The children who lived, Fough...

By Moldyvoldytoes420

466K 10.9K 2.4K

||ONGOING|| 1976, the year that changed the Maurders and so life. What will happen when a note suddenly appea... More

Author's note
Chapter One
chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter evelen
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter fourty eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter Fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fity seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty one

Chapter eighteen

6.1K 153 21
By Moldyvoldytoes420

Car Rescue/ the burrow

(Not edited)

Petunia and Dudley watch as Vernon drills bars into the twin's bedroom window.

Vernon turns to glare at the twins after tightening the bars, they glare back at him through the window, but primroses hair starts to get red streaks in it, " You're never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!"

Sirius, James, and Lily glared at the screen.

Remus tries to calm them.

She scoffs, "you wanna bet walrus?"

Barty sighs, "I wish I could be friends with her."

Later that evening, as Harry is asleep in bed, Primrose is staring at her hair which still has red streaks in it, she hears what sounds like a car engine outside making her quickly shake her twin up.

Harry instantly jumps out of bed and puts on his glasses, as he walks to the window with prim right behind him. Looking out the window, they see a strange object moving through the sky.

As he looks, the object appears to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. A turquoise Ford Anglia car flies to the twins' bedroom window, then turns to the right as Harry, Prim, and Hedwig silently watch. In the Ford Anglia is Ron, accompanied by his older twin brothers, Fred and George.

"Is that a flying car?" Evan asks, shocked

"No you idiot, it's a shooting star"

Ron looks at Harry through the bars on the window, "Hiya, Harry."

Mollys and Arthur's eyes widened,

Harry looks surprised to see his friends, "Ron, Fred, George, what are you all doing here?"

Ron looks at harry like he's bizarre, "Rescuing you two, of course. Now, come on. Get your trunk!"

Ron puts a hook at the bars on the window "You'd better stand back." Harry steps back as Ron turns to the twin in the driver's seat, "Let's go!"

Har­ry moved back in­to the shad­ows next to his sister. The car revved loud­er and loud­er and sud­den­ly, with a crunch­ing noise, the bars were pulled clean out of the win­dow as Fred drove straight up in the air.

Regulus sighed, "I'm still upset that she didn't beat his ass last year."

Barty patted his back, "cheer up mate, there's always this year,"

Har­ry ran back to the win­dow to see the bars dan­gling a few feet above the ground. Pant­ing, Ron hoist­ed them up in­to the car. Har­ry lis­tened anx­ious­ly, but there was no sound from the Durs­leys' bed­room.

When the bars were safe­ly in the back seat with Ron, Fred re­versed as close as pos­si­ble to the twins win­dow.

"Get in," Ron said.

"But all our Hog­warts stuff — my wand — my broom­stick —"

"Where is it?"

"Locked in the cup­board un­der the stairs, and We can't get out of this room —" Primrose began  but was cut off

"No prob­lem," said George from the front pas­sen­ger seat. "Out of the way, Har­ry."

Fred and George climbed cat­like through the win­dow in­to the room. George took an or­di­nary hair­pin from his pock­et and start­ed to pick the lock.

"What is he doing," Rabastan asked, confused

"A lot of wiz­ards think it's a waste of time, know­ing this sort of Mug­gle trick," said Fred, "but we feel they're skills worth learn­ing, even if they are a bit slow."
There was a small click and the door swung open.

"So we'll get your trunk— you grab anything you need from your room and hand it out to ron," George whispers

"Watch out for the bot­tom stair — it creaks," Primrose whis­pered back as the twins dis­ap­peared on­to the dark land­ing.
The twins ­dashed around their room, col­lect­ing his things and pass­ing them out of the win­dow to Ron. Then they went to help Fred and George heave their trunk up the stairs. Har­ry heard Un­cle Ver­non cough.

At last, pant­ing, they reached the land­ing, then car­ried the trunk through the room to the open win­dow. Fred climbed back in­to the car to pull with Ron, and Har­ry and George pushed from the bed­room side. Inch by inch, the trunk slid through the win­dow. Un­cle Ver­non coughed again.
"A bit more," pant­ed Fred, who was pulling from in­side the car. "One good push —"

Har­ry and George threw their shoul­ders against the trunk and it slid out of the win­dow in­to the back seat of the car.

"Okay, let's go," George whis­pered.

But as Har­ry climbed on­to the win­dowsill there came a sud­den loud screech from be­hind him, fol­lowed im­me­di­ate­ly by the thun­der of Un­cle Ver­non's voice.

"I've for­got­ten Hed­wig!"
"Wow, what a wonderful pet owner" Peter snorted

Har­ry tore back across the room as the land­ing light clicked on — he snatched up Hed­wig's cage, dashed to the win­dow, and passed it out to primrose, who was already in the car.

He was scram­bling back on­to the chest of draw­ers when Un­cle Ver­non ham­mered on the un­locked door — and it crashed open. For a split sec­ond, Un­cle Ver­non stood framed in the door­way; then he let out a bel­low like an an­gry bull and dived at Har­ry, grab­bing him by the an­kle.      

