Looney Tunes Showtime: Season...

By tyler2706

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A reboot of Looney Tunes Show. Bugs Bunny has grown tired of his life in the forest and decides to move it u... More

Episode 1: What's Up Doc
Episode 2: Love At First Sight
Episode 3: Komodo Kai and Peter Python
Episode 5: The Guest

Episode 4: Date Night!

121 3 0
By tyler2706

At a copy place, Daffy was waiting for his business card from someone behind the desk

Daffy: *tapping the desk, impatiently* What's the hold up? *rings the bell*

??: Be patient

Daffy: *groans and rings again*

the person, a white girl duck with brown hair turned and went to the counter, Daffy quickly stops ringing

??: Can I help you?

Daffy: Daffy Duck. You probably remember me, right? I'm here to pick up my business card

??: *picks a box of his business cards and puts it on the counter*

Daffy: *pulls out his business card*


??: How's the wizard business?

Daffy: Great. Lots of magic, spells, like that.

???: *Checks the computer* Comes to $215.25

Daffy: Huh, that's awfully high. Price reduce! Reduce! EEEE!!!

The duck just watches him doing his "Wizard stuff"

??: Are you done?

Daffy: *slight angry face* I'll get my wallet

Later that evening, In the Sunset Room A couple leave the restaurant after having a good dinner.

Kai: *strumming his guitar*

Host: *to the couple that is about to leave* Oh! Don't forget to leave a business card in the bowl. You could win a romantic evening or two.

they leave a card in Then, the host leaves as another couple comes in and he leads them to their table which gives Daffy a chance to come out of his hiding spot which is behind a vase.  He gets the glass that contains the cards and dunks it out Then pours cards that all labels his business cards in hopes of winning.

Then he scrambles away.

Six days later, he and Bugs are at their house. Bugs tries to refill their dispenser by putting a heavy filled water tank on it.

Bugs: Easy does it

Suddenly, the telephone rings. bugs just looks at Daffy who was putting sauce in his burger

Daffy: *notices him* Phone

Bugs: Little busy here-- *tumbles with the water*

Daffy: I'm busy here too. *shakes the ketchup* Is this thing stuck or what? *pats it hard it shoots a big blotch*

Bugs: *slips on it and trips* Whup! *glares at Daffy*

Daffy: Guess I gotta do everything around here *gets to the phone* Hell This is Daffy Duck...what?? I won?! A romantic evening for two!?

Bugs: *places the water jug on the cooler*

Daffy: Seven course meal!? Dancing!? A limousine!? I can't believe my luck!

Bugs: *confused*

Daffy: How's the wizard business? Great. Lots of magic, spells, you know, things like that.

Bugs just glared

Daffy: Okay, see you at Friday night. *hangs up and to Bugs* What are you doing in Friday night?

Bugs: Nothing

Daffy: Well, you are NOW. Friday night we're gonna get dress to the nines, get picked up by a limo and have a fabulous romantic dinner

Bugs: Daffy, what you described is a date I'm not going on a date with you

Daffy: Oh, you're right, I didn't think of that.

Daffy just then dialed another number

Daffy: *waits for it to pick up and so it did* Hey, Porky, want to go on a romantic date, Friday night?

Porky: I be-be-be love to!

Bugs: No you, idiot, ask a woman!

Porky: I'm so glad you ca--

Daffy hung up

Daffy: Ask a woman...?

Bugs: You heard me

Daffy: But I had horrible luck with women! He remembered some of his dates that ended...not so romantically. I just can't understand women *sighs miserably*

Bugs: Well maybe you need to talk to a woman and get her perspective

Daffy: Hey! That's a great idea! Ooh, how about Lola, she's your girlfriend, right?

Bugs: She's not my girlfriend. Well, not yet. We've been going out for 4 times. It's too early for us.

Daffy: Aw come on, she'll enjoy it Call her for me, hook it up *hands him the phone*

Bugs: I no i don't wanna call her

Daffy: Come on, hook it up

Bugs: Who says hook it up?

Daffy: I do. I said hook it up. Hook it up, please! It's one phone call! I'm begging you. Hook. It. Up.

Bugs just frowned and took the phone, the expression just read "Fine"

Then, he dials Lola's number.

Lola: *picks up the phone* Hello?

Bugs: Hey, Lola. It's me

Lola: Oh! Hey, Bugsy

Bugs: Hi, Lola. Hope you're not busy

Lola: Sorry!

Bugs: Huh? For what?

