In a Crowd of Thousands

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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On the most tragic night of her life, Anastasia, while on the run, gets sent to another land. And then anoth... More

Aesthetics and Playlist
The Escape
Book Two


64 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


In a small castle in the forest, a group was strategizing around a large map on a table. The group was made up of Maurice, Belle, Gaston and several knights. A knight entered the war room to deliver news.

"Sir, there's news from the battlefield," the knight informed. "Avonlea has fallen."

"My gods," Maurice stated.

"If only he had come," Gaston said.

"Well, he didn't, did he? Ogres are not men."

"We have to do something. We have to stop them."

"They are unstoppable."

"He could be on his way right now, Papa," Belle warned.

"It's too late, my girl. It's just too late." There was a loud banging at the door.

"It's him. It has to be him."

"How could he get past the walls? Open it." Two knights removed the board blocking the door, and opened it. They looked out, but saw no one there.

"Well, that was a bit of a letdown," Rumpelstiltskin said, appearing behind them, sitting in a chair. "You sent me a message. Something about, um, 'Help, help! We're dying! Can you save us?' Now, the answer is – yes, I can. Yes, I can protect your little town. For a price."

"We sent you a promise of gold," Maurice told him.

"Ah... No. You see, um... I, uh, make gold. What I want is something a bit more special. My price... is her." Rumpelstiltskin pointed to Belle.


"The young lady is engaged to me," Gaston said.

"I wasn't asking if she was engaged. I'm not looking for 'love' – I'm looking for a caretaker for my rather large estate. It's her, or no deal."

"Get out. Leave!" Maurice ordered.

"As you wish." Rumpelstiltskin headed for the door, but stopped when Belle yelled out to him.

"No, wait," Belle called, approaching Rumpelstiltskin. "I will go with him."

"I forbid it!" Gaston protested.

"No..." Maurice trailed.

"No one decides my fate but me. I shall go," Belle told them.

"It's forever, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"My family, my friends – they will all live?"

"You have my word."

"Then, you have mine. I will go with you forever."


"Belle. Belle, you cannot do this. Belle, please. You can't go with this... beast," Maurice told her. Rumpelstiltskin feigned offense.

"Father. Gaston. It's been decided."

"You know – she's right," Rumpelstiltskin said. "The deal is struck. Oh! Congratulations on your little war."


Mr. French was unloading flowers from his delivery van. Mr. Gold and another man were watching him from the sidewalk.

"Well, this is just perfect," Mr. Gold said. "I've been looking for you, Mr. French."

"I'll have your money next week," Mr. French assured.

"The terms of the loan were fairly specific. Take the van."

The man with Mr. Gold got into the drivers seat.

"Wait!" Mr French cried. "No! Tomorrow's Valentine's Day. It's the biggest day of... I've got a grand of roses n the back!" Mr. Gold's lackey started the van. "Stop! You've to to let me sell them."

"I'm going to leave you two to continue this conversation," Mr. Gold decided.

"Oh, this is no way to do business, Gold. You are the lowest! People aren't going to put up with this!" He attempted to block the van, but was unsuccessful and van drove off.

Mr. Gold crossed the street and ran into Regina, who was watching before she said, "Mr. Gold. That was quite a show back there."

"Well, Mr. French is just having a bad day -- happens to the best of us," Mr. Gold replied.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

"Yeah. And the moment you have something I want to discuss, we'll have that little chat."

"No, we're going to do this now. It'll only take a moment."

"Is there something eating you, dear? Something you need to get out in the open? 'Cause it's going to have to wait. Please."

Regina backed down and Mr. Gold walked past her.


Mary Margaret and David were at Granny's Diner, but were sitting at separate tables. David was reading a book while Mary Margaret drank coffee.

"Oh, you got the book," Mary Margaret said.

David nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I just started it. It's great. Can't wait to see how it ends."

Ruby came over to refill Mary Margaret's coffee. "Uh, I can push the tables together if you guys-"

Mary Margaret shook her head. "Oh, no. We're not together."

"No," David said. "No, that's-"

Ruby left and Emma and Anya entered, sitting across from Mary Margaret. "Hello, David."


"Mary Margaret. So. How's your day going?" Emma asked.

"Henry's fine," Mary Margaret said.

"That's not what I asked you. ...You sure?"

"Really -- he's his normal self. Regina won't keep you separated forever. When people are supposed to be together, they find a way."

"Yeah. So, he's his normal self? He's fine? He's happy?"

