Her White Wolf

By Mich2992

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As the universe began to recover from The Blip, it was an entirely new kind of journey for James Barnes. He w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Fourteen

320 10 3
By Mich2992

Shuri was nearly buzzing with excitement. This arm was leaps beyond the one that Hydra had forced onto James in the 1940's. It was light, stealthy, nimble, and most of all it was made of the strongest metal on earth. The technology she had fused into his shoulder would make it feel as close to a natural arm as possible. Also, it looked awesome. The Princess busied herself around the lab until she heard footsteps and turned to offer a bright smile to James and Cleo. She wouldn't expect Cleo to be anywhere else.

"Are you ready? How are you feeling?" she asked James excitedly, though she tried to suppress some of it so as to not make him feel like he needed to put on a show.

"Good," James smiled easily. "Fully healed, by the doc's words," he added, glancing over at Cleo only to see her roll her eyes at him. "She took the stitches out a couple days ago."

"He wanted me to take them out the day of. He was kind of a baby about it," Cleo added, shaking her head.

Shuri waited for James to walk up to her before she looked at the shoulder joint. "It looks good. Now, I have something to show you," she said, gesturing for them to follow her. On the table was a black case and as she stepped up to it, she used her fingerprints to unlock it. She lifted the lid and stepped back, eyes turning up to James's face. "This belongs to you."

Cleo's breath halted in her chest, but she didn't realize it. She was so focused on James's reaction that she didn't even really get a look at the arm yet.

James' eyes widened. The gray, black, and gold arm was... beautiful. "Holy shit," he breathed. "This is actually happening."

Shuri's face lit up and she nodded. "It's happening," she affirmed. "Come closer," she urged.

Cleo's heart pulsed hard with emotion as she watched James. "Go on, baby. Go get your arm."

He let out a long breath as he walked up to the case and ran his hand along the bicep of the arm. "It's so smooth... have you tested it?"

Shuri nodded, eyes moving between the arm and James. "I tested it with the shoulder joint before your surgery. All that's left is for you to put it on and get a feel for it."

"Okay," he nodded, looking over at his longtime friend. "I'm ready."

Shuri's smile glowed as he agreed, and she stepped up to the case and picked the arm up by the forearm and bicep. As she approached him, her eyes admired the handiwork of the joint. "Arm connecting in one, two..." she said, turning her eyes up to James to give him a sure nod.

The shoulder sprung to life in a fluid motion to catch onto the hardware on the arm and with a few twists and turns, the arm was securely attached.

Cleo watched in awe, hand resting on her chest as she felt her heart swelling. This was his moment, his and Shuri's. They deserved it.

"Try it..." Shuri asked, stepping back to give James more space.

James looked down at his metal hand and opened and closed it a few times, testing how it felt. Then he stretched over his head with his other arm as if he were stretching before putting out in front of him. He let out a long breath before he looked over at Shuri with tears in his eyes. Without a word he stepped forward and wrapped her in a hug, able to feel the young woman's body heat in the metal arm, which only made him smile. "Thank you."

There was a beautiful tension in the room around them as Shuri watched James use the arm she'd created for him, she nearly jumped up and down but as James embraced her, she let out a soft, watery laugh. She returned the hug, in awe of all of the transformation that this soldier had gone through. "You're welcome," she replied.

Cleo wrapped her arms around herself as she watched the two embrace. James got to do exactly what he'd said he wanted to do. She couldn't be happier for him.

When James let go of Shuri, he looked down at the arm again. It felt better not to see the bright silver one with that damn red star. He sighed softly and looked over at Cleo before smiling at her. "Come here."

Cleo felt her heart skip a few beats as she met James's eyes and she didn't hesitate to heed his words. Wordlessly, she approached James and stood in front of him. She wanted to give him the control of the touch. This was his moment.

He smiled down at her before bending to wrap his arms around her and bring her against him. It felt amazing to hold her with two arms instead of one. "What do you think, baby doll?" He murmured.

She'd been against him like this before, but it hadn't felt like this. Cleo wrapped her arms around his center and rested her head against his chest. Knowing what this meant to James made it all the more emotional and his question pulled a smile onto her lips. "I loved it before," she began, turning her watery eyes up to his, "but I love this too. One arm or two, I love you."

