You Are My Spring

By E__lizz_a

283 68 23

"You are my spring",she whispered against my lips, forcing me to smile as I leaned in again for a passionate... More

Author's Note


18 3 1
By E__lizz_a

"Are you okay?" Edward inquired, hurrying towards me.

A few passersby were looking our way.
It must have been funny.

"I don't think so," I said slowly.

I absolutely couldn't stand up.I assumed that my ankle was sprained when i fell down.

"Wait,I will help you ," He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and helped me to stand on my feet.

"Are you made of iron or something?" That was the first thing I felt like asking.
He did nothing but laugh in response.

"Maybe" He chuckled.

"I fricking missed my bus,"I groaned.

" I am sorry, " He said.

"It is not your fault. By the way, why were you running?"

"Oh ,that" He glanced to our opposite side and I followed his action.

A blond head was arguing with a policeman who seemed to be fuming with anger.

"That's my friend Jason,he parked his car in the non-parking area and you know what happens if that's the case.He is so careless."

" Wow," I laughed. His arm was still wrapped around me and I was leaning against him for support. I could pretty much feel his breath but for the sake of saving me from my own embarrassment I decided to ignore my pounding heart.
I hoped that I wasn't red in the face.

Let the butterflies in my stomach go extinct.

I  unknowingly glanced at  his Adam's apple which seemed to be restless at his throat.
Suddenly he looked my way and our eyes met.

Oh shit!

Embarrassment creeped onto my face but I couldn't look away nor save myself. My mind went blank and I forgot the fact that I was staring at him in the public. His perfect after shaved face with a gorgeous jawline was something that was hard to look away from and I don't think that I even need to mention his eyes. I somehow avoided his lips since I didn't want him to assume that I was a lustful woman who was trying to throw herself on handsome men.
I wanted to think of something to distract me.


My bag.

"My bag..!" I broke eye contact with him and looked around for it.

My face was all heated up.

I saw it lying next to me,but before I could try to reach towards it, Edward picked it up.

"It isn't damaged."He said, handing it over to me.

"Oh,Thank you"

I removed the neckband earphones from my neck and put it inside my bag. I hoped that they weren't damaged.

"Can you wait here for a while?" He asked, glancing at the bus stop seating.

" You won't be able to walk on your own or go back"

"I am n--"" I didn't get what he meant.
Before my brain could process he lifted me up bridal style and placed me on the bus stand seat.

Where in the Wattpad am I?-

"I can on my ow--"

He finished everything before I could even finish my sentence.

"Since I caused this I should take responsibility" He said,patting my head.

"I need to hand over this phone to Jaison .I will be back in a minute"

I felt like I was some Kindergarten kid who fell and broke a leg while running.
He crossed the road and reached the other guy.I saw him glancing at me and informing Jaison.It felt a bit awkward.They seemed to have settled the case. The policeman from earlier looked pretty relaxed.

As promised he came back within a few minutes. I thought I should call Rachel instead of burdening him.

"Well, you know, I can call my cousin, Rachel.

You don't hav--"

"Oh God,I won't eat you up" He groaned.
"I didn't mean that" I muttered.

"Let's go to the hospital?" He asked.

"Okay"  I said.

But even if I went to the hospital,I wasn't sure if I could go home and do things on my own.

"Your knees are also bleeding" He said, looking down at my knees.

"Are they?"

"Yeah, we should go now, it's getting late. I will take my car and come, wait a second please" He ran right after saying so.

I might be burdening him.

I could feel my anxiety kicking in through me.

He brought his SUV and parked it next to the Shelter. He got out and helped me stand up by lifting me up by my shoulders.

"I can walk like this, you don't have to lift me up like before. It's a bit embarrassing."

I told him.

He laughed gently looking at me.


I leaned against him and walked to the car.I was pretty sure that I was red in the face.But the pain in my leg was enough to stop me from paying much attention to him.
Thank god in a way.
He helped me get in the car.

"Thank you" I said, putting on my seatbelt.

"No mention" He smiled.

His smile reminded me again of the blooming flowers and the sudden thought of the  spring departing made me sad.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked, getting in and facing me.

"I wasn't" I looked away. I felt my heart beating like crazy. Will I get a heart attack before reaching the hospital?

"Okay" From the corner of my eyes, I saw him smirking.
I smiled like a fool.

"Will you be able to go to your apartment with your leg in this condition?"

I was pretty sure I couldn't.

