THE CIVILIAN ASSET!๐Ÿ‘จโ€โš•๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™‚...

By WY0508XZ0510

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"The body might be dedicated to the nation but heart and soul belongs to you." When the nation is at stake no... More

All is fair in Love and War
No Pain, No Gain
Nothing can stop Love!

Both Love and War hurts!

827 79 73
By WY0508XZ0510

Contrary to the night before, today it seemed like hell. Yang Zhen couldn't help but pinch himself in between his sobbing distress to feel all this to be a nightmare. He still feel its hard to believe. This cannot be literally happening to him. The thing from which he had run all his life now stands right infront of him. The thing he has been scared of is now happening to him. He never wanted this. What a fool he has been to get easily manipulated by the lieutenant. What a fool he had been to take those sweet words spoken to him earlier which now makes him feel bitter. How dare they! How dare they make his life a mess! How dare they play with his feelings! And how dare he to fall for all those things. More tears escaped his eyes as he again let out a choked sob as his whole body shook.

The other occupants of the house knew what the younger was going through. It wasn'y easier for them either. Yang Kang couldn't help but stand beside the door of Zhen's room taking in all the sobs that younger let out. It was his mistake. He knows it well. He could have stopped it but his conscience for his duty and duty towards the nation was more. If this could help to maintain the peace of the land then it was okay for him. He shouldn't have done that. Now when he hears those sobs, he felt his heart piercing. His little baby brother, whom he sworn to always take care of is now suffering.

The situation was as such that the most wicked business who was under the influence of Russian mafia has started supplying sleeping cells in the nation. Shan Yu or also known as "The Jackal of the nation", the most cunning and cruel business man who always kept his hands clean in every illegal dealings he is involved with, has helped those sleeping cells to immigrate in various parts of China to weaken the politicians and come to their demands. The Shans are three brothers, the eldest one Shan Yu, then Shan Gao and Shan Ting. Shan Ting who was the youngest has been in police custody for the last eight months in correction home. He was a minor and has been found in dealing with illegal and high powered drugs and coccaine which has impacted the youth alot. Getting relevant proofs against the youngest, Shan Ting has been in custody and Shan Yu and Shan Gao has been trying there best to get him out.

The main plan of the Shans was to held people as hostages to ask the government to let Shan Ting out. The whole plan was carried down under the command of Shan Gao who personally looked into it. It was eight months before when they captured few civilians on gun point in a restaurant and asked for Shan Ting's release. That created a huge mess and disturbances. The military was alerted and the action was taken immediately when few militants broke inside the restaurant through underfround sewage. That night was devastating. The gun firing and minor blasts which injured many civilans and militants, finally the civilians were saved. They were very close to capture Shan Gao too who was severely injured by gun firing but he was escaped through his elder brother's help and that brought things back to square one.

After few days of reaching out to find out where could Shan Gao be, it was informed that Shan Gao was in Manzhouli, the head quarters where the Shans lead illegal training of the sleeper cells. They also found out that Shan Gao was heavily injured in the process which has brought him to paralysis and only a critical surgery could lead him back to life. They needed trauma surgeon and still were on the lookout. After frw discussions and arguments, the military narrowed down to conduct a secret mission by letting a real trauma surgeon to enter their head quarters. Not only that would help in arresting the sleeper cells but also Shan Gao and of luck favoured then Shan Yu. The investigation on top various trauma surgeons was carried out and they narrowed down to seek help from Yang Zhen. They believed that being a son of the former regiment medical officer, Yang Zhen could assist them in the mission. Initially Yang Kang was informed about it.

Yang Kang was totally against it when he got to know. At first place, he didn't know the full reason as to why his brother was required as he cannot agree to it at all. All he knew was they needed a surgeon. He in no way would allow the army to endanger the life of his brother yet his duty towards the nation called for it. He wasn't a surgeon. He couldn't replace his baby brother. He wanted to make sure that Yang Zhen would be safe at all costs. He offered to go along with his brother to the mission too but that wasn't possible. When inspection for the character of Yang Zhen was rose, Yang Kang stood as a surety but the army not wanting to have a benefit of doubt alloted someone who had been incovers previously.