James held her tighter against him and kissed her hair. "I love you too." He pulled away only to pick her up and swing her around in a circle with a laugh.

She broke into a laugh as he picked her up like that and clung to him securely. There was no doubt that she weighed very little to him. "Is this something I should get used to?"

"Maybe," he chuckled as he sat her back on her feet. James looked over at Shuri. "Thanks again Shuri. This feels pretty amazing."

Shuri smiled surely and nodded at James. "You're welcome," she reaffirmed. "Go use it. If anything feels off, just let me know and I can do some tinkering."

James nodded. "I will. I can't wait for Steve to see it when he comes back."

"He'll love it," Cleo assured him, allowing her hand for the first time to settle onto the metal. "We can send him a picture if you want." "

"That sounds like a good idea," James agreed, smiling wider at the feeling of her warm hand. "I can feel you," he added softly.

Cleo turned her eyes up to him and a newer smile appeared on her expression. "You can?" she asked, looking back down to his arm. He could feel... that was a miracle. Shuri could work magic. She moved her hand to reach for his dark gray one and laced her fingers through his. "It's not cold..."

Shuri grinned. "The old arm was connected to his nerve endings, but it was done harshly. That's what took the longest in his surgery. I wanted to use our tech to make his arm as perfect as I could make it."

"That's amazing," Cleo breathed, intensely grateful for what James was able to feel now. "Shuri, you are brilliant."

The Princess smiled knowingly. "I'm aware," she remarked with a smirk.

Cleo looked up at James again and offered him a soft smile. "Do you want to go and try this thing out?"

James laughed and shook his head. "I'm ready whenever you are, doll."

"Then let's go," she suggested before she offered Shuri a wave. She mouthed another quick thank you before she turned to head out of the lab with James. "Is there anything you want to do now? Like... pick up something really heavy? Pull a door off its hinges?" she asked with a teasing smile. .

He wrapped his metal arm around Cleo's waist as they walked, a smile on his face. "I can do that with my right arm, but it would be nice to feel the strength with two. Does anything need to be done in town?"

She considered his question and pursed her lips a little in thought. "Oh! There is that tree that fell into the roadway during the last storm. I don't think that's been fully cleared if you want to take care of that?"

James grinned broadly. "I would love to."

He wanted to be helpful if he could be, that was obvious. Cleo's smile only grew and she nodded resolutely. "Then let's go," she encouraged.

He followed her down the large hill from the palace and into the village. He didn't remember seeing the log that she spoke of, but Cleo quickly led him to a part of the village that he had never ventured to. "When was this storm?" he asked. "Was I here?"

"It might have been right before you got here, I can't really remember. Time has a way of getting away from me," Cleo told him. "We don't get many major storms, not like other places. But I think that with all that has been going on, Mother Nature is trying to find her new normal too."

James nodded as they reached the log. There was a space in the middle that had been cut, just big enough for a person with a handcart to pass through. He quickly bent down and grabbed a hold of the log, able to dig into it with his metal hand, then lifted one of the pieces and rested it on his shoulder with ease. "Where should I put it?"

Wow, that's way hotter than I pictured it. Cleo watched a little in awe as he easily picked up the log. She looked around before pointing to a small cluster of trees away from the road. "Over there. If anyone wants it for firewood they can break it down."

He gave Cleo a half smile before he walked over to where she'd pointed and let the log fall to the ground with a thud. Then he walked back over to the road and did the same with the other half. I think she likes the arm.

She watched him work and she chewed lightly on her nail absently. Look at that grip. I want to feel it. "That looked way too easy. We'll have to find something more challenging. I have had a hard time opening that pickle jar in the fridge..." she teased.

James laughed. "Baby, I'd probably break it." He walked up to her and wrapped one arm around her gently.

His laugh triggered her own and Cleo smoothed her hands over his sides before wrapping her hands around him. "Do you think you'll break me?" she asked with a smile, biting the inside of her lip.

