By Freya_38

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Non-conventional therapy sessions for celebrities in distress. More



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By Freya_38

"Blumes, calm down, getting upset is not good for your health." Iselen looks at her mentor with a straight face while the beautiful woman ignores her and keeps pacing up and down around the kitchen island. Suddenly, her blue Chuck Taylors stop and she turns around to point at my girlfriend with a threatening finger.

"Don't you dare to tell me what I have to do. It didn't work years ago and won't work now," Bluma answers with a quiet tone of voice but full of tension and Ru whines from the couch hearing her. "They've tried to kill you, for fuck's sake!"

"I'm aware that someone tried to sabotage my car, the police are investigating it and there's nothing we can do in the meantime so... calm down." The German lady takes a deep breath, crossing her arms over her chest, and nods but her eyes are shining with rage and she keeps clenching her jaw hard. I fidget awkwardly on my stool and drink a sip of wine I don't actually want, I just want to keep my hands busy so they can't see I'm shaking a little. Bluma would get madder, probably.

The truth is that I haven't stopped shaking for the past two days, since we crashed against Ivory's car to stop our vehicle. I didn't realize how much the situation had affected me at that moment; the way Iselen behaved, keeping her poise, helped to me to hold back my nervous breakdown but, once I forgot about her dominant tone of voice, I began to understand what the incident involved. Someone tried to kill us, they really did that, because whoever sabotaged the brakes, they didn't know where we were going or how fast we were going to drive. An accident in the middle of the city can be less serious because everybody drives slowly and stops at red lights, but we could've had an accident in the middle of a highway... We could've killed innocent people crashing against them. I guess this is why the police are taking this very serious, way more serious than my report about the anonymous letters and threatens to my dogs.

Fear and concern kept me awake during two nights and, also, I was feeling pain since my neck and shoulders were throbbing like I worked out hard and had sore muscles. After a doctor made sure we had nothing serious, Iselen called Ivory and took us both to her favorite Thai spa to get a wonderful massage with essential oils that soothed our bodies, although my mind was still a whirlwind of thoughts when we left the building and headed to the Indian restaurant where we had lunch with our friends. Lisette was worried too but Medusa managed to make me laugh while planning funny ways to torture the perpetrators... that girl has a vivid imagination.

The problem is that we don't know who is responsible for this situation and we've been debating with Bluma for an hour. It could be Black Mamba, it could be Iselen's ex-sub, it could be both of them, it could be another client of the club who's bitter because my Dom doesn't work with them anymore, it could be a crazy fan... I had some of those but they used to harass me online and only bumped into them in real life occasionally. Buma has ruled out this idea immediately, those anonymous letter started to arrive right after I got frequent appointments with Iselen and, above all, after she kicked the artist's ass out of the club. Actually, it seems to me she's dying to find out that Samarkand is involved in this situation somehow to teach her a lesson she deserved long time ago... but we can't report her without clear evidence.

"The police didn't find anything," the elegant woman growls before grabbing her glass of wine and drinking a big gulp. I stare at her worried, this is the first time I see signs of her illness, she looks paler and skinnier than a week ago.

"I'm aware of that too..." Iselen sighs wearily. "They think my car was sabotaged in the club parking lot because there's an alarm in my house garage and no one has touched it, but there aren't surveillance cameras in the Boulevard of Broken Dreams so they don't have any clue. They're taking a look at the footage from a nearby parking lot to check if the saboteur left their car there. I'll fix this mess, I promise. I'll hire some bodyguards if necessary..." Bluma nods reluctantly putting her glass on the island next to Romeo and getting closer to me, her arms enclose my torso and she holds me tight against her body, kissing my forehead. I can't help getting relaxed and snuggling closer, feeling safe in her embrace despite I know she's becoming more fragile every day.

"You two are my family and, if someone tries to hurt my family, they'll regret it." I blink shocked by the restrained violence in her tone of voice, her eyes are still shining with rage but they're ice cold at the same time and, for a second, I almost feel sorry for Samarkand. If Black Mamba is behind this mess, Bluma Ahren will make her pay in a very painful way. "Since your private detective hasn't found any useful information yet, I hired another one..."

"Fine; the more, the merrier," Iselen nods. "We need all help we can get. Is he an ex-police officer too?"

"No, he's a Bundesnachrichtendienst ex-agent."

"What's that Bund... whatever?" I ask confused and Bluma chuckles.

"It's like the CIA but in Germany. When he started working for the agency, the Cold War was still going on and James Bond style spies roamed freely around Europe... Young people nowadays believe this sounds like something out of a fiction novel but it happened less than 40 years ago. When the Soviet Union fell, the priorities of the German intelligence service changed and my friend began working with the CIA in counter-terrorism. He's been living in USA for long years and, even if he's retired now, he still has good contacts and few scruples. In fact, he's already found out something..."

"Really?" Iselen stares at her mentor perplexed while she smiles triumphantly.

