~Sticky 'n Sweet~ *Hyunlix* ๐Ÿ”ž

By keepmeinmind96

5.9K 169 253

"Hyunjin can ask you something?" Felix questioned, causing Hyunjin's attention to perk slightly. "What's up?"... More

Content Warning

Sticky 'n Sweet

3.4K 116 228
By keepmeinmind96

Leaning against the vibrating brick wall Felix brought a lit cigarette to his lips taking a deep drag off of it before his favorite band would perform, who also by chance was the band his best friend's boyfriend was in.

Letting the smoke burn the back of his throat and lungs he could feel the nicotine numb his buzzing skin. Staring at the cigarette placed between his fingers he noticed how chipped his black nail polish was reminding him that he needed to put a new coat on soon.

"Hey Lix, they're going to be on in a sec." His best friend Chan's voice yelled as the song that was playing died down.

Taking one more drag of his cigarette not wanting the last bit to go to waste before dropping it to the ground. Taking the heel of his black worn out combat boot he dug it into the remainder of the cigarette making sure it was out before walking towards the door.

Sneaking through the door the brewing smell of beer, cigarettes, and sweat filled the air as people were gathered in front of the main stage. The stage crew was switching out equipment giving him enough time to grab a beer from the bar before the show would begin.

There were more people here than usual, subtly shocking Felix but it was something he'd have to get used to as the band grew popular.

Waving down a bartender he ordered the cheapest over priced beer available and began to make his way back to the gathering crowd. He could see Chan standing around the outer edge of the crowd as he took a drink of his own beer.

Him and Chan had been going to concerts for several years and had enjoyed their time in the front row but much rather enjoyed the show from the back where they could actually breathe and drink their beer without it being sloshed everywhere.

As Felix began to make his way towards Chan the house lights went black and a loud low rumble came from the speakers sending Felix's hair to stand on edge. Picking up his pace he made it over to Chan to hear him already whooping and hollering as the drummer and bassist took stage.

Felix could feel his heart begin to flutter and pound in his chest as the drummer began to slam the pedal to his drum set into the base drum. Glancing up at Chan he could see the brightest smile across his face as his boyfriend Changbin began to already get the crowd screaming.

Turning back to look at the stage he watched as the lead singer and guitarist, Hwang Hyunjin, took the stage causing the crowd to greet him with loud cheering.

He was tall with longer bright red hair that was likely dyed with some cheap ass hair dye last minute given his track record with hair dye. He was in a worn out black band t-shirt that had the sleeve cut off exposing the entirety of his ribs down to the top of his hips.

As Hyunjin took a wide stance in front of the microphone stand wrapping his long fingers around the mic bringing his plump lips to the grill. The screeches grew as Hyunjin's wicked grin appeared before the loud music began to boom from the speakers. Felix could feel a smile pull at his lips as the music began to intoxicate him.

Hyunjin's whiny voice sung through his ears as Felix watched him sing closely into the microphone whilst playing the guitar that looked like it was hung too low but also just right. The tight black leather pants wrapped around his thigh tightly outlining the toned muscle of his thighs as he bounced his leg to the beat of the song.

Felix couldn't deny the fact that Hyunjin was hot as fuck especially when performing it was like a completely different person on stage. Perks of knowing the boyfriend of the drummer you also get to know the band as well.

Taking a swig of his beer Felix watched as Hyunjin and the band continued to entertain the crowd and heat from the moving bodies began to make the air thick and hot. Felix couldn't help but notice the streaking red from sweat and hair dye run down Hyunjin's neck causing Felix to unconsciously lick his lips.

It was hot in the venue already and he knew Hyunjin was a sweater. The band could be doing a show in the middle of winter and Hyunjin would be sweating buckets.

"Stare any harder he'll see you eye fucking him from back here." Chan's voice rang as he bent down to politely scream in his ear over the music.

Shoving Chan with his elbow Felix brushed the comment off knowing damn well Chan knew why he hadn't pounced on Hyunjin yet despite his need to taste him. He had a simple rule: never sleep with or get involved with band members.

Outside of music and from the time Felix spent with Hyunjin while with Chan he was different. More soft and sweet than the presence he brought to the stage giving him whiplash at the difference in person.

Ever since Changbin and Chan started dating he'd regularly hung out with the band on game nights, times they weren't doing shows, and or recording. Felix grew close to Jisung who was all out wild and obnoxious but in the best way possible.

