Gravity Falls: Comet (Male Re...

De StardustMaster

137K 5.4K 4.1K

Y/n thought he was the best friend of Mabel and Dipper Pines, which he is. He thought he was gonna be a norma... Mai multe

Tourist Trapped
The Legend of the Gobblewonker
The Hand That Rocks The Mabel
The Inconveniencing
Dipper Vs Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
The Time Traveler's Pig
Fight Fighters
Lost Chapter: Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Carpet Diem
Gideon Rises [End of Season 1]
Sacry-oke [Start of Season 2]
Into The Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Hide And Seek
Soos And The Real Girl
Little Gift Shop Of Horrors
Society of The Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
The Love God
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
A (Not Really) Tale of Two Stans
The Last Mabelcorn
Y/n, Dipper, And Mabel vs The Future
Weirdmageddon: Part 1
Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls
For Every Shooting Star, There's A Comet [Finale]
1k Votes Chapter/ Epilouge: We Start Over

Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons

2.3K 100 65
De StardustMaster

Episode opens up outside the Mystery Shack. A sign is shown saying 'Temporarily CLOSED For Repair.' Cut to inside the gift shop. Mabel is lying on the floor with an empty cheese boodles bag. Stan is sitting on a chair nearby. Y/n is waving his arms around, moving the cleaning supplies with his hands. Stan looked concerned, "are you sure you're okay, Y/n?"

Y/n turned his head 360 degrees with a creepy smile to look at him, "100% Stanly!"

He then turns his head back to normal, sending chills down Stanly's spine.Mabel blows a bag of Cheese Boodles into the air, bag slowly drifts down, "I just ate a bag of Cheese Boodles without using my hands. Lazy Tuesday, you are delivering in a big way!"

Stan took his mind off of Y/n, chuckling to himself, "Heh. Yeah. It's nice to finally have a day where nothing interesting happens whatsoever."

Ford comes out of the vending machine door with a Cycloptopus on his wrist. Mabel and Dipper Pines scream, Y/n keeps his smile as his eye twitches a bit, "wow Fordsy, can't handle a low class monster?"

"Get down! Don't let it taste human flesh!" Ford punches it and it drops off his hand crawls around the room.

Dipper screamed, "What is it?!"

Mabel wondered, "Can we keep it?"

Stan was hitting it with a rolled up newspaper, "Kill it! Kill it!"

Y/n lifted his hand as if a sting was pulling it above his body, a small blue tornado of flames. "I could just destroy it, Ford."

"No, don't...!" Ford stops Y/n before Ford chases it into the corner, "Patience... and (When the cycloptopus' eye turns into a screaming mouth) Gotcha! (Shocks it with his gloves and holds up its burnt body)"

Stan groaned, "Great. Now get it outta here. It smells like if death could barf."

Dipper runs over to Ford with Journal 2, "Great-uncle Ford! You need any help with that? I've read all about these creatures in your journal, and I think I know how to--"

"No! I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark weird road I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow. Well, call me for dinner!" Ford closes the vending machine door behind him.

Dipper winces, "Maybe next time then? Or not? Or never."

Mabel felt bad for her twin, "Aww, Dipper, don't take it so hard."

Stan hits Dipper with the newspaper, "No, do take it hard. Take it hard and serious. My brother is a dangerous know-it-all, and the stuff he's messing with is even worse. Do yourself a favor and stay away from him, you hear me?"

Dipper tried to explain, "But, Grunkle Stan, all summer long I've wanted to know who the author of the journal was. Now the guy lives in our basement and I can't even talk to him."

Y/n held his hip with a annoyed expression, "I think you're better off without him, PT."

Stan nodded, "agreed. Don't worry about what's in the basement. You belong up here with me, Y/n, and Mabel."

Mabel smiled, festive as ever, "Yeah! Besides, the season finale of Duck-tective is airing this Friday! That's all the mystery you'll need this week. Quack with us, Dipper! Quack, quack quack quack..."

Stan laughed, "Huha, yeah! Quack quack, quack quack..."

