π—¦π— π—šπŸ°: Y/N's Crazy & Dumba...


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SMG4 Characters belong to SMG4/Glitch Productions Mario Characters belong to Nintendo More

For those who don't know SMG4 [[NON-CHAPTER]]
The Wish Ring
A Ghost and Melon have Wholesome Fun
The Inkwisher
The God Olympics 2022
The Multiverse of WTF
The Squidshroom Inkdom
Switching Bodies
If.....Y/N? was in Poppy Playtime: Chapter 2
Y/N's New Pet
Y/N's Judgement
Guess who's back! [[NON-CHAPTER]]
Mario tries to Die
Y/N & Meggy find Jeebus
Coming Soon [[NON-CHAPTER]]


1.3K 13 11

Mario was currently beating the shit out of someone after they had recently just sent him yet another Among Us Meme. You were coming by to see what the issue was as you watched him beat them with a bat.

Y/N: "Hey Mario, Whatcha doing?"

Mario: "This Mamaf*cker posted another stupid Among Us Meme"

Y/N: "Oh, I guess that's understandable. So, What's on the agenda for today?"

Mario: "Hmmm, Spaghetti. Spaghetti. Then more Spaghetti"

Y/N: "Is that all that you think about these days?"


Y/N: "Come on, There has to be something that you could do instead of gorging yourself like that"

Mario: "What could be better than spaghetti?"

Y/N: "I don't know. I'm sure there has to be something"

You then looked inside the loot box that was next to Mario as you then had found some kind of scroll

Y/N: "The hell is this?"

You open up the scroll as you try to read the text

Y/N: "Upon reading this, You are to go and find the ultimate power of nothingness. For you and all your graces to come true. If one shall find the end of the quest, Thou all shall be fine, happiness, comfort, and beauty divine?"

Mario: "Ooooh, It could mean Infinite Spaghetti!"

Y/N: "Mario, You're not seriously thinking about going on this quest to find literally nothing, Right?"

Mario: "........Pingas."

Mario takes the scroll from you as he ran out of the Castle to go off and begin the quest for nothing. You decided to go along with him to make sure that he doesn't get himself killed...or kill anyone else. Mario looks intensely at the rest of the scroll but was failing from the fact that he can't read. You take back the scroll to read what the rest says

Y/N: "To begin the search of nothingness, Find your way through the ink and to the place of the Canyon and its space of Sluggishness. How the hell are we supposed to guess that?"

Mario: "Hmmm, Oh! Mario knows one place!"

Y/N: "Wait really?"

Mario then grabbed you by your neck and tossed you down a Green Pipe as he goes down it after you. The Green Pipe shoots you out in the air as you hit the ground on your face as Mario comes out, perfectly fine. You groan a bit in pain as you slowly get up and try to wonder where the Pipe had brought you

Y/N: "What is this place?"

Mario: "This is where Mario met Meggy! This is where they use a lot of Ink!"

Y/N: "I guess. Maybe let's just try and talk to one of these squids looking kids"

You then go up to a nearby Inkling as the Inkling looks up at you and raised a Brow

Y/N: "Uhh, Excuse me, kid. Do you think you could be able to help us know how to get our way around here?"

The inkling stared at you for a moment and listen to what you tried to say but they thought you said something highly offensive and they started yelling at you in their native language

Y/N: "Woah! Calm down! I was just asking for help!"

Mario: "I think Mario knows how to speak their language"

Mario walks up to the Angry Inkling and tried to communicate with them

The inkling calmed down a bit as it seemed to have understood what Mario was telling it and it then ran off for some reason

Y/N: "What did you say to it?"

Mario: "I told it that They'll find some other Inklings to make some Squid Babies if they help us with Directions"

Y/N: "....I regret ever saying anything after that."

The inkling then comes back to you and Mario as it handed you a Map. You open it up to try and find the Canyon

Y/N: "Okay, so the scroll said something about it being in a Canyon. I guess that means we must be close to it from here. Now, How are we gonna get there though?"

You and Mario look around the Plaza to try and find a way to get to Octo Canyon. You eventually had found another Inkling sitting above what looked like some kind of Manhole Cover. You tried to get the Inkling's Attention but it immediately escaped into the Manhole

Y/N: "Mario! We need to go after that, Inkling!"