When he and Hyunjin were left alone they often talked about various subjects with a sense of desire always tainting the air. Neither of them really made a move about it and lived in a state of pining for each other.

The night continued on as loud music rang through Felix's ears and a few beers had been consumed, not enough to make him intoxicated, but enough to let the alcohol play a tango of tipsy and sober. With each show the band kept getting better and better and Felix couldn't help but smile at the growing success of their music and how happy he was.

"Alright everyone..." Hyunjin panted into the mic as droplets of sweat fell from his face as his eyes scanned the room, "We are almost out of time..."

Felix heard the crowd shouting various sounds of disagreement to the show almost being over and encouragement to keep playing.

"There is one more song, not ours but who here is familiar with Mayday Parade?" Hyunjin smiled into the mic as the crowd shouted out in excitement.

Felix could feel his heart pound harder in his chest as he shot a look at Chan who had a shit eating grin on as he stared ahead. Felix had always wondered what Hyunjin would sound like covering a Mayday Parade song knowing that his voice would send a tingle through his spine.

"Well this one goes out to someone, someone who is here tonight and who has been to nearly every show..."

"Chan what the fu–" Felix began

"This one's for you Felix." Hyunjin's voice boomed over the speaker smiling in the direction to where he was standing.

Heard the opening notes to "Jamie All Over '' begin and a raspy voice sing into the microphone as the crowd erupted at the classic anthem and his personal favorite.

"You two won't stop fucking pining for eachother so I told him a thing or two." Chan smiled down at Felix.

He could feel as his heart fluttered to life making him want to push through the crowd to be right up there screaming the lyrics. Bouncing a bit on his feet Felix was singing along to the song itching to be at the front of the crowd; immersed not giving a shit of the touching sweaty bodies he would encounter.

"Get up there punk you know you want too." Chan lightly pushed Felix.

That's all he needed before he was pushing past the sweaty bodies like he used to do. Being tiny had its advantages to sneak past people quickly to make his way up front. Pushing through the crowd he finally found his way to the front where he was pressed up against the weak barricade that was placed before the stage.

Felix was smiling belting the lyrics as he saw the bassist, Jisung take notice of him being suddenly in the front row. Felix watched as he waved Hyunjin over and nodded towards where Felix stood.

Feeling his smile get bigger he continued to belt the lyrics as Hyunjin made his way over towards the edge of the stage with a smile beaming at his face. As Hyunjin squatted down before Felix he could feel his heart flying through his chest as he bounced on the ball of his feet.

Hyunjin kept singing the lyrics as he reached his hand out towards Felix for him to grab. He had experienced a lot at concerts but being pulled on stage would be his first and he needed to do it. Tightly gripping Hyunjin's hand he felt him pull as Felix climbed up on the stage as the stage lights began to make him sweat already.

"Lee fucking Felix!" Changbin shouted into his mic as Felix steadied himself on the stage.

Felix could hear Chan whooping and hollering from the back making his heart full and for him to smile like an idiot. Hyunjin held onto Felix's hand sending burning sparks through his body as he followed Hyunjin across the stage placing him in front of the mic stand as a crew member brought out another mic.

Wrapping his hand tightly around the handle of the mic Felix pressed his lips to the grill and began to sing along with Hyunjin and the crowd now hearing his voice vibrate through the speakers. Closing his eyes tightly like he was having his own concert in his room he could hear the shock of the crowd as his baritone voice shook the listeners before him.

Louder screams came as Felix continued belting the lyrics realizing Hyunjin had stopped. Shooting his eyes open while still singing along he could see Hyunjin smiling softly at him as he played his guitar bobbing his head.

The song neared the end and Felix finished the song off singing alone as the crowd before him shouted and began chanting his name causing a blush to rise to his face.

"Give it up for Felix!" Hyunjin spoke as an arm was wrapped around Felix's waist.

Widening his eyes as the sensation of Hyunjin's arm around his waist Felix smiled as butterflies danced in his stomach. Although the touch sent his mind in a million directions Felix knew he could throw Hyunjin off guard by returning the gesture.

Snaking his hand also around Hyunjin's waist Felix pulled Hyunjin in closer so the sides of their hips were touching causing Hyunjin's to quickly glance down at Felix with shock to his eyes and for a faint blush stain his shining skin.

"We have...one more song left, thank you for coming out tonight and we will see you all next time!" Hyunjin stumbled through the beginning as Felix gripped at Hyunjin's waist slightly causing him to become flustered over his words.