Y/n joins, "Quack quack, quack quack..."

As Y/n, Stan, and Mabel say 'quack,' Dipper looks at light coming from behind the vending machine. Mabel points at Dipper, "Quack quack quack, a quack quack quaaaacck. Quuaaaaa...Why isn't he quacking?"

Cut to Mabel writing in the living room. "Dear Mom, Dad, and Ms. L/n, we've been in Gravity Falls for a few months and so much has happened! Just yesterday gravity reversed itself, almost destroying the universe and totally wrecking the whole town!"

She looks up at TV, where Lazy Susan is standing in front of a crane attempting to pick up Greasy's Dinerz. "Well, they say it was an earthquake, but you know what I think? I think I'm gonna have to start serving pineapple right-side up cake! Haha! Am I right? Am I right? (Greasy's Diner falls down from the crane)"

Cut to Mayor Befufftlefumpter on a stage in front of the town. "Let the rebuilding of the town begin! Wrecking ball, start wrecking things! Hahaha! (A wrecking ball destroys a radio tower, making the television losing the signal)"

"Oh come on." Y/n complained at the tv before he knitted the sweater back to normal. He then put it on and snapped his fingers, causing the tower to be rebuilt with a barrier around it.

Mabel sighed, "my time with the boys are fun, there's even a really cool girl called Wendy. She's pretty much one of us. Though, I have to admit, and this sounds silly and cray-cray, but I'm not a fan of Grunkle Stan's twin brother that came out of this portal-thingy. He...hurt Y/n, and k thought it was the end. But now Y/n's better, but at the same time, not the same person...? (Stops writing)"

Dipper runs in with a box, "Mabel! Y/n! You'll never guess what I found at the store today!"

Mabel asked, "Dogs! Dogs with hats!"

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "a way to get my eye back?"

"No, it's my favorite fantasy-talking, level-counting, statistics and graph paper-involving game of all time:" Dipper holds it up, "Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons! You wanna play it with me?"

Mabel held her chin, "Well, I do like unicorns, and having Y/n being hot elf looks promising. How do you play?"

Y/n was confused, "Wha-"

"The rules are simple." Dipper opens game book, "First, you roll a 38-sided die to determine the level of each player's statistical analysis poweroid. These orbs relate directly to the amount of quadrants that your team has dominion over, which is inverse to the anti-quadrants in your quadrant satchel."

Y/n held his head, "PT, I'm gonna level with you, I have no idea what those words mean."

Mabel asked, "And then we ride unicorns?"

Dipper smiled, "Yes! (Mabel gasps) And no. (Mabel frowns) First, we make a graph. (Holds up graph paper)"

Mabel sighs, "This is like Homework: The Game."

Dipper frowned, "Come on, guys, I need at least two people to play."

Soos then walks in, Mabel backs out, "Oh, wow, would you look at that: two people!"

"Have fun you two, if you ever need someone else, call me when you find me." Y/n turned into a bunch of sparkles and vanished.

Dipper questions, "Huh. Hey, Soos, up for a little game of D&D&MoreD?"

Soos shook his head, "Aw, sorry, Dipper, I don't go in for that pen and paper kind of stuff. I'm more of an FCLORPer."

"A wha-?"

"FCLORP." Soos holds up a wristband with 'FCLORP'cwritten on it, "Foam and Cardboard Legitimate Outdoor Role Play. It is where a passionate brethren of craftsman, bring their dreams to magical reality. (Cut to him, Toby Determined, Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland in the yard with cardboard costumes on) Let yon priestess go, elf-mage!"

Toby shouts, "Never, Paladin Radmaster! (Throwing balls at Soos) Fireball! Fireball! Fireball!"

Durland stated, "I'm a fortress!"

Cut back to the present. Dipper sighed, "Well, thanks anyway, Soos."

Stan walks in, "Say, is this that game that's mostly math and writing and isn't anything like the picture on the box?"

Dipper gained hope, "Yes! It is! You wanna play with me, Grunkle Stan?"

