANTS ON, OLD MAN! YOUR THING IS TOUCHING ME!" I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Daniel Park." I looked over at Samuel. "Thank you." I furrowed my brows. "Man what a weirdo." Alexander continued to yell for Samuel, who was now in the elevator. "Alexander, no hard feelings. It's just that I was offered a new goal when I had nothing left to live for." The doors shut, and Samuel descended. "I just need to take the president, so toodle-loo!" The old man slammed Alexander's head into the wall. I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or accident, but either way, at least he shut the baldie up. "Excuse me sir..." I made my way in front of the old man. "You got this [Name]!" "Don't be scared!" Warren and Daniel quietly cheered me on. "So uh, y'know. Kids." "[Name] what are you doing." "They're annoying sometimes, am I right?" Daniel sighed harshly, stepping in front of me. "There are kids being held captive on a hidden floor, do you know how we can get there?" The man grinned, taking another gulp of his alcohol. How much liquid was in that bottle? "I already took care of it. I do my job with perfection." I widened my eyes, and smiled brightly. "Thank you sir! That's very kind of you! Do you know where they are right now?" I tried to hide my giddiness, however I couldn't help but bounce a little on my feet. "Don't you worry, little one. They'll be transferred to the third affiliate." I stopped bouncing. "What...?" Daniel lunged at the large man, fists at the ready. The man knocked Daniel down. "Dang boy, you scared me!" The man grabbed Daniel by the throat with only one hand. "This is where you belong, boney." Daniel punched the man in the face, then sent numerous attacks his way. "Dang thirteen year olds have no respect these days." The man slammed Daniel into the ground, breaking the material that was under him. "Forget about what happened today, and forget about the captives. Just think of it as bad luck. If you want to save them, just offer me more money."

I stood before the man, blocking the exit. However it didn't seem to matter, since he turned back and stomped on Daniel's face. "Good grief, I thought you were Gun for a second." I winced, feeling bad for Daniel's face as the man continued stomping. "Come on! Wake up! Bad manners! Bad boy!" As Daniel passed out, Danana got up and attempted to attack the man. "Who is this blob?" The man shoved Danana's head into the wall. "Was that your attempt at a sneak attack? I can't pinpoint it, but you look familiar blobby." Danana passed out, and the man made his way back over to me.

"Excuse me kiddo, you're in my way." I held out the tan dress pants he had taken off. "Are you gonna keep these?" "How polite! I knew there was still hope for kids these days!" I tossed the pants in his face, and kicked him in the balls. "Sorry sir, I'm not well known for my manners." He grabbed my leg, slamming me into the ground. "Damn kids these days!" I grabbed a handful of debris that had broken under me, and chucked it at him. He grabbed me by the face, slamming me into the wall. "So you like using weapons too?" I held a sharp piece of tile, and stabbed it into his eye. "I don't sir, but I'm not too fond of biting either." "Fuck!" The man slammed me back onto the ground, and stomped on my head, like he had done to Daniel. I rolled to the side, coughing brutally. "Jesus, sir! I almost suffocated under your foot!" He wrapped his hand around my throat, and slammed my head back into the ground. "Can't you just pass out like the rest of 'em?" I tried my best to shake my head under the force of his hand. "I promised Warren, I'd save the girls." I reached my hand out, beginning to dig my fingers into his wounded eye. He dropped the passed out Alexander, and grabbed my fingers, wrenching them away and breaking them. I groaned loudly, in pain. "Don't make a promise you can't keep. What does this kinda pride get you anyways, besides getting killed?" I grinned. "Gets me a boyfriend, for one," I joked, before I lost my consciousness.

I'm high right now, so I hope I didn't misspell too many things

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