"Oh, I don't think I could ever do that." He grinned down at her. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

Her expression shifted to a more playful, guilty smile. "I'm just interested in all that this arm is capable of..."

James smirked boldly. "Well... I would be able to do everything I haven't been able to... and then some."

A shiver smoothed up her spine, his heated words igniting something deep in her lower belly. "And then some? Will I be able to handle and then some?" she asked with a coy smile.

"Depends on what you decide that you want, baby doll," he murmured, dropping his voice the way he knew she loved, reveling in how goosebumps appeared on her arms.

"Mmm..." she exhaled, her body starting to tingle. "I think we should head back home... I don't know about you."

James bent to steal a lingering kiss to Cleo's lips. "I'll be right behind you."

Cleo was reluctant to end the kiss but as he stood up tall she had little choice. "Okay," she agreed, standing up on her toes to playfully catch his lips one more time before she turned to head back to his house. It was surprising how quick it was becoming their house, but they hadn't discussed that yet. She supposed she didn't have much reason to stay too long now that his shoulder was healed. But she wanted James to ask, she didn't want to worry that she was forcing it on him.

When she reached the house, she let Eagle outside and watched him run around in wide circles. It wasn't long before he spotted James and took off in that direction. He doesn't even know his daddy has two arms now.

"Hey big guy," James greeted, patting his thigh to get the growing dog to jump up so he could pet him. He looked up at Cleo and smiled as Eagle hopped down and began sniffing around.

Cleo ran her fingers through her long, dark hair, the gentle breeze carrying it to one side. "Come on, boys," she called with a gentle laugh, gesturing for Eagle to return to the house. "All good?" she asked James as he approached. She assumed he stayed behind to rearrange something, but maybe he'd needed space.

"Yeah. I just... I'm still getting used to having two arms again." He walked up to her and bent to kiss her cheek. "It's still new to me."

"I know, I'm sure it's weird," she offered empathetically and she reached out to smooth her hand over the dark gray metal again. She spread her fingers out over it, eyes still turned up to him. "But for what it's worth... it's sexy as hell," she added with a smirk.

He chuckled, enjoying the feeling of her hand on his arm. "Oh really now?"

"Really," she confirmed, this time finally allowing herself to really take in what her friend had made. It was truly beautiful. She lightly gripped his arm and brought it up to her lips and began pressing gentle kisses at his wrist. "Can you feel that?" she asked, eyes fluttering up to him.

James swallowed hard, watching as her lips touched the metal repeatedly. "Yes... I can."

Cleo's expression warmed with a smile as she crept her way up his new arm with tender kisses. She was so grateful he could feel this now. "Come inside," she said, voice quiet between the two of them and she took his cybernetic hand to lead him in.

She heard the door close behind James and she turned to face him, slipping in close to him as she slid her hand beneath his shirt. "I want to see all of it," she told him heatedly. The joint with the arm, the complete him.

He looked down at her with a soft grin before helping her remove his shirt. James held the cloth in one hand for a moment before tossing it to the floor, watching as Cleo explored.

Cleo gently smoothed her hands up his chest and as her hand crossed onto the new joint at his shoulder, she used a finger to trace the intricate gold lines weaving through. She turned her eyes up to him once more for just a few moments before she pressed kisses against the place where the skin met the metal.

James' eyes fell closed as he sighed, but made no move to reach for her. He wanted her to explore his body in any way she wished to. "That feels so good, baby."

She smiled against his skin and continued to kiss him softly as one of her hands smoothed over the metal on his shoulder, then down his arm. As her hand smoothed over his wrist, she laced her fingers with his metal ones and turned her eyes up to his. "I'm so excited that you can feel me."

"I can feel everything," he murmured. "I know that your lips and hand are soft and that you feel warm. I also know that I give you goosebumps when I touch you in return."

He hadn't been able to feel all of that before and it warmed her all over that he was aware of it now. "There are other parts of me that are soft and warm too," she practically cooed as she pressed a kiss against his collarbone.

"Talking dirty tonight," James rumbled. He took her free hand before resting it over his groin so she could feel the bulge resting there. "I like it."

A shuddering breath passed her lips as she felt him beneath her hand. "There's so much this hand hasn't felt yet..." she mused as she moved his cybernetic hand to rest on her breast. "Do you want to feel my skin?"

