Cod ww2 lovestory

Par bulletstorm1944

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This is a story about a woman who joined the first platoon And live to tell the whole story of it now this wo... Plus

Operation Cobra
Battle of marigny
Falaise France S.O.E
Paris france liberation
Collateral damage
Death factory (smut)
Ambush and the rhine

Hill 493 and Battle of the bulge

95 1 0
Par bulletstorm1944

I do not own call of duty ww2 and I don't own the videos also this book contains all spoilers and blood and violence your viewer discretion is advised the only things I do own is the photos and my two ocs lily and iris 

November 18th 1944

Iris's pov

It's been many hours since Pierson took our guys to the other side of the hill to meet up with second platoon and he was supposed to contact us so we could back him up with the 2nd platoon against the kruats that are trying to take the hill anyway I was with my brother red and stiles as we both wait for second platoon to contact us and stiles had the walkie talki against his ear trying to contact them saying some code words trying to get a word out of them but still nothing

I then look upon the hill with worry in my eyes thinking about my friends up there that could possibly be dying on the floor with pools of blood but mostly zussman because I love him very much he is the first man and the best one any woman could ask for honesty I'm grateful that he is my first everything honestly I don't know how much happiness I wouldn't have without him I mean yeah I have my brother red and my dog lily along with a few of my friends that I got left but he is really something else hopefully if he survives I might ask to live with him in Chicago

Then I walk towards the exit of the area looking upon the hill then my thoughts get snapped back to reality as I hear stiles voice in a panic while speaking with Lieutenant turner "Lieutenant just got a transmission from baker they are gonna assault hill 493 Piersons with them" then I turn to see Lieutenant turners face that had anger and worry not to mention confusion as well anyway then Lieutenant turner asked with such expressions of those emotions as I look at the hill in worry

"what?!" Then stiles says to turner "they took our guys and second platoon" then turner whistles and calls out for all of the platoon soldiers saying "ready up boys!" We all then start running towards the hill quickly with our boots stomping agains the mud and dirt and guns in hand as well ready to pull the trigger onto the enemy


We finally arrived to the hill and as we were marching up to the hill turner yells "keep moving our boys need us!" Then we make it to the top and I see aiello sitting on the ground while holding his knee and I also see blood then turner walks up to him and aiello explains to us "Pierson took our boys and second platoon to take the hill we begged for reinforcements" then turner says in frustration "damn stubborn son of a bitch" talking about Pierson then turner orders me to heal aiello and then meet up with the rest of him and the others at the hill

While lily was licking his face to cheer him up
I took time to heal aiello's wound by cutting his pants where the wound was and I had to remove the bullet but I also had to give him a numbing shot of antibiotics also I had to clean it then I had to stitch it up once I was done he thanked me and I then take out my mp34 to meet up with the others at the objective of the hill it took a while but I finally found them but not without having to help out a few wounded soldiers on the way also running into a few remaining kruats as well

I then set my eyes onto a tiger tank that is now destroyed and then I see turner get shot behind his back and I yell "noooo!" Then my brother red takes out his pistol and kills the kruat that shot turner then I spot my own child hood best friend get shot in the head then tears run down my face

Which ever one y'all like
as I see his corpse drop to the ground
and I run and take my axe and stab the kruat that killed my best friend that I've known since I was 9 and that was 11 years ago but now it's all gone then I keep swinging my axe in anger stabbing the kruat over and over again until he is nothing but guts and pools of blood and I then holster my axe and rush over to Leon's corpse and pull him close to me and with tears running down my face and I scream into the sky in pain of losing my best friend for 11 years
And lily was sniffing him while whining a bit and licked his face

Then I hear Pierson yell "fall back fall back!" Then I take Leon's corpse and drag him with me and leave the area and back to camp still carrying my best friend's body without anyone knowing I kept walking and walking and killed any kruat who tried to get in my way I then carry leon on my back with blood dripping down from him and me

but that blood wasn't my own it was from the kruats that I killed well I did feel a little pain on my leg but I didn't care and just ignored the pain just kept carrying him I felt like ours was only minutes as I took him to a big field it was very beautiful I thought it was a perfect spot for him because he always said he wanted to be burned to ashes in a gorgeous field somewhere in Europe and here we are I'm making his wish come true

I then go to an open spot then I carry him to him to an open area then I start gathering rocks just enough for his body to fit upon then start gathering wood and leaves they could easily burn and place it upon his body then I take his gun to remember him by I then put it over my shoulder then I take out my lighter as they look upon the leaves are upon his body and then I light the match and set it upon him and then he starts burning and burning and burning even more until he's nothing but crisps and ashes and i wait there waiting for his body to fully burn

as I watch and a tear runs on my face  as the memories of him and I race upon my head more tears start running down my face and then say with sadness and a lump in my throat and a few sniffles "Leon you are my best friend I've known you for 11 years at least you died doing what you loved just know that you'll always be my memories and just know the others will miss you dearly but I will miss you the most goodbye my friend and enjoy your great rest and allow me to collect your ashes and please watch over me and my family like I did for you goodbye Leon"

