Everything (Nothing) Keeps us...

By OrangeSunsets12

2.8K 81 45

Bruno Madrigal has had bad luck with making connections to people, much less finding someone who loved him. W... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Cassidy Lopez Art
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
New Cover!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

123 3 4
By OrangeSunsets12

NOTE: There has been a time skip from the previous chapter :)

Félix didn't really know what he should have expected when Bruno had asked if he and Agustín could meet him in his room to talk.

They were used to hanging out with Bruno, their brother-in-law hadn't changed much ever since they were younger. Even after all of the changes to the Madrigal household, Julieta marrying Agustín, Félix marrying Pepa, and two children on the way, Bruno hadn't changed all that much. He'd become a tiny bit more burdened by the responsibilities of adulthood, but he still had an energy about him that could make anyone smile. His clumsiness and awkwardness was still there, but his plays entertained them, no matter how childish they seemed.

Bruno still hadn't married Cassidy, but over the years the two have grown as close as ever. She had become more invested in helping out the town, painting murals on the walls of buildings, painting nurseries and other rooms that the townspeople requested. She had even painted the Casita's nursery, upon Alma's request. Bruno tried to help her when he could, but he didn't have much of an artistic talent, so he resorted to giving visions and telling stories.

Cassidy and Bruno would hang out every day, going on small adventures or just sitting by the stream and talking. They could read each other like a book, and there were no secrets kept between them. One look would show that the two were madly in love, and nothing could change that.

Nothing was wrong, was there? Everything was going perfectly in all of their lives, so why would Bruno want to talk to them?

Félix stepped up some of the stairs to Bruno's door, knocking on the wood with a strong fist.

"Do you have any clue why he wants to see us, Félix?" Agustín asked, and the shorter man shrugged.

"Nope. It seems strange, he should know that he doesn't need to ask to talk to us."

Agustín nodded, watching as the door in front of them opened slowly. Bruno's head popped out, the curls in his hair bouncier than usual, and he gestured for them to come in. They did, and Bruno shut the door quickly.

After the three of them passed into the wide room, Bruno picked up a rat from a chair and began petting her.

"Bruno?" Agustín asked softly. "Do you need something?"

"I don't know what to do." Bruno whispered, and Félix stepped closer, concerned.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Bruno nodded. "I...I don't really want Julieta or Pepa to know yet".

Félix nodded. "Alright, we won't tell them." Unless it's serious. He thought, and Agustín glanced at him, as if he was thinking the same thing.

Bruno let out a sigh of relief, sitting into the sand with a huff. Agustín and Félix sat down, mirroring him, but took their time. Whenever Bruno got like this, they knew that it was best for them to take things slow.

"I want to ask Cassidy to marry me." Bruno said, and Félix broke into a smile.

"That's amazing! Have you gotten a ring yet?" He asked, and Bruno dug into his pocket, revealing a small box.

"I...I did, but...but what if she says no?"

Agustín shook his head. "She wouldn't say no, Bruno, she loves you. You've been together for years, if she didn't love you she would've left a long time ago."

"I know, but still! What if she's not ready, what if I mess it up?" Bruno got to his feet and brushed the sand from his ruana, pacing. "What if....what if Mama doesn't want me to?"

Félix and Agustín shared a knowing look. They knew that Alma didn't enjoy Cassidy being in love with Bruno, and was only putting up with it because she saw how Cassidy helped Bruno deal with his fear and nervousness. But, they knew that Cassidy was more than that to Bruno. They were meant to be together. They were in love.

"We'll talk to your mother, Bruno." Agustín said. "But, I promise you, there's nothing to be afraid of. When I proposed to Julieta I was scared, but it turned out okay. This will turn out okay, too."

Félix nodded. "And, we'll help you with whatever you need, bro."

Bruno managed to calm down a bit at the words, but he still looked at the box in his hand worriedly.

"I just really want to marry her. I can't...I can't lose her."

"I'm sure she feels the same way." Agustín replied, getting to his feet. Félix followed suit, and he gestured to the box.

"Do you think she'll like that one?"

Bruno stiffened. "I...I think so?"

Agustín patted him on the back, leading him to the door. "She'll love it. And, Bruno, hold tight until we can talk to Alma. We won't tell a soul."

" It's just so...scary, you know?"

Félix grinned. "We know. We've lived through it, but we'll be here every step of the way. Every victory, or every defeat."

Bruno didn't need to voice his gratitude, his beaming smile was enough.



Agustín crossed his hands, trying to show the older woman, his now mother-in-law, that he wasn't backing down.

"It's been years. They love each other, why wouldn't you let them get married?"

Alma turned to the window of her room, pressing her hands tightly against the windowsill where the candle sat.

"Must I give reasons? I'm his mother, Agustín, and I don't think it's a good idea."

"But why? She makes him happy, and it's only fair that they get to be together."

"She is not fit to be a mother, she doesn't have much to contribute, and she doesn't belong among us."

"I don't have a gift. Félix doesn't have a gift. Yet, you let us marry your daughters." Agustín argued. "Why did you do that?"

Alma sighed, turning back to him. "You and Félix had something to offer. She doesn't. And, I told Bruno that they could be together, but I didn't promise that they could get married."

Félix, who had let Agustín do the talking, spoke up.

"Bruno really wants this. He really loves her, anyone can see that. Would you just think about it?"

"Fine. I'll consider it."

The two men left the room, and made their way to the kitchen, Félix's usually bright attitude diminished.

"What should we tell him? If they can't get married..."

Agustín nodded. "I know. But, there's not much we can do now." He waited a minute before speaking up again. "Was I too harsh, Félix?"