Gu Yiye, the lieutenant, who was also a former secret agent was alloted the mission to have a check on the trauma surgeon. This wasn't something new to Gu Yiye. He had been in covers almost half of his life. It was his first undercover mission as a army officer. He was ready to do it. For the nation, Gu Yiye was ready to die hundred times.

What they didn't expect in the end was the breaking of someone's heart. Yang Kang couldn't help but regret his brother. He should have known how gullible was his didi. He should have known how delicate was his heart especially after their mother's death. Yang Zhen had led a life of a loner. Yang Kang was sad about it. He highly neglected his brother. Now when his brother finally found someone to confide too, it came out all a trap to lure him in.

There was another person in the apartment who went through the torment of conflicting emotions. For Gu Yiye, it always has been his country as top priority. He had never let his feelings to distract or disturb him to serve his nation but now hearing those sobs which were very much audible despite the fact that the door was locked didn't sooth those conflicting feelings. He has seen various people hating him, accusing him. He has heard various cries before too but this time it broke his heart. These cries very too painful for him to bear. The hurt, the anguish and the betrayal he saw in Yang Zhen's eyes, Gu Yiye wouod never forget them. Those expression will haunt him. It will make him remember how he used an innocent soul for his purpose.

Gu Yiye haven't cried after his parent's death. Never. He became more strong and adhere to walk on their steps and be selfless for them. He grew stone hearted yet now he feels his stone heart perishing and eroding with the rain of the cries. The cry of someone he has misled. The cry of a man who loved him but he betrayed. It wasn't a good feeling for Gu Yiye and he didn't know how to handle it. He felt frustrated. It was his job and sooner or later they would have to confront Yang Zhen for this then why was it making him restless. He doesn't know.

"I guess he slept." Yang Kang said as he sat infront of Gu Yiye who held a confused and tormented expression. He has seen the younger all the time. Gu Yiye was everyone's sweetheart whenever he used to visit the camp. All cheerful and mischievious. But they lost the old Gu Yiye who became cold after his parents' death. Yang Kang sighed. As hard this mission was, so was this situation. The internal battles that everyone fought wad hard too.

"Kang ge, it wasn't suppose to be this way. Love was not in the mission. How come Zhen-ah love me when we hardly know each other for four months?" Kang smiled at the endearing name for his didi by Yiye.

"What did you get to know about my brother in these months Yiye?"

"He is a trustworthy person. Zhen-ah is a lot of a candid boy. Never shy away to say anything which he doesn't like but what is more surprising is that his objections never seems objections. He words them out in such a way that no one gets offended. The staff at hospital adores him. There is literally no one who envies him. He has that charisma in himself." Kang smiled as he looked at his brother's door and his smile saddened.

"You know since childhood, Yang Zhen has been an emotional one. He has always been empathetic. Trying to feel how anyone else would feel if he was to be at their place. You know, when our dad was dead and mother so broken, one day he came up to me crying and said that dad was selfish. He said dad was selfish to leave his family alone here. He had despised him. He felt that dad shouldn't have started a family when he didn't want to be with them. He was innocent. Wars and fight were the things he didn't know about. He only knew that dad was away and mom was suffering. You know I cried hard that day because I was leaving them behind too. After five to six months mom too left us and that boy there was a mess. I didn't spend much time with him as I needed to be back." Yang Kang's eyes stinged as he continued.

"He didn't ask me to stay back but requested one thing to never drag him in there." Kang sniffled as Gu Yiye looked at him with so much guilt.

"Do you think he will ever forgive me?" Gu Yiye asked as he looked at Kang.