After many minutes and many minutes pass by and he was completely turned into ashes I then gather ashes and put them in my pockets I was able to collect all of them all and then I headed back to camp where are the others were certainly waiting for me but I know for sure that they were grieving for the loss of their lieutenant don't get me wrong I was also grieving for him too

but mostly Leon but can you blame me? What felt like many minutes turned into an hour but I finally reached the camp and Lily following behind me and she slowly starts to whimper and then say to her "it's OK girl I miss him to don't worry they're in a better place now they both are turner was sort of like a father to me and Leon was like a brother I will never forget their noble sacrifices and hopefully the others won't either"

I then approach. Sergeant Pierson's tent but I was stopped by red my brother as he hugs me saying "I thought I lost you I thought you were captured what where did you go?! And why do you have Leon's gun and where is he?" I then look at him and sadness while looking at the gun then say with a sniffle and a tear running down my face "Leon is dead a kruat killed him I couldn't save him he was shot in the head right in front of my eyes I just stood there it's my fault he's gone I need to be alone to think" then lily follows me

as I start to walk to my tent and then stop and look at her saying "you too girl "and then I walk away I felt bad for pushing my own brother and dog away but sometimes I just need to be alone especially when dealing with a loss of a best friend and sort of a father figure but Turner wasn't a father figure to me he was more of a father figure to everyone in the platoon

I then head inside of my tent and take off my gear on the desk and then Put Leon's dog tag on the desk once I was done while stroking it gently then I head over to my bag and take off my uniform and put on more comfortable clothes once I was done I headed over to bed with tears still running down my face and I sit down on my cot and lay down with the covers over me then I slowly fall asleep as I cry my self to sleep this sad night hoping to see leon or Atleast turner tomorrow and desperately begging for this to be a nightmare then darkness consumes my eye sight as I fall asleep

The next morning

I slowly started to wake up then feel arms around me and realize it was zussman and I was thinking that maybe he came in and decided to cuddle me I then look around and lily who was sleeping on my leg and I smile and then I snuggle into my boyfriends chest feeling his love and warmth I must admit it was really sweet of him and lily to comfort me while I was asleep especially after losing our Lieutenant and my best friend I then get up out of bed only to get pulled back into the cot by zussman as he whines saying "no stay" I then say "no Robert I really have to pee" he then groans fine then let's me go I then put my uniform on and then my boots and head out to use the bathroom

December 24 1944

It's been 5 weeks since we lost our Lieutenant and a good friend I've been holding up both good and bad the only things that kept me going was everyone I got left and Pierson hasn't been taking it well it got so bad that whenever he was too drunk to do the duty of a sergeant I would step up and help him from organizing patrols , cargo moving , gun fixing , gun cleaning , vehicle fixing and cleaning not to mention a few other job assignments so

basically I would help give the other soldiers job assignments and post assignments as well I know it's not my job to do so but what else could I do besides Pierson needed help and I was that help he needed so it would give him enough time to get back on his feet and do his job properly although I can't blame him because I know his pain and I know what it's like to blame your self for the death of a best friend especially one you've known for years

It was night time and I was sitting next to zussman and lily had her head resting on my lap as I was gently rubbing her ears as we sat in front of a campfire back at camp and my brother red was there as well along with aiello and stiles then my brother red says as he raises his canteen bottle "merry Christmas turner" then aiello says as he raises his canteen bottle "oh and turner I heard that you made farm girl here a corporal and Pierson made farm boy here a corporal as well I wonder what you think of that?"

Then zussman says to aiello while his arm around my waist tightens "probably that your still the same sack of shit aiello" then my brother says to them "this ain't the times to turner and Leon" we all say the same while raising our canteen bottle in the air while saying 'to turner and Leon' we then hear a drunk male voice slurring "to turner" i then

quickly turn around along with the others in confusion only to see sergeant Pierson who holds his whine bottle in the air struggling to stand still

Then he says "lucky son of a bitch your always first right?" He then takes a swig from his whine bottle then he stops and walks over to us while saying "you better get your jollys tonight boys and girl because tomorrow your gonna be defending the convoy and turner isn't gonna be there to save you!" he then angry kicks at the camp fire lily then barks once and then me and my brother pull Pierson back while red says "easy" then Pierson pushes us away then fixes his helmet straight then looks at us and says "easy? You two are corporals now let's see how fucking easy it is go on give me a reason" then me and my brother look at eachother then at the others and

we decided to sit back down on our seats as I sat back down next to zussman and my brother sat back down on his seat with Pierson looking down at me and my brother then our sergeant looks at us with a ice cold glare and says "six years I've served with that man six" he then has an angry look on his face and storms off while harshly giving his wine bottle to aiello while saying "merry fucking Christmas" he then walks away angrily to his tent with all of the soldiers looking at him wondering what the hell just happened and we are all probably asking the same thing as well

