The Class E Demons.

بواسطة Sokye21

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The Advanced Nurturing High School was truly a fascinating school that stood out among all the schools in jap... المزيد

The Class E 'Demons.'
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 1. | 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 2. | 𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 1-𝘌.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 3. | 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 4. | 𝘉𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘦𝘪.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 6. | 𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘩.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 7. | 𝘚𝘸𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘓𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘯.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 8. | 𝘓𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 9. | 𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭 ?
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 10. | 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.
𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11. | 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘢𝘭.
New Story.

𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 5. | 𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.

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بواسطة Sokye21

Benkei Monologue.

I shortly after parting with Ayano, reached my dorm room.

Coincidentally I bumped into Kyoko from my Class. We exchanged a small greeting, but nothing more.

Currently, I was in the shower washing up for the day.

I liked my room, it was nothing extraordinary. Simple and comfortable. Just how I like it.

I didn't spend long in the shower. After a few minutes I exited it.


I now lay upon my bed, it was around 9PM.

I was currently thinking about my first day of school. This school already off the bat was no much more different and advanced to any other school I've been to. And I felt that there was much more than what we've been currently shown as well.

My class was already quite interesting. The concept and idea behind it I mean.

My classmates were the bonus. I was expecting a packed class but to it surprise it was just 12 of us, but I prefer it like this. I'm not exactly the best in big groups, that's why I was originally just sleeping in class hoping I wouldn't be bothered.

But maybe I can actually interact more with people in school this time around. We're all there for one reason.

We're special and unique.

I never particularly liked the fact that I was like that though.

I was born with a great intellect.

I probably governed it from my fathers side.

My father was an amazing individual. He was intelligent, strong and a great leader.

However my mother, she was evil.

She was only really beautiful, and she tainted my father with her beauty and lust.

Over the years, they fought a lot and eventually at the age of 7, my father took me and we ran away.

My mother always forced me to compete in some sort of competition and she always used me for her own benefit. Like winning prize money.

In truth she never cared about me and even cheated on father sometimes.

We spent the next few years living somewhere else. My father taught me Taekwondo which I was very skilled at.

We ran a Dojo together, and eventually became the best in Japan.

This made it easy for my mother to find us finally.

I was 13 years old when my father was then shot and killed.

A group of men stormed into the Dojo, killed him right in front of me and I was forced to return to my mother.

Little did I know, she would go on to tell me she was the one who ordered those men to kill my father.

I couldn't do anything.

I was terrified of her.

Terrified of what would happen if I tried to tell the police this.

I spent the next 2 years living with her and being used once again. I could easily fight back and even kill her. I was smarter, stronger and overall better than her in every way.

But I just couldn't.

I was just -


I never even had many friends growing up because they were jealous of my talents. Girls especially.

Boys mostly just wanted to date me for my looks, others were scared because I would beat some of their assess whenever they tried touching me up.

Kawakami Water was something that always helped me cope with stress.

So I tend to be seen drinking it a lot.

When I turned 15, I mustered up the courage to run away from home and live in an orphanage.

I told them my mother was abusive and we didn't have a good relationship. They accepted me in and hid me from my mother.

When I turned 16, a mother from the orphanage told me about this school. I was instantly hooked.

I had grown accustomed to the friends I made in the orphanage. They were all actually kind and liked me. Some were adopted, but we promised to one day meet again.

I rejected parents that tried to adopt me as I was still scared and cautious. What if they just took me back to my mother? I couldn't risk it.

This would be a big stepping stone for my life. I grew more accustomed to talking to people my age because of the friends I made in the orphanage. I wanted to go try going to school again.

The best thing about this school however was the no communication with the outside rule. This was a powerful school as well. There was no way my mother could get in. Right?

So I enrolled. Said good bye to my Orphanage mother, and she even promised me to come back and she would adopt me herself and we would finally live happily.

I could trust her.

She was more of a mother to me than my actual mother.

We made our promise and I went along my way. I promised to make friends and experience a normal school life where I wouldn't be neglected.

Maybe this class was the perfect class for me. I wouldn't necessarily stand out, and everyone seemed nice.

I hoped for a good life at this school.

If I was being honest, I never really cared for many things. But the things that ended up interesting me, really interested me. And I became a very curious girl.