"I guess not. I am not even sure if he will forgive me too. He loved you as he said before and now he is all hurt. Military has taken everything precious from my brother. Its not his fault. He loves us more than anything. If we would gladly die for our country then he too would give away his life for us without blinking an eye. If anyone will show him a bit of care, he would return it in hundred times more. It was fair for him to fall for you. Thats why I was scared for him. Captain didn't allow me to stand as surety otherwise I would never let anyone hurt him the way he is.

"Whenever I would be here off duty, my brother would be so happy but he would never show me because he knows I would return. These past months I guess its the happiest I have ever seen my Zhen di. It was like he was fearless. He yhought now he won't lose anyone. He thought I came for good but I betrayed him. I came back to take him to a place he always despised. I may have been a brave and outstanding regiment medical officer but a failed brother today." Kang's face was tear laced as he took a shuddering sigh.

The next morning Kang and YiYe shook off their sleep when they heard a commotion. Both saw the door open and Yang Zhen standing there probably arguing with someone. They walked there hurriedly to see to armed man stopping Yang Zhen from moving out.

"Didi! What happened?"

"What the hell Kang ge? Can I not go to my work now? They aren't allowing me to move out." Yang Zhen hissed as he pointed at the two men.

"Didi! Relax! Its just the procedure. We have to talk before that and discuss."

"There's nothing to discuss. I have to look after the surgery's progress. You might not care about the civilians' life but I do!"

"YANG ZHEN!" The loud scream shut Yang Zhen who panted and looked down.

"If you start being irrational then there is no way out of this. We aren't fighting for nothing. You don't know how grave the situation is. Do you think we are wasting our time here? We have serious things to look after so stop being a baby about little things!" Yang Kang scolded as Yang Zhen took a deep choking breathe.

"It must be a little thing for you. Not for me." Yang Zhen muttered and pushed aside Yang Kang and went to his room slamming the door shut.

"Go outside and be alert. The mistake you did yesterday, shouldn't be repeated or be ready to face the consequences. Understand!" Yang Zhen hissed angrily at the two men as he shut the door and sat on the couch hidding his face in his palms. Gu Yiye stood there awkwardly to see the ever calm man being this way.

"Kang ge! Zhen-ah is hurt. This wouldn't solve anything." Gu Yiye said as he patted on Kang's shoulder while the nodded nodded.

"I know he is upset. I know he didn't mean those things. Its just he shouldn't say we don't care. We are doing this for everyone. We aren't selfish. We are doing a national duty." Kang said as he let out a sigh. Gu Yiye didn't say anything but kept quiet. He agrees to whatever Yang Kang said. This is national duty that one shouldn't disrespect so easily.

"I'll make something for us to eat."

"Hmm." Gu Yiye nodded as Yang Kang went to kitchen to cook for them. Gu Yiye took out his laptop and various equipments connecting and freezing lines so as to keep any source of tracking or bugs away. He wrote email to his captain for whatever happened. Soon the door of Yang Zhen's room opened and Gu Yiye couldn't help but pity the man's condition. In past these four months he has always seen a confident man with a serene aura around him but now its totally different. The man that now stood infront of him looked defeated and broken. Eyes puffed out and still red. Hair dishelevd and the whole face red due to recent crying. Gu Yiye suddenly froze when his eyes met with Yang Zhen. He suddenly didn't know how to react but his eyes widened and saddened at the same time when few tears escaped from Yang Zhen's eyes. The younger quickly looked away as he wiped his tears harshly.

Yang Zhen, wiping his tears, looked here and there in the living room to find his brother no where.

"Zhen-ah, Kang ge is in the kitchen." Yang Zhen heard as he kept quite and walked straight to kitchen avoiding looking at someone. Walking towards the aisle, Yang Zhen stood as Yang Kang looked at him.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to say those. I didn't mean to disrespect your work. I had alot in my mind which made me irritated. You are doing your duty. I also have the same. We both save lives. I had performed a critical surgery day before yesterday. I have to keep an eye on that. I cannot just stay back. I will come back as soon as possible. I need some fresh air and time to clear my mind. I do not wish to waste your time. I will talk but I need to settle alot of things in my mind first. I promise I-" Yang Zhen was cut of when Yang Kang suddenly hugged him. It didn't take alot of time for Yang Zhen to know his brother was as upset as him too.


