One Piece Reaction to memorie...

By Azill_Kun231

318K 4.1K 971

that man, he did this for his own good?! you've got to be kidding us! Monkey D. Luffy, that boy is somehow a... More

[Start] Where are we?!
[Reaction] Monster trio
[Reaction] Who is he? (My AU)
[Break] memes
[Reaction] Trio Worst Generation
[Side Story+Reaction] Brothers
[Reaction] the Father's sin
[Reaction] Family
⚠️[Reaction] Gear (s)⚠️
[-] Resting
[Memories] Anchor (1)
[Bonus || Zoro] Eye
[Special 22k] 1015 Spoilers!⚠️
[Promotion] Story: Where not supposed to be are
[Bonus || Shanks] Red Hair's point of view
[Special 45k] Trailer(s) Film RED
[Break] Pics
[A/N] :'D
[Reaction] Dark!Luffy
[Reaction] Modern (Celeb) AU

[Special] Luffy's birthday

10.7K 166 8
By Azill_Kun231

Disclaimer: this chapter have no connection to the main chapters. 


"you guys... do you guys know when is Strawhat's birthday?" Azill suddenly ask to everyone in the theater.

"there's no information about Strawhat Luffy's birth." inform a Vice-admiral marines.

"Luffy's birthday? I never know.. Luffy never tell if I remember." said Nami with her fingers on her chin.

"same.." the Strawhat nodded in agreement.

"Lu's birthday? I remember gramps said when... but I forgot." said Ace sheepishly.

"you're not the definition of good brother, Ace." Marco scoffed along with the others after seeing how Ace forgot his own brother's birthday.

"how would we know?" ask people who's not close to the straw hat boy or even don't know him.

"haha, right. just your faces is enough to tell that you guys don't know." Azill laugh lightly as he turn around from them, making his back on their view.

"then, I'll show you. ah and I give you guys a hint. 5.5" he said while busying himself with the projector in front of him.

"5.5?" ask them confused. few of them tried to think about it, though.

"May 5th?" mumble Robin, but it actually loud enough to be heard by all of the people in theater because it has been very quiet while ago.

"right!" Nami punch her open palm with her fist one while there's a light lamp invisible above her. "5.5., it mean May 5th because May is the 5th month on the year."

"huh?" the people who are idiot, or maybe have more dense brain than the intelligent one is currently dumfounded by what the archeologist and navigator of Strawhat pirate said.

"as I thought of you two." mumble Azill while glancing at Robin and Nami. he narrowed his gaze to the projector in front of him again and then picking up a blank red cassette.

"speak of him, where is Strawhat-ya?" Law ask with his usual poker face while glancing at the place where strawhat crew is.

"ah, right! where's Luffy? I didn't see him since a while ago." said Usopp after realizing that his captain is not where the last time he is.

"ah, Strawhat is currently sleeping so I put him in different room. and while that being is strawhat in the future, now I will brought current Strawhat Luffy." Azill said before clapped his hands and summon Luffy that who's his crew's timeline.

"hah? oh omaera! I've been searching for you guys! Sanji, meat! I'm hungry!" the current Luffy that a bit short than the future one, and actually more unmasculine than Luffy in the future. he wears a navy blue sleeveless shirt and dark jeans short and there's looks like a log pose (?) around his left upper arm, right above his elbow.

compared the older Luffy, this Luffy look more innocent, and those eyes still looks bright.. still, yeah.. the older Luffy, for those who get close to him and can see his eyes, he was having a normal dark eyes... expect the fact that it held nothing about innocent, happiness, and brightness. it was more holding an unreadable pain and dark memories that've been seen by him.

Luffy run to his crew, looking like he didn't see the other peoples around him. he did.

"shitty-captain.. hey, Azill. can I make something for this rubber idiot, first?" Sanji ask while standing up and glance at his captain.

"yes! Meat!" Luffy jumping happily on the air earning a few chuckles from his crewmates and peoples around him.

"Luffy, you really aren't changing, haha!" Ace come beside Luffy, making the boy jump in surprise but then quickly, there's a wide bright grin on his face when he sees who the one approaching him

"Ace!" Luffy laugh and jump into Ace's arms, making the commander nearly fell from the sudden weight on his arms.