Ron, Fred, primrose, and George seized Har­ry's arms and pulled as hard as they could.
"Petu­nia!" roared Un­cle Ver­non. "They're get­ting away! HE'S GET­TING AWAY!"
But the Weasleys and primrose gave a gi­gan­tic tug and Har­ry's leg slid out of Un­cle Ver­non's grasp — Har­ry was in the car, he'd slammed the door shut —
"Put your foot down, Fred!" yelled Ron, and the car shot sud­den­ly to­ward the moon.
Har­ry and primrose couldn't be­lieve it — they were free. She rolled down the win­dow, the night air whip­ping her hair, and looked back at the shrink­ing rooftops of Priv­et Drive. Un­cle Ver­non, Aunt Petu­nia, and Dud­ley were all hang­ing, dumb­struck, out of win­dow.
"See you next sum­mer!" She yelled, eyes flashing a golden color.

"Okay, that's the third time! First was when hagrid came, the second was red in her hair and now." 

"I'm pretty sure she a Metamorphmagus, Nymphadora, did the same," Andremonda tells Marlene

"But I don't have any  Metamorphmagus in the family, " James says 

"You could of, years ago,"

The Weasleys roared with laugh­ter and Primrose set­tled back in his seat, grin­ning from ear to ear.
"Let Hed­wig out," Harry told Ron. "She can fly be­hind us. She hasn't had a chance to stretch her wings for ages."
George hand­ed the hair­pin to Ron and, a mo­ment lat­er, Hed­wig soared joy­ful­ly out of the win­dow to glide along­side them like a ghost.
"So — what's the sto­ry, Har­ry?" said Ron im­pa­tient­ly. "What's been hap­pen­ing?"

Har­ry told them all about Dob­by, the warn­ing he'd giv­en Har­ry and the fi­as­co of the vi­olet pud­ding as primrose just settled back in her seat, listening. There was a long, shocked si­lence when he had fin­ished.

  "Their life is never boring"

"Very fishy," said Fred fi­nal­ly.
"Def­inite­ly dodgy" acknowledged George. "So he wouldn't even tell you who's sup­posed to be plot­ting all this stuff?"

"I don't think he could," said primrose "Harry told you, ev­ery time he got close to let­ting some­thing slip, he start­ed bang­ing his head against the wall."

Fred and George look at each oth­er.

"What, you think he was ly­ing to me?" said Har­ry.
"Well," said Fred, "put it this way — house-elves have got pow­er­ful mag­ic of their own, but they can't usu­al­ly use it with­out their mas­ter's per­mis­sion. I reck­on old Dob­by was sent to stop you com­ing back to Hog­warts. Some­one's idea of a joke. Can you think of any­one at school with a grudge against you?"
"Yes," said Har­ry and Ron to­geth­er, in­stant­ly.

"Dra­co Mal­foy," Har­ry ex­plained making primrose rolled her eyes. "He hates me."

"Dra­co Mal­foy?" said George, turn­ing around. "Not Lu­cius Mal­foy's son?"
  "Must be, it's not a very com­mon name, is it?" said Har­ry.

"Harry, it can't be Draco, we're friends."

James grumbles, "I still can't believe my daughter is friends with that Barbies spawn"
"I've heard Dad talk­ing about him," said George. "He was a big sup­port­er of You-Know-Who."
  "And when You-​Know-​Who dis­ap­peared," said Fred, cran­ing around to look at Har­ry, "Lu­cius Mal­foy came back say­ing he'd nev­er meant any of it. A load of dung — Dad reck­ons he was right in You- Know-​Who's in­ner cir­cle."   

Har­ry had heard these ru­mors about Mal­foy's fam­ily be­fore, and they didn't sur­prise him at all. Mal­foy made Dud­ley Durs­ley look like a kind, thought­ful, and sen­si­tive boy...

"I don't know whether the Mal­foys own a house-elf...." said Har­ry.

"Well, who­ev­er owns him will be an old wiz­ard­ing fam­ily, and they'll be rich," said Fred.

"Yeah, Mum's al­ways wish­ing we had a house-elf to do the iron­ing"

"Do they get paid?" Primrose asked frowning.

George shook his head, "No,"

"That's outrageous!"

"See! Someone at least agrees with me."

"But all we've got is a lousy old ghoul in the at­tic and gnomes all over the gar­den. House-elves come with big old manors and cas­tles and places like that; you wouldn't catch one in our house...." George continued
The twins were silent.
   "I'm glad we came to get you, any­way," said Ron. "I was get­ting re­al­ly wor­ried when you didn't an­swer any of my let­ters. I thought it was Er­rol's fault at first —"

"Who's Er­rol?" Primrose questioned

"Our owl. He's an­cient. It wouldn't be the first time he'd col­lapsed on a de­liv­ery. So then I tried to bor­row Her­mes —"

"Percy owl" Fred answered

Primrose hums, "So, does your dad know you've got the car?"
"Er, no," said Ron, "he had to work tonight. Hope­ful­ly we'll be able to get it back in the garage with­out Mum notic­ing we flew it."

