Kingdom Hearts 3.5: Passions...

ArenKayler tarafından

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Its been three years, irl, since the release of Kingdom Hearts 3. We saw how "Darkness prevailed and the ligh... Daha Fazla

Few things before we start
Characters #1
Characters #2
Characters #3
Chapter 1: New Arrivals
Wretched Yellow Eyes
Letting Loose
Demyx Time!
The Helper
You know...
Untold Past
Untold Past Pt.2
Uncertain Future
Chapter 3: Homecoming
Homecoming Pt.2
A Game of Chess
Announcment #1
I'm back!!
Beach Episode
Ready Player One?
Chapter 4: To become a Hero
"Hey, would you say I became a hero?"
Two hot heads

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Tower

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ArenKayler tarafından

Umbra POV
We did it and there I was. I was standing outside The Mysterious Tower looking over at the portal I had just made. The first one to come out was Sora, who immediately grew a smile on his face at the sight of the tower behind me. He started walking my way and when he noticed me he waved. I simply waved waved back, feeling the corner of my lip creep up my cheek. "How's it going?" Sora asked me, probably trying to make a conversation. "Oh, it's going well. I'm more relaxed now knowing both you guys and my friend are safe" I said sincerely. "Yeah! I won't lie, there were moments when I was worried for him, but he pulled through. Oh man, I hope I get to be that strong one day!" Sora said. I laughed softly. He reminded me a bit of a younger Akari. "Don't worry Sora, I think you can do it. Although, it will require lots of work" I told him casually. He chuckled and gave me a 'Yeah'. That was until he shook his head and looked back at me. "Wait a minute, how do you know my name?" Sora asked...

Jeez, this just got awkward...

What was I thinking?! Blurting out his name like that! How do I explain it without giving him too much information...

My mind was racing. "Umm..." was the only thing that came out my mouth. That was until my salvation came in the form of a door crashing open. "Sora!" two voices behind me shouted. 'Oh thank God!' I thought as I stood aside the steps, evading the collision course. A white duck and another figure with a yellow hat jumped at Sora. Donald Duck and Goofy. "Donald! Goofy!" Sora said excitedly. I felt back in school, you know the times when you think of the correct answer for the question and then another kid says it instead. Just like that. "I knew you guys were safe! How did you get here?" Sora said. "Well, this young feller over hyere came to our rescue hyand told us to wait for you guys in Master Yen Sid's tower" Goofy said, pointing at me. I smiled at them before looking at the portal. Riku and Kairi had come out of the portal and were walking towards us. Although I looked over to see Riku and Kairi, they kept talking. "Did the other one help you out?" Donald asked. "You should have seen him, he fought the Organization off like it was nothing!" Sora said, as Riku and Kairi arrived and stood beside him. "What?!" Donald asked, surprised by the news. I chuckled silently, not wanting to interrupt. "Come on, we'll tell you all about it" Kairi. They went up the stairs. Kairi stopped halfway and looked behind her. I followed her gaze to the portal and saw Axel and Roxas, waiting for someone. Xion stepped out the portal and smiled at both of her friends. "Lea!" Kairi shouted, motioning her hand for him to follow them. Axel smiled and waved back telling her that he would be there soon. Kairi and the rest of her friends entered the tower while I waited for the trio of former Nobodies to enter the tower as well. The three of them chatted and walked my way. Axel and Xion began taking the stairs, but Roxas stayed behind and walked to me. "So, you're the guy Demyx told us about" Roxas told me. "Yeah. I hope Demyx made it back to Radiant Garden safely. I know Ienzo can be a little..stubborn when things don't go as he planned them" I said. "Oh, he got there alright. He wouldn't stop rambling on about your friend in the white robe. Heh, can't say I blame him now" Roxas said...

'Ughh. I hate the awkward silences in conversation. I mean I know his name and... I mean, how am I supposed to make conversation and act like we're the friends? That is not how stuff works in my world!'

I sighed. Then, another miracle occurred that made this awkward moment stop. We heard chatter around the portal and saw Ventus coming out from it, speaking with Terra as he then stepped out. A few moments later Aqua walked through it and smiled as she looked at her two long lost friends. Roxas and I watched as they began to walk towards us and the tower. "Well, it was nice talking to you. I should join the rest of my friends now" Roxas said. He took a few steps towards the steps before turning back to me. "By the way, I wanna thank you for helping my friends and I reunite. It means a lot" Roxas said. "If you wanna thank somebody for that, it should be my friend. He's the one who truly helped you guys and I know for a fact that he'd do it again. But for now, go back with your friends. You can thank him later" I told him. "Will do" Roxas said with a genuine smile. He turned around and walked up the stairs. Approaching chatter brought me back to the sight of the Wayfinder Trio. I saw Aqua laughing, covering her mouth with one hand as Ventus scratched the back of his head. Must be a good story. And it's good to see Aqua's spirits up, she deserves it after all those years lost in darkness. They all deserve it.

This time the three approached me. I'm guessing the same reason the others stopped too. "Now that we're safe, I suggest you guys head up and rest. Get reacquainted with old friends and new, and just..enjoy yourself. Sound good?" I told them, right off the bat. I swear if I have to go through another awkward moment...

