Curiosity Killed the Cat

By deadpoetdreamer

344 108 714

Laney Montgomery, a nineteen year old college student has one fear and one fear only: Not getting accepted in... More

Chapter 1. You Big Flirt
Chapter 2. Not a People Person
Chapter 3. A Couple of Lurking Bruce Waynes
Chapter 4. New Concerns
Chapter 5. Partners in Crime Till the Very End
Chapter 7. What if...
Chapter 8 Demonic Cats and a Manilla Folder
Chapter 9. Trust Goes Both Ways
Chapter 10. Some Broken Promises are Worth a Single Truth
Chapter 11. The Invasion of Big Bear's Den
Chapter 12. Team Work Makes the Dream work
Chapter 13. Ms. Big Bear
Chapter 14. What Next?

Chapter 6. Shock Blankets for Everyone

20 6 32
By deadpoetdreamer

My body sways back and forth, emotionless. The edges of every part of my body feels cool and numb. I can't even take my eyes off Nadine's corpse. Is this what being in shock feels like?

Even though the police officers are attempting to remove me from the room, I harness my emotions to push my way past them.

"Let her by," the female police officer commanded, her voice tinged with sincerity. It only provides little comfort right now.

"Ma'am. Did you know the girl?" The female police officer places a hand on my back rubbing circles of comfort. I don't speak, just nod.

"Can you tell me her name?" I don't speak, I just stare at Nadine. She's dead. But she wouldn't do this. And here with Kelvin? Maybe I just missed all the wrong signs. Maybe, just maybe she was calling out for my help and I was being too judgmental with her and Kelvin. My eyes dance around the room looking for some sort of explanation but there's not a single glance of one. Just two, cold bodies.

I look to the floor and see blood.
Nadine... Nadine, she did that and then Kelvin dragged her to the bed? Then he laid next to her and did it too? But why? Before I'm dragged out of the dimly lit bedroom I catch sight of two goodbye letters written from the two.

The female police officer leads me down stairs to where the dance floor had been. Previously it had been piled with over a hundred wasted college students but now it's practically empty. A few students remain speaking with some police officers.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm Detective Paylor," Introduces the female officer. Her eyes darted across the room at a paramedic before nodding at him. The paramedic walks over and puts what I assume is a shock blanket around my shoulders.

As soon as I feel its tight warmth around me I break down crying. "This doesn't make sense Detective Paylor, Nadine wouldn't do that. And I know what you're going to say, that it's easy to miss the signs but I assure you she was more than excited to see Kelvin tonight. She forced me to come with her because she didn't want to go alone." This gets a small reaction from the detective. Her eyes give it away.

"What was your friend's full name? I'd like to contact her parents and inform them." Nadine's parents. They don't know their only daughter is dead. Neither do her two older brothers. My heart breaks for not only myself but also for her loved ones.

I shake and cry on the couch alone after Paylor goes to fetch her car. She wants to talk to me back at the police station. I just want a moment to breathe, to think but I have a feeling I won't be given the privilege to do either of those things for the time being.

When I get to the police station, I'm led to a pair of seats in the lobby. "I'm going to get the interrogation room ready if you need anything, please feel free to ask Mrs. Kelly at the front desk," smiles Paylor before turning on her heels to head out of a pair of metal doors. Still feeling in shock, I allow myself to tune out every single loud noise around me. The ringing phone, the outside police sirens in the distance, the talking, the crying...

As soon as my eyes shut I hear my name being called, but it's not who I expect it to be. Turning my head which rests on the wall, my eyes locate Wesley, walking, well practically running up to me.

"Laney? What happened?" I stand up to him feeling weak all over. Wesley doesn't know what happened.

"The school called me saying that Kelvin was in some sort of accident together and that the police wanted to talk to me. Why- why are you here?" His heart is beating erratically along with his breathing. I want to wrap my arms around his frail body and tell him that everything is fine but I can't. My confusing feelings for him wouldn't be appropriate.

He stares at me waiting for me to tell him what happened but I can't speak. My mouth has gone completely dry and tears sit at the corner of my eyes. "Laney..." He begins with a shaky voice.

"Don't tell me he's dead. No, Laney please don't tell me that. I don't, that can't be-" Tears swell up in his once bright blue eyes. They look red and hot as tears burn down his cheeks. "I think we should talk somewhere more private," insists Paylor from behind us. Paylor puts a comforting hand on Wesley's back.

"Would you like to call your families? It might be comforting to have them with you." We walk through the doors of a very white hallway. It's busy with the kind of people who look like they wouldn't take the time to talk to you even if you wished.

"I would like to call my parents if it's possible. Not now though." I don't think I can get the words out of my that my best friend is dead.

"How about you son?" She turns her head to Welsey, who's been completely silent since he found out about his best friend. "Kelvin was like my brother, his family are basically my own," whispers Wesley. "I know you're not required to since you're over the age of eighteen but I highly suggest calling your biological parents." Wesley glances at me but I don't turn to look at him.

Detective Paylor stops and turns around to face the both of us. "I speak from experience. Having my parents there with me would've been the best comfort for me." Paylor's face looks sincere and sad.

"Did your friend die?" Wesley asks bluntly. "My father, he took his own life and then my mother was never really there after that." Wesley looks down at his feet. "Despite what happened that night, it made me into who I am today. For better or worse." She concludes her depressing story and then opens the door to the bright, interrogation room. A small group of people stand in the corner including Nadine and Kelvin's parents.

Here we go.



Chapter posted: 4/30/2022

So everyone's finding out the truth. How do you think everything going to go next?

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