An Otome Game? More Like A Su...

By vara_user

50.1K 3.4K 2.1K

Kim Rok Soo died after saving a girl from a sudden unranked monster attack. When he opened his eyes, he was i... More

Chapter 1 Part 1 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 1 Part 2 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 1 Pary 3 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 1 Part 4 : Could All of This Get Any Worse?
Chapter 2 Part 1 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II
Chapter 2 Part 2 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II
Chapter 2 Part 4 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II

Chapter 2 Part 3 : Could All of This Get Any Worse? II

5K 408 134
By vara_user

When lunch time, the mother-son duo decided to have some lunch in a three-story restaurant. The food there taste amazing, although not as good as the meal at the mansion. Cale secretly slid a plate of dessert under the table after Glutton kept blabbering about the food inside his head.


Violan suddenly called him.

Cale who was trying to slid the third plate of dessert under the table flinched. The plate almost slipped from his hand. Fortunately, Glutton immediately caught the plate, placing it under the table safely.

— Phew, that was close! Anyway, thank you, Summoner!!

— Hey Glutton, you're seriously being a ... glutton.

Super Rock just shake his head seeing the enthusiastic green fairy.

"Y-Yes Mother?"

Cale answered anxiously.

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Violan was a little suspicious, but decided to let it slide. She went back to what she wanted to ask.

"Cale, what do you think about having a pet?"

"... A pet?"

Cale subconsciously looked under the table.

— Huh? What are you looking at?

Just having a spirits by his side was already troublesome. He couldn't imagine how chaotic his life would be if he adopt a pet. Maybe he'll gone crazy.

— Hey, you're not thinking of us as a pet, aren't you?!

Cale internally sigh. He then raised his head, looking at the face of his mother who was waiting for his answer.

"I think it's not necessary, Mother."

"... Why would that?"

'Because it's troublesome! Look at these spirits who already bothered me!!'

Of course, Cale couldn't says that out loud.

"I'm afraid I'm not good enough to take care of it."

That's the only things he could say.

Violan clearly looks upset somehow. She then touched Cale's palm, smiled sadly.

"Cale, please don't think like that."

Cale blinking his eyes.

'Huh? Thinking like what?'

"At least, let's take some look, okay?"

"... Uh, okay?"

'Why is she like this?'

Cale confused, but didn't want to think about it and decided to tag along.

After finishing their lunch, the two of them went to a pet shop. The pet shop was quite large, with many cages filled with animals lined up in every corner of the room. Violan happily showed Cale the animals around them.

“Cale, look. This pony had wings. Doesn't it look really cute?”

Violan said while pointing a white baby pony who was sleeping inside the cage.

Cale could imagine in his head, this pony would fly wildly with the spirits destroying his room. Cale immediately shook his head.

"Then what about this puppy? It said could breath a fire!"

— Oh, my man!

Cheapskate flying around the obsidian puppy excitedly.

'Mother, do you want to set our house on fire?!'

Cale shook his head again.

"Ah, then let's look around a little more."

The pet shop is really noisy, makes Cale missed his bed so badly. The spirits were having fun exploring the shop, while Violan talked to the shop's owner. Cale just wandering around, quietly exited the shop and take a deep fresh air.

He really hates noisy things.

Cale just enjoying the fresh air, when his eyes accidentaly layed on a childrens who surrounding two kitten, throwing some rocks toward them.

'... Why did I keep bumping with annoying things?'

Cale clicked his tongue. It's not like he can just ignores things like that.

'Well, let's try this newly power of mine.'

His frown started changes into a smirk.

"Hey, Sound of the Wind."

— You called me, Summoner?

The blue fairy appears, flapping her wings and flied around him.

"Well, yeah. How to use your power?"

— That's easy! You just need to concentrate and imagine the whirlwind inside your head! Then use your hands to control the whirlwind. Easy peasy!

Cale tried to do as the Sound of the Wind's says. He closed his eyes, concentrate and imagine a small whirlwind created. Cale held his smile when he saw there's really a whirlwind forming on top of his palm.

The redhead then throw moved his finger. The whirlwind take the rocks that the childrens use to hit the kittens, then the rock flied back to then. They're screaming, half scared and half confused why the rocks could fly back by itself. It ended up by they're running away, leaving the kittens curled in the corner of the street.

Cale just use the whirlwind to lift the rocks and flied towards them, not really hit them. He just want to scares them, that's all. He satisfied that the childrens eat up his prank.

The boy then walked toward the two kitten. Cale could see the silver kitten covering the red kitten body, protecting it. The silver kitten had a lot of brushes and injury, while the red kitten just miawned, licking the older kitten's wound.

Cale kneeled down, checked the silver kitten's condition.


One of Cale eyebrow twitched.

It's weird.

He find crumbs of cookie on the kittens' fur.

And moreover, there's a gold coin that slipped behind the silver kitten's paw.


Cale gasped.

He then recalled the content of the game.

There's other race than human in this world.

First elf, then dwarves, vampire, and lastly beast people.