They looked and smiled at each other before their attention came back to me. "Sounds Good" Terra said, outstretching his arm so I could shake his hand. I shook his hand and, I gotta say, his grin was STRONG. But, I was glad they took it so well. They are older and more mature than the others so I get it. They were about to leave, but I couldn't bare but notice a look creeping behind their eyes. They were worried. After all the hardships they have endured I wouldn't blame them. Plus, it's my fault that I told Akari not to tell them anything under any circumstances. It's only reasonable they would be skeptical about some details. Yet, the worst of those worried eyes were the ones possessed by the young Ventus. Of all the Guardians of Light, he might be the one who has suffered the most. I grabbed ahold of his left shoulder, earning some questioning looks. "I know you're worried Ventus... It's my fault, I was the one who told my apprentice not to tell you anything. But I promise, that all will be discussed later on today. For now, let's enjoy the peace you've all earned" I reassured him. His gaze traveled from my eyes to the ground for a few moments before looking at me with a renewed smile on his face. I let him go and looked at the portal. "Come on Akari. Where are you?" I asked myself. Thankfully, not long after, my prayers were answered. Akari walked out the portal. As soon as he was a few feet away from it, it closed off. Vanishing as if never there. Akari walked..slowly towards the tower. He looked sad... He walked with a small limp, almost unrecognizable. His face down glued to the ground. His heart..was weary. Oh Akari...

I slapped my cheeks and wiped out the best smile I could. "Akari! Just the man I wanted to talk to!" I said loudly as I jogged towards him. He looked up at me and his eyes were still..shaded in a way. He smiled at me and welcomed me with open arms. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and he grabbed my side. We walked towards the tower. "How are you feeling bro?" I asked him. He stayed silent before looking at me. "I'm feeling better knowing that they are safe. That I was able to save them..." Akari said. I didn't speak, I let him talk. "Did you feel them as well?" he asked me. "Feel what?" I asked. "The keys..." he said. I nodded and this put a smile on his face. "One of the ones I saw belonged to a Unicornis... That was, in all honesty, one heck of a detail. You know, knowing we were never meant to intervene... Think you're father had anything to do with it?" he said. I thought it over for a second or two, before replying. I noticed we were about to go up the stairs. "Nah. As much as I wish it was him, you know he would never intervene" I told him. We went up the first set of stairs and walked through the open doorway. "Don't worry Mike, we'll see him again" he said. I smiled. "And we'll save the rest of them. I assure you" I told him as I left him near the stairs to close the doors of the main entrance. "Thanks man..." he told me. "No problem bro" I said as I went and wrapped by arm around his shoulder. He looked away from me and to the spiraling set of stairs. "Oh man... More stairs?! I'm so tired after that fight though" he whined as he than wrapped his arm around my neck. "Want me to carry you?" I asked. "And give you a chance to "swoop me off my feet"? No, no, no, I'm going up these stairs my way. We already bicker like a married couple. Imagine if we were a thing..." he told me as he shivered after the last sentence. "Shut up" I chuckled. He started laughing as we then went up the stairs.

We arrived to the top of the spiraling staircase and saw a wooden door. We heard voices beyond it and decided to enter it. Akari and I separated and opened it. "~And then he transformed his keyblade into a long black sword and fought against ten members of Organization XIII!" Sora was telling Master Yen Sid. "Transformed? Interesting..." Yen Sid silently said, before looking at us. "Ah! You have arrived. I cannot thank you enough for helping us in this battle. It is because of you two that we are all safe here and now" Yen Sid told us. "It's no problem at all. Anything to stop that god-forsaken war..." Akari said. "Yes... about such topics, I must~" Yen Sid said. "Not now, Master Yen Sid" I told him, sternly. Around him were Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku and Kairi. They all looked at me seriously. Heck, even Akari looked at me seriously. But deep down I knew that it was a look that said: "I have your back". His basically my little brother after all...

"We promised to give you answers, but let's at least enjoy the peace my apprentice secured. I feel that it's still morning, so we have time to discuss things later on" I said, seriously. I know I have to explain myself, but I won't let it go to the point where me or Akari get uncomfortable. Maybe he saw this in my eyes. His gaze softened and his back leaned on his wooden chair. "Very well. It is understandable, after all, you and your friend went to great troubles to help us. It's the least we can do" Yen Sid said. Yen Sid waved his hand to Sora and the rest of his friends. "Go along now, enjoy your reunion my young champions" Yen Sid said. Sora nodded with a gentle smile and left with Donald, Goofy and Kairi. Riku stayed behind, arms crossed and standing guard. Did I take it too far with my attitude?