Mario was over at Crusty Sean's as he was trying to order Spaghetti but Crusty Sean kept refusing since he doesn't serve Spaghetti


Mario got pissed but before he could do anything, You grabbed Mario as you take him down the Manhole you saw the Inkling go down and tried to chase after it

Meanwhile, A group of Inklings was watching from afar. They seemed to have recognized you as a Human and they were not so happy about it, especially their leader

???: "Tch, Another one. To think that Meggy Idiot was bad enough, but here comes another one. Whatever it is thereafter, I want in on it. Let's go after them"

The Leader and her team then go down the Manhole themselves. You and Mario make it out from the Manhole as you now have entered the Octo Canyon

Mario: "Oooh, Mario never been here before"

Y/N: "Hm, This must be where that Squid Kid I saw earlier came"

???: "It's pronounced Inklings"

The Inkling you saw had then showed themselves to you as she stand before you both

Marie: "What brings you two over here. Oh, Hello Mario. Nice to see you again"

Mario: "Hello!"

Y/N: "Wait, You know this...Inkling?"

Mario: "She was one of the squids who announced the splatfest that Meggy had me train for"

Y/N: "A splatfest?"

Marie: "It's kind of a Live event that we used to do. Meggy and her team were the ones to win the Final Splatfest a couple of years ago. I kinda miss her, honestly"

Y/N: "Wait, Meggy was an Inkling, too"

Marie: "Yeah and she was pretty good at what she did. A lot of us Agents was one thing but she could've been one of us if we'd ever got the chance to reach her. Anyway, Who are you?"

Y/N: "Oh, I'm Y/N. I'm a friend of Mario and Meggy"

Marie: "Well, nice to meet you, Y/N. So, what brings you guys here?"

Y/N: "We're apparently on the Quest to look for Nothing"

Marie: "Nothing? So then why are you here then?"

Y/N: "Because we're looking for Nothing"

Marie: "But how are you looking for something if it's nothing?"

Y/N: "Because this something is nothing"


Y/N: "Okay look, Basically Mario thinks that this Scroll we have is supposed to bring us to something despite that it says "Nothing" and now we're here trying to look for it"

Marie: "Oooooh, I get it now. But what makes you think whatever you're looking for is here?"

Y/N: "Because the Scroll told us that we had to and I quote "Find your way through the Ink and to the place of the Canyon and its space of Sluggishness"

Marie: "Oh, That doesn't make any sense but if you guys want to search through the Canyon, You'll need to least have a weapon with you, just in case. It's dangerous to go alone, take this"

Y/N: "You serious? This looks more like a Water Gun"

Marie: "Trust me, It's a lot more powerful than you think. It can come in handy when you're facing any Octarians"

Marie then left as she had to go and leaving you to be filled with many questions and concerns

Y/N: "Okay? Anyway, Come on Mario. Let's get going. The sooner we get this pointless quest over, the better"

Mario and you set off into the Canyon as you go off to go and find something. Team Killer Ink had followed up from behind you as they followed you both into the Canyon when Marie leaves. Once you and Mario got to the Canyon, You had wondered where anybody was, The whole place did seem to be deserted until you had seen a Group of Octarians and Enemy Octolings carrying a Captive Inkling as they were taking them to a Secret Base that they had.

Y/N: "I'm guessing that this is what we're looking for. We're gonna need to get past those guys if we're gonna get in there. Any Ideas, Mario?"

Mario then rushes over to the Base as the Octarians and charges in without a plan. They easily shoot him down and set him flying back to you

Y/N: "Okay, Now for an Actual Plan"

You then sent Mario back to the front of the base as you told them to try and distract them. Mario then had thought for a moment and then came up with an Idea

The Octarians and Octolings immediately joined in on the Distraction Dance as you take it as the opportunity to enter the building. Most of the hallways were almost dark with very little light. You tried to slowly go throughout the building to try and see what was around. You had stumbled around a small room that consisted of a Jail cell that from first glance seemed empty and unguarded, A monitor, and a Notebook filled with Information. You go over to the monitor as you tried picking up the Notebook but something had come up to the Jail Bars.