"Black Mamba has learnt that Ruby insulted her, calling her useless, and is very furious now. She swore that your sub will pay for her words... unfortunately, she didn't specify how..." Bluma grimaces drinking a sip of wine before putting the glass on the marble counter, next to the cat.

"And how did your friend learn that information? Was he standing right next to her to listen to the conversation?" my girlfriend asks confused while I look at the woman who's smiling smugly.

"No, of course not, he used a mic."

"Isn't that illegal?" I whisper while Iselen opens her mouth wide in shock for a second before shaking her head growling something that sounds like "I don't know why I'm surprised."

"Ask me if I care..." Bluma answers coldly. "I told you, you're my family and I'd do whatever necessary to protect you..."

"We might all end up in jail because of you," my girlfriend sighs wearily. "At least we can't have car accidents there."

"Don't worry, it won't happen: I know a Supreme Court judge, a lovely woman who used to come to my..."

"Please, we don't need to know details of your love life..." Suddenly, a loud noise startles me and the three of us turn around, scared. Romeo is staring at us on top of the kitchen island, meowing softly, but doesn't feel sorry at all for the mess he's caused: Bluma's glass has shattered on the floor and there's wine splashed everywhere. Iselen takes a deep breath and looks at the poor animal like she wants to strangle him so I get up quickly and take the cat in my arms to carry him to the couch with my dogs. They get on well together now because they let him eat all the organic kibble he wants from their bowls.

"My fault," Bluma admits smiling while my girlfriend runs her fingers through her hair, exasperated, before taking a cloth to clean the floor. "I'll keep glasses away from the reach of Romeo's paw from now on."

"That would be very helpful... and thank you for hiring your friend. I want to get through this as soon as possible. Feeling Ruby getting tensed in bed every night without being able to help her to deal with her anxiety is getting on my nerves."

"I didn't know you'd noticed it," I whisper surprised. I thought I'd managed to hide the fact that I have nightmares because I've tried not to toss and turn or kick her; apparently, I'm not a good actress.

"Ruby, my precious angel..." Bluma gets closer and puts her arm over my shoulders, smiling. "Iselen has been your Dom for months, at this point she knows all your reactions and usual facial expressions, your tics when you're nervous, she can recognize different inflections in your tone of voice... Even the rhythm of breathing gives her clues about what's happening inside your head. Our subs are fascinating objects of study and we make sure we understand them, watching them closely to make sure they're happy and protecting them at all cost... Even more so when we choose them as our partners." The beautiful woman smiles like a cat that got the cream. "You have no idea how happy I am since you became official girlfriends."


I monitor Iselen's movements discreetly while she comes downstairs carrying some towels, my eyes rake all over her body, noticing her plain black bikini, and I fix them on her face finally to try to find out what she's thinking. But her facial expression remains neutral, maybe a little bit confused when she realizes I'm watching her quietly. I still can't believe she's capable of guessing what I'm thinking after taking one single look at me, it's impossible for her to know every reaction of my body, even my face micro expressions. Yes, I know she's a good therapist and even better Dom, she knows how to psychoanalyze me and probably manipulate me... Despite she's quite introvert, Iselen has good social skills precisely because she's able to read people easily while talking to them.

"What about mystery?" I think worried while sitting down on the pool stairs, it's hot in LA and the water feels nice. "If I'm so predictable, will she get bored of me?" So far, it doesn't seem to be the case since she's got rid of all her subs, which makes me feel relieved, and has admitted that I'm her girlfriend publicly, which makes me feel euphoria. But I wonder how long these feelings will last... Iselen may have insecurities like any human being but, once she gets her mind clear, she never hesitates. This is why her voice didn't shake when she told Jessica that I'm her partner... but she won't hesitate either when the time comes to kick my ass out of her life if she thinks it's the right thing to do, she'll be gentle, but I'll be out of this house in less than one hour.

"Is there any problem, babe?" Madame walks into the pool too and stays in front of me with water to her waist. I shake my head watching her gorgeous wet skin, licking my lips.

"I wonder why you have a swing in the pool."

"Why do you think I have it?" she asks, frowning. I think she knows I'm trying to change the subject and she's going to let me do it, just this once. My girlfriend believes I have the right to preserve my privacy and she's not the kind of Dom who pesters their subs with questions every second to find out what I think, what I'm doing, where I'm going or with whom. Well, according to Bluma, she doesn't need to do that because she gets all the information she needs just by looking at me.

"Because it's fun?" Suddenly, Iselen smirks mischievously and my heart races... I know that look... I can read some of her facial expressions too.

"Take your bikini off and sit down on the swing."

"Yes, Madame," I answer obeying her immediately. My feet graze the water and I realize that my pussy is at the perfect height in front of my girl's face while she's still in the swimming pool, leaning her hands on the edge. I grab the ropes hard when she pushes me gently and I swing slowly, getting closer to her mouth and moving away, I feel her breath fanning my core when she blows naughtily and I hold back a moan. She's not even touching me and I'm already wet... "No one has made me feel as good as you..." I whisper when she stops me to touch my thighs. "I guess you've heard those words a million times."

