Death Squad

By ZackAraiz

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A college student is living a normal life, expecting to be alone. One ordinary day, or so he thought, an unus... More

Chapter 1: The Storm
Chapter 3: The Scout
Chapter 4: The Village
Chapter 5: The Lily Street
Chapter 6: The Function of the Lost Hero

Chapter 2: The Imitator

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By ZackAraiz

"Fifty meters to the east, two vital signs confirmed. Auditory signals indicate the two are fighting against each other," Eoa reported.

"Thanks, Eoa. Should we interfere then?"

"Negative. Let us see the result of the battle at a safe distance." she added.

A few hours ago, I woke up at the main city of Ballad. Eoa explained to me everything that happened five years ago. Turns out, she can only use her full intelligence while I am conscious. I told her about that mysterious book, and that seemed to awaken her.

She detected the arrival of the Function. She was trying to inform me how large the explosion will be. The bond was still weak when she was newly attached, and communication was established due to a near-death experience. She was forced to initiate my magic phrase, Pintafura Excomagicka, meaning "Paint the fire with magic". As to what my powers are, we still don't know. It comes naturally, she said, and at the feel of a first activation, I will be able to adjust my body and start from there.

She also explained who was the attacker last time. It was Stereo, a Functioner established in music. His physical strength is his forte, chanting Drowimusico Envanis, "Drown in music and vanish". Reciting phrases lets Eoa indicate who that Functioner is, but their powers and abilities are locked within the database of the Function.

Now, she instructed me to search for the Monitor, a device capable of features for long-range location searches and satellite access. As she was explaining, a loud bang sounded from a distance. She now requested to pursue suspicious lifeforms, potentially fighting against one another. We are still in the City of Ballad, only difference is that it looks post-apocalyptic now. Only a few trees remain standing, a few houses have their roof intact, and also few machineries working properly.

"There's a house over there, still got its cover on the second floor. Shall we keep surveillance in that location?" I suggested to Eoa.

"Good eyes, Zack. Proceed." she replied in a proud voice.

One of Eoa's abilities is that she is able to modify my body and fit certain upgrades. I whispered, "Eoa, light steps please."

A white glow surrounded both of my feet, turning my shoes to a lighter color. My steps are indeed light on their movements. I can almost compare it into stepping on foam.

Walking stealthily in a slow pace, I finally reached the second floor of an abandoned house. I can clearly see what's happening nearby.

KLANG! Blades clashed resounding over the place; one person holding a normal sharp sword while the other two daggers held by each hand. They seem to be having an exchange of words.

"Eoa, enhance auditory senses." I softly implied.

"Roger that."

With a greater sense of hearing, I was able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"...and you can't stop us." the man holding the dagger said, to which the swordsman replied, "Wanna see me try?"

The swordsman charged quickly at the dagger-user, throwing his opponent off-balance, falling down against his feet. Piercing the sword at the face of the lying enemy, the dagger-user dodged, regaining balance and took the opportunity to slash the swordsman. Both were able to evade the exchanges of attacks. They rapidly catch their breath.

A scent of burnt wood lingered with the atmosphere getting more and more tense. The two stared at each other for long. It was until the swordsman raised his left hand and pointed it at the sky. A gigantic sword came out from the clouds, falling down with a force enough to shake the ground and push everything with a strong gust of wind. His opponent luckily dodged.

"Eoa, what the hell was that?" I surprisingly exclaimed.

"Zack, that was-"

"You really are resillient huh?" the dagger-user shouted, interrupting Eoa in her speech.

"I told you, I'll show you what will happen if I tried." the swordsman mockingly replied.

"You'd best be ready! I'll be back soon!" the dagger-user then disappeared out of sight, leaving his warning to his enemy.

"Get down there, Zack." Eoa assertively spoke, "That man is an ally."

It is very unusual for Eoa to trust on someone. She said earlier that the only words she trusts are that of the Function and mine. She was literally a database in those years before she became a weapon of the Function and placed into me.

I jumped while Eoa took care of my landing. The swordsman was on high alert as he quickly turned around, and gripped tightly on his sword.

