the suicide

By briannarozinski

152 7 0


at school
The bloody mess in the bathroom
angels dad
when everyone findes out
angels note
joshes note

1 year later

10 1 0
By briannarozinski

(? p.o.v)

it has been 1 year and i cant forget her scream out of my head. my family is considering sending me to a crazy place. i should not have done that to angel. just thinking of her in want to die. at school after angel in total 15 deaths. some of them helped me with what i did to her.

as i am finishing the note to my family i grab the rope and put it on. i hold the note and take my last breath of air as shed my last tear as i am getting ready to let go i look out my window i see all the happy little kids playing. i am dead before i know it.

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