Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Mind...

By skylarmoon71

19.4K 583 19

Disclaimer: I don't own show pics or music. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - Final
Chapter 26- Continued
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 - Final

Chapter 4

1K 27 1
By skylarmoon71

There were rarely dull days at the BAU. Garcia was going over the most recent case. Everyone pretty much rushed in. The only person they were waiting for was you. All of them each made an input on what the unsub was driven by, and Morgan's statement is the one that has them all thinking.

"We need someone to get into the class, but none of us fall in that category. " The sound of the door opening causes Hotch's head to turn. You stagger in, bag hanging off your shoulder haphazardly.

"S-Sorry I'm late."

They all now have a look in their eyes, and you laugh nervously.

"Umm, is something wrong?"

Rossi smiles.

"Looks like we found our next potential date."

For a moment you think he's joking, but their stares say different. You already know you're not going to enjoy this.


"A dance class! Are you kidding me?! I'm the least coordinated human being on this planet."

"Don't worry, it's a beginners class, so if you do terrible they won't know the difference. Besides, Hotch is taking the lead on this one. Our unsub targets couples with an Alpha male. This works perfectly. " Rossi's words don't bring you comfort.

"How does that help me? I'm just a consultant, I'm not even fully authorized in the field. Right, Hotch?"

"Actually, if the circumstances call for it, I can have you operate in the field. It'll be a lot of paperwork, but nothing I'm not used to."

This could not be happening.

"I'd like to sign my letter of resignation." Morgan and Prentiss laugh at your theatrics.

"Don't worry, I've done this before, it'll be a piece of cake."

Easy for her to say, she's not the one on a mission with Hotch.

"If you're really uncomfortable, we could find someone else." You knew it would take time to get another agent. You were already updated on the information, and as it stood, this killer wasn't stopping anytime soon.

"I'll do it." You mumble.

Garcia cheers.

"Great, pack your bags, you're gonna need it."

So much for a leisure weekend.


As you land, the team makes their way to the hotel to drop off their items. LAPD had already gotten everything set up, they were just waiting for you all. It's a short trip to the police department. After the greetings and short evaluations, Hotch lays out for the detectives on the case. Everyone appears on board with the idea. So you head to the locker room to get changed. Prentiss walks inside, sending you an encouraging smile.

"Are you nervous?" You nod.

"I never planned to ever be in the field like this. I choose consulting because it helps me to be at the forefront where I can operate and observe efficiently. Undercover field work isn't my area. "

"It's brave of you to still take it on. Hotch has faith in you. He'd never choose you for the job if he didn't think you were capable. "

"I feel like you're giving me way too much credit."

"I'd be guilty of that, but not Aaron Hotchner." She pats your shoulder, walking off. It was nice to know he trusted you with this. All the more reason why you were a bit tentative. Screwing this up could cause someone's life. Closing your eyes, you try to focus. Clearing your mind, you exhale.

"I got this."

~Trevors Dance Studio~

"I don't got this. "

The many bodies of people made you anxious. The thoughts that filter through your head makes you press a hand to your temple, and the detective jumps at the feedback in the coms.

"Is everything alright?" He checks.

"We're good." Hotch assures. He placed a hand on your shoulder, looking down.

"Are you okay?" With the coms on, you can't exactly have that conversation. You just nod.

"Yeah, just a lot of disgruntled couples here." You say with a weak smile.

He takes your hand, gesturing to the entrance. You look down at your joined hands with a blush.

"R-Right, we're a couple."

You do your best to collect yourself, right before the both of you enter. People fill up every area, and you can see the friendly smile of the instructor at the front. He begins giving instructions on the places you need to be, and how the program will go. For the most part, you follow Hotch's lead. Keeping a lookout for the traits Hotch had given in the profile.

"To our left, married. His band is missing which means that isn't his wife. His posture suggests protection, or maybe unease. They've been fighting. They're close but her shoulder is pointing in the opposite direction." You give your run down to Hotch. When you look up, he's wearing something keen to a look of admiration.


"You were worried that you couldn't pull it off." You return your focus to the people in front of you, more for a distraction. The instructor turns the music on, starting with his presentation.

"In this class we encourage peer teaching more than anything. Usually it's required to master the steps on your own, but it's much easier when you have a partner in the same shoes as you, so to speak." The joke earns a few giggles, and he goes on. The sound filters in, and he does small steps, showing how they should be carried out with your partners.

"It's okay if you miss the first few steps, trust me when I tell you it's not a big deal." He calls over a woman, you assume is his assistant, and they begin demonstrating. After a few minutes, you're ushered to the dancefloor. Hotch takes your hand.

"Are you ready?"

