Creative Writing the Thirteen...

By MoonPieKook

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This is a collection of random stories I have made for my creative writing class. I am planning on taking the... More

Dance Till You're Dead Intro
Dance Till You're Dead Chapter One: Why Can't We Change?
The Not So Fangtastic Truth
Fanging Out
Ezra's Unknown Origin
Burning Passion
Old Fashioned
Magic Coke
How to Escape a Bully 101
It's the Magic Coke's Fault
Dance Till You're Dead First Person View
The Elven Creation of Elderberry and Elm Pie with Sugarcane Syrup
The End

Do You Want to Fang Out?

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By MoonPieKook

     The warm glow from Quinn's computer shines onto her face, serving as the only light source in the dark room. Fairy lights are strewn above her bed but are forever dark, due to the fuse being burnt out. She wraps a warm, fuzzy blanket around herself as she squirms under her covers trying to find a new comfortable position to lay in, letting out a satisfied grunt once doing so.

     "Mmh, what time is it?" She glances at the computer's clock to find it's already 11: 15 pm. Her eyes widen in surprise and yawns, it was only seven last time she looked at it! Time sure flies when you're reading about cryptids. She was researching one of her personal favorites, Gef the Talking Mongoose and along with a few others. It is getting quite late; she can read about Gef some other time. After closing her laptop, she turns over to face the wall before shutting her eyes; maybe she'll dream about some hot elves or some other creatures.

     Just as Quinn was about to fully fall asleep, she hears a tip, tap, tip at her window. She opens her eyes and nervously glances at it, what could that be? Could it be a monster? A burglar even? It could be nothing, maybe it's just a tree branch or an animal. She pulls the covers over her head, maybe if she ignores it, it'll go away, maybe she's just tired and it's part of her imagination. After a few moments of silence, she figures it was just her imagination and closes her eyes once more to go back to sleep, but then, she hears it again: tap, tip, tip.

     Quinn sits up and slowly reaches for a metal baseball bat she keeps next to her bed before slowly sliding out from her covers. Whatever is out there she hopes she can scare if off with this bat but hopefully doesn't have to use it. Once she's close to her window she can hear a muffled voice on the other side.

     "Oh, I hope this is the right home, I still feel terribly awful for spookin' those folks at the other two we visited, but third time's a charm!"

     That voice seems so familiar, that southern accent, it can't be! Quinn peaks behind her curtains to see a certain vampire standing on the other side of the glass with a man slouching next to him.

     "Ezra?!" She puts her bat down before opening the curtains. She had met him once before and was able to get to know him a little bit when she stayed the night at his apartment, due to a werewolf being near the premises. He may be a little strange, other than being a vampire, like the way he talks from time to time but he's alright. She opens the window and sticks her head out. "What are you doing at my window?"

     "Howdy Quinn!" He happily waves at her, sporting a flannel and ripped jeans. "You remember Frank, right?" He puts his arms around the man standing next to him. "I figured you would be in your room at his time of hour, so I thought it would get your attention more."

     "Yo." Frank sticks his hands in his hoodie pocket and nods at her.

     Quinn stares at them in confusion, why on earth are they here? She doesn't recall giving either of them her address. "Well, yes, kinda? Wait, wait, wait, I don't think I ever told you where I-"

     "Oh, I tried followin' your scent! Frank also said he saw ya walk down this street when he was out last time." Ezra points at Frank before fixing his hair, he quite enjoyed spending time with Quinn. He barely gets to spend time with anyone other than Frank and it can be quite lonely, he's desperate for any kind of friendship.

     "What?" She stares at them in silence for a moment, why do both of them have to be creepy?

     "I hope that's not too strange, but I had such a good ol' time with ya I was wonderin' if you would like to hang out with us? We're goin' to the gas station to get some more snacks! Frank is getting low on his Twinkies, and he can get quite grumpy."

    "Ezra, it's eleven o'clock at night! I was just about to go to bed."

     "Come on Quinn pleeeease? It'll only take a few seconds!"

     She sighs and rubs her head. "Will you let me sleep if I come with you?"

     "Of course, it'll be fast." Ezra smiles and sticks his hand out. "Come on!"

     "Uh, I'm not crawling through my window." Quinn steps away to put on some boots and a light hoodie. "Just, meet me at the front door."

     "Can do! Come on Frank." He happily walks towards the front of the house with Frank silently walking behind him.

     Once Quinn is outside, she locks the door and glances at the two weirdos. Ezra smiles at her again before making a motion with his hand to follow him.

     "So, Quinn, how have ya been?"