"Yes. No! He misses you -- a lot. Trust me -- I'm with him, like, six hours a day."

Anya shook her head. "No, he isn't okay. He's acting like he is to make everyone think so, but he isn't"

Ashley entered the diner with her baby. She handed her to Granny and joined Mary Margaret and Emma at their table.

"Six hours?" Ashley repeated. "You take newborns? 'Cause I'd love six hours off."

"Ashley!" Mary Margaret exclaimed. "I didn't... I didn't even recognize you."

"Baby on the outside?"

Emma and Anya smiled. "How's it going?"

"It's, uh... It's, uh... I mean, baby's great, but we really haven't had time to do the whole getting married thing. So, that's been rough. And Sean's been working double shifts at the cannery."

"Well, he has to work," Mary Margaret reasoned.

Ruby came over to give Ashley her coffee.

Ashley frowned. "On Valentine's Day? Yeah. He couldn't get out of it."

"I'm sorry. That sucks," Emma said.

Ruby shook her head. "It doesn't have to. Come out with me. Let's have a girl's night. We can all go. Mary Margaret -- Emma, Anya, too. If you leave the badge at home."

Anya smiled and nodded. "I think that'd be fun."

"I'm not really in the party mood, but you guys can all go and have fun." Emma's phone vibrated.

"What's that?" Mary Margaret wondered.

"It's the station -- something's up."


Mr. Gold walked up the walkway to the front door of his house and saw the door ajar. He pushed it open and entered the house. He drew his gun and moved further into the house. The floor creaked behind him. When he turned, he saw Emma with her gun drawn and pointed it at him.

"Sheriff Swan," Mr. Gold greeted.

"Your neighbor saw your front door open -- they called it in," Emma explained.

"It appears I've been robbed."

"Funny how that keeps happening to you."

"Yeah, well, I'm a difficult man to love."


Rumpelstiltskin and Belle entered Rumpelstiltskin's estate. They walked through the dining room, then walked down to the dungeons.

"Uh, where... Where are you taking me?" Belle asked.

"Let's call it your room," Rumpelstiltskin replied as they arrived at a cell door.

"My room? Rumpelstiltskin: Well, it sounds a lot nicer than dungeon." Rumpelstiltskin pushed her into the cell and locked her in there. He walked away as she pounded on the door. "You can't just leave me in here! Hello? Hello?"


Rumpelstiltskin and Belle were in the dining room. He sat at the head of the table as she poured tea and said, "You will serve me my meals, and you will clean the Dark Castle."

"I-I understand," Belle stated.

"You will dust my collection and launder my clothing."


"You will fetch me fresh straw when I'm spinning at the wheel."

"Got it."

"Oh! And you will skin the children I hunt for their pelts." Belle dropped the cup of tea onto the floor. "That one was a quip – not serious."

"Right." She knelt to pick up the cup. When she held it up, there was a chip missing on the edge. "I'm, uh... I'm so sorry, but, uh... It's... It's chipped. Y-You can hardly see it."

"Well, it's just a cup."


After a moment, Mr. Gold said, "Sheriff Swan, you can go now. I know exactly what was taken and who did it. I've got it from here."

Emma shook her head. "No, you don't. This was a robbery -- a public menace. And if you don't tell me what you know, my I'll have to arrest you for obstruction of justice. I have a feeling you don't want to be behind bars."

"Indeed not. All right, his name's Moe French. He sells flowers. He recently defaulted on a loan. A short time ago, we had a little disagreement over collateral."

"Okay. I'll go get him -- check him out."

"I'm sure you will -- assuming I don't find him... Let's just say, bad things tend to happen to bad people."

"Is that a threat?"

"Observation. Good luck."

Emma left Mr. Gold's house.


Belle was standing on a ladder trying to pull open the curtains. Rumpelstiltskin was on the ground next to her spinning straw.

"Why do you spin so much?" Belle asked, causing him to pause and look at her. "Sorry. It's just... You've spun straw into more gold than you could ever spend."

"I like to watch the wheel – helps me forget," Rumpelstiltskin answered.

"Forget what?"

"I guess it worked." They both laughed. Rumpelstiltskin got up and walked over to Belle. "What are you doing?"

"Opening these. It's almost spring – we should let some light in." She tugged on the curtains again. "What did you do? Nail them down?"


Belle tried pulling the curtains again, except this time, she pulled them entirely off the rod. She fell, but Rumpelstiltskin caught her. "Thank you." He set her down. "Thank you."

"It's no matter."