"Yes, I've always appreciated my subs' compliments, I know they were honest and said what they really felt at that moment, I value their words... but you're special. You occupy an important place in my life and your compliments sound sweeter in my ears and make me feel proud in a different way. I usually feel satisfied because I'm doing a good job but, with you, I feel... ecstatic. To be honest, feeling something so intense after long time being numb is strange and a bit intimidating, but it was about time... Do not move, Ruby Rose."

"Yes, Madame," I answer holding back my breath while her long and slender finger enters my drenched pussy. I grab the ropes harder, tensing my back trying to remain still but, actually, I'm dying to flutter my hips and ride her hand. Iselen smiles, amused, because she knows I'm fighting against my brain right now while she watches entranced her finger disappearing inside my body and coming out coated in my juices.

"You're so pretty, baby," she mutters moving her hand again, excruciatingly slowly.

"Thank you, you too... and very cruel," I growl feeling her fingertip rubbing my pussy walls, sending a shiver down my spine. My girlfriend chuckles but keeps her eyes fixed on my clit, hard and swollen, exposed in front of her. I can't help raising my butt from the swing to get closer to her, opening my thighs wider.

"I've said don't move."

"I'm sorry but it's difficult... For God's sake..." Her finger reaches deeper inside my throbbing pussy and I dig my nails into de ropes, trying not to flutter my hips when she starts pumping slowly. "Madame, I beg you..."

"Why are you begging?" she whispers absentmindedly because her attention is focused on my core, I can almost feel her eyes burning the delicate flesh.

"Touch me," I growl and she turns her finger, rubbing a spot that makes me gasp every time she moves it out of my pussy.

"I'm touching you..."

"Touch me more..." Iselen raises an eyebrow pretending to be confused. "With your mouth, on my clit, please... Fuc... I'm sorry..."

"Good girl," Madame laughs amused. "No swearing, otherwise, I'll stop and leave you here hot and frustrated for the rest of the evening as a punishment..."

"No, please..." I beg and she nods, leaning forward to touch my clit with the tip of her tongue. "Oh God, oh God... please..." I bite my lower lip hard and my body muscles get tensed, I shudder and, for a second, I believe I'm going to come without any other stimulation. This is crazy... I don't understand how she does it since she's hardly touched me.

"Hold on tight, babe, and put your thighs on my shoulders." I obey carefully, the swing moves and I need to grab the ropes harder to stop me from falling back but I don't care because can feel her breath on my core and, one second later, I feel her mouth kissing my pussy like it's my lips, thrusting her tongue in my opening to taste me. "So sweet..." she whispers dreamily. A moan escapes from my throat when my Dom starts sucking and licking my clit at a feverish pace and my hips shake on the swing. My fingers are sore and I don't think I'll be able to hold on much longer on the small wooden seat. Iselen seems to have noticed it and pulls away, growling frustrated.

"No! what are you doing?"

"Down!" she orders with a harsh tone of voice and pulls so I fall in the pool in front of her, her mouth meets mine and she kisses me filthily before forcing me to turn around, pushing me till my torso is lying on the tiled floor and my butt is above the water. My Dom spanks my buttock with her hand making me flinch and her tongue touches my clit from behind. A lengthy moan escapes from my throat feeling Iselen's talented mouth licking and sucking till her hand smacking my buttock hard makes me yelp. Her tongue goes up slowly, thrusting it in my entrance twice, and up again till rimming my back opening.

"Oh fuc... Oh God." A new spank makes me clench my jaw, this time it was really hard, a warning because I was about cursing out loud. "I'm sorry..."

"Good girl," Iselen whispers against my folds, her tongue travels down again, slowly, licking my juices till finding my clit. My entire body shudders and I make a great effort to remain still while she switches between gentle licking and aggressive sucking on my pussy and her hand spanks my ass mercilessly. "Come, Ruby..."

"Yes, Madame... Yes, don't stop..." My blood turns into lava and runs through my veins wild while she flicks my sensitive node, trapping my throbbing flesh between her lips, my muscles get tensed and my back arches when I shatter, crying not only because of the mindblowing orgasm but because her hand lands on my buttocks hard twice before stopping and thrusting her tongue in my opening, looking for my juices while I collapse on the tiled floor, gasping to catch my breath. "Amazing..."

"Thank you," my Dom answers behind me, laughing amused. She puts her arms around my waist and pulls my body back to the pool, her lips kiss my neck and she nibbles at my earlobe while I let her handle me like I'm a ragdoll. I'm exhausted... "You'll sleep well tonight, without nightmares."

"I hope so..." I whisper absentmindedly, enjoying her touch.

"I'll make sure of that. I'll tied you to my bed after having dinner with my best vibrator stuck between your legs and won't stop it till your voice gets hoarse because of your cries with every orgasm. After that session, you'll sleep like a baby." 

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