"Zhen-ah! I am sorry. Never in my life would I try to hurt you. You are my baby brother. How can I even imagine to hurt to? I tried to stop them from reaching out to you. I tried my best but they needed someone who was a really good trauma surgeon. And my didi is so great. He has made so much name for himself in such a tender age. They decided that on their own. It was not in my hands. What was in my hands was to look out for you and your well being. I did that. I never intended to hurt you." Yang Kang said in between his sniffles.

"I understand." Yang Zhen's voice was hoarse as he pulled out. Yang Kang couldn't help but feel more sad at his brother's swollen and red fearures due to crying.

"You understand, I know. But you are hurt too. I cannot help to make it better for you."

"I want to go to work." Yang Zhen as he avoided his brother's eyes. Yes he was hurt. He understands the reason but what can he do when it pains him so much to think about the betrayal. He did not want to talk about that. He did not want to be with the person to who had been just faking his concerns and live for him. It was suffocating him.

"Major has talked to the medical assosication chairman before the mission. You don't need to return to work. Another trauma surgeon would take over your surgery." Yang Zhen nodded as he backed away to go back to his room. He had his head held low all the time to avoid looking at someone. He hurriedly walked up and locked himself in the room.

Time paced fast as Gu Yiye and Yang Kang were busy on various video conferences with tge captain and other works. It was brought to their notice that the next day, the captain of the mission would arrive himself to talk to Yang Zhen. Kang refused. He wanted to talk to his didi first. Wanted to explain him in his own way. Gu Yiye to requested his senior to wait but they needed to proceed quickly so as to start with the plan. Both the men had no choice but to give in to the orders of the senior.

The lunch time came and Yang Zhen refused to eat with everyone. He himself took a little amount of food and again locked himself up in his room while others just looked at him in sadness. Evening came by and Yang Kang knew it was high time for Yang Zhen to come out. Yun Xi, the captain, was a strict person who always lived upto his principles. For him its either his way or he doesn't care. Yun Xi was stubborn leader. He always did what would benefit the country. He was a true patriot and Yang Kang didn't want him to talk or confront Yang Zhen by any way.

Yang Kang knocked on Yang Zhen's door. After a moment the door opened and revealed a disheveled Yang Zhen. It seemed that the younger was sleeping.


"Didi, we need to talk. Its important."

"I will change and come."

"No lets talk inside only. There are people out there." Yang Zhen peeped to see Gu Yiye and four other men sitting in the living room. He nodded as he walked back in and Yang Kang entered. They both sat on the bed and Yang Kang held Yang Zhen's hand in his.

"Are you aware of the latest hostage case that took place in Shanghai?"


"Didi, you must be knowing about Shan Ting?"

"No." Yang Kang heaved a sigh.

"Shan Yu?"

"Yes, he is a shrewd business man. He has tried to invest in our hospital a few times but the Chairman has refused. I don't know the full story but I heard they wanted to infuse some drugs and channel them."

"Well you aren't completely wrong. Shan Yu is what we would call a terrorist for our nation. His youngest brother, Shan Ting has been arrested for illegal drugs and smuggling. To get him out, the middle one, Shan Gao, he hijacked the restaurant and planted his men. The army was able to rescue the civilians and even the mastermind Shan Gao but we lost him. He escaped. Now his location has been traced and they want a surgeon to go after him."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Gu YiYe can explain you better about this didi. He is thoroughly involved in this case. I only know that they require a surgeon. I would have happily thrown myself for the mission but I am not a surgeon. You are."

"So you want me to talk to Gu YiYe?"

"Yes. He will brief you. I cannot listen to the mission but only you and the captain."

"Did you suggest me?"

"Believe me didi, I did not suggest you. They had already decided about you before telling me. My objection wouldn't do anything. They are seniors. I am just a senior regiment medical officer. I don't even know the mission." Yang Zhen nodded as he took a deep breathe.