"I'll, uh, put the curtains back up."

"Ah, there's no need. I'll get used to it."


Later, at the station, Emma pulled back a sheet, revealing several items on her desk to Mr. Gold.

"You're welcome," Emma said. "You were right -- your man Moe ripped you off. It was all still at his place."

"And the man himself?" Mr. Gold questioned.

"Closing in on him."

"So, job well 'half-done', then."

"In less than a day, I got everything back. Is something wrong?"

"You've recovered nothing. There's something missing." He went to leave.

"We'll get it when I find him."

"Not if I find him first."


Belle and Rumpelstiltskin were sitting on the table in Rumpelstiltskin's dining room.

"Why did you want me here?" Belle asked.

"The place was filthy," Rumpelstiltskin replied.

"I think you were lonely. I mean, any man would be lonely."

"I'm not a man."

"So, I've had, uh, a couple of months to look around, you know. And, uh... Upstairs there's, uh, clothing – small, as if for a... A child? Was it yours, or... Or was there a son?"

"There was. There was a son. I lost him – as I did his mother."

"I'm... I'm sorry. So you... You were a man, once. An ordinary man. If I'm never going to know another person in my whole life, can't I at least know you?"

"Perhaps... Perhaps you just want to learn the monster's weaknesses."

"You're not a monster. You think you're uglier than you are. That's why you cover all the mirrors up, isn't it? Hm?"

There was a knock at the door. Rumpelstiltskin answered it, and saw Gaston standing there with his sword drawn.

"I am Sir Gaston. And you, beast, have taken-" Gaston was cut off as Rumpelstiltskin snapped his fingers, turning Gaston into a rose in a puff of smoke. He returned to Belle with the rose.

"Who was that?" Belle questioned.

"Just an old woman selling flowers. Here – if you'll have it." He handed Belle the rose.

"Why, thank you."

Rumpelstiltskin sat down as she searched for a vase. "You had a life, Belle. Before... this. Friends. Family. What made you choose to come here with me?"

"Heroism. Sacrifice. You know, there aren't a lot of opportunities for women in this land to... To show what they can do. To see the world, to be heroes. So, when you arrived, that was my chance. I always wanted to be brave. I figured, do the brave thing, and bravery would follow."

"And is it everything you hoped?"

"Well, uh... I did want to see the world. That part didn't really work out. But, uh... I did save my village."

"And what about your, uh, betrothed?"

"It was an arranged marriage. Honestly, I never really cared much for Gaston. You know, to me, love is... Love is layered. Love is a... A mystery to be uncovered. Yeah, I could never truly give my heart to someone as superficial as he. But, um, you were going to tell me about your son."

"I'll tell you what – I'll make you a deal. Go to town and fetch me some straw. When you return, I'll share my tale."

"But... Town? You... You trust me to come back?"

"Oh, no. I expect I'll never see you again."


At the bar, Mary Margaret, Ruby, Anya and Ashley were drinking at a table.

"Pace yourself, Ashley," Mary Margaret warned.

"I am!" Ashley exclaimed. "This is the first night out since I've had the baby -- I am making up for lost time."

"Ooh, Ash -- check out those guys," Ruby said, pointing to a group of guys standing by the bar.

"Oh, honey, I'm still with Sean."

"You're not married, and he's not here."

"He's working."

"He's always working. Have fun moping." She went over to talk to the guys, leaving Ashley, Anya and Mary Margaret alone.

"She's right -- he is always working. I thought love would be different."

Mary Margaret nodded. "Me too."

Anya shrugged, thinking of a man who infuriated her, yet knotted her stomach at the thought of him. "There might be someone..."

Mary Margaret turned to her. "You're talking about Dmitry, aren't you? I've seen how you look at him."

"How is it that I look at him?"

"Love is unmistakable."

"I don't love Dmitry."

"Maybe you do and you just don't know it yet."


David looked through the display of valentines at Mr. Clark's convenience store. He picked two and headed to the line to pay, where Mr. Gold was waiting.

"Two valentines -- sounds like a complicated life," Mr. Gold commented.

"Oh, no," David replied. "I... I just couldn't decide."

"These are both for the same woman?"

"Well, they're both so... us."

"I see. Well, you're fortunate you have someone that loves you."

"I really am."

Mr. Gold got to the counter and put a roll of duct tape and rope on the counter. "Love -- it's like a delicate flame. And once it's gone, it's gone forever. Best of luck to you."


David got to the cashier and Mr. Clark sneezed.

