Royal Blood (A Haikyuu story)...

By Kittykat2515

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Royals. People seem to think royals have it all. Wealth, Power, and all the luxury they could ever dream of... More

I Dream Of You(Prologue)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

1.6K 35 14
By Kittykat2515

Shoyo Hinata
First year in college
Blood type: O-
I shot up in bed covered in cold sweat, my heart beating hard in my chest, and tears streaming down my cheeks. "What the hell was that dream?" I couldn't explain exactly what made me cry. I just woke up from a dream and it was a frightening yet beautiful dream. But I couldn't remember much about it. I was being chased by someone or something and then the next thing I knew I felt strong arms around me as if to protect me. And the worst part is I couldn't even remember what my 'savior' looked like. All I could recall were two piercing deep blue eyes looking down at me almost like the owner of those eyes knew me. "Ow." Great I have a crick in my neck. "Must've slept weird." I mumbled as I slung my legs over the side of my bed. I got up and went to take a shower. "Shoyo what's that?" My little sister Natsu asked. "Hmm?" I hummed. "You have something on your neck." Natsu said pointing to my neck. I went to look in the bathroom mirror and she was right I did have a small red mark on my neck. "Maybe it's from sleeping weird." I mumbled and shut the bathroom door. I didn't have time to worry about this kind of stuff. Today was the day I moved in with my friends for college. I yawned as I turned the shower on rubbing my neck. "I wonder if I'll have that dream again."


Kenma Kozume
Second year at college
Blood Type: AB-

My eyes shot open staring at the ceiling. My whole body was shivering and my heart thumped hard in my chest. "What the hell kind of dream was that?" I slowly sat up in bed tapping on my chest to calm myself down. "What was I running from? Why was I running? Who saved me?" All these questions clouded my mind as I recalled my dream. I was running through a forest from god only knows what as I'd reached a cliff which meant it was a dead end. I could hear the sound of running behind me but when I shut my eyes preparing for whatever was gonna happen to me all I felt was............warmth. Warm arms encasing me as two cat like hazel eyes stared down at me. But the sensation didn't last long before I woke up. I managed to slow my racing heart as I got up putting my slippers on. "God what time is it?" I checked my phone as 6:00 AM flashed across the screen. I sighed and went to take a shower before any of my roommates woke up. "Who was that stranger? And why did they save me?"


Koushi Sugawara
Third year at college
Blood Type: B+

I shivered in bed as chills ran up my back. "A bit of a strange dream." I recalled what little I could remember from my dream which wasn't much. All I remembered was being out of breath from running and feeling cold from the wind rushing past me. Then when I looked up all I felt was warmth around me as I saw two warm dark brown eyes looking down at me. It felt like I'd known this person all my life but I'll never really know because within seconds I woke up. I didn't know what I was running from or where I was running to. "It was just a dream." I repeated those words in my head as I went to make some coffee to warm myself up. "Morning Koushi." One of my roommates Satori Tendou waved.

Satori Tendou
Third year at college
Blood Type: A-

"Morning Satori." I smiled. "What are you doing up so early?" He asked. "Just woke up from a dream and now I can't go back to sleep." I answered. "Huh weird." I rose a brow. "Why is it weird?" I asked. "Cause the same thing happened to me." I froze in my spot. "Wait really?" I asked. Tendou nodded as I brewed my coffee. "Just curious in your dream were you running from something?" I nodded. "And before you woke up did you see someone looking down at you?" I nodded again. "Morning." I turned to see my friend Tooru Oikawa walking in looking as if he'd been crying.

Tooru Oikawa
Third year at college
Blood Type: B-

"Hey Tooru are you okay?" Tendou asked. "Yeah I'm fine just a weird dream." Oikawa answered. "Guys." Chikara Ennoshita walked in looking tired.

Chikara Ennoshita
Second year at college
Blood Type: AB+

"Chikara what's up?" Oikawa asked. "Well Tadashi and Hinata just messaged me saying something about a weird dream." He answered. "Wait did all of us have almost the same dream?" Tendou asked. "Sounds like it." Ennoshita nodded. Eventually all of my roommates were awake and in the kitchen describing their dreams.

Morisuke Yaku
Third year at college
Blood Type: A+

Yuu Nishinoya
Second year at college
Blood Type: O-

Kenji Futakuchi
Second year at college
Blood Type: A-

Kenjiro Shirabu
Second year at college
Blood Type: B+

Atsumu Miya
Second year at college
Blood Type: A-

Keiji Akaashi
Second year at college
Blood Type: A-

"So what I'm hearing is most of us had the same dream?" Futakuchi asked. "Sounds like it." I nodded. "Maybe it was just a coincidence." Atsumu said. "Yeah I mean we spend so much time with each other maybe it's just a coincidence." Oikawa added. "Yeah maybe you're right." Yaku sighed. "Regardless we shouldn't dwell on this. Aren't Hinata and Tadashi moving in today?" Ennoshita asked. "Oh right they are." Yaku nodded. "Come on we can worry about our weird dreams later." I told them and went to get dressed. But I couldn't get the thought out of my mind. "Who was the person who saved me?"


Tadashi Yamaguchi
First year at college
Blood Type: AB+

"Hey Tadashi you okay?" I blinked a few times and turned to my friend Hinata in the passenger seat of my car. "Oh yeah I'm fine." I nodded. I had gotten so lost in thought about my dream the night before. I was running from something or someone and I had tripped over a tree branch. I don't know how long I had my eyes shut but when I opened them I was met with two warm brown eyes looking down at me with worry. But I didn't see much more of my savior because shortly after I had opened my eyes, I woke up. "Tadashi." Hinata's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh what?" I asked. "You're spacing out a lot. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm sure." I smiled. I kept my eyes on the road as the same question played in my head like a broken record. "Who saved me and why?"

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