"Didi, tomorrow the captain will come to talk to you himself. We want to explain to you before he does. He is very strict. He isn't someone-"

"Ge, I am not a weakling. I can endure strictness. You can go and whenever Gu Wei is ready I will hear him out."

"Gu Yiye." Kang muttered as Yang Zhen froze at realisation. Yes it was Gu Yiye. Gu Wei never existed.

"Didi, if you can forgive Yiye for what he did. He didn't mean to hurt you. I can su-"

"Ge! Ask him to explain me. I will listen." Yang Zhen as his voice grew heavy. Kang nodded as he patted on the hand he held.

"You are a strong man didi. I am sorry I cannot help you."

"Don't be. Go. I am tired. I will lie down a bit."

"Hmm. I will send him and prepare dinner. Have it with me. Hmm?" Yang Zhen nodded as he laid down on his bed and turned away from his brother. Kang sighed as he moved out and went to Gu Yiye who was involved in a discussion.

"Sir!" Kang called out as Gu Yiye looked at him. Yiye dismissed the rest as he asked Kang to sit.

"Did you talk yo Zhen-ah, Kang ge?"

"I did. He is ready to talk to you."

"Is he willing to?"

"Yiye, for what my brother has went through yesterday, I cannot expect him to be willing to meet you. I tried to talk to him. You can apologies yourself too. My brother is rational. He will understand."

"I hope so. I hope he forgives me."

"If your apology is sincere. My brother won't hold any grudges."


"Go to him after sometime. He is resting. I will prepare for dinner."

"You can order it Kang ge. Don't work so much." Yiye said as Kang smile.

"I wish to let Zhen feel that I am with him. He is hurt and I am ready to put my effort in each and everything to show him that I love him. Sometimes, only knowing that you love someone is not enough, one needs to prove it through their actions too. I will prepare." Yiye nodded as Kang took his leave.

After half an hour, Gu Yiye took a deep breathe and knocked at Yang Zhen's door. He waited for a while when he heard the door unlock but the door didn't open.

"I am coming." Gu Yiye called out as he twisted the knob and entered inside. He found Yang Zhen sitting on one of the two single couches with a book in his hand. Gu Yiye knew the other was just pretending it so he took the cue and sat on the other single couch. For few long minutes, none of them talked. Someone had to start the conversation so Gu Yiye finally took a deep breathe.

"Zhen-ah!" The book which Yang Zhen held slammed lightly on the table as he glared at the lieutenant.

"Don't call me that!" Zhen hissed as Gu Yiye sighed and nodded.

"Kang ge must have told you the outline of the case."


"We need you. The country needs you. I wouldn't have even reached you out if it wasn't so important." The intention with which these words were spoken were true yet it ached Zhen alot hearing it from someone he loved.

"I know. Ge said you need me for some mission."

"Yes. We need a trauma surgeon. We will be required to travel to Manzhouli."

"Why do we need to go their?"

"There is someone who is critically ill and requires critical surgery. You are a surgeon. You know how medicine works. Your skills are required here."

"What if I disagree?"

"I will continue to ask you but I don't know about others. It is a high profile mission and you now already know things which require secrecy. You don't have any chance to back out." Yang Zhen nodded.

"So I have no way out?"

"I guess yes."

"Then I will go." Yanh Zhen said as Gu Yiye looked at him with a slight smile.

"Its for our country and we will never forget your contribution."

"Please forget it because I didn't do it for the country. I am doing ot because you involved my brother in it. I am doing it for him." Gu Yiye tightened his lips as he nodded.

"Captain will come tomorrow and explain you the procedures and the plan. You want it or not, you are doing favour on us and we will never forget." Gu Yiye said as he stood up. He walked up to the door as he held the door knob. He was about to open it when he stopped.