One that wants to delve into the lore or history of what interested her.

My new found curiosity?

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

An existence that seemed to be hiding a lot.

That apathetic facial expression that never faltered.

Those eyes.

I was somewhat like that until I met my friends in the orphanage.

Despite saying he's not good at anything particularly. He said he played chess sometimes, and then flawlessly presented his theory about points.

When I felt his arm earlier, it was muscular, lean but muscular. Something that a normal teenager wouldn't have unless he trained vigorously and regularly.

I wanted to live a normal and fun high school life.

And -

I wanted to learn more about the existence of Kiyotaka Ayanokouji now.

(( I hope you guys are seeing the parallels. ))


Ayanokouji POV.

It was now the next day.

Today was going to be the first full day of school.

Yesterday students ended up coming in at around 1PM as it was the first day and only the opening ceremony and home room was important. Students were allowed to do whatever they wanted after home room yesterday.

It was currently 7AM.

I woke up, brushing my hair with my hands gently before finally rising from my bed.

I went to the bathroom and washed my up. Splashing cold water over my face. The goosebumps sent throughout my face felt great and truly woke me up.

I didn't really buy groceries yesterday. However the room came with a set of eggs and bacon that were in the fridge waiting to be cooked. So naturally, I had eggs and bacon for breakfast.

- Time-Skip. -

I made my way to school shortly after.

I arrived to class, noticing Lelouch and Light already in the room.

"Hey, Ayanokouji." Light called out to me with a friendly smile.

"Good morning." I told them in my monotone voice.

"Today's our first full day eh? You guys looking forward to it?" Lelouch asked.

Light gave him a 'are you serious?'.

"Nobody enjoys a full day of school Lelouch. Why would you ask that?"

Lelouch chuckled. "Just making sure I wasn't the only one who wished they could have slept in is all."

Yusa then walked into the room.

"What's good bros." He said with his casual smirk, raising his hand up to his head, greeting us with a still wave, his other hand in his pocket.

"Good Morning Yusa." Light replied to him, me and Lelouch too greeted him.

Me and Yusa kinda just leaned on tables as we talked with the two who were sitting besides each other.

"I'm presuming we're still going to investigate the other classes later today when we can?" I raised the question to the guys.

"Yeah. Here, let me add you two to a group chat as well." Lelouch whipped his phone out smoothly. Me and Yusa promptly giving the boy our contact information to which he then added us to a group chat, Lelouch also gave us his contact information. While I was at it, I also added Light's and Yusa's contact information to my phone.

"Seem's new. 'Ya just made it in guessin'?" Yusa asked lelouch.

"Yeah, we're gonna add the others when they arrive."


It seemed everyone was finally in here.

Lelouch and Light made sure to get everyone added to the group chat.

Stella took a bit of persuading since she accused them of trying to just use it as an excuse to get her number. But we got there eventually.

"Okay. We're all finally here. Looking at the time, we should have a bit more time until homeroom begins. We'll all split up at break into groups and go take a look at the other classes." Sora explained to the whole class.

"There's 12 of us and 4 other classes. The groups will be this -

Group A: Kyoko, Stella and Kurumi. You'll be going to Class A, everyone else; the same format. Whatever letter group you're in, that's the class you'll go off to.

Group B: Me, Shiro and Light.

Group C: Yusa, Lelouch and Miyuki.

And finally, Group D: Ayanokouji, Benkei and Yuuji."

Sora finished telling all of us our groups.

I was with Benkei eh? What a coincidence right after becoming a bit closer after yesterday. Guess it was my lucky day.

"I have no complaints about the groups. Though overall I don't really care who I'm with as long as we get this done." Kyoko stated her opinion on the groups.

"Perfect then." Sora replied with a slight grin.

"We'll all go to our designated classes at break like mentioned befo-" Sora was cut off by the approaching tempest.

The door slid open, as our home room teacher slid into the room stylishly as ever.

"Heyooo! I hear you guys have a little plan going. I like it." Our hometeacher exclaimed happily. It seemed like he was listening from the outside.

"Perhaps." Lelouch replied from his seat

"Well, homerooms starting so everyone to your seats."

"Before that, I have a quick question Sensei Satoru."

The one who said this was me.

