My master :Sasunaru

By VictoriaMasonga

731K 14.4K 9.1K

Bond to be a servant,inorder to support his mother Naruto lands in the hand of Sasuke Uchiha and the love tha... More

Chapter 1
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Not A Chapter
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Not a Chapter
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

chapter 68

4.6K 84 36
By VictoriaMasonga


                Sasuke's pov

I  look towards the little raven sleeping on my bed"well he's sleeping peacefully"I speak to myself while stretching my arm towards his hair and caressing it. I pull the sheets and cover him properly,I try to look for any shirt which is close by but the only shirt which is close is five steps away from my bed and today I'm feeling so fucking lazy just thinking of getting out of this comfy bed and walking five excruciating steps just to take a shirt to cover my upper body because it's a little chilly........ yeah right....I miss Naruto,I begged him not to go to his designer shop but he didn't even glance at me, he straight out ignored me....

🌺 Flush back 🌺

"You have to what!!""I have to go, ino needs me at the shop, something has happened""but.... Naruto,ino just wants you to be with her,I bet that nothing is wrong!"I say desperately hoping that naruto would stop putting on extra clothes"and plus a pregnant person should not go to work""who told you that?...I can still go to work since I'm just in the early stages""what do you mean early stages?""the stages which I can move around freely and even go to work kind of stages"he says while putting on his black leather shoes"but I..... and  why are you putting on so many clothes?""well it's cold and I'm gonna stay over the night there""WHAT!!"I scream giving him my full attention"why do you have to stay overnight?!, please don't stay overnight,ino just wants to separate you from me and you know it, so don't go!"I take his hand and start caressing it...."menma do you want to come?"naruto asks while completely ignoring me "nah I'm good"menma says while falling back on my bed with his back"ok then see you later"he says that and some how he manages to remove his hand from my grip, he goes towards the bedroom door and he goes out"w-wait Naruto-""dad he's gone,stop whining, he'll be back tomorrow anyways""how dare you tell your father to stop whining?"I say while pointing at him"well do you see me whining,I have just found out now now that I'm going to have a younger person but do you see me whining that you didn't tell me that mama is pregnant? No""you know for a kid your age you sure know meanings to alot of words""that's why I say I was born"".........*sigh*....."

💮End of flush back 💮

"I feel like smoking but I haven't smoked for a long time.... plus I don't have any cigarettes right now, should I call someone to go buy them?..... what to do what to do "I hear my phone vibrating and I carry it to check the caller who has guts to wake me early in the morning........ itachi, of Course it's always him,I pick it up "how dare you wake me up early in the morning -""shut up and turn on the TV!"he yells"why should I "just fucking turn on the TV you bitch!!""ok ok geez"I turn towards my remote, it's close to me but not that close"itachi""what?""the remote..... it's far away""fuck you sasuke, this is Fucking important""ok ok fine"I stretch my arm and pick up the remote and put it on"I've turned it on""channel 9"he says and I do as he says"...............................................

"What the fuck is this itachi?""I know and-""those pictures are fucking photoshopped""yeah but you know how the society will put a blind eye to that, people love this kind of scandals""I want the fucking photos down itachi!!""I'm working on it alright""I need to talk to kakashi""ok"I disconnect and I dial kakashi's number,it doesn't take a second kakashi answers his phone"you have seen it right?"I ask....kinda cold"yeah""then you know why I have called you""yes we are working on it""I want everything down by noon and find the fucking reporter who dared to get this released,I'll deal with them myself"I say while clenching my phone tightly".....ok got it""when will the next news be shown?"I ask trying to calm down""at 10""fuck, just make sure to remove this before 10,I don't want naruto to see this""but-""make sure to get it done,got it?"I say sternly"g-got it"I disconnect the phone and I try to calm myself down from throwing my fucking phone to the ground and seeing it shutter into pieces

"Karin I'm gonna fucking murder you, how dare you do this to me"


I get washed up rather quickly and I get dressed ready to drive my ass to Naruto's shop, I really don't want him to see those fucking pictures and I'll do anything in my power to prevent him from seeing the pictures and the fucking problem us that it takes almost 1hr from here to reach his designer shop, anything can happen within this 1hr and I don't want that to happen......
I leave menma in the hands of Hinata since they are like really...... close,..... I take my keys and head outside.


I quickly pack my car not in an orderly manner and head straight to the entrance,I check the time and see that it's almost 10, since the shop is made of glass,I can clearly see everything that is happening inside.
I see ino talking to naruto about something and him nodding as a response,ino carries something in her hand and rise it up towards something,my eyes follow her direction and they widen after seeing were her hand is pointing"fuck my life"I say after seeing the Tv,I quickly increase my speed and open the door with force"DON'T TURN ON THE TV!!!"I shout getting everyone's attention and of course ino turns it on,fuck"Sasuke?, what are you doing here?"naruto asks confused,I rise my eyes towards the screen and I almost cry in joy after seeing that it's a nature channel,I stand straight and release a sigh. I hear low murmurs, people asking themselves if  I'm the real sasuke or not"Hy uchiha brat what are you doing here?"ino says leaving the purple remote on the black couch"I came to see my Naruto of course"I say while fixing my composure and going towards naruto"you couldn't even wait just a few hours for me to come back home?"naruto asks being all sarcastic, I let out a small chuckle and a smile"well, it's cause I can't live without you""shut up"he says while releasing a sigh and the murmurs continue, now asking each other, what the relationship between me and Naruto is and how we know each other..... this fuckers

"Mama look at that cute remote"I hear a voice of a little girl....."yeah it's cute""I want to touch it""no don't touch other people's belong-".....