Stan chuckled, "Ha! Look, kid, I prefer to do my dice rolling in Vegas. Besides, only a game designed by nerds would have 'charisma' as a fantasy power. Heh. Check this out: (Reading from book:) When facing yon adversaries, shield thyself, under an elfin buttress."

Mabel raised an eyebrow, "what did you say?"

Stan repeated with a smirk, "Buttress."

Stan and Mabel laugh, Dipper takes the book from Stan, "Hey! Laugh all you want. You guys just aren't smart enough to understand it."

"Heheh. Sorry, dude, but it is kinda nerdy. Well, I'm off to lay siege to a goblin fortress." Soos puts on a cardboard helmet and takes cardboard sword, "To my grandma's backYARD! (Runs out)"

Dipper sighs, Cut to him in the backyard with Gompers with the game set up. He rolls the dice, "Oh, nice! You rolled a seventeen! (Gompers bleats) Aaannd this is sad. Maybe I should start obsessing over Wendy again."

Suddenly, Gompers takes the dice. Dipper grabs it and tries to pull it out of Gompers' mouth, "Hey, give it back! Come on, Gompers, let go! (Pulls it out and falls backward, dropping the die under the porch on front of a hole) Aw, man, my 38-sided die! (Crawls under the porch and the ground falls out from underneath him) Whoa, what AAAAAHHHH!!! (Lands on the floor of the basement; looks up to see the die next to the cycloptopus, picks it up)"

Ford shouts, "Dipper! Stop!"

Dipper panics, "Great-uncle Ford!"

Ford began to scold, "What did I say about coming down here? My work is far too dangerous for a single living soul to spend even one second i- wait! Is that a 38-sided die from Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons?!"

Dipper froze, "Yeah! Y-you know that game?"

Ford stated with pride, "With pen and paper, shield and sword..."

Dipper and Ford laugh, "Our quest shall be our sweet reward!"

Ford beamed with a smile, "This is my favorite game in the whole multiverse! I can't believe they still make it!"

Dipper felt the vibes, "They do! And I've been looking all day for someone to play it with me!0

Ford smiled, "My boy, do you know what this means? We must stop everything I've been working on at once... and PLAY! (Cycloptopus grabs Ford's face. Ford pulls it off; his face is covered in welts, "That's... going to leave a mark."

Cut to Y/n, Mabel, and Stan in the kitchen. "Okay. We've got everything we need to watch the season finale of Duck-tective tomorrow. (Mabel holds up a box full of food with a ramp) I even made mouth-ramps so we can pour food into our mouths without taking our eyes off the screen. (Pours some food into her mouth) Nom nom nom."

Y/n held his head, brushing his hand through his yellow hair, "you're oddly talented in the weirdest things."

Stan is seen stapling a turkey head to a beaver's body, "And I recreated the main character out of some spare taxidermy parts. (Imitating Duck-tective:) Quack quack. I'm the duck detective! Who stole my breadloaf?"

Mabel laughed, "Hahaha! That is so messed up!"

Y/n smiled, "that's very messed up!"

Mabel added, "Dipper would LOVE that!"

Stan looked at the two kids, "Heh. Yeah. Where is the little squirt anyway? I haven't seen him all afternoon."

Cut to the basement. Ford is seen moving the dice around his fingers, "Alright. You've entered the chamber. Princess Unatainabelle beckons you. But WAIT! IT'S A TRAP! (Dipper gasps) An illusion cast by Probabilitor the Annoying."

Dipper egged on, "You know his weakness, right?"

"Prime-statistical anomalies over 37 but not exceeding 51!" they both say and roll the dice.

Dipper cheers, "Yes! Uh! In your face, you cardboard wizard!"

Ford holds up the picture of Probabilitor, "Hm. The old boy looks a bit different than he did back in my day."

Dipper explained, "Mmm, yeah, they change the art every few years. Thankfully you missed the period when the creators of the game tried to make it 'cooler.'