"And what might that be my dear boy?" Sensei asked curiously.

"Yesterday when you talked about the points system. You said we'd be getting 100,000 points this month. However, you never said how many we would be receiving next month."

Everyone perked up in their seats at my question, looking at our teacher for an answer.

"I apologise. But I can't answer that right now."


"I see. I understand then."

This was all that I needed to confirm my suspicions and theory from yesterday. Lelouch grinned back at me, in a way saying 'Good Work.'

Seems he's also caught on to it.


After a few periods, it was finally Break.

We got into our groups and discussed one last time.

"Things are simple. Go to the class year class you have been designated, analyse it and it's people, interact a bit even. And we meet back here at the end of break to summarise what we saw." Sora one last time told us all.

Everyone nodded and promptly took off to their respective class.

So I was going to Class D eh? I wonder what the technically lowest class was like.

Time to find out I guess.


Group A, Kyoko POV.

My group was currently on their way towards the best class, as we presumed it to be at least.

"I wonder what they'll be like." Kurumi said in a quiet voice scratching her cheek.

"I hope they're worth our time at least." Stella said, snorting.

"It doesn't matter if they are or not right now. We just need to go in, act friendly, interact and return. Then we make our evaluation on the class." I told the two girls walking slightly behind me.

"And remember, just say we're second years. If they ask for specifics, then say Class B."

It was not long until we arrived.

The door to the class was already opened, so I stepped forward and into the frame of the open door, a few eyes already darting towards me.

"Is there something we can help you with?"

A bald man? - Approached me instantly, questioning me.

"Hello, I'm a second year. Me and my friends thought we'd go around and welcome the new first years." I put on a slight smile to seem more friendly as I spoke.

"I see. It's nice to meet you three. I'm Katsuragi." He said putting his hand out towards me.

I obliged. Shaking his hand in return.

Me, Kurumi and Stella introduced ourselves to the man and a few other students came on by, including a small girl with a cane.

"My, My. Welcome to my class ladies." She spoke confidently.

"I don't think we agreed to it being your class just yet, Sakayanagi." The bald man narrowed his sight down to the girl, speaking in a firm tone.

"Please don't get so worked up Katsuragi-san. I was merely joking. Or was I? Fufu." She teased.

What was this about? I tried to ask.

"What might you two be talking about?"

"Nothing you need to know." Katsuragi promptly declined my question, rude.

I noticed the two other girls talking to some of the other students in the class.

"Might I say, you're quite beautiful Stella-chan. I'm also into older girls y'know?"

A blonde man-bun boy was hitting on Stella, she was red as she repeatedly called him a pervert.

"E-Ew! Back off pervert!"

"Woah! A tsundere too on top of that! Perfect! Haha." The boy laughed at Stella's embarrassment as Kurumi tried to calm her down.

"Hashimoto. Grow up please." Another female told the boy off for his actions.

"Jheez Masumi, I'm just playing."

Hasimoto and Masumi. The two seemed to be key students in the classes atmosphere.

But the two who stood out most to me was the ones in front of me, Katsuragi and Sakayanagi.

"I'm gonna lead the class." As I deviated from the two, they began arguing over who was gonna be the leader of this class.

"We'll see about that, fufu. After all, the one who get's more supporters will inevitably have the more followers." The petite girl rebuked proudly.

Interesting might I say. Some internal class conflict.

Aside from that, all the other students seemed normal and were just talking.

I notified Stella and Kurumi.

"We'll be leaving then. We hope you guys enjoy your stay at this school." I said to the two key figures of Class A.

"Bye Bye~." Kurumi said bye, Stella just left without a departure message.

"Take care Kyoko-san. I hope to see you around." Sakayanagi grinned at me. I can tell she's smart.

We left Class A, making our way back to Class E.

However, upon exiting, we were questioned by a girl what we were doing in the class.

"Kaguya-sama. They are second years who came to welcome us to the school." A monotone voice spoke, with the sudden appearance of a blonde haired girl. I saw her inside Class A earlier.

"Ah, I see. Apologies. I was just returning from the bathroom. It's nice to meet you three." She greeted us, before going on our way again.

I couldn't help but notice the blonde haired girl called her Kaguya-sama. How come?