As soon as the words left Hyunjin's lips the final song started up as Hyunjin spun around playing the guitar sneaking around the other side of Felix. Hyunjin brought his lips to the mic singing the words to the song that started their current rise in popularity.

Lowering his lips to the mic as well Felix sang along into the same mic. Felix could feel the sweat falling off of Hyunjin's lips and onto the mic causing some to paint his lips. The sweet taste to what would be salty sweat startled him slightly but reminded him of the flavor of Kool-Aid.

The taste was intoxicating, making him want more, and to drink every last drop of Hyunjin.

Felix felt as Hyunjin's sweaty forehead touched his locking eyes as he did so. There was barely any space left on the shared mic as the two continued the song and the crowd jumped around. Raising an eyebrow at Hyunjin Felix backed away from the mic still maintaining eye contact with him. Licking his lips and shooting Hyunjin a wink, Felix turned around diving into the cheering crowd.

Felix had always wondered what Hyunjin would taste like on his lips and now that he's had a sample he needed to taste more.

The crowd slowly carried him to the back where Chan stood, setting him gently on the ground as the song finished. As his feet steadied on the ground Felix fixed his dark jean jacket on his shoulders and tightened the flannel that hung around his waist.

"Holy shit Lix! That was fucking awesome!" Chan bounced around him excited.

"It was fucking–"

"Are you gunna fuck after that? Shit you practically did it on stage." Chan laughed, cutting Felix off.


"We'll see." Felix chuckled knowing damn well if the opportunity arose he was going to jump on it.


Once people left him and Chan stood back waiting for their queue so that they could go backstage and head back to Changbin's apartment to hang out for the rest of the night. Leaning up against the bar he watched as Chan kept glancing at him while drinking his beer.

"Not thirsty?" Chan asked.

Felix rolled his eyes before looking over at Chan somewhat dramatically knowing damn well that he knows he doesn't like to drink a lot before he fucks.

"O-oh, at Changbin's? Daring since we will all be there." Chan questioned as it clicked in his head.

"Who said it'd be there?" Felix cocked an eyebrow.

"You guys can head back now." One of the venue staff interrupted the two.

Simultaneously he and Chan pushed off the side of the bar and began to make their way backstage. With each step Felix could feel his heart pounding in his throat making him softly gulp and take a hidden deep breath.

As they neared the backstage he could hear Jisung's loud laughter followed by Changbin's nasally voice as he yelled about something that Jisung had just done; so nothing out of the ordinary.

Approaching the doorframe to the green room Chan knocked on the door before entering. Running over to Changbin to give him a hug and peck on the cheek causing the smaller to wiggle beneath Chan's grip.

"Felix you fucking killed it out there!" Jisung exclaimed, running over to give him a handshake hug combo.

"Thank you." Felix smiled, pulling away from Jisung to see Hyunjin sitting on the couch in the green room with a soft smile on his face as he looked at the two.

"You did great Felix." Hyunjin spoke softly as Felix watched him take a stained towel he had been using to pat the sweat from his face and neck.

"Nah all because of you guys, you're the real talent here and you know that." Felix spoke bashfully.

"Are we still on for my place?" Changbin spoke up from behind Chan who had positioned himself in Changbin's lap.

"I'll meet you all there. I gotta wrap up some last minute things here." Hyunjin spoke up, setting the towel he had been using on the other side of him.

"I'll stay behind too. An extra set of hands doesn't hurt." Felix smiled shooting Hyunjin a wink causing him to furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"Well I mean we can all–" Jisung began before Chan cut him off.

"I think they got it, right?"

Giving them a thumbs up and raising his eyebrows towards Chan trying to get him to gather the other two and leave sooner than later.

"Alright let's head out then, see you both in a bit I assume it won't take long?" Jisung spoke as he jumped to his feet.

"I wouldn't think so?" Hyunjin spoke standing up walking towards the side of Felix.

" 'Aight we will see you both in a bit then." Chan spoke as he dragged Changbin behind him and in suit Jisung followed.

"So I think we should start with cleaning this mess." Hyunjin began to speak as he walked around the green room picking up miscellaneous hostess wrappers and chip bags.

"Sure." Felix smiled as he began grabbing at the trash around the room.

He didn't want to immediately jump the gun even though the building fire in his stomach was telling him to pin Hyunjin up against the wall as he devoured his lips and skin. As they bent over to pick up the trash Felix would occasionally sneak glances at Hyunjin letting his mind wander to areas that made the heat in his stomach travel to further destinations.

