Golden Boy (a Golden guard x...

By theowlhousefan346

425 13 9

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I'm actually rewriting the story this time

Chapter 1

368 11 8
By theowlhousefan346

(The reader is 16, the same age as Hunter)

(i am currently rewriting this chapter)

You were walking through the woods when you heard two people arguing, you traveled towards the sound to find where it was coming from.

After following it for a moment, you discovered that the arguers were right in front of the old abandoned house in the middle of the forest. 

You hid behind a tree that was near the house so that you weren't seen.

From your hiding spot, you could see a woman and a girl who looked to be a bit younger than you.

They had stopped fighting. 

suddenly the woman made a circle in the air with her finger, a staff and a small wooden owl appeared.

The girl took them right away.

The owl came to live suddenly.

"Owlbert, you're okay" the girl said, sounding relieved.

Owlbert nuzzled her.

The girl talked with the woman for a moment before they both stood up.

The woman walked through the door to the house.

Some sort of cat thing with a skull and horns for a head went to follow her, then stopped.

"Hey Luz, you need a minute?" it asked the girl.

"No, I'm good" she replied.

They both went through the door.

You decided to follow them. 

You ended up in a strange room.

The girl named Luz saw you and walked over to you.

"Hi" she said "how'd you get here?".

"I followed you guys through the door" you replied "what is this place?" you asked.

"This is the demon realm" Luz explained "the door you walked through is a portal".

"those guys are Lilith and King" she said, pointing to the woman and then the cat thing.

"Wait, why are there no guards around?" Luz asked, confused.

Suddenly Lilith and King were grabbed by a pair of claws, which held them high above the ground.

You didn't have time to react because you were grabbed by claws as well.

You couldn't see what was happening to Luz from where you were.

You pushed your arms out as hard as you could.

The claws opened, dropping you.

You landed on your feet.

Luz wasn't there, and Lilith and King were gone as well.

Someone in a mask approached you suddenly.

"I am the emperor Belos" he said "how would you like to join the emperor's coven? You have potential".

"alright" you said "I'll join".

"Hunter!" Belos called.

Someone in a golden mask and white cloak hurried over to the emperor.

"Yes?" he said.

"I want you to train her" Belos said, pointing to you".

Hunter nodded.

He led you to a clearing in the forest.

He taught you some fighting moves.

During one of them, he tells you to use your magic.

"I can't" you replied.

"why not?" Hunter questioned.

You took off your hood, revealing your round ears.

Hunter took of his hood and his mask.

He had blond hair, a scar on his face and maroon eyes.

"I'm a powerless witch" he explained "Belos is the one who found me and gave me a staff of artificial magic".

You put a hand on his shoulder, Hunter smiled at you.

"I think that's enough training for today".

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