"There is one, curiosity, I would like you to indulge before me" Yen Sid said. "Which is?" I asked. "Where did your friend learn the Transformation technique?" Yen Sid asked. Before I said anything, Akari butted in. "I learned it from him of course, master and best friend. Some might say an unlikely combination, like water and oil, but for me, I couldn't ask for a better friend nor a better master" Akari said smiling. This guy. I'm so glad to have him as a friend. He noticed and knew what I felt and now he's trying to help me out of this mess I'm digging myself into. Even if he feels like this, he's helping me out. "Who was your master before?" Yen Sid asked Akari. "What do you mean?" Akari asked back. "Well, Master Aqua achieved the rank of Master under the tutelage of the late Master Eraques. Riku passed the Mark of Mastery exam under my tutelage. Where did you're friend here receive his?" Yen Sid asked Akari. Akari glanced at me for just a second before opening his mouth again. "Umm, from his father. If you must know..." Akari answered sincerely. "Was he a master as well?" Yen Sid asked. "Yes, but I have to confess that you would not have heard of him" I told him. "I see. Well, at least I thank you for that" Yen Sid said. A small awkward silence occurred. How much I hate these. Thankfully my day was filled with miracles apparently as Akari grabbed my shoulder. "Yo, chill. Let's relax and..reflect on things" Akari told me. My eyes widened as I realized that my friend was extremely tired. He didn't say it like that, but I had just forgotten how he was physically. "Hey, Master Yen Sid, would it be too much to ask for two seats? Well, at least one for my friend over here" I asked Yen Sid. "Oh! Of course, how rude on our part. Riku, would you please get us two seats  for our guests? The ones in the next room should be enough" Yen Sid said. "I'll look for them right away" Riku nodded. Riku walked over to the next room.

Not long after Riku and Terra came over, each one holding a wooden seat. They were a little small, but they would do. "Here we go" Riku said walking past us. Terra and Riku set them next to Yen Sid's desk, on the desk's right side. "Thank you both for this. Hope I didn't distract you from your reunion" Akari said to the both of them. I saw him sit on the one furthest from the table, in this case the left one. He sighed relieved that he could rest for a bit. "No worries, it's the least we could do" Terra said, with a certain kindness to his voice. I couldn't bear but smile, his kindness towards my friend was genuine. Akari smiled and told them that they could join the reunion once again, that if he needed anything that he would call. I knew that was a lie, my friend is too stubborn. He would rather do stuff himself, even if injured, just so he doesn't become a nuisance to other people. A burden. They nodded and left. Akari and I watched them leave. They rejoined their groups, which were now clumped together. Chatting and hanging out as friends once more, and with more friends now that I think about it. What a warm sight that was. "Dank farrik!" Akari said so that only I and maybe Yen Side could hear. I looked over to him. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "I totally forgot about it!" Akari said. "About what?" I asked him. "You know.. Ventus' present. The one that will help him with his problem..." Akari said. It clicked on my head. How could I forget as well?! "I'll be back here in no time. Maybe half an hour tops. For now, my friend, rest and when I return, we'll tell them" I told Akari. I hesitated to leave when I went to the door. I went back to Akari and placed my right hand on his shoulder. Closed my eyes. "Heal" I said softly. I sensed the spell taking effect on his body. He sighed relieved. "Thanks bro. My muscles are still a little sore but I'm feeling better. Take care and see you in fifteen" Akari told me. I opened my eyes, questioning what he meant. "Umbra... I would take half an hour tops and you're more skilled than me, by far. You're taking at least half or less" Akari confessed, lightly chuckling for some parts. I smiled, feeling reassured. I walked towards the door and opened it, taking one last glance at Akari. I then walked through, closing the door behind me.

Akari POV
Umbra closed the door and left. I looked back at Yen Sid and he stared at the door as if it would give him answers. His frown contorted the rest of his face. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was a professor teaching a class. On a very bad day. But, with all joking put aside, he was worried about our arrival and all that he possibly did not know. That much was evident on his face. I cleared my throat to get his attention, which worked quite well. "Yes?" Yen Sid asked me. "I know all this seems..sketchy. Two completely new and unknown individuals come out of nowhere. The come and stop a war years in the making, preaching that it was for the greater good. And, the most vexing part, is that said individuals promised answers that might reassure the people they saved and now they withhold possible valuable information" I told him. Which seemed to be on point by the next face he concocted. His frown had straightened just a bit, but his hands were clasped together as he leaned on his desk. "I know that more promises seem like a waste of time without any results, but as my master once told me: The patience most endured is often the one most rewarding" I said. He seemed to chuckle at this. "To be quite frank, that sounds like something I would say" Yen Sid said. I smiled. "Enjoy the next few minutes Master Yen Sid. We've all earned them" I said. He looked at me and his face softened. He did not smile, but he was more stress free in a way. "You know, after you left to find the Guardians of Light. I felt a certain calm from your master's words. Which was the reason that made me come back to the tower. His words reassured me. Now it has been yours" Yen Sid said. I nodded my head slowly. He stood up and walked towards the rest of the group in the other room.

Seeing as I didn't have anyone to talk to, I did what any good person does waiting for their doctor's arrival, I began to look around the room. From the outside it did not look that big, but this place is bigger than I thought. I looked back to my right to the candlelit door, the very one that Umbra exited through. The door's surroundings consisted of various colored bots laying around, some filled to the brim of stuff and others were empty. One of them, a blue one, had a plant that grew and crawled its way up the wall. Spawning yellow flowers along its way. There were also variously shaped bookshelves placed almost randomly on the walls surrounding the door. Some were just a plank and others were in shapes of squares, or square within squares. 'Only a wizard' I thought to myself. Behind me, more weirdly shaped bookshelves and one or two books. I looked back past the direction of the blue pot with the yellow flowers. There were were two paintings, I think. Then there was this green chalkboard with notes and theories. The most noticeable shape from afar was a heart with intricate designs around it. A cross or something like that with wings on its bottom. Some doodle on its sides and what could easily be mistaken for a crown on its top.

