Scars & Hearts: The Batman Fa...

By primadonna_gurls

114K 3.8K 495

"Things were never normal in Gotham. Anya Flores knew this, but finding a masked vigilante knocked out on yo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Another Author's Note
it's been a while....

Chapter Twenty Six

2.3K 93 3
By primadonna_gurls

"What is it?" The Batman asked.

Commissioner Gordon turned away from the light in the sky, coming face to face with the man it ushered forward. "Kidnapping. Bruce Wayne's fiancée."

"Any suspects, besides the obvious?"

Gordon's mouth was set in a grim line. He shook his head. "Only one way to find out. I called in a favor at Arkham. They'll let you see him."

The Batman nodded. "Any other leads?"

Gordon shook his head; it seemed he was doing that a lot lately. "She lives in a sketchy part of town. Could be anybody, but since she is a future Mrs. Wayne, we gotta look at the big guys first. Riddler. His groupies."

The Batman reached into his utility belt. He handed something to Gordon.

"What's this?"

"Pager. Call me if you get anything. I'm headed to Arkham."


"Oh, Batman," The man sighed. "I've been waiting for you for so long." He brought his hands together, placing them at his shoulders, then rested his cheek upon them. "You finally came to see little ole' me."

"Are you trying to hurt Bruce Wayne? Is that what this is?"

"Oh, Batsy." The man leaned back in his chair. "I'm always trying to hurt Bruce Wayne. Can't do much from inside here, though. I'm in solitary. You know what that means? It's just me. Me and my riddles. Hey, wanna hear another one?"


"Are you sure?" The man's smile widened, pleased with himself. "It's a really good one."

"Who's working for you?"

"That is not the riddle." The Riddler growled.

"What is it? You read the Gazette? Is that it? Read he has a girlfriend."

The Riddler's smile faded, replaced by surprise, then it returned.

He hadn't known. It was too late.

"Bruce Wayne has a girlfriend? Oh, that's just, I'm so happy for him. Perhaps I'll send a card."

The Batman stood, fist braced against the glass, nose flaring with anger.

The Riddler laughed. "Do you still want to hear my riddle?"


"What do you call a man without a clue?" The guards grabbed the Riddler by his jumpsuit, dragging him from the partitioned room.

His laughter echoed, first in the hall, and then in Bruce's mind.


He stood there for a minute, mind racing, but a ringing broke his focus.

He pulled the pager from his belt.

Come now. GCPD.


He ignored the glares that followed him through the squad room, into Commissioner Gordon's office.

He wondered if it was really wise for Gordon to so openly show their working relationship.

After all, the Batman was deemed just as criminal as his counterparts by the GCPD.

"What is it?"

There were three other officers in the room, Bruce recognized them from Anya's apartment earlier.

They were all huddled around a phone.


"Got this call a bit ago. Said he wanted to talk to the man in charge.... 'the real man in charge, the Batman.' We'll try to track it."

Bruce nodded. Gordon pressed the redial button, and they listened to the dial tone.

"This better be the Batman."

"It is," Bruce responded. "Where is she?"

"Don't worry. She's fine. We're just hanging out. Aren't we, sweetheart?"

A muffled noise.

Bruce's vision went red.

It took all he could to not explode on the spot.

"What do you want?"

"I want 50 million, cash, from Bruce Wayne, for his beloved back."

"And from me?"

"From you, Batman. I want... silence."

The call ended.

Bruce turned to the officers, huddled around a computer.

They shook their heads. "Nothing."

Bruce turned back to Gordon.

"Any theories?"

Gordon shook his head.

"We gotta call Wayne." One of the officers said. "He's gotta give the money."

"No." Gordon refused.

"Fifty mill is pocket change for a guy like Bruce, Gordon. He's gotta do it. It's a drop in a bucket."

"It's not about the money," Gordon said. "It's about precedent. Wayne pays this guy fifty mill, then what? He pays the next guy 100 mill? 200? A billion?"

"You still gotta give him the option."

"I will." He looked up. "Where are you going?"

The Batman swung the office door open. He looked back. "Gonna get some leads."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I realize I haven't updated in so long, and I'm so sorry!! I thought I uploaded this chapter a few days ago, and I just realized I pressed save and not publish. Lol. Sorry. I've been busy with life. More chapters this week. I want to finish this really soon. - C

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