Lola: Oh no, I wasn't talking to you. I almost hit an oil truck.

Bugs: Should I call back?

Lola: No no, this is a better time, this is a perfect time, what are you kidding? This is a perfect, better time *chuckles*

Bugs: Well, my friend Daffy needs dating advice and going to some dinner this Friday, would you like to come?

Lola: Are you serious!?

Bugs: Uh yeah?

Lola: No, not you. I'm sorry, I almost hit another oil truck. Driving's hard. So, you want me to help Daffy?

Bugs: Yes

Lola: *starts smiling* Woud that be a nice thing for me to do?

Bugs: Yes?

Lola: And you like nice people?

Bugs: Yes

Lola: So, if I help Daffy, you'll like me?

Bugs: What are you talking about? I already like you since I met you

Lola: Eee! Sure, i'll do it!

Bugs: Great, thanks

Lola:...uh oh

Bugs: Lola? You alright?

Lola: No, I'm fine but that time I did hit an oil truck. I have to go, byeee!

The last thing he heard are crashing sounds.


Later at the mall

Daffy and Lola, who happens to be...very fine and looks okay and has no burns and injuries at all, settles in a food court.

Daffy: *eating a pretzel*

Lola: Okay, before you can have a successful date, you need to understand women. *pulls up a list* So i made you a script that women want to hear on a date

Daffy: Uh huh

Lola: If you say these things, I guarantee that any woman will IMMEDIATELY fall in love with you

Daffy: Really?

Lola: Yup. Just say those words.

Daffy: "You are a beautiful, beautiful woman, you are diamond feminity, you are my coo coo bird, I am always twitterpated by you" *pauses for a second* This stuff is pretty good.

Lola: Told you!

Daffy: "Your my best friend, in fact the only friend i really need"  "Here's a good idea...let's get rid of all our other friends and only be friends with each other."

As she listens, Lola starts to feel something. She felt...proud and happy.

Lola: Daffy....

Daffy: *keeps reading* "Also, we should cut off our family members that don't support our relationship. Also, we should have jobs where we worked together. Because if there's one thing i know if we drop our friends and family, we could have a perfect relationship" This works? *He looks at Lola, looking emotional.* Are you alright?

Lola: Oh i'm just fine

Daffy: Then, why you're crying?

Lola: Oh uh...must be the sandwhich So, who's the lucky girl?

Daffy: Uh, I don't have one..yet

Lola: Oh, well, who are you gonna ask out?

Daffy: Probably Tina.

Lola: Tina? Who's Tina?

Daffy: The girl who works from Copy Place. Her beak's even bigger than mine.

Lola: Daffy, I guarantee that this Tina girl will definitely fall over heels for you. Go get her!

Daffy: Alright then i will...Oh! Forgot to mention

Lola: What?

Daffy: Thanks

Daffy leaves to ask Tina out.

Lola: Call me if it goes well! I wanna know!

Daffy: Oh sure thing!

Lola smiles sweetly at him. Later, she has lunch in Pizzariba. She couldn't stop thinking that Daffy is now dating someone. She's so proud.

Speedy: Hola, Lola! *gives her pizza*

Lola: Oh, thanks Speedy!

Speedy: Say, you've been smiling all day. What's up?

Lola: Oh, just proud Proud of Daffy.

Speedy: What he do?

Lola: He's going on a date!

Speed: That's awesome so who's the lucky girl?

Lola: Tina.

Suddenly, one of the customers, which is Yosemite Sam, hears the name.

Yosemite Sam: Tina!?

Speedy: *hears* Excuse me?

Lola: You know Tina?

Yosemite Sam: Yes, and she's the worst person ever!

Lola: Huh?

Yosemite Sam: That flat-beaked varmin

Lola: What's wrong with her?

Yosemite Sam: She took forever to ready the copies that i needed! She always blow that stupid bubble gum and talking rude to me!

Lola: Awe, you got it all wrong.

Yosemite Sam: No, I meant every word of it She always blow that stupid bubble gum and talking rude to me!

Lola: Awe, you got it all wrong.

Yosemite Sam: No, I meant every word of it

Speedy: Aw come on, senior

Yosemite Sam: Believe me, your friend Daffy will be crushed.

Then, he leaves. Lola believes those aren't true but what if it is? Maybe he is right. Maybe that Tina might be worse than she thinks. Hmmm, maybe she should have a look for herself

In Copy Place, Tina is busying copying prints

Daffy: *clears throat*

Tina: Can i help you?