(A/N: For those who may be a little lost)

I didn't bother with analyzing if the notes and theories were correct, I had my master for that. I then looked over to the far left of the room. The light came through some windows in the shapes of stars and a crescent moon. It was curious, but it was nice. The way the light came in, revealing not just what was in the room, but bringing attention to the wonderful view outside. That was a sight to behold.

Speaking of which, my attention was then yanked from the view outside and towards laughter. I looked forward towards an opened blue door with intricate yellow laces. I peered through the crowd, curious as to who the laughter belonged to. But I couldn't find it. It had silenced itself among the chatter and joyous celebrations. If I didn't knew any better, I could have sworn that the laughter itself felt my interest in it and hid, like a fish that swims away among the rippling of its water. Oh, well, it was the only thing left to see in this room is the on adjacent to it. I looked again at the crowd of reunited friends once more. Since there were so many people now, I couldn't see the rest of the room. There were some things I did notice. That room "behind" the blue door was smaller than the one I am at. It had an open window... Besides that I couldn't see anything else. The rest of the time I spent was looking at the crowd. I couldn't hear most of what they were saying, but I was glad that they were were all back together. I only knew a few of their names, like Ventus and Xion. Lea was the red haired one, right? Of course I remember his Highness' name.

I sighed. Sincerely, in the heat of the moment I didn't focus on remember most of their names. 'I hope I get an introduction later on' I told myself as I looked at them. Then I heard it again, that peculiar laugh that seemed to call for my attention. I looked among the large group and then I found them. It was that blue haired girl from before. She was hiding her mouth with one hand as she laughed. Like hiding a treasure too precious to be left out in the open. Her laugh was genuine, feminine and delicate. Even infectious, I couldn't bare but smile widely. She just looked so...

Oh crap! She saw me! I must have been staring for too long... Oh great, now she'll think I'm a freak or something!

I looked away, back outside to the starry sky. Trying to distract both myself and the heat on my cheeks. Hoping to Kingdom Hearts itself that she didn't notice that I had been staring...

I heard something like heels coming my way.

'I'M SO DEAD!!!' my head screamed.

My eyes glued to the exterior of the tower. The heels stopped their clacking just a feet or two away from me. I had now choice but to look her way. But, I wasn't met with an angry face. She greeted me with a gentle smile.

"Hey" she told me. "H-Hey..." was the only thing that came out my mouth. "May I take the seat next to you?" she asked me. "W-Why of course! Y-You don't have to ask me for permission whatsoever. You can just take it, if you please of course" I told her. 'I might already seem like a perv to her, I don't want to add male chauvinist to the list!' I thought to myself, freaking out I might add. She chuckled and offered me a simple 'Thanks' as she sat on the seat next to me. She placed her hands on her knees and kept treating me to that gentle smile of hers. 'Did she really not take it that way then?" I asked myself, deep in thought. "Tell me, how are you feeling?" she asked me. "Oh! I'm feeling better. My muscles still feel a little sore, but hopefully with some rest I'll be fine. Thanks for asking. Umm, how about you?" I said. "Me? Oh I'm fine, thank you. I'm not tired but quite the contrary. I feel overwhelmed with energy now that I have my friends with me again" she told me, the happiness in her voice evident prove of what she felt. I looked back at the crowd ahead. Ventus and his other friend looked at us once or twice, but I did not mind. "That's good to hear" I told her. She looked towards her friends again. Waving her hand once she noticed they looked at her. They waved back and then talked with the others. She looked back at me. "Hey, I wanted to thank you, for all that you've done. To hardly even know us and still risk your health for us... There are no words to express my gratitude" she said. I looked at her again. "I really appreciate your gratitude, but you really don't have to thank me. What I did, I did so that you guys could be together. And to stop the war" I said, sincerely. She smiled and looked back at the crowd. I stayed looking at her. A little bit surprised really. I chuckled. "What?" she asked curiously. "Nothing really", I chuckled, "I'm just surprised that you haven't asked me anything yet, about the war or why we stopped it" I said sincerely. Crossing my arms and leaning against the chair. "Well, I guess I know why the others might ask. They just want answers. They want to enjoy the peace that they have now, before losing it once against any dangers that might come up, but I won't ask. You promised to give us answers and somehow, I know you will" she answered. I was shocked to hear such a truthful answer. Not a single letter in those sentences was used to try and pry the answers out of me. They were pure and genuine. "Thank you, for your honesty" I said. This took her aback, but she didn't show it. She nodded at me and then we looked at the crowd.