"Please," he breathed before pulling her into a sweet kiss, wrapping one arm around her waist while the other massaged her breast.

Cleo kissed him in return as a soft moan escaped her. She moved her hands and reached down to pull her shirt off over her head to give him more access to her skin. "Touch every part of me..."

He bit his bottom lip before he bent to nip and lick at her neck. "I can do that."

She tilted her head back, tossing her hair back over her shoulder as she did. "I want your fingers to memorize me." she murmured as her hands reached behind her back to unhook her bra.

"I'll know every single inch of you, sweetheart," he murmured in return.

A sound escaped her chest as her hands reached for his chest again. Her fingernails lightly dragged across his skin and she looked up at him heatedly. "Press me back against the wall."

"Do you want me to pick you up?" He offered, bending to suck on her shoulder softly.

His words pulled her eyes closed as she tried to imagine it, being pressed against the wall as he explored her. She nodded at his offer. "Fuck yes I do."

James grinned devilishly before hoisting Cleo into his arms and walking her to the nearest wall and putting her against it. "How's this baby doll?"

A noise of excitement escaped her as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as she felt the wall behind her. "Perfect," she replied with a husky air. "I'm all yours, baby..."

"That's my girl," he growled before kissing her fiercely, pressing his hips against hers while holding her with his metal arm so she wouldn't fall.

A sound passed between their lips with the intensity of the kiss and without hesitation she plunged her hands into his hair. Cleo licked his lips with her tongue before she deepened the kiss further as she dared to roll her hips against his.

James moaned as he returned the action, knowing she could feel every bit of the bulge his erection caused. "There's too many... clothes between us," he breathed between kisses.

She kissed him feverishly even as the words left his mouth, and she rolled her hips against him again before she nodded in agreement. "Let's fix that," she breathed, looking down at him heatedly. "Take my pants off," she told him intensely. He'd never been able to do that on his own before.

With one hand, James unbuttoned the jeans she'd decided to wear before hoisting her up to do his best to remove them with one arm. "Baby... even with two arms this isn't easy," he laughed.

Cleo laughed and shook her head. "You could have put me down to just slide them off," she argued, a laugh still in her voice. "We still have to get yours off too!"

He chuckled before turning and carrying her to their bedroom. When he reached the bed, James let her fall backwards onto the mattress so he could remove her jeans while he slipped out of his boots.

She laughed again as she collapsed onto the bed and ran her fingers through her long hair as it spread out beneath her body. "There we go..." she said as she smoothed her legs over one another. She sat up, propping herself up on her elbows as she watched him take off the rest of his clothes.

James kept eye contact with her as he let his own jeans drop to the floor, followed by his boxers. Then he bent to hover over her, one hand on either side of her head. "Like what you see?"

"Mm hmm," she affirmed, hand turning to smooth over his forearms as she looked up at him. "I love it. I want you, baby... do you want me?"

"I always want you," he answered, then bent down to kiss her heatedly while dropping down to his elbows.

Cleo kissed him back with passion, her hands reaching up to smooth over his sides. Her legs parted instinctively to allow him to be closer to her and she pulled him against her with her hands on his back.

"I love you, baby girl," he murmured as he rolled his hips against hers.

"I love you, baby," she breathed in reply before a whimper escaped her, legs spreading wider as she felt herself wetter.

James slowly rubbed his cock between her folds, moaning at the slickness that coated him. "I'm ready for you, are you ready for me?"

"Yes, baby, yes," she nearly pleaded, gasping desperately as she felt his cock move against her. "I'm so wet already..."

"Oh, doll, you're soaked," he agreed. "So eager to take me inside you." James used his metal hand to slowly run his fingers through her slick folds, practically moaning at how it felt to touch her.

"Mm hmm," she agreed, biting her lip but as he felt his strong, warm fingers a moan rolled from her lips. To know he was feeling her response to him beneath his metal fingers made it even hotter. "Fuck, baby... your fingers are so smooth, they feel so good."

"Do you want more of them?" He asked softly, bending to kiss her softly.