"Well,I don't think so," I said, smiling in an embarrassed way,flashing my 32 teeths.

He chuckled.
"So it would be better if you could drive me back to Rache---"

"Let's go to my place then." He said all of a sudden.

"WHAT? Oh no" I was shocked beyond explanation.

The thought of me being together with him in the same house drove me crazy.
" Oh God, that's tooooooooo muccchhhhhhhh"  I screamed.

He stopped the car immediately.
"Am I making you uncomfortable? I am sorry!"He asked, sounding pretty much alarmed.

" It is not that!" ,I said.

" Then?"

" I feel like I am burdening you" I blurted out, covering my face.

"Oh God,you aren't. I am just helping you out because I want to . I feel guilty for running into you and twisting your leg" 

He explained, trying to convince me.
"But still!!"
Without even realising,I was tugging at my skirt. I had this problem of my anxiety shooting up when I had to rely on somebody.

"It's ok" He reassured me.

" You sure?" I asked, biting my lips.

" Yeah!!!"

"Then what about the hospital?"

" Let's avoid the  hospital then, I will treat your leg at home"

" You?"

"Yeah, everyone in my family happens to be clumsy,so we  break or sprain or injure some body parts from time to time, so I even keep a big first aid box in my house."

"Wow, that's pretty amazing"

I laughed, trying to hide how nervous I was.

"Ok then" I said,shyly.

"Don't worry ,I won't eat you for dinner"

He joked, driving the car.
I would have been glad if that was the case.

"I won't taste that good, " I giggled.
"Who knows?"He smirked.
I said nothing.

Oh my God!

"Want me to roll the window down?"

" Nope, it's ok, there is  nothing to see outside's almost dark everywhere." I sighed.


"You live alone?" I asked.

"Yeah, I moved out after coming back. The truth is that I got kicked out. Dad wanted me to stand on my own feet" He said with a sigh.
I giggled.

"Poor you!"

"Yeah! I have to do everything on my own. Thank God, I at least knew how to cook.!!!"


"I learned to do almost everything on my own from my aunt. So it wasn't difficult to move out. The truth was that she wouldn't allow me to move out,I had to reassure her that I would be okay,"I said quietly.

" I see…"


"What were you doing back there?" I inquired.

"Back there? Went there to meet a client.Also  Jason works at a company there, so I met up with him after that."
"You guys are best friends ?"

"Best friend? More like brothers. I survived in the US thanks to him." He laughed.

" I see"

" You know something?" Edward faced me and threw a question.

" Nop"

"We are running into each other all of a sudden nowadays." He concluded, glancing back at the road.

"Yeah,all of sudden. I wouldn't even have known that you were alive if it wasn't for your dog". I said.

"Yeah, my doggy is sometimes awesome.
He always is."
We both laughed.

We talked about this and that all over the way to his house. We pulled into the garage
on reaching his house.

"Sit here. Let me turn on the lights and come." He said, getting out of the car.

I took my phone out and checked the time.
It was 6:45. I should be chilling at home at this time. But my leg was still in pain. I sighed.
I heard the front door opening and the lights turning on and Edward walking back towards the car. I took off the seatbelt before he came.

"Lights on. Let's get in the house now"
He opened the door and leaned into the car
and picked me up bridal style and walked into the house. He was so close that I felt his breath on my face. I held my bag tightly so that it wouldn't fall off.

Ain't I heavy??

My heart was beating fast like anything and my face heated up by the time he settled me down on his Cushion.

"Than-nk you" I stuttered.
" Stop saying thank you every single time."

I gave him an embarrassed smile.
" Let me get the ice from the fridge"
"thanks" I said, watching his large build.
"Oh God!" He groaned on his way to the kitchen.

I took that chance to look around the house.
It was pretty big for someone who li
ved alone and was pretty neat.
"Where's your dog??" I inquired,loud enough for him to hear from the kitchen.
Edward shouted loud enough for the whole house to shake. Soon I heard Alex's bark coming from somewhere inside the house.

Within seconds I saw his tiny body running towards the kitchen and Edward coming out with an ice pack. Seeing Edward, Alex wagged  his tail and began rolling on the floor.

I laughed seeing his action.
So cute.
" It is soooooo cute!!" I muttered.
Edward bent next to me on the floor and placed a towel over my twisted ankle and began applying the ice pack over it.
A sudden relief washed over me. The application of the ice pack felt good.