After a few moments of silence between us, I decided to not waste any opportunity. "Your friends are sure a happy bunch, don't you think?" I asked her. "They sure are" she replied. She looked back at me. "You normally like watching interactions like this?" she asked me. 'Smooth way of asking me stuff, I like it!' I thought. "Well, I admit that watching peaceful things like this has a certain charm to it. But, to answer your question, no. Normally I would be right there with the group. Talking and getting to know them" I said truthfully. "Then why not?" she said. "Honestly?" I asked and she nodded. "Umbra actually helped me come up here and my body is too tired to be walking around. In other words.. I'm stuck..." I said, laughing a bit at the last statement. She chuckled and confessed she had forgotten how tired I had to be. "I kinda envy you guys..." I said. Why the heck did I say that?! "What do you mean?" she asked. I looked down to the floor. I tried my hardest to remain in eye contact, but I just couldn't. "Before... Before Umbra I had other friends. Friends I wish I could see again too" I confessed. She looked at me, intensely. It wasn't until she placed her hand on my arm that I looked at her again. Her eyes were a bit saddened at my comment. She knew what I felt, all too well, I just didn't know it. She proceeded to explain her story. Not in complete detail but enough for me to grasp what she wanted. She told me she had spent 10 years all alone in the Realm of Darkness, trapped away for what seemed to be eternity. Away from her friends and anyone she cared about. She knew what I felt. And I felt like crap for making her relive it. "I'm sorry" I told her. "It's okay..." she said. "No, it isn't. Because of my silly comment I made you relive all that..." I told her. "No, no, no. You don't need to blame yourself for that. You can't change it. It happened, but now I know that it will never happen again. My friends and I are safe thanks to you and your master" she reassured me. I looked down again, until she squeezed my arm. I didn't notice she still held it. "Don't worry. I know one day you'll see them again..." she told me. I gave her a half-hearted smile and looked at her friends. Reminiscing on the past. "Yeah...maybe..." I said. She slowly let go of my arm and looked forward 

(A/N: Akari didn't know this at the time, but she felt weird by his response).

Yet another moment of silence came to be. Until she shuffled in her seat and looked at me once more. "So, where are you from?" she asked me. "Huh?" I asked. Great job you goof.. "If I'm thanking the person who helped us, I believe I deserve to know him first" she told me. I smiled lightly. She somehow made me feel better. I guess she has that effect on people. I shifted in my seat and looked at her. "I come from a town with the most beautiful dawns. Where daylight first appears to adorn its flowery meadows, revealing some of the most beautiful colors I've ever seen. And you? Where do you come from?" I said. And from there on out, we spent the rest of the time, just talking to each other. Not a care in the world.

No One's POV
(In the other room, where the rest of the Guardians of Light were.)

Terra looked at Aqua and smiled. He knew that they were safe and felt that it was nice for Aqua to start making new friends besides them. For 10 years he and the his friends had been separated from each other. He wanted nothing more than to be with them, but would enjoy if  they make new friendships along this new journey they were about to embark in.
He looked at Ventus and saw that he had engaged in a conversation with Roxas. "So, Ven, what's the mystery with you too looking alike?" Terra asked. They looked at each other and then back at Terra. "We don't look THAT alike" they both said at the same time, "Hey!". They looked at each other once more, accusing each other of stealing the other's line. Terra seemed to chuckle a bit at that sight. "Seriously, how come you two look alike? It's a little confusing to be honest" Terra said. "Tell me about it" Lea said as he joined in. Ventus and Roxas looked at each other and chuckled. "If we are to try and explain the whole thing, then I think Sora should join" Roxas said. Ventus nodded and said he agreed. After that Ventus went to get Sora.