Her tongue chased his as she returned his kiss eagerly. She nodded with a desperate sound. "Please..." She spread her legs further, hips moving against his fingers.

James lifted his hips before moving to lay on her right side. Then he slowly began to run his metal fingers along her folds once more, daring to dip one inside of her.

Cleo's eyes drunkenly fluttered closed and her back arched at the sensation. The metal of his fingers were warm but provided a completely different sensation. She parted her legs to provide greater access and she reached out for him as a whimper fell from her lips.

"I'm right here baby," he murmured, bending down to kiss her softly while he slowly began to thrust his finger within her. "Let me know when you want more."

"Use two, baby," she practically begged as she smoothed her hand over the skin of his hip. Cleo could feel him so close beside her and her hand found his erection, wrapping her hand fully around it.

James ducked his head to rest on her shoulder with a low moan as he did what Cleo requested and began to thrust into her body with two fingers.

"Fuck," she breathed intensely, pumping her hand up and down his hardened erection as his fingers pulsed in and out of her. "Ooh, baby...I think I need your cock..."

"You think?" He questioned, lifting his head to grin at her. "Are you sure?" James slowly added a third finger before curling them inside her.

A sudden rush of pleasure pulled Cleo's eyes closed and a shuddering breath escaped. "Oh fuck, James..." she whimpered, the way his fingers curled hitting her in just the right spot. "Yes... just like that, oh my god..."

James moved his hand faster, curling them with each thrust. "You're so close already, baby. Are you going to come for me? Make my metal hand slick?"

She nodded helplessly as her stomach tightened, tension building between her legs. "Uh huh, yes, I'm gonna come," she whimpered, feeling her stomach begin to contract. Arching her back, her hips began to buck against his hand and the room filled with sounds of passion. "Just like that... yes... oh!" she moaned before she felt her stomach drop as she began to spasm around his fingers.

"That's it," he praised, a smile on his face. "You look so beautiful, baby doll." James peppered kisses to her face as he slowed his fingers to a stop them removed them, letting her relax for the moment.

Cleo's body shuddered as she felt the waves of her orgasm cascade over her. Her hands grasped at her skin as she smoothed them over her chest and flat stomach. "Oh my god..." she breathed heavily, only able to drunkenly look up at the ceiling for a long few moments. She could still feel herself quivering inside. "Baby, that was amazing..."

He smiled down at her before bending to kiss her softly. "I'm glad I can bring you such pleasure."

Cleo eagerly kissed him back and rolled onto her side so that she could face him. She reached out and pulled herself closer to him, her leg draping overtop of his hip. "You always have... that's just a bonus," she told him a little breathlessly.

James nuzzled against her, brushing his lips along anywhere he could reach. "I'm glad I can be of service," he smirked.

Her body tingled beneath his lips. "Aren't we just getting started?" she asked with girlish eagerness. She smoothed her leg over his and nuzzled him as she pulled his forehead against hers.

He smirked before claiming her lips in a slow kiss. "Oh, I can keep going."

Cleo's hands moved to either side of his face as she returned the kiss, keeping it as slow as he'd initiated it. God, I love him. "Only if you want to, baby. I wouldn't want to use you..." she said with a small smile.

"You're not using me, Cleo." James snuggled in beside her, kissing any bit of skin he could reach. "I don't think you ever could."

Her hands slid back into his hair and a smile played on her face. "I am always yours whenever you want me."

James smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. "If you're mine, then why don't you stay with me?" he asked softly.

Cleo furrowed her brows lightly. "What do you mean, I'm here with you now..." It only began to dawn on her after another few moments of holding his eyes about what he might be talking about. "Do you mean...all the time?" she asked a little breathlessly.

"Silly woman," he chuckled, then nodded. "Yes. Move in with me. Or we can... find a bigger place if it's too small here. Yours is a bit bigger... I just... I..." he sighed and dropped his head to her chest. "I just want you with me."

Move in with me. All other words were lost as a new smile started in her eyes. A soft, watery laugh escaped between her lips and she nodded, running her fingers through his hair. "I want to be with you," she assured him. "We can live anywhere... as long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

"I'm happy too," he murmured. "I love you so much, Cleo."