Inkling: "Hey, Buddy"

You then turned over to see that there was the same Inkling that you saw get captured earlier

Y/N: "Hey, You're the same Inkling that I saw on my way here. Who are you?"

Vixen: "I'm Vixen. I'm kind of a Doctor and I kinda build stuff. I came here to the Octo Canyon to try and do some Experiments but the Enemy Octolings who still obey their leader, DJ Octavio had captured me. I was all alone and didn't think anyone would be coming for me. But what are you doing here? Did you get captured by them or are you with them?"

Y/N: "No. I just managed to infiltrate this place since I'm kinda looking for..."Something" but I'm not sure how to get around this base"

Vixen: "I've been told about this Base here in Octo Canyon as one of the Agents named Marie or as she's called by other agents, known as "Agent 2" has been trying to infiltrate this place as well"

Y/N: "Is it because of this DJ Octavio?"

Vixen: "Maybe. It could also be for the fact that about several days ago, Inkopolis news broadcasters, Pearl and Marina had announced there was some strange, Green Glowing Device that had burrowed its way somewhere outside of Inkopolis and I suppose the Octarians got their hands on it before anyone else and brought back here. They must've captured me to see if I'd be able to figure out what it is and to see how it'll benefit them"

Y/N: "A device? Hmm...Maybe that's probably what I'm looking for? Hey, If I were to get you out of that Jail Cell, Do you think you'll be able to help me get around this Base and Find that Device and help me take it back to where I'm from? I think that Device might be what I'm looking for"

Vixen: "Oh, Of course! If you could let me out then I'll help you with anything you want! But how do plan on helping me escape? This Cell doesn't require a Key and Lock or any kind of lock code but somehow keeps me in here"

Y/N: "I think I might have an Idea. Hold on"

You then leave the room and tried to get back outside the Base to get Mario but see that all the Octarians and Octolings have all collapsed from exhaustion from all the dancing

Y/N: "Wow Mario, You managed to get them to get knocked out"

Mario: "Mario has a 1,000,000 IQ"

Y/N: "Right. Anyway, I found that one Inkling we saw earlier and they said that they'll help us find the "Nothing" but we need to get him out of his Jail Cell so that he'll help us find our way around the Inside of the base"

Mario: "Okie Dokie"

You then bring Mario back inside the Base as you brought him back to where Vixen was

Y/N: "Okay Mario, We have to find some way of breaking open the Bars to the Jail. Do you have any REAL ideas, This time?"

Mario: "Hmmmmmmmm, I got it! Tell me not to break anything"

Y/N: "Uhhh, Mario. Don't break anything"

Mario: "Now turn around"

You were confused as you had no idea what Mario was planning but decided to do what he said and turned around. You then heard a bunch of loud noises and turned back around as you saw that Mario had somehow managed to destroy the whole Jail Cell open, Freeing Vixen

Mario: "Ta-Da!"

Vixen: "Ah thank you so much! I can't believe you managed to help break me out so easily!"

Y/N: "Great. Now that we got you free, Now it's your turn to return the Favor. Help us get around the Base so we can find what we're getting....which I still don't know what it is"

Vixen: "Absolutely! I think I saw them carry the Device to one of the bigger rooms from up ahead! If we could try and get to Security Room and destroy all the Cameras we can avoid getting caught"

Mario had already left as he found the Security Room and destroyed everything in there along with all the Cameras that were currently monitoring

Y/N: "Or Mario just rushes in there and destroys everything. That works too"

You, Mario, and Vixen make your way around the Base as you knocked out of Couple Octolings and Octarians that were patrolling the areas that you went through. You tried to go through the pages of the notebook that you picked up earlier to see if it contained anything and that most of them explained the device. You had a hard time reading as many Octarians kept coming your way and left you little time to read anything. Soon, Vixen had managed to find where the Device was

Vixen: "There it is. That was the device that came its way to Inkopolis about a week ago. We have no idea what it is or what it does but whatever its purpose it serves, They must be figuring out its potential to see if it'll help them in their goals of taking over all of Inkopolis"

The Device in question looked like some kind of big USB with a Light Green Arrow pointing Downward as a Green Aura was surrounding it. Many Octolings were guarding it. You then planned an ambush as Mario would once again be used as Distraction while you would take out the remaining Octolings alongside Vixen who was rather skilled at Hand-to-Hand Combat just like Meggy, If not better

Y/N: "Alright! We did it! Now that we got the Device, Let's get it back to the Castle!"