"Luffy.." a man with blonde hair and a scar on his left eye come from behind Ace. he stare at Luffy before the boy lift his head to see who calls him.

Luffy's eyes grow wide as he see the man behind Ace. Sabo chuckled seeing Luffy's shocked expressions. "S-Sabo?"

"It's me, Luffy.." Luffy glance at Ace for confirmation, but the flame-boy just smile, making Luffy grew even more tears on his eyes. Luffy get off from Ace and launched himself towards Sabo and cried with Sabo face buried on his chest. Sabo almost fell down but quickly balancing himself and backing his face from Luffy's chest and regulated his breath.

"UWaaHH!! S-SABO!! I-I thought you were dead!"

Sabo chuckled at Luffy's behavior. at first, when the future Luffy came, he thought that the older Luffy will cry to him because he knew that he live. but, he's not. Guess, maybe, the older Luffy already know he was not dead.. but it was strange how the older Luffy did not beaming at the sight of his brothers.. even more with the blank face everytime Luffy's eyes landed on Ace.


"Luffy, I've been thinking about it. is your birthday really 5th may?" Luffy, who chewing his meat quickly swallowed it upon hearing Usopp's question.

Luffy nodded, "uhn. I never tell you guys?" he ask dumfounded. the crew nodded in yes, making the captain put an 'O' face. "oh, is that so." then he continued to eating his meat made by Sanji.

the crew sigh, with the two brothers who've been seeing the foolish behavior of their little brother sighing too.

"are you stupid or what? it's clearly have to be placed there!" a yell from one of the men underneath the screen making everyone turn their head towards them.

"thank you, that's not helping. for like what, if Kirine-chan is here then it will be easier.. but hell, you've came, so fuck this shit." Azill grumbled and punch a somehow not right projector to making it on, earning a shout of panicked from the whitenette young man.

"WAA-! ah.. it works?" Arz gaped seeing the big screen slowly turn on, though with a few glitches.

"told you so." everyone just sweating confusedly seeing their interaction. actually, there's Franky and Usopp who willingly to help them, but guess it already solved.

a white cup being placed by a white gloved-hand in the small coffee table. the man, most likely, that getting not seen because of the shadow blocking his whole appearance is sitting on a seat in front of the table. he pick up the cigarettes that still lighten from it place (what's it name?) and bring it to his mouth to be placing it between his lips.

"who's he?"

"are you sure this is the right orb..?" Arz whisper to Azill who furrowing his eyebrows, not really know, himself.

"Straw hat.. Luffy" the man, who've been clarificated is indeed a man, talk, or calling?

"it's May 5th.. and now you are 19 year old, huh?.." the tone he use is not a question directed towards someone, but more to himself. the screen change and focusing on a certain boy's bounty poster that placed right beside the cup the man just placed on the table.

"you know him, Luffy?" Usopp ask to the straw hatted boy who can be seen thinking hard after Usopp asking him.

"nope!" he answer after giving up on thinking further.

"maybe future Luffy-san does?" mutter Brook making the more younger Luffy cocked an eyebrow at the skeleton statement.

"what do you mean, Brook?"

"oi, take that box beside you and give it to Straw Hat Luffy when he arrived at Punk Hazard." the man, pointing at a medium black box, with a man in black suit that standing beside where the box are. the suit man can be seen having a movement by nodding his head, even though his face can not be fully seen because the blank black mask that cover the upper of his face. the suit man take the box and bow before leaving the room and the man.

"for Lu? who's that man, really?"

"Punk Hazard? aren't that the uninhabited island on the New World?" ask some higher marine.

"yeahh, though it get different after next two years." explain Azill while in his hand, a pen spinning between his fingers.

the screen change, to a snowing place that filled with peoples and children, the kids got some strange features but nonetheless that, everyone can be seen celebrating something while eating a hot soup made by some blond cook man.

the straw hat crew and the G-5 Marines is celebrating the defeat of Caesar clown with the children that've been made experiment by him.

"how cruel.." a mutter of disgust get heard in the theater while everyone, who against something like that having a mad looks on their face.

"wait- Pirates and Marines celebrating.. together?" Helmeppo ask in confused. that's no way a two side of people who against each others, celebrate something together without fighting.. right?