Cut to an old commercial. Some teens spray paint over an advertisement for Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons. "Man, this game is boring."

The wall explodes and Probabilitor, wearing colorful clothing, appears. "You dare challenge Probabilitizle!?"

The Voice over started rapping, "I flip the cap back, and roll the dice. Don't step to the wizard cause the wizard don't..."

The words "Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons" appears, then is crossed out and replaced by "Diggity Dungeons & All That."

"Diggity Dungeons and All That! Updated for the nine double deuce! Available wherever dope games are sold!"

Probabilitizle makes peace sign, "peace!"

Cut back to the present. Dipper shivers, "Must have been dark times, those 90's."

Ford winces, "Yeesh. Sounds like a good time to be stuck between dimensions."

Dipper pondered, "Great-uncle Ford, I've been meaning to ask you: where were you before you came out of that machine, and what have you been doing down here? Are you working on something behind that curtain?"

Ford shook his head, "Dipper, it's best if you and the family stay away from that subject. Honestly, I'm not sure any of you could handle the real answer. Especially Stan and Y/n."

Dipper pleaded, "But, but I can handle it-"

"Ah-ah! But I can show you something I brought back with me:" Ford dumps out the contents of his bag and opens a box, "An infinity-sided die."

Dipper was amazed, "Woah... that's so cool. And... impossible!"

Ford reveled in it, "These things are outlawed in 9,000 dimensions. You wanna know why? Look at those symbols. Infinite sides means infinite outcomes. If I rolled it, anything could happen. Our faces could melt into jelly. The world could turn into an egg. Or you could just roll an eight. Who knows. That's why I have to keep it in this protective cheap plastic case. Now, back to the game! You've got Probabilitor on the ropes."

Cut to the attic at night. Mabel is trying to sleep while Dipper is writing on graph paper on the floor. "Hohoho man. And then, if I had a dragon here, and then a plus three fire mode-"

Mabel asked 'calmly', "Dipper, are you going to go to sleep? You've been saying dork words for hours. So much that Y/n decided to sleep on the ceiling."

Y/n is seen upside down on the roof, having a nightmare, "YLNO YAW... ESARE EM!!!"

Dipper sighed, "Sorry, guys, I got to finish this dungeon. It's going to totally stump Great-uncle Ford tomorrow, I can't wait to see the look on his face."

Mabel felt a little worried, "You're uh, spending a lot of time with old Fordsy lately, huh?"

Dipper chuckled, "You have no idea. I knew the author must be cool, but he's better than I imagined. And, he doesn't make fun of me all the time, like you and Grunkle Stan do."

"Give 'im time, haha! Heyooo." Mabel paused, "Nah, you got us. (Lays down; to herself:) You got me."

Cut to Y/n putting on a hat the next day, Mabel looked at him with suspicion, "Y/n? Where are you off to?"

"Multi-Bear said Parris has been sick recently, I'm going to go for a visit." Y/n says as he turned around with a smile with magic. He looked at Mabel's face, "don't worry, I'm not planning on running away again."

Mabel chuckled, "ahahaha, I wasn't- there- (paused, gaining a serious face) Okay, that's exactly what I was worried about."

"Yeah, I should be back before the show finale," Y/n snapped his fingers and lifted his hands, "I am magic now, that's my plot line. My entire character arc down the drain in exchange for magic!"

"But you always look like you're in pain..." Mabel spoke up as Y/n lost the creepy smile, "can you talk with me? Or is it...him."

"It's...still me." Y/n started to sound like himself and held his head, "I'm sorry f I haven't been all there. I guess I'm just...on edge. Bill hasn't tried to do anything. It's strange."

"Well, maybe he gave up?" Mabel tried to make a joke, but Y/n's unamused and tired expression said enough. "Well, I hope so at least. But, that's not all I wanted to talk about."

"Hm? What's up, Mabe?" Y/n asked and sat on the floor, he patted the floor next to him with a bright smile. His voice overlapping with Bill's, "tell Comet all you need to worry about, Shooting Star!"