Mario: "But what about the Infinite Spaghetti?"

Y/N: "Mario, I don't think any of this had anything to do with that. But look, I have something that'll give you it but for now, Let's get this back home"

Team Killer Ink Leader: "Oh, I don't think you'll be taking anything back home with you, Not even your life."

You then looked over to see Four Inklings standing nearby from where you were as they pointed their weapons at you

[Artist: Ender-The Inkling, DeviantArt]

Y/N: "What the? Who are all of you guys? And what do you mean by that?"

Vixen: "Natalie."

Natalie: "Vixen."

Y/N: "You guys know each other?"

Vixen: "Unfortunately yes, She's always the one who is constantly disturbing me and destroying all of my experiments that I go through"

Natalie: "Nice Try, Vixen. We all know that you're plans suck. We're here to take that Device and use it for some good stuff"

Vixen: "You mean use it for yourselves? As if we're gonna just give it to you that easy, You'll have to go through us before you even think about it!"

Natalie: "You know me. I'm always up for a Fight. Get them!"

The other three members of Natalie's Team then began shooting ink at you guys as you all then take cover. You then used the weapon that Marie gave you earlier as you were rather good at using it. You seemed to have the same moving and skills about the same as an Ordinary Inkling for some reason but couldn't land a shot on anyone. Mario was trying to use random things to throw at them but they avoided all of them.

Vixen: "Dammit, We're outnumbered and Cornered! We need to try and get around these guys somehow!"

Y/N: "Quick! We need to think of something to distract them! Hey Mario!"

Mario: "Hm?"

Y/N: "One of those Inklings said that you're a Sussy Poopyhead!"


Mario then became furious as he jumps out he then charged at full force at one of the Inklings as knocked one of them out. You take the opportunity to try and take out the other two which you managed to successfully do, leaving Natalie by herself.

Y/N: "Okay, now your whole team is down. Stand down or Mario here will beat you up from every part of your body that's fragile until you give up"

Natalie: "I can always help get my squad back to health again, but you can't get your device to come home with me if I have anything to say about it"

Natalie then steals the USB as she escapes with it. You try to go after Natalie yourself while Vixen takes care of the Unconscious Inklings and ties them all down and carried them out of the base while Mario rigged the whole base to explode. The three of you escaped before the Base blows up and you kept chasing after Natalie.

She was almost about to escape until she was 360 no scoped by none other than Marie. She knocked out Natalie as the Device had dropped to the ground

Y/N: "Marie! You took out Natalie! Where did you come from?"

Marie: "I was inside the Base to try and find out what the Octarians were hiding in there. Turns out that they found the Device that came into Inkopolis and I've been searching for it ever since. I almost found the room that they kept it in but it looks like you guys took care of that. I saw Mario was about to blow up the base and I got out of there quickly before they went off and saw you guys going after the Leader of Team Killer Ink and that she was stealing the Device"

Y/N: "Oh, well thanks for helping us before she got away. We need to get that Device back home with us and see what it's about. I feel like I've seen this somewhere before"

Marie: "Well, I was planning on taking it and having it destroyed since I felt that it might be too dangerous to have around but If you're willing to get it out and away from Inkopolis then, by all means, Take it"

Y/N: "Thank you so much, sorry for all the trouble that we might have put you through"

Marie: "Nah, it's alright. We agents deal with Danger every day. You and Mario wouldn't be nearly as much trouble compared to what we've been through"

Soon, You, Vixen, and Mario had gotten to the Pipe and took the Device back home. You also brought Natalie and her Squad back to the castle and after a long explanation with Peach, She has them all sent to a Dungeon. Meggy and the whole gang had come by as they were looking for you and Mario

Meggy: "Guys! Where have you two been? We've been looking for you all day and we couldn't find you anywhere"

Y/N: "Mario and I found a Scroll earlier and Mario wanted to go on the quest to find nothing. We ended up going into Inkopolis to try and find more clues and we soon found this USB. We also brought back some Inklings, too. I think about 4 of them were a group called "Team Killer Ink"

Meggy then heard you say what their team name was and has memories of the Final Splatfest where she and the Splatsquad once faced off against them. SMG4 also heard you talking about a USB and rushed over to you



Y/N: "Wait wait! Why are you guys so shocked?"