"don't ask the G-5 Marines and the Strawhat Pirates.." state Azill in mumble.

the captain of Strawhat Pirates seen finishing a meat in bone while staring at a man who stood in front of him. he wears a warm clothes while a few children is playing with his rubber body.

Luffy swallow his last meat and stood up while still staring at the man in front of him. 

the man, even with the cold and snowy temperature, still wearing a casual black suit and black mask. he don't even flinch by the coldness. he's standing straight with left hand behind his back while the right hand is holding a black box.

"who are you?" Zoro, who have been glaring at the man since the sudden arrive of him. after arrived, the man quickly walk to Luffy and stop after 2 meters from him.

the crew stop, and is in guard up while some protecting the children, same as the marines. two men, one pirate, and one marine, that seen the suit man quickly put their guard up even if they're more distant from him.

"Straw hat.. Luffy. nice to seeing you, again. I've been thinking about it, I never give to a gift even though we've been knowing each other more than ten years.." the man, though having an upper black mask, and his mouth get shown, it did not open. but there's a voice coming from him.. more to, his shoulder.

there's a small device on his shoulder, looks like a small drone because it landed on his shoulder a minute ago. it talk, more to making a sound that resemble a man. it looks like a den-den mushi, but it's not a shell.

"wait- ten years? if the voice said is true then that mean.. Luffy, you really don't know him?" ask Nami confusedly.

everyone glance at Luffy, but for their surprise, Luffy is froze after hearing the voice's voice. it looks like he remembered something. Luffy lips separated from each other before his eyes lift up.

"no way?" a grin beamed on his face, Luffy looks really happy upon hearing the voice. "shisisisi! is that really-really him?" ask Luffy, to no one directed.

"that voice.. no way! you-!" Luffy yell after recognize the voice. his eyes wide while he have a surprise face, looking like he did not expect to hear that voice again.

"you know him, Luffy?" Zoro ask, still with his hands on the handle of his sword incase something happened.

"yes. and wait, what do you mean by gift?" Luffy raised an eyebrow after recalling the voice words.

"take the box, it's for you." said the voice, demanding Luffy to take the box that's in the suit man's hand.

"uhh, sure." Luffy just nodded confusedly and take the box from the man, ignoring the yells from his crew to not take it.

"it's literally been months, but I don't know any else time to give you the gift. so I decide to wait you here, in Punk Hazard." explain the voice, "and for everyone else, please lower your guard a little, I'm strawhat friend." 

a bit guard lowered after the voice said that, but they still prepare if something going to happen.

"heeh, is that so. then that's mean you'll return, now?" Luffy ask with a bit said face.

"yeah. my man job is just to give you that so he will return, now. it's shame, but, I know we will meet again, properly." the man bit a goodbye as the suit man bow and walk away from them.


the screen changes, to Luffy who sitting alone in Sunny head in the midnight. he usually like this, after the two years separated. Zoro who've been getting the night watch usually don't know how to make Luffy go to bed. but they at least sigh in relief after knowing Luffy will go to bed after.

in Luffy's hand, there's the box that man give to him. it's not open yet. Luffy said that he will open it later on the way to Dressrosa, so here he now.

Luffy sigh, for unknown reason. "that guy.. what did he brought for me? and my birthday is really months ago, 4 months actually." he mumbled to himself before slowly opening the box.

Luffy eyes widened after seeing what inside.. "what the.. is this?" he have a terror face while slowly reaching something that's inside the box.

"..." everyone is silence, but waiting for what inside the box to be revealed.

"a ten voucher VIP of all meats in the closest restaurant!!" exclaim the straw hat boy with his face clearly the apposite of earlier. 

that's success making everyone facepalmed on the ground and deadpanned at the ravenette boy.

"UWAAH?!! IS THAT TRUE!! MEATS!" the current Luffy shout in excitement while he have a droll at the corner of his mouth and a hearts on his eyes. 

"what did I expect for Luffy..." said the crew together.

Luffy who see the gloomed sight of his crew just laugh, "Shisisisi!!"

a bit late, but ok. Happy Birthday, Luffy.

for the next chapter.. sorry but I guess it will be late, because I got a twisted ankle that make me have to rest. thank you.

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