I then get up from my seat and say to the others "I'm gonna go talk to him" then zussman gets up with his arm stopping me as I was just about to walk away he then looks at me saying "please be careful" I then give him a quick pet on the lips and I then walk over to the sergeants tent with lily who was following behind me I then walk into the tent and see Pierson who had another wine bottle in his hand as he looks at me with an annoyed look on his face

Then I say "sir please just hear me out before you push me away" he then says with cold venom in his voice and the ice cold glare still on his face "you better make it quick corporal" I then say with sigh "sir I understand your pain really I do because I just lost my best friend leon of eleven years just weeks ago and you also lost your best friend of six years so we both understand eachother's pain and we both blame our selves for it and your having to drink away till you pass out and I'm having to cry my self to sleep every night hoping it was all a nightmare and hoping to see turner and Leon alive but know that if we keep blaming our selves for this then it will get both of us killed but if we help eachother maybe you can get your old rank back and I can gain the respect I want also it wasn't your fault for hill 493 nor was it your fault for kasserine pass either because you were just following orders and you just could leave the objective behind let alone your own soldiers so you did exactly what a sergeant would have done yes you did lose soldiers but people die every day and you can't do anything about it and yet here you are drinking your sorrows away now the old saying is 'no sacrifice too great , duty first' just remember what I said please sir now I will leave thank you for listening sir" I then left the tent most likely leaving my own sergeant speechless

After I left the tent with lily following behind me I then head over to the others who are my brother along with my boyfriend Robert zussman and stiles and aiello and I say to them "well that went better than I thought it would anyway I'm gonna go to bed goodnight y'all" they say goodnight to me back as I walk away to my tent and once I reach it I then open it up and go inside I then remove my gear off of my body including my helmet and my weapons and place the gear on the desk and I hang my mp34 on the wooden post along with my axe and put my ruby pistol on the desk as well I then head over to my bag and undress my and then I put on my comfortable pajamas and crawl into my cot then sleep consumes my mind

The next morning

December 25 1944 Ardennes forest, Belgium

Me and my boys were in a ditch together while everyone but me were freezing there asses off in the cold then zussman looks at me like I'm crazy and asks "how in the hell are you not freezing like us" I then look at him with a smile and say "because I'm used to the cold just like this" keep in mine that I'm wearing my camo pants with brown boots and I also have my new top that is similar to Pierson but it's smaller and fits well on my torso plus the sleeves are rolled up to my elbows and I have my blue tank top under the shirt although I am just a little cold then zussman looks at stiles

and says with a stutter from the cold "nice boots college they look new" then aiello says to zussman"yeah he poached'em off some replacement that poor kid froze to death" then stiles replies to us with "if Pierson wasn't so stingy with requestions I wouldn't have to steal" then my brother red replies to stiles "it's okay they weren't doing the replacement any good" then zussman asks my brother red "where's that farm kid I used to know?" Then my brother says "if you see him give me a holler"

Then zussman his his arm around my waist tightens a little bit and I lean my head on his shoulder as he whispers in German and English to me "if I freeze to death Ich werde froh sein, dass es bei dir ist (I'll be glad it's with you)" I then say to my boyfriend "same here agápi mou (my love)" I then give him a peck on his cheek with my lips then aiello says "oh yeah why would I wanna be cuddled up in front of a warm fire with my gal instead i gotta freeze my ass off with you bastards and I have to see zussman and ms Daniels over here getting some love with eachother and wanting that to be me and my gal?" I look at him and say "oh stop it aiello you'll get home to your gal sooner or later"

then stiles says in a panic "oh crap it's Pierson" then sergeant Pierson walks by us saying "aiello get back on that gun" then my brother asks our sergeant for blankets but he just responds by saying that he looks just fine to him and then our sergeant walks away with a wine bottle in his hand


Me and my brother red were being escorted by Aiello to sergeant Pierson's tent and lily who was following behind me for some reason honestly I'm kind'a interested in what the sergeant's gotta say to us once the three of us reached the tent I opened it and we walked in and I saw a soldier who was working on a radio and they turn around revealing a man he then extended his arm to me saying "please to make your acquaintance my name is Howard and you are?" I then shake his hand saying to Howard "my name is ms Daniels and this is my brother who is also Daniels I'm glad your here to help us in the fight it's must of been hard for you and your comrades especially when I'm sure they let some of your comrades die" he then asks me in a bit of shock "how do you-?" Before he could finish