Félix shook his head. "Nah, man, you weren't. She just refuses to listen."

"Who refuses to listen?"

Julieta looked in their direction with a smile, her hair up in a messy bun. She was holding a pan of baked goods in her hands, the smells wafting through the room.

"Julieta! You should be resting."

She laughed. "I'm pregnant, Agustín, not deathly ill."

Félix watched the two of them with a small smile. "I should probably go check on Pepa, too, just in case she needs something."

"I think she's in her room."

Félix gave her a quick nod and left, grabbing an arepa on his way out.

Julieta set down the food and wiped her forehead free of sweat.

"So, who were you two talking about earlier?"

Agustín adjusted his glasses and leaned against the counter. "You're mother, actually."

She sighed. "What's going on now? Please tell me she's not upset that you broke her vase the other day."

"No, I think she knows that I tripped and that it was an accident. Félix and I are...trying to convince her of something."

Julieta hummed. "She's not wanting to listen to you?"

"No. I do care for your mother, she's a great person, but sometimes..."

"She can't see beyond her own vision of the world?' She asked, her eyebrow raised. Agustín nodded. "Do you want me to talk to her?"

He shook his head. "No. This is something for a friend, and he doesn't want everyone to know what it's about."

"Alright. Well, if he eventually does want me to know, I'd be happy to help."

Agustín took her hand and kissed it gently. "I know, and that's what I love about you."

She chuckled. "And I love that about you too."


Alma was late for supper that night, and Bruno didn't even show up. Agustín and Félix shared a glance, concerned. Was it a coincidence that Bruno wasn't down here the same day that they had asked Alma to allow him to marry Cassidy? Was something wrong?

"Sorry that I'm late, mi familia." Alma said, taking her seat. "There were a couple things that I had to discuss with Bruno."

Julieta frowned. "Is everything okay?"

"It will be, but Bruno might have a hard time over the next couple of days."

A cloud formed over Pepa as she sighed. "I can't deal with that right now. It's hard enough with the baby on the way."

"Babies. Remember, you're not the only one expecting." Julieta said. "But, I'm sure we could help him."

"We can, too." Agustín said, and Félix nodded.

"Of course."

Alma's mouth formed into a thin line, and she turned to her food.

"Should I ask Cassidy to come over?" Pepa offered, "I'm sure she could help."

"No. He and Cassidy...will not be seeing each other."

"What? What...what happened?"

Rain began falling on Pepa, and her husband rushed to comfort her, whispering small assurances to her. She ran her hands through her hair, sadness and anger reflected in her eyes. Julieta looked shocked, her eyes wide, and she stared down at her plate. Agustín wrapped his arm around her, but he turned to Alma, his free hand fisted as he tried to contain how upset he was.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him that he and Cassidy couldn't be together anymore. He's going to break up with her in the morning."

"He bought a ring for her! He wants to marry her, and you're forcing them to break up?"

Alma set down her fork. "It wasn't an easy decision, Agustín, but it's the right thing to do for our family. Cassidy doesn't belong here."

"If it was a hard decision, maybe it's the wrong one."

"Maybe you should be less worried about Bruno and be more worried about our family! You're going to be a father soon, and it seems like you're completely ignoring that! We want what's best for the children. You should too."

Agustín didn't know what to say to that. He turned back to his wife, who had silent tears falling down her cheeks, and rubbed her back comfortingly.

They didn't even realize when Alma left the table, her food discarded, until minutes later, as they were all too upset to notice everything outside of the embrace of comfort.

Rain poured stadily on Pepa as she tried to contain her sobs, mutters of clear skies, clear skies breaking through the silence.

"They...they're perfect for each other." Julieta said softly, and Agustín nodded.

"I know. I can't believe..."

"We told him it was going to be okay." Félix said. "How are we supposed to see him now? Everything's ruined."

"You knew?" She yelled, and Félix held his hands up in surrender.

"He asked us for help!"

Julieta looked to her husband for confirmation.

"Yes. Bruno told us that he was going to propose, but he was really scared." Agustín exclaimed. "He was afraid that Cassidy would reject him, which we told him that she wouldn't, and also if your mother would approve. We agreed to talk to her for him."

"Some help that was!" Pepa's cloud was thundering, but Félix knew that he couldn't help her.

"But, they tried their best. It's no one's fault but hers." Julieta said, trying to calm down her sister.

It didn't work, and Pepa jumped up from her seat and stormed to her room, literally. Félix ran after her, and Agustín set his head down on the table.

"I'm sorry, this all went wrong..."

Julieta kissed his forehead, ridding the tears from her own face. "It's not your fault. Maybe we can convince her otherwise."


The two of them sat in silence until Julieta got up and started to clear off the table, most of the food uneaten. Agustín rushed to help his wife, but none of them said anything, knowing that this would destroy Bruno, the small man already wracked with anxieties and worry. He loved Cassidy. He wanted to marry her. And now he had to break up with her.

After supper had been cleaned up, Agustín made his way to Bruno's room, climbing the stairs and knocking on the door. No answer. He waited a moment and knocked again.

"Bruno? Can I come in?" He asked, but he was met with silence. "Bruno, I'm sorry, I know how badly you wanted her...but we can fix this. We have to try. Please just let me in."

He felt Julieta touch his shoulder from behind him, and he hoped that Bruno would at least listen to his sister.

"Bruno?" Julieta said, her voice gentle. "I know how much you must be hurting, and I want to help you. Please open the door, don't shut us out."

The door remained closed, and they both knew that there was nothing that they could do to make this better. 

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