My Wrath is a Mirror | ONC 20...

By kacyreadsbooks

439 93 157

When Kamille returns to her hometown six years after her sister's tragic death, she is greeted by a torrent o... More

Author's Note


12 5 6
By kacyreadsbooks

What have I gotten myself into?

The next day, I'm standing in the middle of White Pine Park between the merry-go-round and the swingsets and all I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears and the rusty creaking of the old metal chains in the wind. I had been trying to get the merry-go-round to spin, but it's rusted in place. I tried pushing and pulling with all my might to get it to budge, but the only thing I've accomplished is making myself frustrated beyond belief.

I huff and walk over to the swingset for a break, sitting delicately in one of the swings, carefully avoiding brushing up against the rust-flaked chains. I give it a test push and I manage two small swings before the rubber beneath me splits and I fall to the ground ass-first. Coming up spitting, I glare at the dry-rotted seat and wrestle with the urge to scream at the top of my lungs. Can't anything go right for once?

Picking myself and my pride up from the dirt, I survey the grounds before me through a new lens. I had originally come to the park today to decide what I wanted to do with the property, and now I know that this decrepit playground equipment can't stay. My plan doesn't go farther than that, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. First order of business—I need a truck. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I send out a quick text and then dial Loren's number.

A half-hour later, Loren and her boyfriend Tyler pull up the gravel drive in his white Chevy pickup he's had since highschool. She waves at me through the windshield and holds up a bag, giving me a huge grin and a thumbs up. My eyebrows knit in confusion and then I burst into laughter when she hops out and runs toward me, her tote overflowing with chips and candy. 

"I should have known you brought snacks," I say through my giggles, plucking a honey bun sticking out of the bag. Loren reaches into an insulated sack that Tyler is holding and pulls out a small case of local beer.

"And something refreshing for later!" With a wink, she shoves it back down in the ice and gives Tyler a peck before skipping to one of the stone picnic tables, her auburn hair bouncing behind her.

Tyler gives me a lopsided grin, his dark skin glowing with love for Loren. It makes my heart happy to see them still going strong after all these years.

"Hey Kamille. It's good to see you again," he says shyly, shouldering his pack.

"You too. Thanks for coming on such short notice—I really appreciate you both volunteering your help. This project is turning out to be bigger than I originally thought."

He shakes his head. "Actually, I think it's kind of cool. You're making history here. Thanks for letting us be a part of it." Tyler pats me on the back and gives me another smile before joining Loren.

"So where do we start?"

I frown. "The swings. I busted my ass earlier and don't want a repeat." When I point to the broken swing hanging askew, Loren cackles like a hyena.

"Oh, what I would have given to see that," she cries, wiping a tear from her eye. "I can just picture the look on your face."

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want, but I dare you to sit in one of those. We'll count how long it takes you to bust through the seat." I cross my arms and cock my hip, infusing as much sass into the gesture I can. "I'll remember to help you up after I laugh my ass off."

Tyler chuckles, taking Loren's hand and pulling her from the bench. "We'll go inspect the damage and pull the truck up to it. I brought tools and thick rope, so we'll see if there's anything else we need."

I nod. "I think you can just knock loose the beams from the anchor. The wood looks to have rotted away from the cement ages ago."

The sound of grinding gravel pulls my attention to Wesley's truck driving up to the gate. I wave him forward, beckoning him to drive into the grass and up to the slide, which I want to tackle next. Wesley rolls down his window as I walk alongside his crawling speed.

"Howdy pretty lady," he says with a thick southern drawl. "Heard you needed some muscle and a truck." I roll my eyes, but can't help but grin up at him.

"All you're missing is the cowboy hat, Wes, and you'd be a proper cowpoke."

He gives me a toothy grin, eyes sparkling with mischief as he parks the truck and pulls something from the passenger seat. As he steps out of the vehicle, he slips a brown wide-brimmed felt hat over his head. This time, I can't hold back the giggles.

Wesley towers over me, the hat shadowing both of us as he raises an eyebrow and leans toward me like a sunflower reaches toward the sun. I slap a hand over my mouth to stifle my giggle, but it's the yearning look in his warm brown eyes that have me sobering.

"Not exactly cowboy, but it sure gives you a rugged western look," I say shyly from behind my fingers. One of his broad hands reaches up to wrap around a lock of my hair, his fingers slipping through the platinum blonde strands. I bite my lip to hold in an embarrassing sound working its way up my throat.

"I'd say this gives you a certain look too," he murmurs as his pinky finger wraps around a curl. I groan and wish I had a hat to hide it, or pull my coat's hood up and pull on the strings until only my eyes are showing.

"I was going for a more honey blonde, but I kind of got carried away last night." I don't mention it was him that was so distracting to me. "I feel like it's too... loud."

He runs his fingers through my hair one more time, dragging through all the way to the ends, and my eyes nearly roll to the back of my head. "I think it suits you," he tells me. "It's like a brighter version of you, but still Kamille."

I'm unsure how to feel about that. It's a good thing, right—seeming brighter? Or does that imply that I'm dull and gloomy? Maybe I'm overthinking it and just need to take the compliment.

"Hey you two," Loren calls from across the playground. "This stuff isn't moving itself! If you don't want to be here all night I'd suggest getting off your butts and start digging up some equipment." A pause. "Unless you do want to be alone here tonight, just the two of you..."

"We get it! We're coming!" I say before she can come up with anything else to embarrass me. I take a quick glance at Wesley and catch the barest hint of pink across his cheeks, and it's quite possibly the most adorable thing I've seen in years.

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