"What do you feel about Ford?" Mabel folded her arms, leaning against the side.

Y/n's face turned to annoyance, but not anger, "I mean... (rubs neck) I don't really like the guy, but I don't know if that's the Bill in me talking."

"Or the fact that he shot you." Mabel added, making Y/n hold his hands up in compliance.

"That too. But, I do, get his methods. Even if I don't agree with them...maybe I should've died in the end." Y/n ponders at the end. He then noticed Mabel's expression, "uh, should I be asking you how you feel about him?"

Mabel had a cute but also Boss Mabel glare, "I don't want to talk about it." Y/n held his mouth, shivering in an attempt to not laugh. "What's so funny?!"

"Nothing, nothing. You're just being cute." Y/n snickered as Mabel sighed with a affection glare.

"Well, I'd stay clear of him if you can. Okay?" Mabel brought up once again.

Y/n nodded and snapped his fingers away, "yep!" He started to fly, "can't wait to use this back at school."

Cut to Mabel and Grenda at the doorway later in the day. Mabel puts on a Duck-tective sweater, speaking to Grenda, "Thanks for coming over to watch tonight's Duck-tective finale, Grenda!"

Grenda cheered, "Of course! I'm so invested in the lives of these characters!"

Mabel looks to Stan, who comes down the stairs wearing a suit, "Hey-hey, look at you! Someone's all dressed up."

Stan nodded, "It's a big night. I think we all remember where we were, when we learned Duck-tective was shot."

An alarm goes off. Mabel gasps, "Viewing positions, everyone!"

Grenda, Mabel and Stan run to the living room, but stop and gasp when they see that Dipper and Ford have laid their game all over it, "Ah! Graph paper! (Stomping on it) Kill it! Kill it!"

Mabel asked, "Dipper, could you maybe move this to another room?"

"No dice! We ran out of room in the basement and we're going for a world record! Now, dice!" Ford rolls a 32, "32, yes! 7,000 points damage!"

Dipper starts laughing, "You got me!"

Stan taunted Ford, getting annoyed, "Oh, why, why with this? You wanna break a record, Ford? You already got it with world's nerdiest old man."

Ford got annoyed as well, "Hey, at least I'm not all keyed up to watch a kid's show."

Stan, feeling offended, clarified, "I'll have you know that Duck-tective has a big mystery element! And a lot of humor that goes over kids' heads!"

Grenda stated, "I don't get a lot of it, but I like animals in human situations."

Mabel panicked, "Grunkle Stan, it starts in a few minutes!"

Stan moves to take the paper off the TV. Ford grabs his hand, "Move that and pay the price!"

Stan scoffed, "Oh, what, fifty magical dwarf dollars?"

Ford shouted, "Don't mock our fantastical monetary system!"

Stan glared, "I'll mock all I want, it's my TV room!"

"It's my house, you..." Ford sighs, "Listen, Stanley, did it ever occur to you to if you joined us you might actually have fun?"

"What? Now you listen to me!" Stan takes Ford's bag, "As long as I live I will never..."

Dipper shouted, "Grunkle Stan, wait!"


Ford panicked, "Stanley!"

Stan went for a swing, "Play your smartypants-"

Y/n walks in with Cotten candy, "what I miss-?"

"-nerd game!" Stan throws the bag to the floor, and the infinity sided dice rolls out.


Four Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons characters appear. Probabilitor shouts, "Mortals of dimension 46'\, kneel before me and (rolls dice) snivel! I am Probabilitor! The greatest wizard in all of mathology! Give or take an error of 0.4."

Stan was questioning, "Eh, is this normal?"

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "I...don't think so...?"

Dipper asked with excitement, "Have you come to send us on the quest of a lifetime because we're the smartest players you've ever met?"

Probabilitor snapped his fingers, "You are the smartest players I've ever met! That's why I'm going to eat your brains to gain your intelligence. It's what I do."

"It's his thing."

Dipper shouted, panicked at the realization, "What?!"