"Oh, bless you," David said.

"Ah, thank you," Mr. Clark replied.


Mr. Gold drove the rose van. Mr. French was tied up in the back and gagged with duct tape.

He reached a cabin in the woods and got out and opened the back doors of the van. He drew his gun and pointed it at Mr. French. "Walk."

Mr. Gold led him to the cabin and they went inside before Mr. Gold said, "You see, here's the thing -- I don't normally let people get away."


Belle was walking along a path through the forest. Suddenly, the Evil Queen's carriage drove past her. The carriage stopped and the Evil Queen opened the door.

"Did my carriage splash you?" the Evil Queen asked.

"Oh. Oh, no, um... I'm fine," Belle replied.

"You know, I'm tired of riding – let me stretch my legs and walk with you for a spell." The Evil Queen got out and joined Belle. They walked. "You carry very little."

"I don't want to be slowed down."

"Mm. You're running from someone. The question is, master or lover? Oh. Master and lover."

"I might take a rest. You... You go on ahead."

The Queen put her arm around Belle and they continued walking. "So, if I'm right, you love your employer, but you're leaving him."

"I might love him. I mean, I could, except... Something evil has taken root in him."

"Sounds like a curse to me. And all curses can be broken. A kiss born of true love would do it. Oh, child, no. I would never suggest a young woman to kiss a man who held her captive. What kind of message is that?"


"Besides, if he loves you, he would've let you go. And if he doesn't love you, well, then the kiss won't even work."

"Well, he did let me go."

"Yes, but no kiss happened."

"And a kiss... A kiss is enough? He'd be a man again?"

"An ordinary man. True love's kiss will break any curse."


Rumpelstiltskin watched the road to his estate from a tower. He saw Belle and rushed to his wheel before she arrived, pretending to be nonchalant as he said, "Oh, you're back already. Good... Good thing. I'm, uh... I'm nearly out of straw."

"Hm," Belle hummed. "Come on – you're happy that I'm back."

"I'm not unhappy."

"And, uh, you promised me a story."

"Did I?"

"Mmhmm. Tell me about your son."

"I lost him. There's nothing more to tell, really."

"And, since then, you've loved no one. And no one has loved you."

"Why did you come back?"

"I wasn't going to. Then... Something changed my mind." She leaned over and kissed him. Rumpelstiltskin briefly looked human again.

"What's happening?"

"Kiss me again – it's working!"

"What is?"

"Any curse can be broken."

Rumpelstiltskin quickly stood. He reverted back to looking non-human. "Who told you that? Who knows that?"

"I-I... I don't know. She, uh... She... She...

"She..." He angrily stormed over to the covered mirror. He pulled off the sheet and started yelling into it. "You evil soul! This was you! You turned her against me! You think you can make me weak? You think you can defeat me?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"The Queen! Your friend, the Queen! How did she get to you?"

"The- The Queen? I don't-"

"I knew this was a trick. I knew you could never care for me. Oh, yeah! You're working for her. Or is this all you? Is this you being the hero and killing the beast?"

"It was working-"

"Shut up!"

"This means it's true love!"

"Shut the hell up!"

"Why won't you believe me?"

"Because no one – no one – could ever, ever love me!" Rumpelstiltskin grabbed Belle and took her to the dungeons. He threw her into a cell and locked her in.


Mr. Gold pulled the duct tape off Mr. French's mouth and had him sit in a chair.

"Let me explain, okay?" Mr. French begged. "Let me explain."

Mr. Gold grabbed another chair and sat in front of Mr. French. He pushed the end of his cane into Mr. French's neck, cutting off his air. "Oh. Well, that is... fascinating. Truly fascinating. I'm going to let you breathe in a second and you're going to say two sentences. The first, is going to tell me where it is. The second, is going to tell me who told you to take it. Do you understand the rules?" Mr. French nodded. "Good. Let's begin." He pulled the cane back from Mr. French's neck.

"I needed that van!"

"Now, you see, that is not a good first sentence." Mr. Gold hit Mr. French with his cane.

"Ow! Gold! Listen!"

"Tell me where it is!!" He hit Mr. French with his cane again.

"Ow! Stop!"

"Tell me where it is!" He hit Mr. French again.

"Ow! Stop! It wasn't my fault!"

"My fault"? What are you talking about, "my fault"? You shut her out. You had her love, and you shut her out!" He hit Mr. French again.


"She's gone. She's gone forever -- she's not coming back. And it's your fault! Not mine! You are her father! Yours! It's yours!" He hit Mr. French repeatedly with his cane.