Molly turned to glare at her husband, who Was rubbing his neck, face red.
"What does your dad do at the Min­istry of Mag­ic, any­way?"
"He works in the most bor­ing de­part­ment," said Ron. "The Mis­use of Mug­gle Ar­ti­facts Of­fice."
"The what?"
"It's all to do with be­witch­ing things that are Mug­gle-​made, you know, in case they end up back in a muggle shop or house."

"Ah look we're here," Ron announced looking out the window,

They landed in a small yard, in front of a house. It looked as though it had once been a large stone pig­pen, but ex­tra rooms had been added here and there un­til it was sev­er­al sto­ries high and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by mag­ic. Four or five chim­neys were perched on top of the red roof. A lop­sid­ed sign stuck in the ground near the en­trance read,


Around the front door lay a jum­ble of rub­ber boots and a very rusty caul­dron. Sev­er­al fat brown chick­ens were peck­ing their way around the yard.

Lucius looked at the screen, disgusted

[They got out of the car. Fred walks to the window and opens it to unlock the door.]

"Come on. Okay, come on. Shhh! Shhh!" Fred whispers

[Fred is checking that the coast is clear then beckoning the others inside.]

"Okay, come on"

"It's not much, but it's home," Ron tells the twins

"I think it's...brilliant" Harry says with a big smile

Ron looks up and sees Harry's mesmerized face and slowly smiles. Mrs. Weasley appears in front of them, wearing a flowered apron, glaring at her sons.

"Where have you been?" Mrs. Wesley asked in a deadly whispered

The boys nearly jump out of their skin plus primrose. Mrs. Weasley stands in the doorway. Furious. She smiles sweetly at the twins.

"Harry, Primrose, how wonderful to see you, dear"

Mrs. Weasley turns back to Fred, George, and Ron.

"Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen! Out of my mind with worry—did you care? — nev­er, as long as I've lived — you wait for un­til your fa­ther gets home, we nev­er had trou­ble like this from Bill or Char­lie or Per­cy —"
"Per­fect Per­cy," mut­tered Fred.
"YOU COULD DO WITH TAK­ING A LEAF OUT OF PER­CY'S BOOK" She yelled making primrose back away.

Mrs. Weasley turns back to The twins.

"Of course, I don't blame you two, dears"

Ron gulped, "They were starving them, Mum! There were bars on the window!"

"Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!"

Mrs. Weasley starts softening instantly.

"Care for a spot of tea, dears?"

The twins nodded, still, a bit frightened, as Ginny walks down the stairs, still in her pajamas.

"Mummy. Have you seen my jumper—"

"Yes, dear. It was on the car"

Ginny looked wide-eyed at the twins. Primrose smiles softly at her.

"I've seen that look before" Remus smirks

"Hello." Harry says making a funny squeak and runoff, Harry turns to tone confused, "W-what did I do?"

"Ginny. Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really"

Primrose smirks, "so she has a little crush?"

"She wants your autograph," Fred replied with a grin, but as he caught his mother's eye, he bent his face over his plate.

Mr. Weasley walks in.

"Morning, Weasleys," he says with a bright smile, not noticing primrose of harry.

"Morning, Dad" Fred, George, and Ron said together

Molly kisses her husband on the cheek, "Morning Arthur!"

"What a night. Nine raids. Nine!"

Harry looks at Ron confused,  "Raids?"

"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic. In the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating"

 "Well now. Who are you?"  He says finally noticing the two extra kids at the table.

 "Oh, sorry sir. I'm Harry, sir, Harry Potter, and this is my sister, Primrose."

Mr. Weasley's eyes widened, "Good Lord, are you really? Ron's told us all about you, of course. When did you get here?"

Mrs. Weasley glares at her husband darkly,  "This morning. Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night"

"Did you really! How'd it gone?!" He asks, eagerly

Mr. Weasley catches Mrs. Weasley's eye. Fred, George, Ron, and Harry are hiding their laughter, primrose doesn't even bother to hide her smirk.

all of them began to answer his question, "Oh, it..."

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley cut them off, glaring at her husband 

Everyone except Molly is trying very hard to stop laughing.

Mr. Weasley straightened up and turns to the kids with a fake stern face, "I mean...that was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you. Now, Harry, primrose, you must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

"What's that?" Sirius asks

 "Oh, it's a rubber toy shaped like a--"

Primrose was cut off by An owl, that had letters flying in, only to hit a window.

"Well, that'll be Errol with the post. Oh, fetch it will you Fred, please?"

Fred sighs, "Errol..."

"He's always doing that"

 "Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us the twins as well"

 "Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry, primrose. Doesn't miss a trick, that man"

Mrs. Weasley looked worried,  "Oh, no"

"This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spell books alone..."  Fred says looking at his parents

"We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place we're going to get all of this: Diagon Alley."

The twins share a look of excitement.

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