Probabilitor shouted, "Seize them!"

Ford takes out a gun, "Your math is no match for my gun, you idiot!"

"Math ray!" Probabilitor shoots a hole through the wall, "I'm not here to play games! (Grabs Ford and Dipper and flies out, followed by the other characters) Now to the forest, for the ultimate game!"

"So, the room's free now. Who wants to watch Duck-tective?" Grenda squeaks Duck-tective toy, "Nobody? More couch for Grenda!"

Mabel shouted, "Oh no! That crazy wizard is going to eat our brothers' brains! We have to stop 'em!"

Stan reasoned, "Eh, maybe let 'em get a couple bites in Ford's brain first. Even things out smartness-wise."

Y/n and Mabel shouted, "Grunkle Stan!"

"Alright, alright. I guess if we have no other choice, we'll go on a..." Stan sighs, "epic wizard quest."

Mabel and Grenda cheer, "YAAAAYY!!"

"Everyone grab a weapon." Stan looks at Y/n, "Except you... pretty much are a weapon."

Y/n folded his arms, "wow...thanks...."

Stan finds a bat in the couch cushion, Mabel takes a rake, Y/n summons his can and turns it into an umbrella, and Grenda lifts up a chair. "Heh. Nice!"

Mabel stated, "We're coming for you, Dipper!"

"And maybe Ford." Y/n added.

"I know what I said."They run off into the forest.

Cut to Probability with Dipper and Ford, who are tied to a tree. "Heheheh. (Measures the Pines' heads) With each brain I eat, I shall increase my enchantelligence."

Ford squirmed, "If my hands were free, I'd break every part of your face."

Probabilitor smiled, "The time has come! Hot elf! Ready the brain-cooking pot!"

Hot elf sighs, "Yes, Probabilitor. (Shakes his hair and shoots a flaming arrow at the pot)"

Cut to Y/n, Grenda, Mabel, and Stan walking through the forest. Stan slaps his back, "We must be getting close. These fairy bites are getting more frequent."

Fairy crushed against Stan's suit, "Hey, look, listen."

An Ogre stomps in front of them, "Halt! Yon interlopers are trespassing on the ancient forest of Probabilitor the wizard! If ye wish to pass, first, ye must complete seven unworldly quest, each, more difficult than the--"

"NOW!" Grenda hits him on the head with the chair and he collapses.

Mabel pokes his foot with the rake, "Is he... dead?"

"He's magic, sweetie. I'm sure he's fine." Stan whispers to Grenda and Y/n, "There's no cops in the forest. We take this to our graves. (Exchanges winks with them)"

Cut back to Probabilitor. "Heheheheh."

Dipper panicked, "What do we do? What do we do?"

Ford instructed, "Stop thinking, Dipper! The more wrinkly your brain gets, the more he'll want to eat it!"

"And now, a little math problem: when I subtract your brain from your skulls," Probabilitor hits Ford and Dipper with his staff, "add salt, and divide your family, what's the remainder?"

Mabel shouts from behind the bushes, "YOUR BUTT!!"

Probabilitor froze, "What? My butt isn't part of this particular equation."

"It is now!" A laser beam shot at Probabilitor, but he quickly dodged it. Y/n, Grenda, Mabel and Stan jump out of the bushes.

"Drat! How did you make it past my one guard? Very well. There's only one way your family can save you. YOU must defeat ME in Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons: REAL LIFE EDITION!"Probabilitor creates a gameboard, "Hahaha-hahaha!"

Stan gave up, "What? Oh, come on!"

"I choose my characters..."Two ogres appear in the game, "vs... (Dipper and Ford appear as elf characters in his hand) yours..."

Ford felt his ears, "Ah! My ears! They're so pointy!"

"There better be something protective under this tunic." Dipper turns around and opens tunic, "Oh, no, there isn't!"

Stan asked, "Seriously, can't we just, like, arm wrestle or something?"

"Come on, this game is a lot of fun. I had my mom pack me a lunch." Probabilitor takes some apple slices out of a paper bag, "Ew, apple slices? I'll eat you last."