In a rage, Rumpelstiltskin took his old cane and smashed the glass of the armoire in his dining room.


Mr. Gold was still beating Mr. French with his cane as he cried, "It's your fault! It's your fault!"

As he drew back to strike again, Emma and Dmitry, who'd followed Emma out of curiosity, appeared behind him, grabbed his arm and said, "Stop."


Still in a rage, Rumpelstiltskin started smashing the teacups one by one against the wall. He hesitated when he got to the chipped cup and instead of smashing it, placed it on the table.


Mary Margaret returned to the table, where Ashley was sitting alone. "Girls' night's really working out for you."

"I thought it would make me feel better," Ashley began. "But the truth is, I need a 'be with my guy night'. But he's never around, and I'm at home with the baby all day. I mean, what's the point of being together if we're not together?"

"I get it. Loving someone you can't be with -- it's a terrible, terrible burden."

"You know, this was a bad idea. I should... I should go home."

Sean arrived at the bar with a bouquet of flowers. "Ashley?"

She turned. "Sean?"


"I thought that you were working tonight?"

"I am -- it's my break. And I... I had to see you. And ask you something." He gave the flowers to Ashley before kneeling and pulling out a ring. "Will you marry me?" Ashley was silent for a few moments. "I only have a twenty minute break, so, um, anytime now."


He slipped on the ring. "My truck's outside if you want to take a ride before I head back to work. It's not much of a date-"

"It's the best date."

"Then, your carriage awaits."

The two of them left. Mary Margaret and Anya, alone at the table, also went to leave.

Outside, they saw Ashley and Sean getting into Sean's truck.

David appeared and approached them. "How's girls' night?"

"David?" Mary Margaret called. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I knew you'd be here. And I, uh... I wanted to give you your Valentine's Day card." He pulled a card from his jacket pocket and handed it to her.

"Check up on me?"

"Maybe a little. I didn't want you finding somebody else."

"Like you?" She opened the valentine and read it aloud. "Kathryn, I woof you..."

David took the card from her and pulled another from his pocket. "I'm so sorry. I meant... I meant this one."

"I-I always thought, that if two people were supposed to be together, they'd find a way. But, David, if this is our way, I think we should find another one."

"Mary Margaret-"

"I think you should go home to Kathryn."

"I know. You're right, but it doesn't mean I'm going to give up. We'll find that way."

"I hope so."

"Happy Valentine's Day."

"Happy Valentine's Day." She walked away and Anya followed.

Anya jogged up to Mary Margaret and said, "Please tell me you aren't seeing David Nolan."

Mary Margaret nodded and glanced down. "I am. But it happened by accident. I swear."

"You could stop it at any time. Why don't you? How long have you been seeing him?"

"A few weeks. I know it's wrong, but I don't want to stop."

"Mary Margaret, I can't tell you what to do, but you need to understand that of you're doing is wrong." She turned to walk away.

"Anya! Anya!"

Anya continued walking, ignoring her friend's calls.


Emma, Dmitry and Mr. Gold were standing outside the cabin. Mr. French was on a stretcher and paramedics were loading him into an ambulance.

"So, my deputy and I heard you managed not to break anything he needs," Emma said. "You're lucky, Mr. Gold."

"You got a funny definition of lucky," Mr. Gold replied.

"You have a funny definition of justice. What did he really do?"

"He stole."

"That reaction was about more than taking a few trinkets. You said something about how he hurt her -- what happened to 'her'? Who was that? What did he do? If someone needs help, maybe I can help."

"No. I'm sorry, Sheriff. I think you heard that wrong."

"You really don't want to cooperate?" Dmitry asked with a frown.

"Look, we're done here."

"Actually, we're not. You're under arrest," Emma said as she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and began cuffing him.


Rumpelstiltskin opened the door to Belle's cell.

"So, what are you going to do to me?" Belle asked.

"Go," Rumpelstiltskin told her.


"I don't want you anymore, dearie."

She went to leave, but turned around and walked back to the cell. "You were freeing yourself! You could've had happiness if you just believed that someone could want you. But you couldn't take the chance."

"That's a lie."

"You're a coward, Rumpelstiltskin. And no matter how thick you make your skin, that doesn't change."

"I'm not a coward, dearie. It's quite simple, really. My power, means more to me than you."

"No. No, it doesn't. You just don't think I can love you. Now, you've made your choice. And you're going to regret it – forever. And all you'll have, is an empty heart – and a chipped cup." Belle left the dungeon.