"I love you, James Barnes," she replied with quiet intensity. "When I think about the future... all I see is you."

He sighed softly before kissing along her collarbone and up her neck. "People can say that I'm selfish, but I hope it stays that way."

Cleo's head tilted back so he would have more access to her skin. A soft laugh filled her chest. "That's not selfish, it's just knowing what you want," she told him. "And it sounds to me like... we both want each other."

"It's nice to be wanted," he murmured in reply. James found Cleo's lips once more, running one hand through her hair.

Cleo knew she couldn't ever fully imagine what James had been through, all completely against his will. But she was determined to show him that he did have choices and that how he felt mattered. Anything she could give him, she would. "I'll always want you," she whispered against his lips.

James rested his forehead against hers, smiling at the beautiful woman in his arms. "I'll always want you, in return." He chuckled then and turned to hide his face in her neck. "I've become mushy. If only Steve knew."

She smiled as she giggled and shook her head. "It's our secret. He doesn't need to know everything," she told him, lips reaching out to kiss his nose.

He sighed and lifted his head to kiss her soundly. "I guess he doesn't."

"You know you can tell Steve whatever you want to, right? I wouldn't get in the way of your bond," she reminded him, just wanting to be sure he knew. "But it's kind of fun having secrets sometimes... ones that only we know."

"Oh, he'll notice before I even say anything. He knew that I liked you before I did." He caressed along her side, his head now propped up on his hand.

"Other people are better at seeing those things than we are. Shuri was the one who pointed it out to me," she told him with an easy, content smile on her face. "I didn't think you'd soften to me but... here we are."

James grinned once more as he trailed his metal fingers across her stomach. "I think the only person I have ever been soft with before you has been Steve."

"So it takes a special person," she observed, grinning at her observation. "People have been describing me that way for years," she added with a smirk.

"Well, you're my special person," he smiled.

"I'm really lucky to be that person," she told him softly. We're going to live together. How incredible. "I'm so excited for my life with you."

James bent to kiss her softly, running his hand slowly along her body. "I want to do everything with you," he admitted softly, running one finger along her inner thigh.

Cleo felt a tingle in the pit of her stomach, the sensation of his hand bringing goosebumps on her skin. "Everything?" she asked, her own hand reaching out to a smooth over the metal of his arm.

"Everything," he said again. "As long as you're okay with it of course." James nuzzled against her neck as he slowly trailed his finger along her folds before traveling lower.

She inhaled sharply as his fingers gently teased her. She nodded. "I'm okay with it," she agreed, a girlish swell of feelings in her chest. He's the one. I can't believe I found him.

James bent to kiss her softly while his finger slowly explored the tight ring of muscle of her ass. "I can stop if you want me too."

Nerves bubbled up in her lower belly as she felt his finger, she pulled himself into him further. "Don't," she breathed, finding his lips again.

He moaned softly into her mouth, continuing to rub small circles, helping her body relax against his touch. "Do you like it?" he whispered.

"Uh huh," Cleo replied quietly, slowly breathing through the sensations. "Just make sure you warm me up, baby."

James chuckled before barely pressing against the opening. "That's what I'm doing."

Her eyes pulled closed as she felt him press against her. "Thank you, baby..."'she breathed. "We might want to get some lubrication if anything bigger than your finger is going in there."

"I think lubrication would be a good idea," he agreed. "Do we have any?"

"There's coconut oil in the kitchen, that's a great one," she told him, biting her lip as she sat up onto her arms a little. "Could you go get it?"

James nodded before bending down to kiss her gently. "I'll be right back." He turned and climbed off the bed before disappearing into the hallway.

Cleo sat up as he left to retrieve the oil from the kitchen and tossed her hair back over her shoulders. As she waited, her eyes took in the room around her. Their bedroom. She liked the idea of looking for a new house, one they could make their mark on together.

She heard him returning and she rose up onto her knees, hands smoothing over her naked body as he crossed back into the room.

"Planning a show for me?" James asked as he returned, biting his bottom lip as he watched Cleo run her hands over her body.