"Uh, just make with the rules, ugly." Stan chews some gum.

Probabilitor explained, "The game is a battle royale. We help our characters by casting spells determined by rolls of the dice. If you win, I'll go back to my own dimension."

Mabel claps and Y/n smiled, "that's all I needed to hear!"

Probabilitor quickly stated, "but if I win, I eat their brains."

Dipper winced, "Hey, I'm not sure this is such a good--"

It was too late, Stan shouted, "DEAL!"

Dipper sighed, "Oh boy."

"Let the game... BEGIN!" Probabilitor rolls a 13, "Attack! (The ogres try to hammer Dipper and Ford with their clubs)"

Dipper and Ford start running away. Stan got worried, "What do we do? What are our moves?!"

Dipper shouted, "There are no moves; you make them up!"

Stan paused, "What? Really?"

Ford nodded, "Yes! I tried to tell you: this game involves math, but also risk, and imagination!"

Stan pondered, "Risk?"

Mabel realized, "Imagination? Grunkle Stan, make something up! It's just like lying!"

Y/n looked at the two running away, "only way more effective."

"I cast, uh... shield of... shielding!" Stan rolls a 14 and a shield appears in front of Dipper and Ford, "Ha! We're doing it!"

"Shield of Shielding Reversal Spell." Probabilitor rolls dice and the shield disappears.

"I cast: Giggle Time Bouncy Boots!" Mabel rolls the dice and boots with springs appear on Dipper and Ford.

Dipper and Ford jump over the ogres. Y/n rolls the dice, "chilling icy sword! (A sword appears in Dipper's hands) Super cold chilling icy sword! (The sword gets longer)"

Dipper jumps over an ogre and kills it with the sword. Ford kills the other ogre with a sword. Probabilitor got annoyed, "No! Drat you! You'll never outrun my (Rolls dice) Ogre-nado! (An ogre-nado chases Dipper and Ford) It is what is sounds like! (The ogre-nado blows Dipper's and Ford's swords away)"

"I cast: CENTAURTAUR! YAH!" Mabel rolls the dice and a horse with another horse body for a head appears.

Stan turned to Mabel, "Mabel, I am so confused and so proud right now."

Y/n elbows her, "I think I'm falling for you all over again."

Mabel brushed her hair, tiny blush, "oh geez... (Dipper and Ford get on the centaurtaur and it runs away from the ogre-nado.) Go go go, Dipper go! You can do it!"

Stan and Y/n shout simultaneously "Come on, you guys! Go! Go!"

The centaurtaur runs into a smaller room and disappears. The ogre-nado tries to follow but falls apart. "YES!"

Probabilitor shouts as The Impossibeast picks up Dipper and Ford, "Hahaha yes! I was saving the worst for last!"

Dipper panicked, "Oh no!"

Ford shouted with annoyance and confusion, "The Impossibeast! Hey, I thought they banned this character!"

"Think again! I'm playing the controversial 1991-1992 edition!" Probabilitor explains as the Impossibeast slams Dipper and Ford against the wall.

Mabel is seen shaking die, "I'll think of some weapons!"

Ford shook his head, "You don't understand. This is the most powerful monster in the game! He can only be defeated by rolling a perfect 38! But the odds of that are--"

Stan takes the die from Mabel and shakes it, "Hey, long odds are what you want when you're a world class gambler! Alright, Stan, you can do this... Papa needs a new pair of... TWINS! (throws the die and it lands on 38)"

Probabilitor shouts with disparity, "NOOO!"

Stan smirked, "Sorry, nerd-wizard. All your smarts are no match for dumb luck."

"I cast DEATH MUFFINS!" Mabel shouts as Muffins with dynamite sticking out of them appear in Dipper and Ford's hands.

Dipper and Ford throw the death muffins into the Impossibeast's mouth, "Huh? (Explodes in muffins)"

Stan, Mabel, and Y/n cheered, "YES! YEAAAH!!"