Yen Sid was speaking with Sora, Riku and King Mickey, or rather inquiring about the events that transpired on the Keyblade Graveyard later that day. Ventus came along and apologized in advance as he then dragged Sora out of the conversation. Riku and King Mickey looked around the room, silently. Scanning who was where. They saw Kairi speaking to Xion. The rest were piled up in the whole mess of Sora, Ventus and Roxas explaining why the latter look alike. Goofy and Donald, although they weren't in the group per say, they had given their undivided attention towards the explanation. Once Riku and Mickey saw that the attention of their friends was placed elsewhere, they looked at each other and Yen Sid. "What do we know of our new allies?" Yen Sid asked. Mickey brushed his index finger along chin. "Not enough so that we can piece it all together. He was very careful" King Mickey said. He thought for a few seconds. "Although... He did call me "Your Highness" when he saw me, and bowed" King Mickey said. "So, at least one of them recognized you as a king. What else?" Yen Sid said. Riku looked at Akari before going back to Yen Sid. "I noticed some things. Although, I guess you could thank Lea for most of it. Before he fought against the Organization, he kneeled in front one of the keys. I didn't hear anything, but Lea heard something and asked about something called 'Unicornis'. Have you heard of it, Master Yen Sid?" Riku said. Yen Sid closed his eyes and revealed the truth: (A/N: At least for this story's purpose he doesn't) "No, I know nothing about it. In all my years, I have never heard of such a thing" Yen Sid confessed. This confession did not agree with Riku and King Mickey, like a growing stomach ache. They now had more questions than answers. "Any other details?" Yen Sid asked. "He seemed to know about Xehanort, stuff that we didn't understand. Like if he knew him from before" Riku added. Yen Sid turned and peaked through the opened door, hiding his body with the door frame. "Impossible. He has the same age as Aqua or maybe even Ventus" Yen Sid said, going back to his original position talking to them. "Plus, Xehanort didn't seem to recognize him. Or if he did he didn't admit it" King Mickey said. "After that, I don't have much else to give. Nothing that makes sense anyway..." Riku said, drifting into deep thoughts. "He seemed to be attached to the keys, knowing to who they all belonged too" King Mickey said. "I would not blame him. Even I would not take lightly the conscious disrespect towards such a place and the keys that lay there. Such a terrible tragedy" Yen Sid said, sincerely. Riku gasped, remembering something. He called Sora out from the crowd. Sora passed through the crowd, some of its members let out some groans as their explanations were interrupted. Lea and Terra mostly because they were painfully confused. Sora walked to Riku and greeted him. "Hey, Riku what's th~" Sora said. "Sora, who did you tell me that he knew?" Riku said, interrupting his friend and pointing at Akari. "Huh?" Sora said. "You told me that HE knew someone who someone from before and that it was impossible, who was that person?" Riku said. Sora looked at Akari and soon realized who Riku was asking about. "Oh. Yeah... Vanitas... he said he knew Vanitas from before, that they had fought. But it's impossible! Vanitas came from Ven's heart so how can someone we have never met know him?" Sora said, seriously maybe for the first time in his life. Now this greatly confused Yen Sid and King Mickey. Yen Sid massaged his temple and sighed. "The more we search for answers, the more they seem to escape our reach..." Yen Sid said. King Mickey looked down, a visible frown formed on his face. His head ached with the seemingly countless questions that vexed his mind. His mind brewed a question, one which towered over the others. His heart told him that he should not even mutter the words, but with all that they had lived through, was it truly irrational to think about such a possibility? King Mickey looked back up to those closest to him. "Is it possible that this is just another game?" King Mickey asked those around him. Riku and Yen Sid stayed silent, but Sora did not. "What do you mean?" Sora asked. Mickey Looked at Sora, his gaze as serious as ever. "What if this is just a ploy, a trick? What if they both are working with the enemy and the only reason his master has the X~Blade is because Xehanort completed what he couldn't do with Ventus?" King Mickey said. "You can't be serious!" Sora said, defending Akari. "Sora, think about it. We know absolutely nothing about them, yet they know of us. The one who saved us had knowledge about Xehanort and had never been seen before. Maybe they are part of Xehanort's newest play. Or they are puppets being used by him" Riku said. "But he saved Xion, Roxas and Terra! He wouldn't do anything like that!" Sora said, his voice getting louder. The group that had formed before turned to them noticing the distress in Sora's voice. Akari and Aqua did not notice, yet. Riku shushed Sora and motioned his hand up and down, meaning to tell Sora to lower his voice. "How do you know?!" Riku whispered. "You saw how he was, The extents he went through! I saw his heart! I saw his..." Sora whispered, before going silent. Terra caught a glimpse of Sora's face and had a feeling of what they were talking about. "It doesn't matter what you say of him. I know he's a good guy!" Sora said, determined to defend Akari.

Before Riku could say anything else, the door to the entrance slammed open.

"I'm baaaaaaaack!" Umbra said out loud.

Umbra POV
(A couple of seconds before the door was slammed open)
"Okay my little friend. I need you to stay here until I can tell you to come inside. You think you can do that for me?" I whispered my little friend.

My little friend looked nervous. "I-I'm not so s-sure about t-this. I-I-I should have s-stayed over there..." my friend said. They looked down. "He doesn't remember me. He has other friends to be with. I should just wait for him to find me on his own..." my friend said saddened.

I couldn't bare it so I kneeled next to him. "Look, I won't lie to you. I did look for you for a selfish reason. But that doesn't mean that you don't deserve happiness" I told them. "Wha...?" They said. "Happiness shouldn't wait for the right moment. You can't just wait until such a thing as the "perfect time" arrives... I value the moments I've had with my best friend. And I know how differently things would have been without him. If you can be with your friend, then why wait?! Be together and enjoy the good times you will have. I know you were in a good place before I found you, but wouldn't it have been better if he was there too? That's why I brought you here! That's why you came with me, because deep down.. you want to be with him again" I whispered to them.

They sniffled a bit and hugged me. "Thank you..." I heard them say. I simply smile and hug a bit tighter. We separated. But before opening the door, I looked at them. "This will take a while. You sure you can wait?" I asked them. They sat down besides the door, hidden from plain sight. "It will be worth the wait" they replied. I smiled and readied myself and slammed open the door.

"I'm baaaaaaaack!" I said out loud, outstretching my arms to announce my arrival. I looked at Akari and saw Aqua sitting next to him, a little startled by my entrance. I looked over to the other room and the first thing I noticed was Master Yen Sid with Riku, King Mickey and Sora whose face was that of a poem's. He didn't want to show the true meaning behind his face but it was obvious. Damn it! Why do I always arrive in awkward situations?! I looked at Akari who looked at me a little bit angrily, then I remembered...