Mr. Gold was sitting in a cell.

Emma watched him as she ate lunch in her office. "Pastrami -- you want half? You know, I still owe you that favor. Nice, fatty pastrami. Delicious way to clear the books."

"Well, I don't need a reminder that you owe me a favor," Mr. Gold said. "And when the day comes that I make my request, it'll be for more than half a sandwich."

Regina and Henry entered.

"Sheriff Swan?" Regina called. "I'm letting you have 30 minutes with Henry. Take him out -- buy him ice cream. You can recruit Anya and Dmitry to join if she'd like."

"You want me to leave you alone with the prisoner?" Emma asked.

"29 and-a-half minutes," Regina said. "I'd like to speak with the prisoner alone."

"Hi, Emma," Henry greeted.

Emma smiled at him. "Hey."

"Bring me back a cone?" Mr. Gold questioned.

Emma glanced at him. "Just this once. Come on -- let's go." She grabbed her coat and they left. They got Dmitry and Anya to join, and the four enjoyed their ice cream.

Regina glanced at Mr. Gold as he said, "Well, you really wanted that little chat, didn't you?"

"Apparently, this is the only way I could do it," Regina replied.

"Please -- sit."

Regina walked towards a couch near the cell and sat on the edge.

Mr. Gold met Regina's eyes. "Now, when two people both want something the other has, a deal can always be struck. Do you have what I want?"

"Yes," Regina replied.

"So, you did put him up to it, then."

"I merely suggested, that strong men take what they need."

"Oh, yeah. And you told him just exactly what to take, didn't you?"

"We used to know each other so well, Mr. Gold. Has it really come down to this?"

"It seems it has, yeah. But you know what I want -- what is it you want?"

"I want you, to answer one question. And answer it simply -- what's your name?"

"It's Mr. Gold."

"Your real name."

"Every moment I've spent on this earth, that's been my name."

"But what about moments spent elsewhere?"

"What are you asking me?"

"I think you know. If you want me to return what's yours -- tell me your name."

"Rumpelstiltskin. Now give me what I want."

"Such hostility."

"Oh, yeah."

Regina pulled the chipped cup from her purse. "Over this? Such a sentimental little keepsake." She dangled it in front of him.

Mr. Gold grabbed it from her. "Thank you... Your Majesty. So. Now hat we're being honest with each other, let's remember how things used to be, shall we? And don't let these bars fool you, dear. I'm the one with the power around here. I'm going to be out of here in no time, and nothing between us will change."

Regina pursed her lips. "We shall see."


Rumpelstiltskin was sitting at the wheel spinning straw. The Evil Queen entered and went straight to making herself a cup of tea.

"Flimsy locks," the Evil Queen commented. "I have a deal to discuss. A certain... mermaid."

"I'm not dealing today," Rumpelstiltskin told her.

"Are you angry with me? What is it this time?"

"Your little deception failed. You'll never be more powerful than me. You can keep trying, dearie, but you're never going to beat me."

"Is this about that girl I met on the road? Hm? What was her name? Margie? ...Verna?"


"Right. Well, you can rest assured I had nothing to do with that tragedy."

He stopped spinning and walked over to the Queen. "What tragedy?"

"You don't know? Well, after she got home, her fiancé had gone missing. And after her stay here – her association with you – no one would want her, of course. Her father shunned her, cut her off, shut her out."

"So, she needs... a home."

"He was cruel to her. He locked her in a tower and sent in clerics to cleanse her soul with scourges and flaying. After a while, she threw herself off the tower. She died."

"You're lying."

"Am I?"

"We're done."

"Fine – I have other calls to make. The place is looking dusty, Rumple. You should get a new girl." The Evil Queen left. Rumpelstiltskin opened his armoire and took out the chipped cup. He then walked over to a pedestal with a goblet on top and replaced it with the cup.


Regina left the station and made her way to the hospital. She walked past Mr. French, who was in a wheelchair, in the hospital waiting room. Regina walked past him towards a door with a keypad. She entered the code and headed down to a psychiatric ward in the basement. She handed the nurse at the desk a rose.

"Pretty," the nurse commented.

Regina smiled. "Well, I know how hard you work. Has anyone been to see her?"

"No, ma'am. Not today, not ever."

Regina walked down a corridor with several doors on each side, where she walked past a patient who was mopping the floor. She came to a door with a sliding hatch to look inside. She opened it, revealing Belle, who was in the padded room.

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