"Hey, umm... Eoa told me that-"

"The Lost Hero!" the swordsman said in a loud voice giving me no time to speak. I forgot to ask Eoa about why I am called The Lost Hero.

He ran towards me with excitement on his face. His sword dissolved and appeared sheathed on his back. This stranger, whose name I don't know, can be compared to a person reunited with his long-time friend.

"Hi, uh, I am Drixill Fauzt!" he then shook my hands.

Drixill Fauzt?

"Eoa." I whispered.

"Yep, running a background check." Eoa then went silent for a while.

"So, where have you been?" Drixill asked.

"First things first," I asked, "How did you know me?"

"It was five years ago when you fought with a big guy, and you were lying down on the ground. As you were pretending to be out of strength, this big sword came out of nowhere!" his eyes shows excitement, "That was so cool!"

To me, only a few minutes have passed by. To everyone including Eoa, it was a long time.

"Confirming results. Drixill Fauzt, 24 years old. A resident in Ballad City. Three years ago, he earned the title "Imitator" for his excellent fighting style."

"Imitator?" I softly asked.

"His fighting style mostly includes copying his opponent's moves and using it as his own, although first tries are weaker than the original." she replied.


Eoa then added, "He is not a Functioner."

What? Anyone other than Functioners have access to the powers? This is bad. I should prioritize getting over to the Monitor first. It will help me and Eoa for gathering information. But where should we start? Eoa only knows it lives under the grounds of the Ballad.

"Mr. Lost Hero!" Drixill said.

"Zack." I replied.

"Zack?" he confusedly asked.

"Zack Araiz, my name."

"Ahh, then Zack!" he excitingly said, preparing to ask a question.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Is there any more powers you have? I'm sure it's not only that big sword from the sky?"

Is he saying he imitated that from me?

"Explanation. Five years ago, I was forced to use your magic phrase, and the only spell available in your arsenal was an Ultimate Magic, Sword of the Titan, that sent you flying to the main city. It almost looks like the one that Drixill used." Eoa suddenly said.

I should learn how magic works. Does everyone have a certain capacity? Does it need a chant or a pre-requisite in order to use a spell? Either way, as we move towards our goal, our magic should progress.

So, to answer Drixill, should I lie or not? I think I shouldn't. It's better to have a strong ally anyway.

"Listen, Drixill. I just came out from a long slumber and I-"

Drixill smirked, taking his sword from his back and plunging it with speed towards me. Fortunately, thanks to my reflexes, I was able to dodge and move sideways.

"What are you doing, Drixill?" I yelled.

"ZACK! Duck on my command!" Eoa loudly said.

Drixill held his sword in both of his hands, and placed the hilt right above his shoulder, pointing the edge of the sword at me. His eyes signals an intent to kill; this conversation will lead to nothing. I have to follow Eoa in order to survive.

"Benadova, Major," Drixill spoke under his breath.

"NOW!" Eoa's voice resounded in my mind.

I pulled my body down as fast as I can, feeling an immense and sharp force above my head. It threw me out of my balance, my hands below my back. As I looked up, Drixill was about to smack his sword at my lying body when at the heat of the moment, my hand moved on its own to defend myself.

A sword materialized on my hand, blocking Drixill's flashing sword with ease. Its hilt is comfortable to grip, and it has an emblem of a bird.

I stepped back the moment I got up on my feet. Drixill returned his sword on his back, the sign that the battle has stopped. He clapped, and smiled with admiration. Of course, I still was at my toes.

"Sorry! I apologize Zack!" Drixill bowed, "It was a test to see your power, and in any case you weren't doing anything to defend yourself, I would have stopped it midway."

That was scary. What was he thinking?

"You sure?" I asked, gripping my sword harder. "I play a lot of video games."

He laughed, hysterically. He must be thinking, 'What's the point in playing video games during a fight?'

"Yes, yes. I assure you." he said, pointing at my sword, "What is that anyway?"

The emblem was glowing in a color similar to the ray of the sun. I have no idea what is happening, so I had to ask Eoa.

"Eoa? Is there any information related to this weapon?"