" Feeling better?"He asked, looking up and our eyes met.
"Yeah.." I said, staring at his eyes. I just wanted to stare at them more and drown in that blue abyss .The pain in my legs suddenly seemed like disappearing.
Luckily he looked down before I got mesmerized. I saw a small blush spreading on his cheeks as he continued applying.
I looked away and tried to focus on the dog.
Alex was now sitting on the sofa next to me.

I patted him softly. As if he was waiting for a chance he jumped onto my lap and cuddled close to my stomach. I laughed at his action causing Edward to look up our way.

" Wow! " He chuckled.
I giggled running my hands through his black fur.
So soft.
He seemed pretty funny just like his owner.
I played with him for a couple more minutes.

"That's enough, Edward. The pain will go away soon." I told him, glancing down .
" You sure??" He asked, concern filled in his question.

" Yeah," I reassured him.
" Ok then " He stood up and went to the kitchen to keep the ice back
He came back and opened a shelf and took something out which looked very much like a first aid box.

"Have this" I saw a pill in his hand.

" Pain killer?"


" Okay"

" Wait,you can't chew it.let me take water and come."

He ran to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.


I scoffed. Was he stupid or acting like one?

Even the dog seemed to be laughing. He was growling in my lap. I seriously felt like hugging it and sleeping.

" Here"

" Thanks," I smiled, taking the water and pill from his hand.

" Your knees…"

He took something out from the box and began cleaning my wounds. It hurt a bit.
"It will be over soon," He said.

Finally he wrapped the wounded area with some cloth. I showed him my bruised hand when he was done with my knees.
He chuckled before disinfecting it and applying ointment.

" You should have studied medicine," I sighed.

He smirked and went back to keep the box.

" Thanks"

" No mention " He said, sitting next to me on the sofa. Alex jumped from my lap and landed on Edward's. It began playing with his fingers. I couldn't stop smiling.

" Let's watch some TV "He went to switch on the TV.

" It will be better if your legs are raised."

" Huh?"

He brought a chair and helped me lift  my leg and placed it on it.
I didn't get why he was doing all this but it felt nice.His touch was so warm.
Was he like this with everyone around him?
Or is it just me? Why am I even thinking about it?

" Am I that handsome for you to stare at? " I heard him ask.

" Huh?" Without even realising,I was staring at him all this time while the movie played on the screen.

"Oh sorry" I was embarrassed beyond explanation. I looked away clearing my throat.

Whyyyyy am I like thiisssss.

" I guess I am pretty good looking then." He teased, coming closer and whispering in my ear.
I was 101% sure my ears were blood red.
But I didn't look his way.

"Nop,you are ugly. I was looking at Alex" I blurted out without turning my head.
What the hell!!


Edward POV

I could see that she was staring at me.
First I thought to ignore it but then my heart began to beat like crazy and my face began to heat up. I couldn't concentrate on the Movie.I absolutely felt like teasing her.

I glanced at her and realised she was zoning out. I felt like laughing,she was funny.
I looked down at her leg. It was raised on the chair and I hoped she was comfortable with it.She reminded me of Ben,a friend I had in the US,who could break his hand just by lifting something up.

"Am I that handsome for you to stare at?  " I ended up asking her that. I couldn't control my tongue.

"Huh?" She asked, coming back to sense.
I saw her face turning a dark shade of red and suddenly she looked away covering her face and apologized.
Right now I absolutely wanted to tease her. I seriously lost it.

"Maybe, because I am handsome?"I leaned in and whispered in her ear. My lips grazing her ears.
Her whole ear turned red at that moment and it amused me.

Am I a psychopath?

She still wouldn't look at me.
I wanted to see her hazel eyes at that moment. I really wanted to.

" Nop,you are ugly. I was looking at Alex,"she said.
Alex,who was lying on my lap moved at the mere mention of his name.
I chuckled.

" Really?" I asked. My lips were inches away from her red ear and suddenly I had this urge to kiss it. They were so tempting . Without thinking twice I pecked her ear causing her to turn my way.

"Edward!" She screamed and hit me. I couldn't stop laughing,her reaction was so funny! Alex jumped from my lap to the floor and stared at us as if we were insane.

" You are funny!" I tried to say in between my laughter.

" Funny,my foot!!" She hit me again.

" Your face is all red," I told her.

" Well,you look as if you were dipped in tomato Sauce." She retorted.

I knew that I was blushing . I could feel my heart threatening to jump out of my chest.