Meggy: "Y/N! Those four Inklings were the same ones we fought at the Final Splatfest! Their leader was such a huge jerk and now you're telling me you brought her and her team here and DIDN'T TELL ME!?"

Y/N: "I didn't know! And what's the big deal about the USB, SMG4?"

SMG4: "You have no idea how important that USB is. We're gonna need SMG1 and 2 over here"

SMG4 then takes out his phone to try and call SMGs 1 and 2 as both of them were at home trying to do some renovations until SMG1 gets a call. He sees that it was SMG4 and then immediately answered

SMG1: "Hey SMG4, What do you need?"

SMG4: "I need you and 2 to get over to the castle, ASAP! Y/N just found a Guardian Pod!"


SMG2: "Who?"


SMG1 tells SMG2 that you found a Guardian Pod and they try to make their way to the castle. You meanwhile the try to explain to Meggy and SMG4 of everything that happened while you and Mario were in Inkopolis

SMG4: "So, you mean that Guardian Pod just appeared out of nowhere in Inkopolis? Why was it there of all places?"

Y/N: "I don't know. None of the residents of Inkopolis had any idea either. We were gonna bring it back to the Castle until Natalie, which is the name of Team Killer Ink's leader by the way, Tried to steal it from us but Marie knocked her out before she got away and This inkling named Vixen chose to bring them all back here"

Vixen: "Hello. I brought them back here to see if maybe they'd might have to be interrogated and for personal reasons"

Meggy: "I thought that all Inklings hate Humans?"

Vixen: "Not all of us our Racist towards Humans. In fact, All of us Inklings are technically Humans ourselves"

Meggy: "Really? I was once an Inkling but then U turned Human after an...Incident happened"

Vixen: "Yeah, It's was a bad day for all of us Inklings especially when we heard what happened to Desti"

Meggy: "You know about that?"

Vixen: "My friend, Nearly all of us Inklings heard all about that"

Meggy: "Really?"

Vixen: "Oh yes. We all would've became Sushi if it hadn't been for you and your friends freeing us from the clutches of that Reptilian Scum, Francis. But it's honest rather astonishing how an Inkling like you could become Fully Human"

Meggy: "I don't even know how this happened either. All of the Ink I once had was sucked away from me and then I became this"

Vixen: "Hmm, well you just might be in luck! I happened to be a bit of a Doctor myself so I think I might come up with an Idea of How you turned out this way"

Meggy: "Really? What are you a Doctor of?"

Vixen: "I'm many different kinds of Doctors but I primarily am skilled as an Anatomist"

Meggy was rather surprised that Vixen was so talented and she became immediately invested in the idea of wondering how she became the way she is. She then looked back at you and sighed

Meggy: "Okay, I'm gonna go talk with Vixen for a while but by the time I come back, YOU have a LOT of explaining to do"

Meggy said to you in a frighteningly and threatening way as she then walked back to Vixen to talk more with him. SMG1 and 2 came as they came up to you and SMG4

SMG1: "Okay buddy, Where's the Guardian Pod?"

Y/N: "The what pod?"

SMG2: "The USB"

Y/N: "Oh, Over there"

They looked over and saw the USB up against the wall. They saw that it was an acutal Guardian Pod and looked each other rather skeptical

SMG4: "Y/N said that they and Mario found it in Inkopolis"

SMG1: "When did Y/N come here to the Castle?"

SMG4: "I don't know. They said that they came falling from the sky and crash landed near the Castle"

SMG1 and 2 think for a moment and looked back at you

SMG2: "Tell us Y/N, Do you know anything about the Guardian Pod?"

Y/N: "No"

SMG1 & 2: "Pull up a Chair, Let's talk"

Both the SMGs talk with you everything that you needed to know from the God Box, SMG0, Niles, The Meme Life Cycle, The Guardian Pods and SMGs in General.

Meanwhile, Mario had found the same ring that he threw away at one point as he tried it on but it didn't fit. You then remembered how he wanted Spaghetti and you put the ring on and had Djinn wish Infinite Spaghetti for Mario

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