"Finally for the first time in forever our one and only handsome man, sasuke Uchiha has committed a scandal"my body quickly becomes solid,I freeze on the spot,I can see the world moving in slow motion,as I turn towards naruto and only manage to read the words which are coming out of his mouth"scandal?"Naruto says confused while turning to the smiling ino,I can see the whole expression on her face that she was waiting for this day in forever,I look to the direction of the remote and see that it is in the hands of the little girl..... Universe, do you really hate me that much that you would put my life in the hands of a little girl?,I can't even beat the hell out of her course she's a child,why did she have to press the 9 button?!!....

"I wondered why sasuke Uchiha was on the low,I didn't know that he was busy hooking up with her"the man reporter says"anyways our main story today is the scandal of sasuke Uchiha, the time now is 10:5am and you are with me Amira brown and....""Fredrick roki and will be back to you after this commercial please stay tuned"

(The commercial starts)

"Which scandal are they talking about sasuke?"naruto asks turning around and the murmurs increase,I can't believe that this is happening to me right now"sasuke I'm talking to you""naruto this is what I came here for I-""welcome back on JUST ANOTHER STORY, and today we have a special guest, Amiki todora"Amira says"so Amiki what do you think about this scandal?"Fredrick asks"well let's just say,I saw it coming like the rumours about Karin and Sasuke were every where even though there was nothing much happening in sasukes Side this past five years I bet they were dating secretly and plus the photos show that they are more than friends, taking how intimate they are holding each other"Amiki says and I hear a gasp from ino"for you all who haven't seen the pictures,here they are....."they start to show pictures of me hugging Karin, kissing with her, holding her around her waist, carrying her bridal style and other shitty pictures"you know I can tell that this two are fucking in love"Fredrick says with a disgusting smile on his face"yeah and this pictures were taken yesterday"

"What I wasn't even out yesterday,I was busy having a father and son time with menma"I think to myself"and I heard that they are already engaged-"Amira says"what the fuck!"this time I say it out loud,I can't believe they could lie up to this state,I see the screen go black"you got two minutes to explain to me what the fuck they are talking about sasuke"I turn towards the pissed off Naruto" Naruto those pictures are photoshopped,I wasn't even out yesterday....Karin is the one who did this so please just trust me right now,I'll settle everything down"I say kinda desperate,I sure don't want to lose naruto over this shitty story"don't piss me off sasuke,I am already pissed,I'm asking why the hell are your stupid scandals still on the air?, don't you know what my mom will do if she sees this?""What?!!"me and ino ask in unison and confused as hell"wait aren't you mad?"ino asks"why should I be?""errrr that sasuke did that!""sasuke can't do that, he's too afraid to lose me""so true"I say while taking both of his hands in mine"and plus,all of this screams Karin""I can't believe this"ino says while sitting on the couch"just pray that mom doesn't see this-"Naruto is cut off by the ringtones of both of our phones,I pick up mine and he pick up his.....ino stands up and tells the people to leave and three of us remain in the shop

( Naruto and his mom )

"Naruto what the hell is on the news,see I told you that, that man would never change,I want him out of your life for good,I don't ever wanna see his presence around you or even his face,hell I don't even wanna hear his name-""mom please calm down-""how can I be calm down when a man like him is close to my son?!!, well he will never be close to you ever aga-""mom everything that you saw it's a lie, the pictures are just photoshopped so calm down-"

(Sasuke and his mom)

"Sasuke please tell me that what I'm seeing right now is not true, tell me that you didn't fucking do this to naruto!!!""mom calm down it's not true,I swear mom,you know I can't do that to him now"I say while caressing my hair"then what the fuck is this?""mom Karin is the one who did this, don't worry I'll take care of this""you better, wait...does he know?, yeah he does.... and he believes me""*sigh*thank God,you better increase your game sasuke""I know""you better fix this""alright mom""ok I'll try calming down the situation at home, your father was ready to come and kill you""what, doesn't he trust me?""yeah not really""*sigh*""anyway I'll talk to you later, and fix this mess"with that she disconnects......

I turn to look at naruto and see that he's still talking on the phone,my eyes land on ino and I see that she's pissed as hell and of course she's glaring at me as if..... I decide to dial kakashi's number,it takes a second or so then he answers"set up a conference for me""what why?, don't tell me you want a conference just for this story?""well it's for this story, since you were not able to take it down even with the help of itachi"I say being sarcastic"sorry about that""anyways it's not only about this story,I wanted to do something but I was looking for a specific time but I guess.... the time is now""oh......ok then, then at what time?""at 4pm""ok consider it done"..............

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