The Great Cat's Daughter - (N...

By WaterFire22

87.4K 1.9K 151

Before the Great Battle of Narnia, Aurora's fate is laid out in front of her by her father, Aslan. She is to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 3

6K 135 1
By WaterFire22

After I went to the Beavers house to meet up with Mr. Tummus I spent the night there before I went back to check on him. I came to an unpleasant surprise when I arrived. The secret police were in his home and dragging him away to the queen's castle. I quickly climbed up a tree and hid behind branches but not so much that it obscured my view. I watched as they roughly pulled him along and started to bite him when he resisted arrest. I kept down the urge to go and help him knowing that this was meant to be and I could not change his fate. I watched them leave and waited until I could no longer hear the sounds of their barking and howling then quickly started into a run to the beaver's dam.

After I told them about hat happened. and I decided to go to house just in case Lucy came back there. I told Mr. Beaver to go ahead when I heard a rustling and I thought possibly we had been found but it turned out just to be a small bird. I made my way to Mr. Tummus house when I heard Mr. Beavers voice and others I didn't recognize but I felt joy rise in my heart because I knew without a doubt that it was Lucy's siblings.

"Everything all right?" I hear Mr. Beaver's voice says as I get closer.

"Yes. We were just talking." A male voice says.

"That's better left for safer quarters." I say as I come into view.

"She means the trees." Lucy says running up to me but being pulled back by the older boy and girl who give each other exasperated looks.

"What are you doing Lu!" The boy shouts at her.

"It's Aurora!" Lucy tells him as she looks at me.

"Lucy that's a lion!" The girl tells her.

"If it makes you uncomfortable I can change form.." I say to her before I shift into my human form. I haven't changed into human form since I left Narnia with my father almost 200 years ago. It feels the same to me. I looked down at myself and saw my long golden blonde hair tumbles down my back and over my shoulders stopping at my waist. I'm wearing a brown tunic and on my legs I have black trousers that hug my legs tucked into my knee high black leather boots with four daggers strapped on my thighs for easy access along with my bow and arrows on my back. I am warm even though i have no coat but being a lion my body heat is very high.

They looked at me shocked when Lucy suddenly ran forward and hugged me. I laughed and returned the hug.

"Come on." I say to them and walked beside Mr. Beaver to his home.

"Come on. We don't want to be caught out here after nightfall." Mr. Beaver says as we continue traveling underneath a bridge and then we see the Dam in middle of a frozen pool with smoke rising from the chimney.

"Ah, blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on. Nice cup o' Rosy Lee." Mr. Beaver says as we come closer to his home.

"It's lovely." Lucy says complimenting it.

"It's merely a trifle. Still plenty to do. Ain't quite finished it yet. It'll look the business when it is, though." Mr. Beaver replies embarrassed

"Beaver, is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find you've been out with Badger again I... Oh! Well, those aren't badgers. Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day." Mrs. Beaver says coming out of the Dam and seeing all of us. "Look at my fur. You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?" She says angrily at Mr. Beaver.

"I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped." Mr. Beaver jokes making us all laugh.

"Oh, come inside, and see if we can't get you some food, and some civilized company." Mrs. Beaver says opening the door.

"I hope I'm not included in that statement." I joke at her

"Aurora! But you're...your" Mrs. Beaver says seeming to have finally noticed my human form.

"Not a lion?" I offer her smiling.

"Oh come inside dearie!" She says before she pulls me inside with everyone else following behind us.

Inside the Beavers Dam we had just finished introductions and now we were discussing ways to help Mr. Tummus.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?" Peter was asking us.

"They'll have taken him to the Witch's castle. You know what they say. There's few that go through them gates that come out again." Mr. Beaver tells him.

Mrs. Beavers dashes over and plunks a plate on the table. "Fish 'n' chips!" seeing the sad look on Lucy's face she says. "But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope."

"Oh, yeah, there's a right bit more than hope! Aslan is on the move!" Mr. Beaver says whispering the last part. Surprising me.