I say to him "no offense to you Howard or any African Americans especially the ones that joined us in the war but whenever there is a group of African Americans in a war thier commanders sometimes let them die despite them helping their country" then he smiles at me saying "well I'm glad you know of this" he then extended his arm to my brother as they both shake hands and then aiello says "Howard is part of the company that took the ridge I can't believe they let him fight" I then slightly glare at aiello then Howard responded to him in a dark like tone "oh yeah they even let some of us die"

I then felt the situation had a little tension then Howard looks at us and says "now when that convoy comes in then kruats are gonna unleash hell" then my brother says "I thought we had reserves coming" then Pierson looks at him and says "we are the reserves" then my brother asks our sergeant in a worry like tone "sir I think maybe we should call in air support for this mission" then Pierson looks at my brother and says with sarcasm in his voice "look at that daniels just remembered he is a corporal with the words of his older sister" then Howard says that the radio is working then Pierson says that we don't need the flyers and that they're already having their hands full already


The battle had begun and we had to regroup on Pierson I then make my way over to the group with my mp34 in hand and lily who was following behind me once I reached the group that was red , zussman, stiles, Pierson, Howard, and aiello then Pierson says to us "kruat armor's inbound they cut our lines" then Howard says as he points to a building "there's a radio in our old cp you provide fire support and I'll get the radio up and running" then my brother says "it's too dangerous the radio is on top of the enemy" and Pierson then yells at him "hey! Your a corporal now goddammit start acting like one and use your sister for an example"

I give my brother a apologetic look because I don't like it when people compare him to me then aiello says with disgust in his voice as he refers to Howard "hey you can't expect us to go out there with him" then zussman sneers at aiello saying "your from queens nothing" i then yell "hey! Howard must have sacrificed a lot to be here now don't complain and let's just get this shit done!" Then Pierson says "Now those are the words of a corporal" then we get moving escorting Howard to the building where the radio is but now without killing a few kruats on the way and I take out my MP 34 and start firing at the kruats in my sight killing them

Once we reach the building Howard went inside to fix up the radio and to contact the air support that we really need for this battle. I then go to a nearby window and start aiming my gun at the Kruats in my sight and start firing and trigger after trigger and bullet after bullet flying and hitting the ground and blood being splattered in making the snow red with trees getting crushed and torn down to the ground and many soldiers dying and getting injured. I then look at the doorway to see a kruat with a gun aiming at Howard but I quickly throw my axe onto the chest soldier killing him on spot saving Howard's life and then Howard looks at me and thanks me and once the radio was fixed by him we then called in for air support and I'm sure you know the rest

After the battle

We then all regrouped after we exited the building and Air support we're called in and they destroyed the enemy and then regroup with zussman along with my brother red and Howard and aiello then Pierson walks up to us and says to my brother "daniels take those kruats to processing and be quick about it" and I feel roberts around snake around my waist then aiello says to us "Hey I've seen that look before on him before Kasserine pass looks like we're on our own boys and girl" I then say "hopefully the future battles won't be the only thing that we can survive"

Back at camp

I headed back to my tent with lily who was following me with my boots stomping through the snow and I then enter my tent and walk inside closing the tent flap behind me I then start to take off my gear starting with my helmet as I remove it off my head and then remove mine to satchels and put it on the desk right next to the helmet and remove my belt and put it on the desk as well along with my gun and axe and hang them both up on the post of the tent I then grab my medic kit and I then head over to the medical tent to help treat the wounded soldiers

Once I got there I didn't help the wounded soldiers get treated bandage after bandage every wound and taken out a few bullet holes as well and as far as going to stitch up some other wounds as well although I did lose a couple of soldiers that I could not save because the wounds were just too much. Once I was done helping The wounded soldiers. And being thanked for it and then head over to my tent to play with Lily after I removed her armor and then played fetch with her in the tent and then wrestling with her as well she's so cute sometimes but she's a demon whenever we play and also giving her a few kisses while she's giving me some to.

And also giving her some cuddles and when zussman came in he kind of looked a little jealous. Which I found a bit funny we then start talking and he asks "you ever maybe think of us getting married one day or maybe having a kid or two?" I then blush at that thought and responded to him "of course I do hopefully we could do that as soon as the war is over" I then look at lily who fell asleep on her bed and zussman then says to me "I can't wait till we move in together and I can't wait to show you around Chicago your gonna love it and I could get you a ring one day too" I then smile at him and say "I would love that especially if I get to share all of that with you Robert"

We then start making out together and one thing led to another and so we both had to quietly make love to eachother and later we cuddled and fell asleep together

To be continued

Continuer la Lecture

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