She replied, "The Emblem of the Phoenix!"

"The emblem of the- what?" I was confused.

"It is said the Phoenix is a mythical creature capable of using powerful magic that has lived since the creation of the universe."

A Phoenix? In legends, they were the ones destroying large cities, or killed by a legendary hero. Of course, they were all fictional.

"Humans were not able to contain its power, so they found a way to seal the Phoenix's magic through a seal, hence the Emblem of the Phoenix. Its container is a sword, The Reaper, enabling the wielder to use the same magic of the creature."

Then, this sword is the Reaper. I must learn how to wield its full potential. I need to muster everything I can to fight anyone who will get in my way.

"Zack." Eoa softly called me with a sad voice.

"Yes, Eoa?" I asked.

"Use that sword only in emergencies, okay?" she replied.

I simply asked 'Why?' but Eoa did not reply again. It must be serious, knowing she would always give me answers to my questions.

"I believe you, Eoa." I said.

She softly chuckled, the awkwardness that followed vanished from the air. The mood was right again. We can follow through our goal once again.

Drixill walked closely and showed me a paper. Enlisted were pieces of information about the Lost Hero, the power they saw five years ago, and predictions to a specific location.

"That paper described you, at least, very well. This paper belonged to an enemy I fought during that Orb Incident." he explained, "At the first few years, I was wondering who the hell was that person, but I heard rumors."

A name piqued my interest, 'Lily Street'. This place isn't here in Ballad over the course of my residence. Is this a new place?

"I know what you're thinking," Eoa said. "Lily Street, right?"

"Yep." I quickly said.

"Note. Estimations describe Lily Street as the former place of Hail University. It is said that lilies started growing two years after the incident," she replied.

"How'd you know all of this when we were asleep for five years?" I asked Eoa, in a curious manner.

"I was not asleep for five years, Zack. You are. What I meant by unable to use my full intelligence is that I'm unable to verify various things."

"Like what?" I followed up.

"I've been hearing unclear voices and detecting unknown life forces. For the past few years, I've been on edge in case an enemy attacks. Not that I blame you anyway," she sighed, "What's important is this information is 80% legitimate."

Unexpectedly, Drixill snapped his fingers, and said, "Are you done talking with, what's her name again? Ella, was it? Euna?"

"Eoa. It's Eoa." I said. Somehow, it annoyed when he said her name incorrectly. "How'd you know her anyway?"

"Hmm, right when you snuck up behind me, and when you got discovered, you said 'Eoa told me that blah blah blah', remember?" he replied.

Man, this guy's wrong on many terms. Even worse, Eoa was laughing.

"First of all, I didn't sneak up on you, and secondly, Eoa told me to trust you." I said.

"Oh, did she now?" he proudly replied, "Then would you listen to me?"

"Hmm. Go on."

"Two days ago, I was searching for food in a nearby convenience store when two men entered at the front door. One man said that their boss wanted to find someone with the same power level as he had. The other replied with your title, The Lost Hero," he said, "More on, they said their boss is waiting for you at the Molicure? Moni-, Moni-something."

The Monitor.

"Did they ever mention the name of their boss, or the name of their association?" I asked.

"No, not at all. But ever since then, I was curious to know the Lost Hero, I'm pretty sure he's the only one who will not attack me at sight. It is a surprise to find that it was you." he replied.

It is worrying that someone with unknown strength might come at us the moment we go through that Monitor, but if Eoa wants to take the risks, then I'm all for it.

"It has too many risks, Zack. But we only need to prepare." Eoa said.

I looked at Drixill seriously, hoping to find a considerate answer. I took my hand out, ready for a handshake.

"Will you accompany me, Drixill?" I asked.

Drixill looked into my eyes, and for a few seconds, he smiled, "Call me Drix." He held my hand, and together we made a deal, "I'm with you, Zack!"

It wasn't bad at all, able to stand at this world once more. Cleonne, Ms. Sline, sorry if I have to leave you behind. Once this is all over, I'm sure to give you a good place for you to rest on. Until then, I have to move on.

Don't worry, I have Eoa and Drixill with me now.

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