" Don't jump,you will break your other leg too" I teased her.

" I WON'T!" She cried out." Stop teasing me!!"

" Okay Miss"

"Hmm" She folded her hands across her chest and turned towards the screen.

" You are cute, you know?" I said.

" I know Mister. Why? you find me interesting?" She asked me in a juicy voice and my heart was very close to exploding.

" Not at all," I answered.
She laughed.

I knew that if I spent any more seconds with her I would do something enough for her to erupt.

" I am going to take a bath " I informed her, standing up.

"Okay.But what if somebody comes?" She inquired, insecurity filled in her question.

" Here? I am pretty sure that not even a delivery man would come here tonight."

"Oh ok"

" Should I lock the door?" I asked.

"Well,yeah" She smiled sheepishly. I chuckled and locked the door.

" Ok then"

I went to my room and closed the door.  Sighing heavily,I  placed a hand over my thumping chest.


I never imagined that she would have this big of an effect on me.
She is really pretty.
I checked myself in the mirror and found out that my cheeks were tomato red.  If her ears were this soft then how soft her lips would be.
Holy Shit
I slapped myself . What the hell was I thinking?
I couldn't believe that I was thinking about her and blushing. I felt like jumping off some cliff.Wait!
I came to take a bath and what am I doing now?

I took off my shirt and pants before grabbing my dry clothes and stepped into the bath.

" Dinner is ready." I announced setting the table. There wasn't much to set anyway. It was just Elaina and me.

Elaina was sitting right across from me on the island watching me prepare the egg noodles. I told her many times that I had no plan to poison her but she insisted on watching. Her leg was better now that she could walk a little bit without my help. As usual Alex was on the floor playing with the noodle's cover.
Everytime I made noodles,Alex would wait for me to give the packet cover to him.
"It tastes good." She said, twirling the noodles and shoving it to her mouth.

"Of course , I made it, right?" I joked.
But I knew my cooking skills were pretty good so that Mom made me cook for her everytime she came over or I went home.

" I know,I know" She laughed with food in her mouth. I didn't know why but everytime she did that I found it adorable.

"Doesn't David come over here?" She inquired.

"Yeah,of course," I answered, keeping my wet hair away from my eyes." He comes here almost every week "

" I see, you don't go to your parents house often??" She asked, mixing the sauce.

"I do, I visit them often and I sleep over at home once in a month."


"Ever went back to France?" I asked, picking my words carefully.

"Yeah, many times, almost every year. At first with Aunty,then alone. I spend almost a week there everytime I go. I visit my parents grave and roam here and there."

"I see"

It must have been tough on her. Losing everything…

I wanted to reach out and comfort her.
" Have you gone back?" She asked.

"Yeah, thrice. Twice when I was in the states and last year. A lot of things have changed.The school has been reconstructed,houses all rebuilt. It's like a new place,like a strange place."

" Yeah," She said, smiling sadly and looking down at her bowl.

I shouldn't have brought it up.
"I am sorry,I didn't mean to make you sad."

I reached out to her hand on the table.
"Oh God, it's ok.. I get upset easily, that's why! You don't have to be sorry", She smiled, withdrawing her hands.


We finished eating soon and I began to wash the dishes. I wondered if Elaina wanted to take a bath but wasn't sure if she could with her leg condition. Anyway I thought to ask her. She might be uncomfortable if she doesn't.

"Hey Elaina?" I slightly turned and asked.
" Don't you want to freshen up?"

" Well,Yeah, I want to.Was going to ask you."She battled her eyes.

" Oh I see" I chuckled.

" Do you have extra clothes?"

" Yeah, David's is all over the place. I think it will fit you.. Wait a minute,let me finish this up."

I was finishing up cleaning.

"Oh,ok. Sure"

" Can you walk?" I asked, drying my hands.

" Yeah,the pain is almost gone now".
I knew she was lying partly since she didn't want to burden me more.

" Really?"

"Yeah" She reassured and stood up to show that she was ok.

"Be careful, you might fall down."

" I won't,I am pretty okay" She whispered.

" Ok then, wait here. Let me find some clothes and come."

" Ok"

" You know,I won't be able to produce anything but a t-shirt and shorts.Rest you will have to adjust," I scoffed.

Elaina's face turned red the moment she registered what I said.

"Why are you so good at embarrassing people?" She sighed, covering her face.

"I know." I said, laughing. It was pretty funny to tease her.