"What are you looking at?" Hyunjin questioned snapping Felix's attention away from Hyunjin's ass that he had been staring at.

"Nothing." Felix hummed flashing Hyunjin a cheeky smile making him blush nearly on sight turning him the same shade of red as his hair.

"O-oh..." Hyunjin trailed as if he was disappointed.

Felix watched as Hyunjin's lips made a subtle 'o' shape sending his mind from zero to 100 in a matter of seconds. Straightening himself Felix walked to the trash throwing what he had out in his hands before turning his attention back towards Hyunjin.

Despite the pop punk lifestyle Hyunjin looked innocent and pure in the way he naturally held himself with relaxed shoulders to the way his plump lips and cheeks begged to be admired. Hyunjin was also softer especially to those he was close to clinging to their side despite his proclaimed hate for skinship. There were even times that Hyunjin had tried to cuddle up close to Felix while they watched movies or dramas on the TV in Changbin's living room.

"Hyunjin can ask you something?" Felix questioned, causing Hyunjin's attention to perk slightly.

"What's up?" Hyunjin spoke, letting the sound of the 'p' pop at the end.

"Do you like Kool-Aid?" Felix pushed off the wall he had found himself leaning on walking over towards Hyunjin who had garbage still in his hands.

"Not the question I'd thought you'd ask but ummm yeah?" Hyunjin questioned, sounding a bit disappointed at the question as he walked towards a trash bin dropping the wrappers in.

"What did you think I was going to ask?" Felix cocked an eyebrow at the taller.

Felix watched as Hyunjin's face was now completely red and became incredibly flustered.

"Well...uhh...I thought..." Hyunjin tumbled over his words.

"Ahh...I see." Felix raised his eyebrows letting his tongue swipe across his lower lip.

"It was a stupid thought lets just–" Hyunjin fumbled trying to find more garbage.

"What was a stupid thought?" Felix pressed on, growing hot at watching Hyunjin become flustered.

"Jesus fuck I thought you wanted to finally fu–"

Before Hyunjin could even let the words leave his lips Felix had him pinned up against the wall sending the trash can near by to the ground as he pressed their lips together. Felix could feel Hyunjin melt into his lips immediately and a soft moan to come from the back of his throat.

Feeling Hyunjin part his lips Felix didn't hesitate to let his tongue slip past his plump lips and explore.

Sweet like Kool-Aid and nicotine.

Felix couldn't help but to let a growl purr at the back of his throat as the intoxicating taste causing Hyunjin to shiver beneath him. Taking his one hand Felix snaked his hand up into Hyunjin's damp hair gripping at the roots feeling Hyunjin's knees buckle at his grip.

"Has the baby boy been waiting?" Felix purred into Hyunjin's ear.

A soft whimper came from Hyunjin causing all heat to find its way to his crotch as Felix felt himself grow hard at the sweet sound.

"Hmmmm? Have you been waiting?" Felix asked again, humming into Hyunjin's neck feeling the skin beneath to rise in bumps.

"Y-yes...please...Felix..." Hyunjin spoke with a whine to his voice.

"A needy slut I see?" Felix pulled away letting Hyunjin wobble on his legs, "Can't even wait to be home."


Felix stared back at Hyunjin waiting for an answer growing harder with each passing second seeing Hyunjin fluster through a sentence.

"We can do this here." Felix smirked, letting the lust drip from his voice.

Hyunjin's face lit up as Felix watched him try to hide the excitement by the breathy exhales that were already coming from him. Feeling a wild energy race throughout his veins, Felix walked up to Hyunjin before grabbing him by the shoulders and dragging him to the empty wooden beer pong table in the middle of the room. Gently he pushed Hyunjin towards the edge so he could lay across the flat surface allowing Felix to crawl on top and pin his hips down.

Watching as Hyunjin laid himself out on the table Felix hopped on top of him squeezing his knees into Hyunjin's side so he couldn't move. He could already feel the sweat building on his forehead as the heat between the two began to kick in and the terribly air conditioned room didn't help.

Felix let his hands explore above the damp fabric to the worn band tee Hyunjin was still wearing from early. Letting his hands continue up to feel the skin near his collarbone Felix let his fingers glide across Hyunjin's chest earning a shiver in response.

Smiling to himself Felix bit his lip as he let his hand dance at the lower portion of Hyunjin's neck causing him to elongate his neck under his hands.