She laughed lightly with a sultry smile. "I can give you one if you want," she said before she put her hands on the bed and crawled toward him.

James bit his bottom lip and watched as Cleo crawled to the end of the bed. "Oh? What kind of show could you give me, my girl?"

Her smile seemed to darken just a little and she turned around on the bed, her ass now facing him as she bent down onto her elbows. "It seems something like this might be what you're looking for..."

He licked his lips before stepping forward. James bent down to kiss across her lower back, putting the small bottle of oil on the bed beside her. "Not without your permission," he murmured. "I know it's different."

"It is," she acknowledged, looking up at him from her position. "But as long as we go slow, I'm excited to learn what it feels like."

James nodded as he slowly began massaging the back of her thighs, wanting her to be relaxed. "If it's done right, it would be very pleasurable."

Her eyes fell closed as she breathed slowly, doing her best to allow herself to relax beneath his hands. "I trust you to do it right, baby," she said.

He grinned before bending to place lingering kisses to her hip. "I could start it like a massage?" He suggested.

"I like the sound of that," Cleo agreed. He has two hands now. Massages are a perk I didn't even think about! "Where do you want me?"

"Just lay on your stomach, doll. I'll be sure to take care of you. If you don't like anything please tell me."

She stretched out onto the bed flat on her stomach and reached back to pull her hair over one shoulder so it wasn't draped over her back. "I promise to be vocal... I usually am," she replied with a wink.

He chuckled before moving to straddle her legs, grabbing the oil and pouring some onto his hands before he leaned down and started massaging her back.

Cleo closed her eyes as she rested her head on her folded arms. She exhaled deeply in an effort to further relax herself. His warm hands on her skin felt soothing and the pressure he applied was appropriately gentle. "That feels good, baby."

"I'm glad you like it. This stuff smells pretty good too." James gently kneaded her skin, feeling her relax the longer he worked down her back.

"The sheets will smell like a tropical getaway," she joked lightly, eyes still closed as she relaxed her muscles. "And my skin will be smooth and supple."

James grinned then bent down to kiss her lower back as he reached her hips to massage, having applied more oil to his hands. "I'm glad you're enjoying it."

A soft groan escaped her and she stretched out her back. "Anytime you want the favor returned, I'll be happy to oblige."

"I'd be up for that." He lowered his hands to slowly begin massaging her ass.

"You just ask whenever you want it, baby," she told him with an easy smile. His hands on her ass made a tingle rise in her belly.

James added a little more oil to his warm hand before he began rubbing small circles at her entrance once more. "I will," he said sweetly then kissed the side of her hip.

"Mmm..." she exhaled, eyes still closed to the room. This was a completely different sensation than normal sex. It was new and a little scary, but she fully trusted that if she asked James to stop, he would.

"Stay relaxed, sweetheart," he said softly just before he added a bit of pressure, feeling as his finger barely slipped inside.

Cleo exhaled to ensure that she was relaxed and she inhaled lightly as she felt his finger. The feeling was more surprising than it was anything else. There wasn't any pain and the feeling had her interested in finding out what more felt like.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. James ran one hand up and down her back as he slowly began to thrust with the other.

Cleo nodded, making sure to continue to breathe slowly and deeply. "Yes, baby," she answered. She bit her lip as she adjusted to the sensation. "It's different than anything I've ever felt... not in a bad way."

"What if I... do this?" he asked as he used his other hand to slowly rub circles lightly against her clit.

She inhaled again and moaned a little. "Ooh baby, I like that," she told him, a new kind of thickness in her voice.

He grinned and continued to work his finger into her, letting it slide a bit deeper. "How's this baby?"

She breathed audibly as she adjusted to the feeling. "Rubbing my clit is helping... it's keeping my muscles relaxed."

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked. "I can stop at any time."

"No baby, don't stop," she said, the slickness of her slit a lubricant of its own.

James kissed the side of her ass as he slowly increased his pace while continuing to rub and pleasure her with his other hand. "Tell me what you want."

Cleo arched her back and as she did, her hips backed toward him just a little. It was an initially unusual feeling, the more his finger entered her, but as that passed, she began to feel why people liked anal. "Mmm..." she murmured, a shiver climbing up her spine. "Fuck...m-m-more of this." His finger slid smoothly in and out of her now and now that her body had accepted it, she needed to feel more.

