His Melody

By IsabellaSlately28

721K 13.7K 2.1K

"Uh, uh, uh, none of that. What have we talked about, hm? You're safe, yes?" I reiterate and kiss the top of... More

Chapter One - Where Love Lies
Chapter Two - "Surprise, Sweet Girl"
Chapter Three - Hangovers Hurt
Chapter Four - Fuck and Make Up
Chapter Five - Touches and Tingles
Chapter Six - Stirring Up Trouble
Chapter Seven - Mr Prince Charming
Chapter Eight - Aftercare
Chapter Nine - Forever Marks
Chapter 11 - The Devil's Home
Chapter 12 - Mr Piss-your-pants Scary
Chapter 13 - Blissful Apologies
Chapter 14 - Forever in Italy
Chapter 15 - Fights, Flights and Fanny Flutters
Chapter 16 - Drama is Brewing
Chapter 17 - Jackass Frost
Chapter 18 - Family Fairytales
Chapter 19 - "Mr Romano"
Chapter 20 - Chef's Kiss
Chapter 21 - 'My Brave Girl'
Chapter 22 - Hopeless Wishes
Chapter 23 - His Lucky Penny
Chapter 24 - Unveiling of Emotion
Chapter 25 - The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 26 - Nothing to Discuss
Chapter 27 - 'Middlemarch'

Chapter Ten - A Turn for the Worst

22.6K 438 70
By IsabellaSlately28

(I thought I'd try writing in first person as you guys suggested so let me know what you think. Enjoy!)

Melody's POV:


"Leo, do you have to go?" I complain for the gazillionth time within the past twenty minutes. To be honest with you, I don't know what goes through this man's head sometimes. Genuinely, I do occasionally wonder if he is chronically insane... I mean, he has to understand by now that I should not be simply abandoned for work of all things. I mean, who am I going to force into painting my nails for me, and who is going to help me reach the top cabinet so I can fill up on chocolate and not eat my dinner... oh my god... who's going to cook for me? What an utter disaster. That's it, he must be chronically insane. He's leaving me to die. I'm going to burn down the kitchen and die.

"Baby, it's only two weeks. I'll be back before you know it." He tried to reassure me - key word is tried. Contrasting to his beliefs I'm not stupid. I know the symptoms of a heart attack: chest pain, anxiety, shortness of breath... I mean I can demonstrate them all for you right now. Never mind, I'm being dramatic - I'm not going to die in a house fire, I'm going to die from a heart attack. Yep. Leonardo better be sorry because any second now he's going to watch me collapse on the floor and die. Any second now...

"Look, sweetheart, you can contact me anytime you want and you'll have Kai to keep you company too. I'm only a phone call away, okay?" Truthfully, the idea of being able to call him whenever lessened my nerves slightly. Oh, but what a stupid mistake he has made, now he has given me permission to contact him whenever I want. I'll just call him and never hang up. What an idiot.

"Fine." I agree, begrudgingly. "You promise this trip isn't putting you in any danger?" I asked, needing the reassurance even though he has answered numerous times before. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as he merely chuckled at my repetitive question. "I'm serious Leo. Promise me you'll come back to me unharmed." I raised my eyebrows in challenge and he must have noticed the sincere concern undoubtedly plastered across my face as his features notably soften.

The butterflies I am all so familiar with dance in my stomach as my Leo pulls me impossibly close to him by the waist and cups my cheek as his thumb rubs soothingly over my skin. Gently, he touches me as if I could break. To be honest with you, in this moment I might. "Melody, I promise you, I'll be okay. As long as I know that you are in my home and safe I will be fine."

Like the absolute wuss I am, I feel my eyes pool with salty tears at his words and I can only nod sullenly. "I love you, okay? Be safe and don't forget to have fun," I advise him, fighting the sobs rising up in my throat at his nearing departure.