I wondered, but eventually had to just brush it off. The class leader conflict was a more important matter to think about.


Group B, Sora POV.

We wistfully arrived to Class B. We stood outside the door which had already been opened.

I held my little sisters hand tightly and nodded my head to Light to go according to plan, he nodded back to me.

All three of us entered together.

"Hm? Oh, Hey there. Do you guys need something?" A cheery haired female asked us curiously.

"Greetings. We're just here to say hello to all the new first years. My names Light Yagami, this here is my two friends, Sora and his lovely sister Shiro. We're second years." Light spoke with a warm smile on his face that would make any female wet themselves.

"Oh, My names Ichinose  Honami! It's great to meet you three!" The girl replied energetically. She was really friendly eh?

"Hm? Who are these people Ichinose?" A male approached us, he had dark purple hair and a calm expression.

"Kanzaki-kun. These kind second years came to welcome us to the school!" Ichinose covered up subconsciously.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Kanzaki-kun." I decided to speak up, putting my hand out to shake his.

He took my hand, firmly shaking it. Okay palm, chill the hell out with the grip.

"Hello, welcome to our class."

Light introduced himself after that and I introduced Shiro.

"She's so cute!"

"He's so handsome..."

I could hear murmurs from Class B students, either talking about my sister or Light.

I'm here too guys...

This then lead to more people coming over to us, before we knew it, the whole class was welcoming us warmly as if we were apart of them. Multiple girls swarmed Light, whilst some tried to talk to Shiro while she hid behind me.

"She's not used to new people I'm sorry." I awkwardly laughed as the girls giggled too, apologising.

I noticed a certain person hadn't actually moved from his seat at all. He sat at the front next to the window with his head down in his arms.

"Hey, is that guy over there alive?" I asked jokingly but also curious.

"Huh? Oh that guy. Yeah that's Sakuta. He's a bit of a weirdo and a bit of a loner. I get we've only known him for a day but he hasn't tried to talk to anyone and just keeps his head down." One of the girls answered.

"I see..." sounds rough bro. I feel you a bit though, even if I've never attended a school before. I diverted my look from the brown haired boy to Light, he was fitting in splendidly.

He shot me a quick look.

I decided it's time we go, not much else to see around in this class.

They were overall very kind and social. Nothing more, nothing less.

We said our goodbyes to Ichinose, Kanzaki and the rest of the class.


Group C, Lelouch POV.

Me, Yusa and Miyuki were currently standing outside the class that was Class C.

"Alright. Shall we?" I asked the two. Both who which then nodded, I slid the before shut door to now being opened.

This class was dead silent at the moment. Everyone shot their stares at the Class E trio that appeared out of no where at their doorstep.

I looked around the room, noticing a magenta haired male... sitting on the teachers podium?

He looked at me, with a confused and also irritated look on his face.

"Huh? Who the fuck are you guys?" He rudely asked with no hesitation.

"We're second years. We decided to go around and welcome the new first years. You can all call me Lelouch."

I referred to the whole class which currently looked like they were being lectured, some even looked straight up scared.

What was happening in here?

I tried to step forward before a massive arm dropped down in front of me, blocking the doorway.

I was shook for a moment there.

Looking up, I see a massive, dark skinned male, guarding the doorway.

Is this guy even a damn High Schooler? What the fu...

"Lelouch eh? Who do you think you are to walk into my classroom without permission to enter first."

The podium boy hopped off it and approached me, the giant raising his arm now.

"And who might you be Podium Boy?" I asked him jokingly with a slight smirk. I couldn't get intimidated by his guy's smirk and glare.

"My name is Ryuuen Kakeru shit face. Remember that." He spoke with irritation.

"Ryuuen? Ah! Dragon boy it is then! Perfect don't you think? Hehe." I laughed enthusiastically, noticing that the male was very agitated by this. The kanji in Ryuuen meant dragon after all.

Before I could even realise it, a kick was sent flying towards my face.

'Oh shit!' I thought as it was inches away from my face.


Miyuki had pulled me back by the back of my collar, and Yusa had jumped in and caught the attack in his right palm with his same old smirk.

"Oh? Kuku. Who the hell are you?" Dragon Boy asked with interest.