I smiled over at Aqua and slightly bowed my head. "I'm sorry if I startled you. It wasn't my intention, it was just for fun!" I said. Turning around, I closed the door behind me and before closing it shut, winked at my little friend. Once shut, I looked back at Aqua who had a small, understanding, smile on her face. "It's alright" she told me. Akari returned to his relaxed state. "So, found your little friend I hope?" Akari asked me. I nodded his way. "Yup! Wasn't too hard. You were right, 15 minutes is all it took" I told him. "Told ya" Akari said. I looked again at the crowd in the other room and apologized once again. My eyes met with those of the group with the King. I felt remnants of their emotions in the air. Whispers of the words they uttered. I had decided that I had enough. If we were going to do this, it would be like a damn band-aid. Rip it out and let all out!

"Alrighty then!", I clapped my hands, "So, who wants to ask questions first?". I walked to Akari and stood beside him looking at the now confused crowd. They stood motionless and silent, not knowing what to do after my sudden actions. "Well?! Come on in and ask whatever you wanna ask! Cause I can clearly see that some of you are already questioning our loyalties!" I said loudly. As they entered this room, I glanced at Akari and he smirked my way. He knew I wasn't truly mad at these people, it was just a tactic. They shut the blue door and were now looking straight at me.
"Well, now that your willing to answer some questions. Where did yo~" Yen Sid was saying. But I interrupted. "Ah papapapapa! Aren't you forgetting?" I interrupted. Yen Sid looked at me confused. I sighed. I really thought this Master would be nicer than others I've meet. "Now I finally understand you Akari, people don't have manners anymore..." I said looking at Akari who held his laughter after hearing me. "Introductions people! Before we tell you anything should you guys at least know our names?" I said, kinda annoyed to be honest. The Guardians of Light all looked at each other.

They hadn't even thought about it, really?! They threw us apologetic smiles, before letting me speak.

"Let's get this show on the road. My name is Umbra. You don't have to tell me who you all are, because I kinda already know. My friend is the one who doesn't know you guys" I said. Some of them were confused by this. "What do ya mean?" Sora asked scratching his hair. I smiled. "The X~Blade" I replied. Sora tilted his head, not understanding what I meant. The others waited patiently for my explanation. "Right. I forget that for you it's a mystery" I said. "I know right?" Akari said, trying to mend the mood. "The X~Blade is a legendary weapon. It's the original Keyblade. The one that coexists with the true Kingdom Hearts itself, a perfect union of all hearts and worlds, and is the only thing that can summon its door. It was a mystery even before the Keyblade War, but I've had it for a long time... Since the X~Blade has access to the true Kingdom Hearts, it has access to all hearts. The ones that were and the ones that are. I've been watching all of you over the years. That's how I know all of you" I explained. They all looked at me surprised. "Not creepy at all, right?" Akari said, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. "I know right? I swear it sounded better in my head bro. It sounded so, stalkery" I said, looking at him. Akari chuckled and stood up swiping his hands against each other. "Well, my turn. I know I said my name on the Keyblade Graveyard, and I heard some of yours. But I would like to make it official" Akari said approaching Sora. Akari raised his hand to Sora. "My name's Akari, but you guys can call me Ari" Akari said, with a smile. Sora smiled back and shakes his hand. "My name's Sora, nice to meet you Ari" Sora said. Akari walked to the left and shakes hands with Riku. "Name's Riku" Riku told him. Akari gripped his hand and felt something. "Naminé..." Akari whispered but Riku heard. "How did you...?" Riku asked, retracting his hand. Akari looked at me nervously before looking at Riku again. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. I-It's one of my abilities. That's how I felt Xion's connection with the others" Akari explained. Riku looked at Xion and Sora, who seemed to reassure him. Akari then nervously went to Riku's right and raised his hand to Kairi. Kairi grabbed his hand and was surprised by what he did next. He tilted his grip on her hand so that the back of her hand pointed upwards. His left leg went slightly back and he bowed towards her. "Nice to meet you" Akari told Kairi. "Y-You too" Kairi said. Akari let go of her hand and stood straight. He looked to his left and saw King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. He bowed again, but with his right arm across his chest. "Your Highness. Royal Magician, Donald. Captain Goofy" Akari said. King Mickey expected this but not the others. "You know us?" Goofy asked. He straightened up again. "I'm familiar with the royalty of Disney Town" Akari said, not really wanting to explain any more. "Royalty, Huh?" Donald asked smugly. "Donald, I don't think he meant it like that" Goofy said. Donald simply grumbled about Goofy's comment. Akari walked back past Sora. He extended his hand to Lea. "Name's Lea. Got it memorized?" Lea said, partially joking since he had told him his name. Yes, I know Axel told him his name...
I sighed and interrupted them. "Hey Lea, mind if I call you Axel?..." I said shyly. They both looked at me. "I-It's just that I'm a-accustomed to hearing your n-name like that" I said. Damn my nervous stutters. And it absolutely did not help that Akari's eyes widened and he smiled. He slightly shook his head before looking at Axel. "Yeah man, no worries I guess" Axel said. Damn it another awkward moment!
"I think you and I will get along just fine" Akari told Axel. "I hope so man, I've seen what you can do when someone gets on your bad side" Axel joked. Akari and I could bare but laugh. Coincidentally earning us some smiles along the way. Akari walked a step or two to Axel's left side and extended his hand to Xion. She grabbed it and received the same greeting as Kairi did. "Good seeing you again, Xion" Akari said kindly. "T-Thank you, Ari" Xion said, giving him a gentle smile. Don't ask me why, but I looked at Roxas and...