"I love you more, baby. I'll see you in two weeks." I felt his soft lips brush over mine in a tingly kiss before he pecked my nose then both my eyelids then all across the crown of my head. Naturally. I giggle at his playfulness and move to mould my lips with his one last time. "You're going to be a good girl for me whilst I'm gone, aren't you? You're not going to do anything stupid, yes?"

I rolled my eyes at his patronising tone - like I could do anything stupid, I'm too cool for that. He glared at my lack of reply and I recoiled ever so slightly. Okay Mr Piss Your Pants Scary.
"Yes, yes whatever you say," I tease.

"Melody..." he warned, dangerously.
Oh, there's the fanny flutters. "I am not joking. If I find out you've done otherwise then I can promise you now, you won't like the consequences." Okay, but are we sure I won't like them though?

"Okay, fine. I won't do anything stupid... as long as you follow that rule as well!" I negotiate.

"Yes love, of course." He shook his head in amusement and pulled me into an almost suffocating hug.

"I'm going to miss you." I mutter, vulnerably and try to take in as much of his familiar scent as possible as I burrow into his chest.

"I know, sweet girl. I will miss you more." His voice was sincere and I only clutch onto him harder.

"Mr Romano, your car is ready," one of Leo's goons inform him and before I could stop myself I was sending a hateful glare towards the oblivious man. Leo seemed to notice because he chuckled at my expression.

"Bye, baby." His voice sounded strained as he mumbled against my hair. Before he finally released me he appeared to have an internal battle with himself, he looked reluctant to let go and even more frustrated than normal as he paced towards the door.

"Bye Leo." I whisper as hot tears slowly cascade down my skin. I noticed how firmly he gripped the door knob as he turned back towards me. I could tell he didn't want to leave me and god did I want to yell agreements to his concern.
I don't want you to leave me either. Nonetheless, like the incredibly amazing girlfriend I am I sent him a forced smile and nodded my head a little in encouragement. Go on and leave me...but only for two weeks. Despite his attempts to match my smile, he ultimately fails but I still applaud him for his efforts. This is hard. I watched his eyes roam my figure one last time, analysing every detail, before he stormed out the house and slammed the door shut.

The house fell into an eery quietness and I shivered a little at the atmosphere. It reminded me of my time spent living with my Mother; all too lonely. With Leonardo's usual presence filling every room he enters I had previously failed to notice the overly large size of the building. It seemed empty; cold, and I couldn't help but shrink into myself.
This was going to be a long two weeks.


"Boop." I giggle as I retract my pointer finger from Kai's nose before moving to prod it again. "Boop." I continued the action, hoping to annoy the stubborn man into paying attention to me instead of his laptop. Devious, I know.

It was actually Leo who suggested I go hang out at Kai's house for a while although he did specifically demand that I let one of his goons drive me as I apparently I "should not be allowed behind a wheel of a vehicle, ever".
Don't get me wrong, I can drive in the sense that I have a license but one could argue that I can't drive in the sense that I shouldn't have a licence. Anyway, of course I didn't abide by that suggestion, I might as well at least have some fun whilst he's away.
He's a very dramatic man my Leo.

Just as I move to prod Kai's nose again my finger is clasped in his palm. "Can I help you?" He finally reacts and I refrain from jumping with joy.

"Why yes, yes you can. I was thinking we go out somewhere fun. You know, do some one-on-one best friend bonding." I wink at him and smile at his melodious laugh.

"Where are you wanting to go then, sunshine?" He inquires as he leans back in his chair away from his laptop.

"I don't know... um... we could go to the beach or we could go bowling or window shopping or skating or-", before I can finish I am rudely interrupted.

"And Leonardo's okay with you going out places?" he asks and I can't help but roll my eyes at his question. Why exactly do I need his permission?

"Yup." I lie, my eyes darting around the room anxiously as I roll on the balls of my feet. He raises his eyebrow at me, knowingly, and the truth flies out of my mouth before I can stop it. Damn my good morals. "Okay technically no... but he can't expect me to do nothing for the entirety of his trip. I get bored you know!"