Gliding his hand up Hyunjin's neck as soft moans came from his pretty mouth Felix could feel his cock throbbing against his thigh. Holding back a moan Felix let his fingers trace Hyunjin's lips before slipping his fingers past his lips needing to feel Hyunjin's tongue work his fingers.

Feeling a whine vibrate in Hyunjin's mouth Felix began to take his fingers deep into Hyunjin's mouth needing to feel that mouth around his cock.

"What a good whore you are taking my fingers with eagerness." Felix praised letting his voice hum through the air.

"I wonder what my cock would look like in that pretty thing."

Popping his fingers out of Hyunjin's mouth Felix climbed off the top of Hyunjin as he waited for Hyunjin to follow him towards the front of the couch. As he walked Felix slid his dark jean jacket off and untied the flannel from around his waist letting them fall to the floor. Turning around he could see Hyunjin had followed behind and had already discarded the sweaty band tee.

His chest was already beginning to glisten with sweat making Felix's mouth water at the sight. Watching as Hyunjin lowered to his knees before Felix he could feel his cock twitch aching to be free. Unbuttoning his pants Felix let his aching erection free as he shimmied out of the tight fabric.

Looking back at Hyunjin he could see his lips glistening as a small dribble of spit was glistening at the corner of his mouth as he waited patiently.

"Such an obedient whore waiting so patiently." Felix hummed as he grabbed Hyunjin's jaw tracing his thumb over his damp lips, "Would you like me to fuck your face?"

Hyunjin nodded his head as he looked up at Felix with pleading eyes.

Moving his hand slowly he brought his fingers to Hyunjin's mouth popping it open with ease letting a string of saliva to snap as he opened his mouth. He really was a drooler, he didn't lie when the five of them would occasionally share their sexcapade stories. Now seeing it in action Felix was hot and needed to see the mess he could make Hyunjin.

Slowly he slipped the tip of his cock past Hyunjin's soft lips causing him to moan as Hyunjin took his length with ease down his throat.

"Fuck..." Felix hissed as he felt Hyunjin's tongue against his length, almost sending him into overdrive right away.

Grabbing a fist full of Hyunjin's hair Felix clutched it at the root as he slowly began to fuck his pretty mouth. With each bob of Hyunjin's head the messier it got not only with saliva but with the pooling sweat on their bodies as the heat in the room increased and the shitty air conditioner shut off.

Releasing Hyunjins hair he felt as he began to work his length. Hissing with each movement Felix was trying to hold back not wanting to lose it so soon even though Hyunjin was making it extremely difficult.

Stepping back from Hyunjin creating a soft pop as drool dribbled down Hyunjin's chin as he looked up at Felix.

"Do you have lube here?" Felix questioned knowing he was going to need it before they continued.

"Yeah." Hyunjin spoke, scrambling to find the bottle of lube.

As Hyunjin found the bottle Felix watched as he turned around unbuttoning his pants. As he got closer Hyunjin began pulling his legs out from the tight fabric, tripping slightly but catching himself before he'd fall causing Felix to laugh at the cute clumsiness of him.

Felix grabbed Hyunjin's face bringing their lips together in a hot mess of saliva and sweat as the two drank each other in. Letting their tongues work together Felix began to guide Hyunjin to the arm of the couch.

"Still got that lube?" Felix spoke as he grabbed a condom off the side table.

Ripping the packaging off Felix slid the condom over his length before grabbing the bottle of lube from Hyunjin. Looking at Hyunjin through his bangs that now had fallen in front of his vision he could see the streaks of red already return, making his cock throb at the sight.

Grabbing Hyunjin's hips Felix twisted him around so his torso was facing the arm of the couch.

Taking the lube from Hyunjin's hands Felix gently pushed on Hyunjin's back causing him to slowly bend over the arm of the couch with ease.

Slowly Felix let his hand trail around Hyunjin's lower back resulting in a soft sweet moan to sing in the air. Taking his hand Felix grabbed Hyunjin's ass in his hands giving it a harsh squeeze before smacking it.

Felix watched as Hyunjin practically melted into the arm of the chair from the action. Smirking to himself in satisfaction that he could make Hyunjin look like this made him want to see how loud he could make him too.

Felix let his fingers tease and prep Hyunjin's hole he felt as his body loosened around him, almost making the submissive go limp. Sliding his hands away from Hyunjin's ass Felix squirted a good amount of lube into his hand before rubbing it across his length.

