Fake Smile {The Fosters}

By coopsaadvice

17.7K 423 23

fake smiles. no one can see them from a mile away when you're faking a smile to pretend that your picture pe... More

Fake Smiles
Season One


766 29 3
By coopsaadvice


most of the school heard about blake miller giving his adhd pills to some people in his year which wasn't true since it was mariana who gave away her brother's add pills and not blake's adhd pills.

so when angela and madison heard about what blake did, the two best friends wanted to confront blake who they saw talking to jesus adams foster and corey darwin, "excuse us boys,"

madison moved the two males away from blake, stepping in front of blake who looked down at madison confused, "hey mads, angie, uh what's up?"

angela moved her bag more up her shoulder, "we heard," the miller boy furrowed his eyebrows, "heard about what?" blake played with his bagpack strap, "about you giving your adhd pills away,"

blake bit onto his bottom lip, "look, i—" he ram a hand through his hair, "what i did was stupid, and i am already grounded and not allowed to play lacrosse for two weeks," corey frowned, "you'll miss our first game back,"

blake nods his head, "it's my fault, i shouldn't of done it, and i'm facing the consequences, so can we not talk anymore about this," the group all nod their heads.

mariana felt bad for letting blake taking half of the blame alongside jesus for what she did, she hated how her mistake was making him miserable with missing his first lacrosse game back.


blake sits next to tayla who wrote loads down in her notebook whilst blake still sort of was on the first sentence, "lose your loss for words?" blake bounced his leg aganist the floor, "okay,"

timothy pats his student's arm coming around looking at his student's work seeing two of them not having anything on their piece of paper, "i see some of us are still wanting that inspiration,"

the miller boy licked his lips, "tell you what? why don't you, blake and wyatt come and see me after school today and we can see if we can get those juices flowing,"

blake and some of the students started to chuckle at their teacher's comment, "that's not what i meant," timothy looked at his students, "you're incorrigible, look it up,"

blake looked at his teacher, "every single one of you should know what that means," timothy started to walk to his desk, "okay, turn to page fourty five,"

blake did as his teacher said flipping through his textbook coming onto page fourty five of his textbook.


blake ran a hand through his brunette hair, "hey," he stopped when he sees his female best friend putting up posters, "uh shouldn't you be in class?"

mariana looked at her best friend, "we are, drama," blake held onto his bag strap following after her, "leslie wanted to make sure the posters went up today, so..."

blake played with his anxiety bracelet, "uh how'd you get out of iss?" mariana questioned her best friend, "oh, i told douglas that i had to take a break,"

mariana makes a face, "uh, i should probably head back—" blake starts to move away, "listen," blake stopped, "yeah?"

he closed his eyes hoping that she didn't realise that he liked lexi, "thank you so much, for what you did, telling my moms all that, you didn't have to do that,"

blake half smiled, "it's cool, i'd always do that, if it means you don't get in trouble," he smiled charmingly at her, "i just wanted to let you know how much i appreciate it,"

mariana smiled, "you really are the best guy friend—" blake bit his lip, feeling bad about having to hide his feelings for lexi behind mariana's back.

he comes out of the building coming towards the beach where he sees lexi sitting by herself near the water, he turned back around going straight back to the classroom.


"miller! miller! hey!"

blake walked slower so lexi could catch up to him, "so, what happened? douglas wouldn't even let you out to use the bathroom?"

lexi looked at blake who looked down to his shoes, "well, then what? i was sitting there for like half an hour," the male frowned, "i'm sorry bout that," lexi looked at him, "sorry 'bout that?"

"that's it?"

blake held onto his bagpack strap, "i don't— i don't think this is a good idea," lexi furrowed her eyebrows, "why not?" he held onto his bagpack strap again, "you know why—"

she nods her head, "cause of mariana? do you still have a crush on her? or do you honestly think that she's gonna care?"

blake looked at lexi, "i know she is, she told me and i-i uh don't still have a crush on her," he lied to lexi, "her male best friend and her best friend like each other, so? most people would see that as a good thing,"

he chuckled, "yeah, well, mariana wouldn't.." he walked away from lexi, "we're just gonna do whatever mariana wants?" lexi said loudly enough for blake to hear who walked away from her.


wyatt, callie and blake all sat in timothy's classroom with blake finally finishing his work with callie and wyatt continuing to tap their pens against their desks, "try using those to write with,"


the miller male stood up, "i'm finished," timothy nods his head as blake stands up grabbing his bagpack from underneath his desk taking his piece of paper putting it onto his teacher's desk, "so can i leave?"

timothy nods his head at blake, "alright, but don't let this happen again, blake," blake looked at his teacher nodding his head, "thank you,"

blake walked out of timothy's classroom running a hand through his hair seeing bella williams sitting alone, "hey,"

bella looked at blake who took a seat next to her, "are you alright?" bella nods her head at blake, "yea, just waiting for my dad to finish the lacrosse practice,"

blake frowned, he missed lacrosse but with his father's punishment for what he did, he couldn't even play in the game next week, "which is weird because you're not at it, why are you not there again?"

blake opened his mouth, "i uh did something and my dad said i can't do any extracurriculars that i like since it's my punishment," bella nods her head, "ahh, understandable,"

"do you want me to take you home?"

bella looked into his eyes, "you don't mind?" blake shook his head, "i don't, i know how long practice goes on for, i wouldn't want you to wait here for another hour or two,"

bella smiled looking at blake's charming smile, "okay," she takes blake's out stretched hand what mariana witnessed from the corner of the hallway watching the interaction between them.

blake wrapped an arm around bella's shoulder smiling charmingly at anyone who passed them, "is blake dating bella?"

mariana listened in to a conversation that she wasn't involved in hearing her best friend's name being brought up about him maybe dating bella williams, "no, he would never date his coach's daughter, everyone knows that,"

"true, true,"

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