Daffy: Hi. Uh, I'm not sure if you remember me...

Tina: You're the wizard, right?

Daffy: You do remember me!

Tina: How could I forget? *shows his check* Your check bounced

Daffy: What!? I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with my financial advisor. This should take care of it *pulls up a pile of fake cash with a terrible drawing of his face*

Tina: *Just gives a "whut?" face*

Daffy: So, uh, Tina. I was wondering if, by any chance you're not doing anything tonight, which you probably are because you're not ugly, but if for some reason, yore not, would you maybe, possibly, no pressure if you can't, just wondering, you know, would you like to go out with me? Maybe.

Tina: Yeah, i'd love to

Daffy: *completely misunderstands her reply* Welp, you can't blame a guy for trying *walks away*

Tina: I said i love to!

Daffy: Wait, *turns around* Really??

Tina: Yeah, it'd be fun

Daffy: Great! I'll pick you up at 8:00! *leaves but quickly returns* Don't use that money, you'll get arrested *leave again*

Meanwhile, Lola goes to find Copy Place while imagining what would Tina do to Daffy.

Lola: N-No, that small man isn't right, Tina's a good person. There's no way she can be that BAD

she of course stumbles upon  the Copy Place

Lola: There it is!

she peaks through the window to see Tina struggling and frustrated  with the copier, it was jammed

Tina: Ugh, not this again! *pulls the jammed paper* Come...on..!

Lola: Well, she's a little feisty

Tina: Stupid...thing! *the jammed paper comes out* Whup! *falls on her back*

Then, a customer comes in.

Customer: Hey, excuse me--

Tina: *rubs the back of her head annoyed* Yes?!

Customer: Woah, are you okay?

Tina: Yeah...despite a headache and a jammed copier i'm all good! Just fine!

After seeing her anger, Lola is now scared and worried for Daffy.

Lola: Oh no, maybe that small man is right. Maybe she IS a bad person! I have to tell Daffy *but as she left, Tina calmed down*

Tina: Sorry about that. Busy day. I didn't mean to yell at you.

Customer: That's..that's alright

Tina: How can I help you, sir?

Customer: I'd like these files to be copied please

Tina: Sure thing

Later, in Bugs and Daffy's house, Daffy is now getting ready for his date with Tina.

Daffy: *applies gel on his beak sprays cologne on his feathers* Gotta smell nice for my date! Maybe another spray.

he sprays himself again his arms and chest He leaves but again, comes back for one more spray. this time all over his body

Then, once he got out of the bathroom...the door knocks

Daffy: Huh? *opens it and sees Lola* Lola? What are you doing here?

Daffy: What? What are you talking about? She's great!

Lola: I saw her very angry at the Copy place

Daffy: She's probably had another hard time with that machine

Lola: I don't think so

Daffy: Lola, I'm gonna be late, I need to go now

Lola: But, Daff---

Daffy: Later *walks out*

Lola: Daffy!...darn it! I have to stop this date. Daffy will be heartbroken!

Bugs: Lola?

Lola: *looks at him and whispered* and I know just the thing

Bugs: Huh?

Lola: Hey, Bugsy! What do you say about going on a date again?

Bugs: Uh sure where?

Lola: The Sunset Room!

Bugs: Uh alright, that's the same place Daffy was going

Lola: Cool, let's go!

Bugs: Should i put on something fancy?

Lola: No need! Let's go!

they head over to the Sunset Room

Later, they arrived first. Bugs had no idea why they hadn't come in yet.

Bugs: L-Lola, what are you looking for?

Lola: Oh, nothing

Bugs: *shrugs* Hi umm, table for two?

Then, Lola spots Daffy and Tina coming there way. She gotta do something and fast!

Lola: Hide!

Bugs: Huh?

she pulls Bugs into a plant to hide Lola watched Daffy and Tina entering the restaurant.

Bugs: Lola!

Lola: What?

Bugs: What's going on?

Lola: Oh, I just um, uhh...love hiding behind plants!

Bugs: Lola, just tell me

Lola: Look, it's nothing

Bugs: Lola...

Lola: Come on!

Bugs: Lola! How exactly did that talk with Daffy go?

Lola: Great! Really great. Super great. It could have been greater.

Bugs: Then why are you so anxious?

Lola: Anxious? I'm not anxious. Are you anxious?

Bugs: Nevermind anyway but Wow! Thanks again for doing that. Can we now book our table?

