Thrill of Adventure

By RobinBPrince

2K 47 42

Much different from her mother, Y/n loves going on adventures and solving mysteries. One day, at age 17, she... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

469 12 9
By RobinBPrince

I went through my mum's old things up in the attic. I was always the one in the family to be adventurous.

Once I found my mum's old toys like teddy bears and stuff and now they're in my room. She said I could keep them.

I stopped when I found a book. I loved reading and writing stories. Labyrinth. I smiled and climbed down the steps.

'Hey mum, can I keep this'? I sat down at the kitchen table.

'Where did you get that'?

'It was in the attic with the rest of your stuff'.

'Give me that'. I handed it to her confused. 'Don't get near this. Something bad happened when I was a year younger than you and I don't want anything happening to you'.

'What happened? Did you go somewhere? Like to another world or something or like fall through a hole leading to an underground world'. She chuckled and ruffed my hair.

'You read too many fantasy books'. I laughed. She put the book down to the side and turned around to continue cooking.

'Hey mum, can I go to the park? Just for some outside time, you know'?

'Sure but be careful. You can never trust strangers especially at your age you fantasise too much about the opposite sex'.

'Ugh, mum! That's disgusting. I'm leaving'.

'Oh and take the dog too, Y/n honey'. I grabbed the book when she wasn't looking and ran out the door.

'Okay, what's so bad about this book'? My dog barked.

I named him Khonshu after my first favourite Egyptian God.

'Okay, sit there, Khonshu. You'll be my audience'. I smiled. No one was about. 'Beware, this book is about gruesome creatures and ugly goblins ruled... by the goblin king. Whooooooo'. I laughed. Khonshu barked. 'Okay'. I flipped through the pages. 'Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered'. I looked down at the book every now and then. 'I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city-' Khonshu barked. 'You're right, it's getting dark. Besides, I got freaking school tomorrow'.

I ran back home with the book hidden in my jacket. I closes the door behind me and shook my shoes.

'Dinner is ready'.

'Okay, I'll just wash my hands and stuff'.

I put the book under my pillow and ran back downstairs. I sat down and started eating.

'Honey, do you have any friends at school? You haven't been telling me much about them'.

'Oh umm, they're fine'.

'Honey, you know you can tell me anything. You know, neglect can sometimes push you to look for someone who can comfort you'.

'Mum, if you're talking about this because I'm supposed be dating my age, no'. She laughed.

'Well, honey. You do have pictures of Alan Rickman in your room'. I slouched down in my seat.

Once we finished dinner, I got ready for bed and turned all my lights off. I grabbed a torch and the book and started to read.

A year has gone by and over that year, my mother has managed to marry a man and have a son. That also meant that I was now neglected by her.

Tonight, they were going out for a dinner and I was to be left with Henry, my step brother.

'Honey, we're leaving'.

'Whatever'! I sighed and continued to do my homework.

School was stressing me out lately and I've been really close to deadlines. I heard crying in the other room so I got up.

'Would you please be quiet? You always cry and for what? Do you want another story? God, you're so annoying, fine'!

I sat down on the bed in the dark room. I hadn't noticed till now but there was a thunder storm outside.

'Once upon a time, there was a young girl whose stepfather always made her stay home with the baby. The baby was a spoiled child who wanted everything for himself, and the young girl was practically a slave'. I stood up and walked around as Henry continued crying. 'But what no one knew was that the Goblin King had fallen in love with the girl and given her certain powers'. I smirked and looked myself in the mirror. 'So one night, when the baby had been practically cruel to her sister, she called on the goblins for help'. Henry continued to cry as I spoke louder. "Say your right words", the goblins said and "we will take the baby to the goblin city and you will be free". But the girl knew that the Goblin King would keep the baby forever and ever and turn it into a goblin'. I looked at Henry with a smirk. 'So the girl stuffed in silence. Until one night when she was tired and hurt by her mother and stepfather, she could no longer  stand it'. I came over and knelt next to his crib. He was still crying. 'All right'. I picked him up.

I tired to get him to stop crying but it was no use and I wasn't so good with babies.

'Stop it! I'll say the words'. I looked at him and thought.

It was just some silly old book, it can't be real, can it?

'I wish... I wish. Oh, I can bear no longer, Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be, take this child far away from me'! He didn't stop crying so I put him back and covered him. 'I wish I did know what to say to make the goblins take you away'. I walked to the door. 'I wish the goblins would come and take you away. Right now'. I turned off the light and suddenly the crying stopped. I turned around. 'Henry'?

The blanket in his crib moved and a weird, scary noise came from it. I jumped back and grabbed a baseball bat.


It was so silent until I heard noises and giggles. I was losing my mind. The lights didn't turn on when I tried so I walked slowly to his crib.

'Why aren't you crying'? I grabbed the blanket and pulled it but Henry wasn't there.

'Suddenly, there were all kinds of laughter and I started to freak out. At the window, an owl started trying to get in.

The window suddenly opened and the owl flew in. I blocked my face. When the noise stopped, I looked up and fell back. A tall figure looked back at me with a smirk.

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