There's not much information about beast people, but at least Cale know that beast people can turn into their animal form and had special ability.

"Cale, Cale??"

He could heard his mother's voice calling his name.

"Ah, here you are. I was looking for you."



Cale give his bright scammer smile, putting his hands on the kittens' head.

"I want to adopt these kittens."

"... Huh?"


Violan, and even the kittens looked at the redhead with dumbfounded expression.

"Ah ...."

Cale pretending to be upset. He looked down on the ground, fidgetting his finger.

"I can't?"

"N-No! Of course you can, dear. Anything for you."

Violan quickly answered, smiled softly. Blissfully unaware of Cale's true intention.

Cale smiled again, too brightly, makes the spirits look at him with uneasy feeling.

— Why is he smiling like that?

— I don't have a good feeling about this.

Ignoring the voices of the spirits inside his head, Cale then gently carry the two kittens. The kittens is quite small so he could easily lift both of them.

"Thank you, Mother."

"Since you already picked a pet, let's head back home. You need to lest after this fun trip, right?"

Hearing word 'home', Cale's face lightened up.

"Yes, Mother. Let's go."

'Finally, my beloved bed!'

Violan smiled, thinking that Cale was happy because he just adopted the kittens. He even didn't mind that his clothes get dirty because carrying them. Ah, his son is really an angel, isn't he?


Cale was currently inside his room alone with the kittens and the spirits. Ron was out for a bit, bringing him some snacks after taking care of the kittens.


Cale sat down on the sofa, while the now fresh looking kittens facing him.

"Are you two from the cat tribe?"


"Speak with human's language."

"Yes we are, nya. Will you still adopted us?"

"Well, I already took you in. Why would I kicked you two out?"

The kittens rubbed their head on Cale's feet, miawned.

"I will give you more cookies if you be useful to me."

Cale was thinking about bringing the kittens to the academy.

The kittens surely has an ability, right? It should be useful for him to survive there.

"I want cake, nya!"

"Me too, me too!"

"Sure, I'll give you a lot of cake too."


"Yes. And what should you two do to pay for your meal?"

"Be useful!"

"Be useful, nya!"


Cale nod with satisfaction.

"Now, tell me your name."

"I'm On, six years old! I can control fog, nya!"

The silver kittens excitedly introducing herself.

"And this is my little brother, Hong. His ability is poison. We just two years apart!"

"I see. Then, my name is Cale Henituse. From now on, let's work together."

"Okay, nya~"

Cale let the kittens jumped to the sofa, sitting on his lap. Cale sighed, rubbing his palm on the kittens' soft fur.

— Aw, they're so cute! Too bad they couldn't see us!!

The Thief laying her tiny body on Hong's fur, rolled around. Looks like the kittens really couldn't see nor feel the existence of these spirits, seeing they even didn't notice that these spirits were currently making fun of them.

Ron come back not too long later, bringing trolley of sweets and tea. He smiled benignly at the three childrens in front of him.

He was used to be a patriach of an assasin household, so it's natural for him to notice that the two kittens in front of him were not an ordinary kittens. At first he was little worried that his young master bringing two childrens from the cat tribe after the trip with the countess. Is he aware of their true identity?

However, seeing this sight, maybe it'd be okay. The young master finally had something else to do besides reading books or sleeping. He looks happy when taking care of the kittens. But still, his puppy young master needs to know this kittens' true identity.

While pouring the tea into the cup, Ron opened his mouth.

"Young Master-nim, are you having fun with your new pet?"

Cale just humming, continue rubbing the kittens' soft fur.

"Then, what will you do if the kittens were no ordinary cat? Will you kicked them out?"

Cale's hand stopped. He raised his head to meet with Ron's brown pupils. The old man could see Cale's eyes faintly shook. It's just a moment, but enough for Ron to noticed it.

Meanwhile, Cale internally panicking.

'Holy shit, he even noticed it?!'

— Wow, Summoner. This servant of yours really skilled, eh?

— Why would he worked as a servant when he can rule over the underworld with his skill?

'Right, I wonder too.'

The two kittens also looks surprised, snuggling to Cale's chest as if scared by the old man's calm but vicious question.

After a long pause, Cale asked.

"Well, so what?"


"I already adopted them. Why would I kicked them out? It's irresponsible."

Cale repeated what he just said to the kittens earlier.

Right. Even though he's a trash, he won't take his words just like an irresponsible brat. He already an adult inside!

Ron fell silent for a moment, before smiled. It's not his usual benign smile, but a new smile that Cale never seen before.

"I see. Then, I'll do my best to help you taking care the kitten-nims."


Cale just ignores Ron, reach for some cookies. Is it just him or everyone is indeed acting more strange by day?


Cale and his dense personality.

I love this idiot but sometimes I just want to choke him around and yell, "OPEN YOUR EYES GODDAMN IT! THEY CARE FOR YOUUUUUU."

Joke aside xD I really love Cale and the gank. Can't wait until YRH-nim come back from their break and release part 2 of the novel!

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