A few painfully slow seconds go by whilst I await his response before I release a happy sigh at his words. "Fine. Just do me a favor and don't tell him, for both our sakes, okay?"

"Deal!" I all but squeal as I jump on him and pull him into a hug. "Eeek! This is so exciting. Where do you want to go?"

"Well, bowling does sound like the least godawful option from your listing", he joked and I grinned at his choice.

"Perfect! I love bowling. You better be prepared to get your ass beat though because I'm like incredibly talented", I brag and giggle as he playfully hits my arm. "Can we invite Nyla and Dylan too?" I suggest, hoping to turn our little expedition into a group gathering.

"We might as well, and anyway you'll need someone to cry to when I thrash you at bowling," he teased to which I feign outage and quickly hit him back.

"In your dreams old man," I snigger before turning to prance out the room. "You call the other two and I'll start the car." I decide with an unusual finality to my tone.

"What? No way. You're not driving!" He yells a protest and I only laugh at the sheer terror evident in his voice.
Men are so dramatic.

"Sorry! Can't hear you! Already out the door!" I scream a reply before grabbing my keys and sprinting towards my car.


"Eat fucking dust, loser!" Dylan childishly bragged to an annoyed looking Kai as the electronic leader board congratulated him on another spare.

"Shut the fuck up. You got lucky." Kai grumbled and I couldn't fight my laughter as I watched the 6'5 man angrily cross his arms as his lips pulled into a pout.
He's too cute.

"Would you both stop your bickering. Everyone's staring, you know! God, I don't even know why I came along, you two are annoying as fuck." Nyla complained and my laughter deepened as she shot daggers at the two competitive men.

"You are so right Nyla. I don't know why you came along either, nobody even wants you here," Dylan teased and I noticed how Kai smirked as he watched Nyla immediately spring into attack mode as she began repeatedly punching him on the chest.

"You asshole!" She cried as she continued her assault and my eyes widened as I watched her pick up a bowling ball only to aim it at Dylan's head.

"Wow, wow, wow. Guys calm down. Nyla, Dylan's only joking, of course we want you here." I try to diffuse the situation as I envision having to take Dylan to the ER.

"Yeah, I'm only joking. Calm your tits woman," Dylan huffed but I didn't miss the twang of nervousness that graced his features as Nyla remained holding the heavy object.

"Nyla, put the fucking ball down and Dylan stop being such a dick." Kai demanded and I gasped slightly as Nyla immediately obeyed and Dylan nodded in agreement. How come they listen when he says it? "I've just about had enough of this shithole. How about we go get some drinks? I think I saw a bar next door," he suggested and I smiled at the solution.
My little diplomat.

"You're only saying that because you're losing," Dylan snickered. He wasn't wrong, to my surprise, Kai was losing dramatically. If you ask me, he lacked the angling that Dylan had as he would carelessly throw the bowling ball with a force I could not wield. I guess power isn't everything. Much to my frustration, I placed next on the leader board. I concluded that the damn thing must be broken. Above me was Nyla's name and triumphantly positioned at the top was Dylan's.
Yup, definitely broken.

"Shut up and let's go." He grumbled before waltzing towards the exit of the bowling ally. Happily, I skipped behind as Dylan and Nyla followed, discretely shoving each other a little as they walked.

We quickly reached the bar and were currently waiting to be seated at a table. I watched as a young women with striking red hair pranced towards us and her mouth notably dropped slightly as she laid her eyes on an impatient looking Kai. "Hi! I'm Chloe and I will be your waitress for this evening. How can I help you?" She politely questioned and I smiled at her warm tone.

"Table for three." Kai grumbled and I lightly elbowed him in the stomach at his lack of manners.

"Oi!" Dylan protested as he noticed Kai had forgotten a person in his answer.

"Fine," Kai rolled his eyes, "table for four."