Dipper and Ford, holding muffins, appear next to them in their normal clothes. Mabel hugs Dipper, "Hahaha!"

Y/n rushed over and ruffled his hair, "welcome back, PT."

The Hot elf has Grenda hugging him, closes the rule book, "The game is, like, over. Excelci-whatever."

Probabilitor disappearing with the game, "No! I'm returning to my own realm! I'm turning into pure math! What are the ooooodddsss?? (Disappears)"

Dipper turned to Stan with amazement, "Grunkle Stan, that was amazing! How did you know you'd win?"

"Hey, a gambler never reveals his secrets." Stan picks up the die, which has gum stuck to the bottom and starts chewing some new gum.

Mabel giggled, "Man! That was fun for ages 8 to 80! Or a million or however old you guys are!"

Stan pointed to Dipper "Y'know, I'm sorry for making fun of your game, kiddo. Sure, it might be too nerdy for me, bust it's just the right amount of nerdy for you and my brother. If you two wanna hang out sometimes, I won't get in your way."

Dipper smiled, "Actually, after all that, I could use a little mindless fun."

"Guys! We can watch the second showing of Duck-tective! It's not too late!" Grenda squeaks a Duck-tective toy.

Cut to Y/n, Dipper, Mabel, Grenda, Stan and Soos in the living room at night watching Duck-tective.  "Wah, wah-wah. Wah, wah-wah. (Subtitled:) I'm going to that big pond in the sky."

Constable shouted, "I just don't understand who shot you. The only person clever enough to defeat Duck-tective is-- (Gasps) Duck-tective!"

Duck-tective's brother throws a bedpan at Constable's head, knocking him out, "Wa wa-wa-wa-wa... WA-WA-WA! (Subtitled:) Time to finish the job... TWIN BROTHER!"

Duck-tective gave a TERRIFIED QUACK.

"He had a twin brother all along?" Mabel and Y/n pour chips on Stan, "That's the big twist we've been waiting for!?"

Grenda glared, "WHAT A RIP-OFF!"

Soos smiled, "I predicted that, like, a year ago."

Cut to the basement. Ford locks the infinity-sided die away; to Dipper, "This'll be here if you ever need it."

Dipper asked, "Really? Even though I got us into the whole game-playing mess?"

Ford shook his head, "Eh, we both got carried away. I guess we'd both gone for awhile without a friend. Dipper, can I tell you something? (Dipper nods) You asked me earlier what I was working on. Well, (pulls curtain down to reveal the portal is gone) I dismantled the portal. An interdimensional gateway is too dangerous for the world it feeds into. That's why I was mad at Stan for using it. He saved me but, as I feared, the instability of the machine created this: (Holds up a transparent sphere with a blob in it) an interdimensional rift. I've contained it for now, but it's incredibly dangerous. Dipper, I don't want you to tell anyone about this. Not Stan, not even your sister, especially not Y/n. You understand?

Dipper remembered what Y/n shouted, "opening that and the end is coming... is this what he meant? Oh-uh, of course."

Ford explained, "In my time I've made many powerful enemies, but I trust you with this secret. Now get yourself to bed. I have much research to do."

Dipper turned, "Goodnight, Great-uncle Ford."

"Goodnight, Dipper." Ford puts the rift away.
Soos, Blubs, Durland and Toby Determined are role-play fighting in the yard. "Guys, do you ever think that maybe we're doin' this 'cause our lives aren't special enough? That we use fantasy as an escape to avoid the self-improvement we all need? That maybe we should just go out and grow as people?"

Blubs shouts, "Fortresses can't speak, Durland."

Durland stated, "I'm a fortress!"

A Griffin grabs Toby and flies away. Blubs looks at him, "Does anyone want to rescue him?"

Durland shooks his head, "Eh, I'm good."

Soos simultaneously stated, "I'm kinda- I'm kinda tired. Long day. Long day of FCLORPing."

Don't step to the wizard 'cause the wizard don't play nice- yeah!

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