I hadn't known that my father was back. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver probably thought I heard. They didn't know that I was Alan's daughter. Only Mr. Tummus knew. Even though my father and I were both lions no one had seen him in a very long time and the beavers had not even been born when he was here. It wasn't that I didn't trust them, I just didn't want them to have that information in case the white witch had some reason to question them. I looked up at the children who looked serene as Edmund comes over from his place on the stairs.."Who's Aslan?" He asks.

"Who's Aslan?" Mr. Beaver says laughing. "You cheeky little blighter."

Mrs. Beaver elbows him. "What?" He says looking at the children's confused faces.

"You don't know, do you?" Mr. Beaver says looking at them.

"Well, we haven't exactly been here very long." Peter says after looking at his siblings.

"Well, he's only the king of the whole wood. The top geezer. The real King of Narnia!"

I notice Edmund pull a face and walk away.

"He's been away for a long while." Mrs. Beaver explains

"But he's just got back! And he's waitin' for you near the Stone Table!" Mr. Beaver says.

"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asks him.

"You're blooming joking! They don't even know about the prophecy!" Mr. Beaver says fuming now.

"Well, then..." Mrs. Beaver trails off

"Look. Aslan's return, Tumnus' arrest, the secret police, it's all happening because of you!" Mr. Beaver tells them.

"You're blaming us?" Susan asks.

"No! Not blaming. Thanking you!" Mrs. Beaver says

"There's a prophecy." Mr. Beaver says.

" A protector will come forth,

to protect all those on the throne.

When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone

Sits at Cair paravel in throne,

The evil time will be over and done." Mr. beaver says after clearing his throat.

"You know that doesn't really rhyme." Susan says

"Yeah, I know it don't, but you're kind of missin' the point!"

"It has long been foretold that two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve with the help of the protector will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia."Mrs. Beaver tells them

"And you think we're the ones?" Peter asks us.

"Well you'd better be, 'cause Aslan's already fitted out your army." Mr. Beaver says to them.

"Our army?" Lucy says.

"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war." Susan says.

"I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes! Who is this Protector?" Peter yells.

I stand up from where I'm sitting beside Mr. Beaver. " I am your Protector and I have been waiting a hundred years for you." I tell them with sincerity.

They all look at me in awe before Susan shakes her head. "We're from Finchley."

"Thank you for your hospitality. But we really have to go." Susan says standing up.

"No, you can't just leave." Mr. Beaver says.

"He's right. We have to help Mr. Tumnus." Lucy says to her siblings sadly making my heart clench.

"It's out of our hands. I'm sorry, but it's time the four of us were getting home. Ed? Ed?" Peter looks around the room before turning back to Susan. "I'm gonna kill him."

"You may not have to. Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?" I ask them.

We ran outside through the snow to try and catch up with Edmund

"Hurry!" Peter yells

We reached the top of the hill. We stop and look across to the White Witches castle, We can see in the distance going through the castle gates.

"Edmund!" Lucy yells walking forwards.

"Shh! They'll hear ya!" Mr. beaver says to her.

Peter starts to run after Edmund but Mr. Beaver grabs him by the sleeve of his coat "No!"

"Get off me!"

"You're playing into her hands." Mr. Beaver tells them.

"We just can't let him go!" Susan yells.

"He's our brother!" Lucy says sadly.

"He's the bait! The Witch wants all five of ya!" Mr. Beaver tells them.

"Why?" Peter asks.

"To stop the prophecy from coming true! To kill ya!" Mr. Beaver explains.

The three children stare horrified.

"This is your entire fault." Susan says angry at Peter.

"My fault?"

"None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!" Susan yells

"Oh, so you knew this would happen?" Peter asks

"I didn't know what would happen. Which is why we should have left while we still could!" Susan replies.

"Stop it! This isn't going to help Edmund." Lucy yells at them.

"She's right. Only Aslan can save your brother now." I tell them.

"Then take us to him." Peter says

We all turn and watch as the gates shut behind Edmund. I want so much to barge in there and rescue him;But I know before i got to him I would be killed or captured then what good would I be, I had to protect the others because I had already failed one I vowed i would not do so again.

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