'IS HE GIVING AKARI THE STINK-EYE?!' My mind shouted as I looked at Roxas. OMFG this is golden!

Akari let go of Xion's hand and walked to Roxas who was beside her. Akari outstretched his hand and shook Roxas' hand. "Thanks for coming to my aid, I really appreciate it" Akari told him. "Yeah, no problem..." Roxas said, awkwardly. Distant. Akari's head tilted a bit. He noticed it! I have to see this! Akari seemed to smile at Roxas and said: "Hey man, don't worry. I won't get in your way...". Roxas seemed to freeze. His cheeks turned to a light shade of pink. And the best part was that Axel actually covered his smile! 'Oh Ari, please tell me they didn't notice!' my head shouted hoping he'd hear me. "Huh?" Xion asked. Roxas looks nervous! Will the tea be spilt or not?! Roxas was about to say something but was stopped by Akari who threw his arm around Roxas. "He's just anxious! I bet that those 15 minutes for him happened to fast. He just wants to hang with you two instead of being here stuck with me and Umbra, am I right Roxas?" Akari said. This guy just saved Roxas' whole teapot.. Roxas looked at Akari a little surprised, but shook the facial expression away. "Y-Yeah that's it" Roxas said with a smirk, scratching the back of his head. "Oh", Xion said looking away, "I kinda want that too" Xion said. 'YOOOOOOO! What is this?! Do the others not see it?!' I thought to myself. "Well, Roxas, promise to make this as quick as possible", Akari said patting him on the back, "for all of you as well" Akari said.

Akari took a few steps towards the door, but only to stop and look at Terra. Terra was the one who extended his hand towards Akari who graciously accepted. "Terra. I have to thank you, Ari, once again for everything you've done for us" Terra said with a smile. Akari gently shook his head as their hands separated. "Thanks, but there is no need to thank me. With or without me, I know in my heart that you would have been reunited. I guess the only thing I did was speed it along..." Akari said. His soft voice expressing as much sincerity as possible. 'Ari, my friend... Give yourself more credit' I thought. "In any case, I thank you. Hope we can become friends after this" Terra said. Akari smiled. "I hope so too..." Akari said. Akari then walked over to Ventus. I didn't have to see his face in order to notice the change in him...

"Ventus" Akari said. His voice was soft, yet heavy. Akari raised his hand, but he hesitated. I don't think the others have noticed this, but I have been friends with him long enough to know when something is affecting him. Ventus shakes hands with him and called him by his name. Akari soon let go and turned around to walk to me. His eyes looked down. Aqua must have noticed something because she stood up from her seat and walked towards Akari, surprising him and us. She smiled and raised her hand, the back of her hand looking up. "My name is Aqua, it's a pleasure to formally meet you" she said. He looked shocked for a second or two before reforging his smile. "Pleasure is all mine, Aqua" Akari said as he grabbed her hand gently by her fingers. He bowed but brought her hand closer to him. Planting a small delicate kiss on her gloved knuckles.

Was I shocked at first, yes. But I smiled. The others faces were the ones you had to see. Damn if I had a phone with me... Her cheeks flush pink before he straightens back up, his smile never faltering. "That's a simple thank you, for saving my life" Akari said. He let her hand go. She held it close to her chest, mostly out of shyness. "N-No need to thank me..." she said shyly. She walked towards Terra and Ventus. Oh I am so gonna bother him about this!

Akari looked behind towards Aqua. Something told me he was worried he crossed a line. He didn't know this but I know how she reacted when Zack asked Aqua for a date. She has never been one to put her heart in front of her duties. I guess the only time that's happened is when she wanted to be with her friends again, but now that she's here, will she board up her heart?
Akari walked to Yen Sid's table and shook his hand. Yen Sid did not say anything. He knew we are familiar with his name. I guess he just wanted answers and that was it. Akari then walked back to me and sat back in his seat. He looked past my back. For a moment I thought he was looking at Aqua, but he was actually looking at Ven. He noticed I was watching him and he then looked at me like nothing happened. "Wanna take a seat?" Akari asked me, like nothing. I looked at him worried. I knew why he... I shook my head. "Not right now, but when I'm done explaining stuff I'll sit" I told him. "Okay man" he said and leaned against the chair.

Why do I have to do this... to him of all people.....

(A/N: It's been a week and a day and I haven't had the time to finish Chapter 2, college can be so taxing😩. Have this first part of Chapter 2 to quench your thirst and hopefully by Friday I am done with the rest of the Chapter.
Btw, Chapter 2 is more explanation via lore rather than story, but you'll read it yourself...hopefully😂. Have a great week everyone and until next time)

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