"Of course, follow me please," Chloe awkwardly laughed before moving towards a free table. My eyes roamed the busy bar and I shifted uncomfortably as I noted the intrusive eyes that scanned my figure. It's times like this that I really miss Leo. "Okay, you're all set, just wave me over if you need anything!" She grinned, and gave a final glance to Kai before moving to serve another table.

"Stupid waitress forgot to give us menus", Dylan complained and I went to scold him for his wording but Nyla beat me to it.

"She seems nice and is clearly busy, quit your whining and go get them yourself. Lazy ass." She spat and I chuckled a little at her final remark.

"Fine." Dylan glared back at her and angrily stood up on an endeavor to retrieve menus.

"I better go with him, he's hopeless on his own", Nyla sighed and reluctantly followed the pissed off man. Kai rolled his eyes at their relationship.
They were truly a funny pair.

"I'll go get some drinks from the bar. You alright on your own princess?" He inquired and I smiled at his concern.

"Yep, I'm all good. Thanks for asking." I beamed to which he nodded his head and moved away from the table; effectively leaving me on my lonesome.

As I further scanned my surroundings I noticed the rather large television that was positioned near the bar. It was switched onto the news channel and I internally groaned at that but remained with my attention on the screen nonetheless. The programme was muted and I tried my best to strain my eyes to make out the subtitles that accompanied it. I laughed a little to myself as I realized that the news lady was coincidentally talking about a place that I knew was in close range of where my Leo currently was staying at. I made a mental note to inform him about it later. However, my smile quickly dissipated as pictures of a wrecked building came to view and the words 'mass shooting' and 'casualties' lit up the screen. No. It's just a coincidence, this stuff happens all the time. I reassure my anxiety but cannot deny my subconscious warning me that this was too much of a coincidence. As the next video came onto the screen my heart shattered and the feeling of nausea crept up on me. It was a picture of one of Leonardo's goons, pressed against a police car as a multiple policemen struggled to restrain him. No.

The vibrations my phone made against the wooden table made me flinch and I shakily answered the phone on instinct - too in shock to do any different.
"Hey baby, what you up to?" Leonardo's calm voice filled my ears. I felt sick.
"Melody? You okay?" He continued as I remained silent. Frozen.

"I saw the news." I whisper and I wondered if he had not heard me until I heard his heavy breathing down the other end of the phone.

"I can explain." His words confirmed my worries. No, no, no, no, no.

"How could you?" I mutter in shock. Salty tears stream down my face and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Sweetheart, please calm down. I did what I had to do...for work. Let's just talk about this, please baby", he wore a dark tone and I could only scoff at his explanation as reality crashed into me like a bus.

"How. Fucking. Dare. You." I hissed, as my brain acknowledged the pain he has undoubtedly caused people.
Pain follows him everywhere.

"Little girl, you better watch your godamn language around me," he demanded with an obvious threat lying within his words.

"Don't try to belittle me. You've been gone one day and look at the damage you have already caused. You are in no position to tell me what to do," I argue as I move to collect my things and stand up from the table.

I assume Leonardo must have heard me shuffling around as his anger seemed to deepen. "Sit back down Melody. Don't even bother trying to leave that house, it's late and my men already know not to let you leave the perimeter of the garden at night." I should've known he had people watching the house. Overprotective ass.

"Jokes on you, I'm not at home," I seethe and eye my surroundings before swiftly moving away from the table; not wanting to draw any attention to myself.

"Don't you dare do anything stupid Melody. Tell me where the fuck you are." Leonardo all but commanded and I grimaced at the venom lacing his tone.

"And what are you going to do if I don't. Huh? Oh yeah, you can't do anything because thanks to your priority list, you're a thousand fucking miles away." I sneer and hang up the phone before making my way out of the bar.
In that moment, I needed to be anywhere else.


This chapter isn't yet edited but I wanted to post. Let me know what you think in the comments and please feel free to leave any suggestions!

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