"More how sweetheart?" He asked softly. "Tell me baby."

Cleo moaned again, the sound escaping before she could speak. "My ass... I want to feel more..." she said through heavy breaths. "Add a finger or something, baby..."

James kissed her backside once more before gently removing his finger to add a little more oil to his hand. Then he pressed two fingers against her, gently sliding them inside.

Her mouth fell open as he stretched her a little further. There was a small amount of pain, but it was more of an ache and it eased the more he entered her. "Ooh, yes," she murmured and she turned her head to glance at him. "Does this turn you on baby? Your fingers in my ass?" she asked heatedly.

He smiled back at her and nodded. "You have no idea."

"Yeah? Do you want to fuck me?" she asked, heat in her eyes as she looked back at him.

"God, yes," he breathed, continuing to move his hand, thrusting his fingers within her body.

"How badly? How badly do you want to fuck me?" she asked intensely before her mouth opened and a passionate moan fell from her lips. "Fuck..."

"So badly," James murmured in reply as he slowly increased his pace once more.

Cleo breathed raggedly, sweat giving her a dewy glow. "I want it, baby... I want you to fuck me. Shit... oh, it feels good baby."

James grinned as he ran his fingers through her folds to dip inside of her pussy while still thrusting into her from behind. "Where do you want me?"

"Ooh baby, I've gotta work up to taking you in my ass," she said. "Fuck my pussy with your cock and my ass with your fingers."

He chuckled softly before gently biting down on her hip. "Do you want to stay like this? Or be on your back?"

"Like this, from behind baby," she said with desperation woven throughout her voice. "Ooh god..."

James moved to stand on his knees, removing one hand from her pussy to wrap his hand around his cock to give himself just a bit of pleasure, making him moan. Then he slowly removed his fingers from her ass so he could freely line himself up and sink into her folds with a groan.

"Yesss..." Cleo nearly cried before her mouth dropped open to let out a deeply erotic sound. "Ooh shit... god your cock feels amazing."

"You feel so good, Cleo." James bent forward and wrapped one arm around her waist before beginning to thrust. "Shit..."

Waves of tingles washed over her body as she arched her back. "Yes, baby... James... shit..." She was completely at his mercy right now and completely okay with it.

James kissed her beck, panting with his movements. "Let me know when you're close... I'll give you my fingers back," he breathed. "I... I'm not going to last."

"Put them back," she told him through moans and gasps. "I'll come so fast with you in me twice."

He moved to stand straight once more as he watched himself disappear into her body with each thrust. "God... you're beautiful." James ran his fingers along her ass so he wouldn't startle her before slowly inserting them once more. "Fuck sweetheart... take your pleasure baby. I'll stay still. Go as fast as you want."

"Shit!" she cried in a blissful exclamation, the sensations flooding her body as it took over. Without needing any more encouragement, her hips took over and she began to back up into him. As her hips rocked, she dropped her head in bliss. "Oh fuck... I'm gonna come, fuck, I'm coming," she moaned just before her body began to be wracked with shivers.

James groaned, tightening his metal hand on her hip. "Me too doll... fuck. So am I." He panted as his body emptied into her, feeling his legs shake with the excursion.

The way her muscles tightened and released nearly dropped her onto the bed immediately, arms buckling. Unbridled sounds escaped her and filled the space around them until they were replaced with heavy, uneven breaths. "Oh my god..."

Gently, James removed himself and his fingers from Cleo's body before helping her lay on her stomach. Then he laid beside her. "That... was..." He looked over at Cleo and gently brushed her hair from her face. "Are you okay?"

She nodded as she slowed her breaths, cheeks and chest flush with residual heat. "I'm great, baby," she told him. "That was incredible."

"Yes, it was," he agreed softly. "You are absolutely stunning."

Leaning in, she pressed her lips softly against his and stayed that close as the kiss lingered to an end. "I love you," she whispered. "And I'm so excited for everything we have coming."

"I love you too, doll. Very very much."

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