"Let me know if it hurts and I'll stop okay?" Felix spoke as he parted Hyunjin's ass letting the tip of his cock tease his hole.

"Mmmhmm..." Hyunjin hummed with honey dripping from his voice.

Slowly Felix let his length enter Hyunjin earring a pleasure ridden gasp as he continued to push the rest of his length in. Slowly Felix thrusted into Hyunjin not wanting to hurt him but for him to writhe in pleasure.

As Felix slowly thrusted he could hear the soft panting and quiet moans coming from Hyunjin. Felix could feel his heart rate increase and for his grip on Hyunjin's hips to tighten at the quiet sounds.


Felix began to quicken his pace as his hips hit Hyunjin's ass making the whimpers from Hyunjin become slightly louder, sending his body into a pit of pleasure. Digging his nails into Hyunjin's hips Felix took his other hand before grabbing a fist full of red hair yanking his head up.

Hyunjin's moans were louder now filling the air like sweet music making the sweat begin to pour over Felix as he could feel himself coming close. Letting his thrusts quicken he watched as Hyunjin's back began to arch at the pleasure.

"Y-y-yongbokkie..." Hyunjin whined through panted breaths.

Feeling the peak of pleasure racing through his veins Felix knew he was going to cum soon and he didn't know how much longer he could hold back.

"Y-y-yongbokkie I-I-I'm close..." Hyunjin continued.

"Cum for me hyung."

Before the words could settle in the air he could feel Hyunjin twitch beneath him as loud gasps and moans came from him. Feeling Hyunjin orgasm beneath him let his own orgasm be released as he moaned through the final thrusts. Feeling his hands begin to slip off Hyunjin's hips from the sweat of their two bodies Felix readjusted himself as he panted over Hyunjin letting the sweat fall from his nose onto Hyunjin's back.

"Are you okay?" Felix slowly panted trying to catch his lost breath.

"More than." Hyunjin lazily turned his head to look at him beaming with a smile.

Leaning down Felix placed a soft kiss on Hyunjin's back letting the sweet and sticky sweat graze his lips. Felix slowly pulled his length out letting Hyunjin adjust to the emptiness before helping him off the arm of the couch.

Peeling Hyunjin slowly from the arm of the couch Felix could see the mess they made. The couch was covered in soft red droplets from Hyunjin and his face had drying drool across it. Gently Felix grabbed Hyunjins face, placing a soft light kiss on his lips.

Felix watched as Hyunjin let his eyes slowly open after the soft kiss to see them still burning with fire. Felix watched as Hyunjin slowly stepped back from the couch crossing his arms at the sight to see cum was smeared over the arm and the red droplets stained the cushions.

"I'm sure this isn't a first for that couch." Hyunjin laughed lightly, causing Felix to chuckle, "Let's wash up and get out of here."

"Before we do shower I do have a question, why does your sweat taste like fucking Kool-Aid do you drink that much?" Felix couldn't help but ask.

"Not that much, I uhh..." Hyunjin began to laugh, "I ran out of the red dye and needed to touch up some areas so I used Kool-Aid."

"Fucking what?" Felix belted out a laugh.

"Shut up, that's all I had." Hyunjin continued to laugh playfully, shoving Felix.

"Well let's get the Kool-Aid out of your hair because now it's made you all sticky."


Once Felix and Hyunjin finished their shower which may or may not have included a round two they finally were able to find their way back to Changbin's apartment. Once they got to Changbin's apartment complex and stood in front of his door they could hear the giddy muffling of three grown men. Felix began to raise his fist to knock on the door to have Jisung swing it wide open.

"Congrats you fucked!" Jisung whooped while a party hat sat on the side of his head and a noise maker blew in their face.


Before Felix could even begin his shock he stopped as Jisung stepped to the side and there holding signs was Chan and Changbin with the same party hats on.

Congrats on finally fucking its about time! Was written in red sharpie while the other sign was written in black sharpie that said: (pls for the love of god also date it's for our sanity).

Felix could hear Hyunjin laughing uncontrollably, sending a soft buzz across his body making him smile at the soft rockstar.

"Thanks guys, that's one way to uhh...break the ice." Felix softly chuckled.

"Felix we knew it was happening might as well have fun with it." Jisung began as  lead them into Changbin's apartment "So tell me Hyunjin does he fuck good? Or is he all talk no game?" Jisung continued as they shuffled through the door letting it click behind them.

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