Lola: Right, of course.

They get to the table.

Bugs: Nice place.

Lola: I know right *takes a peek at Daffy and Tina, making sure that Tina doesn't do anything dirty*

so far, nothing has gone bad with Tina but Lola was still wary

Bugs: Lola? Anything wrong?

Lola: Oh nothing, *to the receptionist Hello sir*

Receptionist: Yes ma'am?

Lola: Table for two please

Receptionist: *nods* Right this way

He guides them to a table not far from where Daffy and Tina were

Bugs: *sits down and opens a menu* Hmm. Aged beef. Where did they get that from? A retirement community for cows? Haha!

Lola: *giggles*

Meanwhile, Daffy and Tina are just sitting on their table.

Tina: *just sits* Check it out, cloth napkins! Nice, right?

Daffy however looks down secretly hiding Lola's notes and reads them once again

Daffy: You're a beautiful, beautiful woman.

Tina: *notices*

Daffy: *continues reading* You are the epitome of grace, style and feminity. You're my best friend

Tina: You're best friend? Uh, we didn't meet. At least not properly

Daffy: Oh, uh, hold on. I'm, uh, there! *reads again* When I'm with you, every day is Valentine's Day. *His paper suddenly slips off but quickly catches it.* Uh, except for the REAL valentines day--

Tina: Are you reading something??

Daffy: No!

Tina just takes the book and reads but as she does, she is a little surprised

Tina: Hey...this is pretty good...did you come up with this?

Daffy: Um...well, yes, my friend helped...me

Lola: *watches worriedly*

Tina: Whoever he or she is...this is nice. Should maybe become a writer or something

Daffy: Yeah!

Tina: Gotta say, you saying these to me is...very sweet

Daffy: Aw, thanks

Bugs: Lola? *Looks in her direction* Why you're spying on Daffy and his date?

Lola: Oh..I guess you caught me Well, I want to make sure that it's going great.

Bugs: That's actually nice of you

Lola: I spied on that Tina girl some time ago and she seemed mean, heck she was shouting a little bit

Bugs: Okay, a bit nice

Tina: Okay, tell me about yourself.

Daffy: Okay uh..I used to live by myself until my old friend Bugs moved in and became my roommate *decides to do something ridiculous* and I'm rich! Yes, very rich. But a do-gooder. I help poor people, orphans, whales, you know.

Tina, however, is not stupid and naive.

Tina: Lemme take a shot, you're not exactly rich..from the looks your normal, basic just like me. A little insecure and dorkish, definitely strange but not in a rude way and you always do something embarrassing.

Daffy:...Wow, you're good. Welp, I guess this date's over *about to leave*

Tina: Hey, hold it right there! It's not over!

Daffy: But you said all those true things about me.

Tina: You're kinda like an old rusty car that might need some serious work, work that at first glance seems impossible But if someone is confident enough and got the right skills, maybe they could make that rustbucket into a Cadillac

Daffy: *completely smitten* Are you that "someone"?

Tina: *a little closer* I could be, I like a project

Daffy: And am I that disgusting rusty car?

Tina: Yeah

Daffy: That is the nicest thing that anyone has ever said about me!

Back to Bugs and Lola,

Bugs: A la cart? I guess. I mean, if you'll a cart, too *chuckles*

Lola:* just looking*

Bugs: Lola? You still looking?

Lola: Huh? What? Oh! Yes! I mean, no! I mean...

Bugs: Did you hear what I said?

Lola: Yes! What did you said?

Bugs: I said A la cart if you'll a cart too

Lola: Ah, right. Pretty funny Could you...could you excuse me for a moment? I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

Bugs: Sure thing

Lola excuses herself. Instead of going to the bathroom, she tries to make a plan on how to stop this date.

Lola: She just insulted him calling him a rusty car! Oh, I'll give her that rusty car.

Girl: *in a cubicle* Sorry, but please be quiet

Lola: Oh, sorry *walks away*

Tina and Daffy meanwhile just laughing about things together Then, Tina suddenly snorts while laughing.

Daffy: Ha! You sound like a pig! Hahaha!!!

Tina: Hahaha!!

But they later stops and see their..."waitress" who is actually Lola.

Lola: Good evening I'm Lola and I'll be your server.

Daffy: Lola? You work here

Lola: Yep, worked here my whole life since the day I was born. Can I get you anything?

Tina: We already ordered

Daffy: Lola, what are you up to?

Lola: Nothing.