"You should be asking your toes that question." He spins you gently, bringing you to the front of him. A hand settles on the small of your back. Hotch scans the room effectively, all while keeping pace with the steps being shown. Your eyes are directed at your feet as you try not to mash his feet.

"Relax, look up and breathe." So you do, or try to.

He guides your hands around his neck, and now your eyes can't truly focus on anything but him. You'd been so caught up that you hadn't realized how rare it was to see Hotch in casual wear. He's sporting sweats, and a dark t-shirt. Far different from his constant suits. He looks so domesticated. You move with him, thankfully it's a slower song.

Now that you're not so worried about the movements, you can widen your suspect pool. Your eyes drift around.

"In a few minutes we'll be instructed to switch partners, I need you to pay attention to everyone you dance with. He's picking his victims through the interactions. If you get anything, even if it's just a hunch,"

"My word is breathe, I know. Don't worry, I may suck at dancing but my vocabulary is fine." You smile.

For the next few minutes, you sort of enjoy the little dance. It's a bit weird that you're having this moment with your boss, but there's something keen to relief when you're with Hotch. Maybe because he's the only one who knows of your little situation.

"Now comes the interesting part, switch partners." The instructor says joyfully. Hotch releases you to get whisked away. Someone steps over, offering a hand, and you take it.

The male smiles down at you.

"Nice to meet you, I'm John."

You smile. "(Y/N). I'd like to apologize in advance if I accidentally break any toes." He laughs at your words.

"I think as long as I have enough to carry home my wife will be okay." His gaze drifts to a woman, and he smiles. The affection he has is as clear as day.

"I'm not really much of a dancer, but Amy likes being spontaneous. It's thanks to her that I've even considered a lot in my life. "

"She's amazing."

You smile to yourself at his thought that leaks out.

"She sounds amazing."

"She really is." Amy's eyes are directed his way, and she sends him a grin as her partner's back is turned. She makes a silly face, and John laughs.

"I'd be lost without her."

"Well I can tell that cupid knew what he was doing."

There's another instruction to switch, and John bows dramatically as he steps away, bidding you goodbye, moving unto another. The dances continue. You've gone through three other partners, that included the one you'd profiled earlier who was shamelessly flirting with you, despite coming with his girlfriend. Faithfulness obviously wasn't his thing.

Another switch, and someone takes your hand. The second you make contact, a chill rushes up your spine. You look up at him, and his smile is a bit strained.

"How's your day going?" You try to be polite.

"It's not too bad. "

"Bet you could be doing something better than this huh." His smile is a bit off.

"My boyfriend was excited, so we came. "

"You let him dictate everything you do, that's pathetic." You raise a brow. He's being blatantly rude, but that isn't the only thing. He's looking at Hotch who's back is turned. It's almost like he's surveying his stature. When his gaze falls back on you, you send him a smile.

"Is your girlfriend into dancing?"

"She's into a lot of things." He's being pretty vague now, and when he pulls you a bit closer, a wave hits you.

"These disgusting men."

"Letting your woman toss you around."

"They should all be dead. Kill them. They should be dead."

"Kill them!!"

"Garbage. "

All those thoughts hit you at once, and you have to physically will yourself not to react. This man is a lot more dangerous than you initially thought. With all the potential victims here, you need to find a way to get him at a distance. Closing your eyes, you drop your body, fighting to catch a breath. The man looks stunned, and he supports your weight. You fan your face, reaching out crazily.

"I-I can't, I can't breathe!" 

You say it loud enough for Hotchner to hear. From the outside view, anyone would assume it was a panic attack. Hotch releases his partner, rushing to your side, and he helps you up.

"Please, give my wife some space." Everyone starts backing up so Hotch can attend to you.

"I thought she was your girlfriend?" 

The man asks. Hotch looks up, and so do you. Something clicks in the male's eyes. The door slams open, and in comes reinforcements.


The unsub turns in fear, and he barely makes it two steps forward to run off. Your eyes focus on his legs, and he tumbles harshly to the ground. Morgan tackles him, cuffing him quickly. There's a lot of resistance, and he starts screaming.


His cries go on until he's out of the studio, and the murmurs begin. You straighten with a heavy exhale.

"Thank goodness."

That could have gone so much worse. Rossi is the one who enters as the police begin ushering the people out to get statements.

"And you thought you weren't ready." He smirks.

"I hope I never have to do that again. My feet are sore, I need a nap." You say. Hotchner watches as you make your way outside. Rossi's eyes move to his friend, interested in his distracted gaze.

"She's beginning to grow on us." 

Rossi says. It breaks Hotch's focus, and he just nods, making his exit. Rossi just wears a knowing look. 

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