"Contrary to what ge thinks, I don't hate military. Its because of them we are sleeping soundly on our bed. Its because of them we are safe. I respect that and I am proud of that. But not everyone loves to be in a war. Some want a simple life. Some want just their loved ones to be safe and sound. I too wanted those things. I have seen my mother suffering in this. I didn't want my loved ones to go through that but I guess no one is left in my life." The grip on the knob went tighter as Gu Yiye heard the croaked voice.

"You played well Lt. Gu. You should be an actor. What a convincing role you played. I highly admire your skills. They were so real to me." Yang Zhen sniffed as he held the sides of the couch tightly.

"After the surgery that was the night before yesterday, I was so happy. I wanted to let Gu Wei know that his efforts were not in vain. That I was in love with him." A sob that escaped from Yang Zhen's lips made twists in Yiye's stomach. That didn't feel right.

"I didn't mean to."

"Yeah, I know. And that is the saddest part. You didn't mean to because you would have done the same for anyone else too which I felt was only for me." More tears ran through Yang Zhen's eyes as he laughed.

"I am such a fool. I am so very foolish." Gu Yiye left the knob as he turned around. Yang Zhen looked at him as he cleaned his face with his hand and looked at Gi Yiye.

"May I know why did you have to act like this?"

"We needed to know you as a normal person. We needed to do a background check, your reliability and your character. We wanted someone who could hold the secrets of the country and who would be reliant enough." Yang Zhen nodded as he closed his eyes as tears escaped from the corner. Gi Yiye took a deep sigh as he walked upto the distressed surgeon, kneeled infront of him and held his hand. Yang Zhen jerked up as he tried to get rid of the hold but Yiye's grip just tightened.

"You are a very good man Zhen-ah and you are young. Once this mission is over, you will have your regular life. I would make sure of that myself. A kind person like you will have many people to fall on your feet just to have you. You are a gem. One of a kind. I am happy to get to know such a wonderful person. Get through this. Find someone else for yourself." Yang Zhen smiled at Yiye and Yiye knew that smile. It was one of those rare smiles which were reserved for Gu Wei and not for him.

"You said you were a orphan. Is it true?"



"Yeah. I was a single child. Mom and dad were in the army and they..."

"I understand." Zhen said as he removed his hand from Gu YiYe's grip.

"Did you love anyone except your duty? Anyone?" Gu Yiye shook his head slightly and more tears rolled down Yang Zhen's eyes. He was so hopeless. Why would he keep his hopes high if he knows that it would pain! Zhen nodded.

"Then one thing you wouldn't know. There is no switch to turn off someone's feeling. You love your nation. I cannot ask you to unlove it and do something else. In the same way, I loved Gu Wei which was there in you." Taking a deep shuddering sigh Yang Zhen got up walked to the door. He opened the door and looked at Gu Yiye with the same smile.

"If any part of Gu Wei is left in you, tell him that I loved him. Tell him that I was grateful that Gu Wei existed only for me even though it was a character. Tell him that I will cherish those moments he spent with me till the end of my life. Tell him that my heart will always belong to him." Yang Zhen completed as he sniffled and gestured towards the door.

Gu Yiye looked at Yang Zhen perplexed. This man never fails to confuse him. Why would he love a character so much which doesn't exist? It was him. It was Gu Yiye who faked his identity. It hurted him to see Yang Zhen this way and taking the cue he walked out of the room not at looking at Yang Zhen who was making him feel so much that it was making him restless.

The next day came and Gu Yiye and Yang Zhen got ready to meet Yun Xi as the captain refrained from meeting them in open. He wanted secrecy so they went to the hotel where Yun Xi was staying in disguise.

The man standing and towering Yang Zhen infront of him seemed a little intimidating yet he brushed of the feeling and walked inside with Yang Zhen to the sitting area. Yun Xi placed few files as he sat down infront of them facing Yang Zhen.

"You must be knowing me." Yang Zhen stiffly nodded as he side glanced at Gu Yiye who sat straight with expressionless face.

"The captain, Yun Xi."

"Hmm. Yiye says you agreed for the mission and we are grateful to you. This nation won't forget your contribution." Yang Zhen just nodded.