Tina: Hey are you his buddy that wrote the script?

Lola: Yes, thank you.

Tina: Is everything ok?

Lola: Oh, everything's fine *whispers* if you're not here

music starts playing

Tina: Hook it up!

Daffy: *jaw drops*

Tina grabs his hand and they rushed to the dance floor.

Lola: *starts rethink about Tina* Huh, maybe she's not that bad after all. I mean they only dance.

Then, she starts imagining what would happened. She imagined them dancing but all of a sudden, Daffy trips. Instead of helping, Tina laughs at him and called him an idiot and everyone starts laughing, even Porky! Wait, he's not here so meh.

Lola:...Nope, not a chance Or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks...ugh, what's up with you Lola?? I don't know! What about you? Pfft, definitely not. You should definitely get a haircut. Oh! That's a good idea!  *sees Daffy and Tina dancing together and growls* You're not gonna ruin his night, Tina

Meanwhile, Bugs just waits for Lola to come back.

Bugs: Uh you know I invented the carrot peeler

Pfft, too brave. Seen any good movies lately? Meh, I asked her that last time. Hmm, you have a beautiful dress. Perfect.

he suddenly hears singing and he doesn't like it because it's Lola. Out on the dance floor, Tina and Daffy were dancing to the music while Lola sings, well her singing is trying to break them up, of course.

Lola: *singing*
Who's that girl with the red dress?
Who's that girl? She's a crazy woman!
Not all girls are what they seem and there can only be one girl of your dreams!

Tina, Daffy and everyone slowly stops dancing

Who's that girl with a made up name?
I said, who's that girl with a made up name?
I said, lose that girl with a made up name?
And get with the girl who cared enough about you and break into your bedroom!

Lola paused for a moment.

Lola: Okay, that's not right.

Bugs quickly snatches the microphone off her hands.

Bugs: What are you doing!?

Lola: Trying to help him! *continues to sing* I said lose that girl--!

Bugs snatches the microphone back.

Bugs: About what!?

Lola: Uh..cuz I just want--

Bugs: Lola, the truth, please

Lola: *sighs* I think she is a mean duck...

Bugs: Why? I know you said you saw her shout a little but i don't think that was mean

Lola: I don't want Daffy to get hurt...so this date we have, it's only for me to spy and stop their date.

Daffy: Huh??

Tina: Lola, that your name right? I was just frustrated with the copier

Lola: What?

Tina: I was just annoyed when the machine wasn't working that's what I'm yelling at.

Lola: Wh-What about when you called him an old rusty car??

Daffy: Lola, that was figurative speech


Lola, just felt embarrassed....REALLY embarrassed

Lola: I should really owe an apology, you two.

Daffy: You really do but on a bright side, I felt good when you worry about me. It's nice.

Tina: And on another plus that script you handed Daffy was very good

Lola: But still, I'm so sorry.

Bugs: It's alright, Lola I'm glad you learned your lesson.

Lola: *nods* Hey! You know what we should do some time? Double Date! How about next Friday night? You guys like Thai?

Tina: Never tried Thai before but let's do it!

Daffy: Yeah!

Bugs: Great idea!

They walk out The Sunset Room together.

Tina: *sighs* That's the best date I've ever had with a wizard.

Daffy: Ah, something i should tell you, I'm not really a wizard

Tina: *silent but chuckles* I know it's really obvious

the limo pulls up to Porky sitting on the sidewalk

Daffy: Porky?

Porky: F-f-finally! I-be-be was worried you weren't-be-be gonna show up.

Daffy: What are you talking about

Porky: I t-t-thought we had d-d-dinner together?

Daffy: Oh, about that...

Tina: I think i might'ev beaten ya sorry, Porky

Porky: Oh...

Daffy: Hey! Are those for me!? *takes the flowers from Porky and smells it* Nice *looks at Porky.*

That poor guy must've sat there all night.

Daffy: Hey, why don't you join us?

Porky: I-i-is it still not t-t-too late?

Daffy: Nope! Now, get in here pal!

the door opens and Porky enters

Porky: *sees Bugs and Lola* A-be-be-be hey guys!

Bugs and Lola: Hi Porky

Porky: Golly, this is a-be-be-be looks nice

Bugs: Glad you're enjoying, Porky

Daffy: Enjoy, Porkchops!

As they bond, Porky smiles but a bit jealous and left out because they have dates.

Porky: Boy, I should get a girlfriend.


                That's All Folks!!

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