I found a t-shirt and shorts which seemed to be of her size. Every time David came over he left some clothes behind asking me to wash them. He knew what exactly to do to annoy me.

" I hope this fits well " I handed her the clothes.


"You can use the bathroom in the guest room" I said, walking towards the guest room to open the door.

" Okay"
I heard the bathroom door opening and shutting. She was out of the bath. I was sitting on the floor with my laptop on my lap and was 'trying' to pay attention to my work..But it was very hard to do so.Without even realising I was thinking about Elaina. Her blushing face wasn't leaving my mind. I will be dead for sure if she could read my mind.I hoped that I wasn't red in the face.
Poor me.
I glanced at the clock and realised it was nine already.
Time goes so fast.
"This fits me well" I heard her steps echoing through the living room as she made way towards me.I slightly turned to look at her but ended up staring at her legs.This time,the butterflies in my stomach chose to dance to some Lady Gaga song.
Her brown wet hair was parted in the middle  with half a portion lying in the front and the  wet towel was hung over her neck.
Her t-shirt seemed to fit her well but the shorts hardly covered her thighs and were exposing her legs. She looked flushed and I realised she was blushing lightly under my gaze. I wanted to look away as I didn't want to make her uncomfortable. But I just couldn't.
I was intoxicated by her beauty.Her eye was  changing between the shades of green and brown every second. I unknowingly glanced down at her cherry lips and realised  I  was glad that she was standing far enough for me to control myself. My heart was pounding like crazy and I wondered if she could hear it.
I wanted to kiss her.
Suddenly my phone went off and I managed to look away to take the call. It was my dad.I wanted to kiss the phone and express my gratitude towards him.
Oh God!!
"Hey dad"I replied, feeling my cheeks with my hands. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Elaina settling down on the sofa and taking her phone out of her bag.
"Yeah, ate "
"Was going through some pending work" My father would call  me once in a while and ask whether I was doing well, eating well or if everything was okay with me.
"Whose Marriage?"
"Hm, ok, when's it? Venue?"
"I will try to."
" Okok, I will take a day off then!" I chuckled.
" I don't want to. Let me walk freely a bit more. No more blind dates."
" DAD!!!!!!"
" I won't gooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! "
" Daddyyyy!!!!"
" OMG, give me some peace!! I will move back into the house if you keep on asking me to go on blind dates!!!!"
" I know that you are worried about me. But it isn't time yet."
" Oh God ! Ok!"
" Is everything good there??ate?? How's work??"
"Mom called in the morning"
"Next week"
"Nothing else"
" Mmh,bye then. Good night "
I sighed and kept the phone down.
I was freaking tired of my dad asking me to go on blind dates. It annoyed me the most.
"Your dad?" Elaina asked, looking up from her phone.
"Yeah,he wants me to attend a marriage instead of him."
"I see"
"Are you tired?? When do you sleep often?"
I asked,not looking up from my lap.
"Mostly by 11"
"Oh ok,if you are sleepy you can go and sleep in the guest know. I have some work to finish."
"Oh, it's ok"
" You didn't slip and fall on the bath, right?"
I scoffed.
"Gladly no," She laughed.
"That's good" I scoffed.
We talked about everything around the world until it was late at night but both of us didn't mention anything about sleeping. Elaina seemed fun to talk to and to be frank I enjoyed her company. Who am I kidding? I absolutely loved it. Even if we occasionally ended up staring at each other from time to time, the conversation went pretty smoothly. A day with her wasn't boring like my usual ones.. When it was midnight,I realised that we both werent physically energetic enough to continue the conversation. So I suggested that it would be better to sleep now. I applied an ice pack on her leg once again before compressing it with an  elastic band. She thanked me every single time and I was tired of telling her to stop.
"It's all set," I said, standing up.. I finally finished wrapping the elastic band around her ankle.
"Thanks" Elaina said intentionally to annoy me.
"Elaina!" I rolled my eyes. I was standing in the guest room where Elaina was supposed to sleep for the night. I didn't want to go to sleep yet but I couldn't stop myself from yawning .
" You should go now,you have work tomorrow, right? "  She suggested,
" Yeah, I do," I yawned.
" If you want,keep the bedside lamp on "
" No, it's ok"
" Bye then, Good night" I said, glancing at her one last time. If I had a chance I would happily climb onto the bed and cuddle with her. Brushing away my thoughts, I switched off the light and exited the room.
Do I still remind her of spring?



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