"Dr. Yang, for your absence, we have mentioned in your records that you have been involved in an accident and thus your surgery was taken over. We planned to inform you from one month from here but now that we have total of two months in our hand, we would carry out the mission soon. We don't want to stall it."

"I understand the urgency."

"Gu Yiye knows you better. You might not know but before joining the army, Gu Yiye was a secret agent. Very few people know that and now you are one of them. Thats why this mission was given to Gu Yiye because he knows how to live in undercover. If not for the mistake by the juniors, you wouldn't have caught him." Yun Xi took a file opened the page and forwarded it to Yang Zhen.

"We need you as a civilian asset for the country." Yun Xi exclaimed as Yang Zhen looked confused at YunXi.

"Civilian asset?"

"Yes. Do you know about the hijack in one of the restaurants in Shanghai few months back."

"Brother told me the outline of it."

"Hmm. Shan Gao?"

"Brother said he has escaped but was seriously injured."

"Hmm. Dr. Yang, the Shans have relation to the Russian mafias. They are supplying sleeper cells in our country. To disguise their work, Shan Yu carries out business."

"Sleeper Cells?"

"Yes, they are people who are trained and manipulated many people who have lost their will to live. Their are like human bombs. Once they are trained they are sent to various places and they kill themselves along with several others. These sleeper cells are seeping in higher ranks in the democracy. We need to stop this."

"What do you expect me to do?"

"Shan Yu is Shan Gai's elder brother. Their younger brother Shan Ting is in our custody and they want him back. The operation of rescuing the hostages in the restaurant, there Shan Gao suffered and now he is in need of critical surgery. We need you to go there. He is in Manzhouli as we got to know by our secret sources. That is the main place for training sleeper cells. We need you to go and get to know their place, where is the database room and about Shan Yu."

"So you want me to do surgery on Shan Gao and be an informant for you?"



"This is a critical mission. Your life can be on stake." Yang Zhen kept quiet, not knowing what to say.

"For that Gu Yiye will go along with you as your assistant. You need to teach him few things about holding a scapel and all. He is a former agent, he knows his work. You will have a month training period too. Self defense, morse codes and various other things."

"Hmm. I understand."

"For confidential purpose, these paper are needed to be signed. You don't know me, I don't know you. Thats the basis of agreement. If you get caught then you cannot demand your life to be saved by us. Your life-"

"I will protect him." The captain was cut when Gu Yiye's determined voice reached him. Yang Zhen snapped his head towards Gu Yiye in shock.

"Gu Yiye, you know how crucial the situation is. You cannot be responsible for-"

"I will be responsible for Yang Zhen's safety. This is the least we can do to return his favour. I swear on my life that I will protect him."

"You are just talking on impulse Lt. Gu. This isn't the first mission you are going as a secret agent. You have done this alot of times."

"I request captain otherwise I am not taking this mission forward."

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" The captain growled as he stood up along with the two.


"The life of Dr. Yang is precious. He is a normal citizen. We are carrying out this mission for the safety of the citizens. He is as much a normal citizen as them. We need not only those valuable information from there but also Dr. Yang. Therefore, I, Lieutenant Commander of Liberation Army, swear to protect Dr. Yang who is fighting on behalf of us."

Hey guys so here is the next chapter as I asked but only one or two replied so yeah, here it is.

Do you think Gu Yiye is selfish? Can you blame him for what he did? There are always tough decisions in life. If not Yang Zhen then someone else would have been reached out so life ain't easy.

Let me know your thoughts. Whose side would you like to take? One is doing his duty, other one is in hopeless unrequited love. Do you favour Yang Zhen or Gu Yiye? Let me know.

Appreciation,and Criticism are all welcome. See you in the next chapter.

PS: Came back after writing another dreading paper. Phew! So the next chapter will be after 22nd and might be little delayed. Since only two or one chapter is left, I will try to update them soon. Till then Thank you and Happy Reading.

I will reply to comments as soon as I can❤

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