     "Good I guess, has uh any more werewolves been in the trash?" She awkwardly glances at Ezra before staring ahead, it still feels strange to be talking with an actual vampire. She's not scared of him anymore but mostly weirded out with his strange behaviors at times, but at least it's interesting.

     "Luckily no, I thought I heard one, but it turned out to be a racoon."

     "That's good, I guess." She pauses for a moment before speaking again. "Hey Ezra?"

     "Hm? He fully turns his head to look at her before smacking into a lamp post, making a yelping sound.

     "Oh god, are you okay?" She stops and tries to steady him. Did he just yelp like an animal? Frank snickers a little before patting Ezra's shoulder.

     "He'll be fine, this isn't the first time he's done this."

     "Yeah, heh, I'll be fine." Ezra rubs his nose; a welt can be seen on it. "Now what was you your question Quinn?" He starts walking again like nothing happened.

     "Oh, I uh, was curious if other people know you're uh, you know."

     "A vampire? No, not really. Some people know about my fangs, but they see me as some weird guy who dresses up like one rather than bein' one."

     "I guess that makes sense, most people here don't believe in that kind of stuff."

     After a few minutes of awkward silence, they can see the glow from the gas station in the distance under the night sky. There doesn't seem to be a star in sight tonight, but a crescent moon shines brightly. The cold air nips at their nose as a breeze gently passes through them, making Quinn shiver a bit, maybe she should have brought a scarf as well.

     "Oh good, we're almost there!" Ezra picks up his pace before stopping near the gas station windows. Different signs can be seen on stuck on it from a certain pack of beer only being $9.99 to kangaroo jerky being on sale. Quinn tries to keep up with him while Frank keeps walking at the same pace, making both wait for him. Ezra opens the door for Quinn who quietly thanks him and steps in, Frank following her. Once they are all inside the low hum of the multiple fridges can be heard along with the beep from the door to signify someone entered. A dead eyed cashier glances at them before letting out a low sigh.

     "God not this guy again." He mutters to himself as he glances at Ezra.

     "Why howdy Jeremy, I didn't know it was your shift!" He walks over to the cashier while Frank walks the section with the small dessert cakes leaving Quinn standing next to the door.

     "What do you want dude?"

     "I came here to pick up a few things and well, now that you're here I-"

     "I'm not hanging out with you, and I don't want to hear about your day! You ask that every time you see me, just get your stuff and leave!"

     "Someone's feeling cranky today, did you get enough sleep?"

     "Ezra uh, let's leave this guy alone." Quinn grabs his arm and starts dragging him to a random isle.

     "See ya Jeremy!"

     Jeremy gives Quinn a thankful look before rubbing his head, wishing his shift will end.

     " I running out of wine? Probably." He starts making his way to the wine section with Quinn following him.

     "Wait, Vampire can drink wine?"

     "Well-" He pauses when he sees Frank picking up a bottle of wine. "Oh hey Frank, did you get your Twinkies?

     He nods and raises them a little to show him,

     "Nice. Quinn, do you need to get anything?"

     "No, I usually buy my stuff from a store, why are you buying stuff from here?"

     "It's closer and Frank likes getting their nachos sometimes. Anyways, lets checkout then."

     Frank nods before heading to the front to pay, making Ezra smile before heading to the door to wait for him. As they walk Quinn notices the welt on his nose from earlier is gone, she did read somewhere that vampires are fast healers.

     Once everything is paid for, they all head back to Quinn's, this time avoiding the lamp posts. By the time they reach her front door she's ready to fall asleep the minute her head touches her pillow.

     "Hey Quinn, before ya head inside I have something for ya." Ezra steps closer to her while Frank stays where he is.

     "You do?" She turns towards him.

     "It means a lot that you were willin' to hang out with us, and I've seen some humans wearin' these, and I thought they looked neat so here." He pulls out a purple friendship bracelet he made from his pocket. "I hope it fits your wrist, but I was hoping we can officially become friends?" He nervously starts fidgeting with his hands.

     "Friends?" She slowly takes the bracelet and stares at it for a moment, he made this for her? How could she reject his offer now? "Sure," she puts on the bracelet. "That sounds nice."

     "Really?" He smiles widely "Oh thank you that makes me so happy!"

     "Just, don't come to my window anymore, it's weird."

     "I'll keep that in mind. Well, you have a good night now. Will I see ya later?"

     "Sure, just make it a reasonable time alright?" She opens her door. "You have a nice night too."

     "Can do, see ya!"

     "Bye." She closes the door before taking off her shoes and jacket and stares at her bracelet, Ezra sure is something but a good something. 

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