"Names Yusa. Shirou Yusa. Seems ya' like to fight eh?"

Yusa and Ryuuen smirked at each other boldly as Yusa let go off his foot.

"Tho' I wouldn't recommend ya' do that shit in here. Camera's bro." Yusa remarked, pointing at them.

"Oh, I know. My foot just... reacted on it's own, kuku." Ryuuen laughed slightly, Yusa chuckling in response.

"You're an interesting fella. Ain't ya'?" Yusa laughed this time as he said that.

"Likewise to you. Not many people who can boldly block and oppose me like that y'know?" Ryuuen said.

The amount of smugness I could feel radiating from both sides was immense. It was like two ego's battling from their stares alone.

"After that little stunt of yours, I can see why your class seems to be petrified. Taking on the role of dictator are we?" I said. I did however notice a certain black haired boy who possessed a face with eyes they resembled... Hm. A dead fishes I'd say. He looked unbothered and tired from my point of view.

"Violence and fear is the strongest role and nature. Nothing beats it."

I didn't outright disagree with him, but I didn't agree either.

"Yusa, Miyuki. Let's go on our way." I promptly told the two we're departing.

"I look forward to seeing what you have in store for this school Ryuuen." I spoke boldly with a smirk.

"Just you wait, Lelouch. And especially you Yusa, I look very forward to going against you, kuku, another person I'm very interested in besides Karma. And while I'm at it, I'll take your girl too." Ryuuen proclaimed, Miyuki looked uncomfortable at his last statement. He also mentioned another person, Karma. Maybe someone from another Class? Who knows, what a strange name though.

We left.

We got what we needed.

I was satisfied with what we saw and what happened, even if I almost died.

Ryuuen Kakeru.

What an interesting yet simple individual.


Group D, Ayanokouji POV.

Me, Benkei and Yuuji made our way through the first year school building's corridors.

Our target: Class D.

We had to learn what kind of class they were and what kind of approach they may be taking.

"So if they ask about our class, just say we're second year class D's?" Benkei asked me, in which I confirmed her question.

"I don't suggest we spend long in there either." Yuuji remarked. I wholeheartedly agreed with him.

Before we knew it, we reached Class D's front door.

I reached for the door, and slid it open slowly. The class was pretty much full.

Some people noticed our sudden existence, a kind looking boy approached us.

"Hello there, do you need something from our class?" He asked casually.

"Nothing important. We thought it would be nice to go and welcome you new first year's to the school. I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokouji."

"Call me Benkei."

"I'm Kazami Yuuji."

The two with me introduced themselves. We weren't really the most energetic or interesting trio if I had to be honest, but oh well.

"Oh? That's very nice. It's great to meet you guys." He smiled to us as he shook my hand enthusiastically. "I'm Hirata Yosuke."

His classmates saw this and most of them promptly followed suit. Greeting us.

I signalled Yuuji to take the command of answering and asking questions as I looked around the class. Benkei was talking to some girls, one of which I heard being called Kushida.

I saw some guys near the back playing video games I think and talking about... what?

Fucking boobs.

Anyways -

I also took notice of a blonde male who seemed nothing like a high schooler, he was the one from the bus yesterday. He had one eye open and was starting directly at me. I stared back, however he didn't falter but just smirked more.

I decided to keep looking around, to my surprise I saw the girl who called me a creep when I got off the bus, she really didn't seem to know that new people just came into the class, and was still just reading peacefully. Besides her I noticed a jet black haired boy sleeping, I couldn't see his face.

I also took notice of a rather pale looking individual with black and straight hair, he was all alone and sat in a very uh, unique way, both feet planted right on the seat and he was basically crouched down very deeply on his seat as he wrote notes, his eyes didn't blink and were widen open.


I felt a tug on my sleeve, looking over my shoulder, I saw that it was Benkei.

It seemed she wanted to go, the girls were all asking her a lot of questions so she maybe got overwhelmed.

I also overheard some girls call Yuuji very hot and some even called me handsome, however said that my face made me look boring.

Thanks ladies.

I pitied myself.

"We're gonna get going. Hirata was it?" I asked the main boy from earlier.

"Yes. It was nice meeting you all. Thank you for the welcome and for talking to us." He and some of the others waved us goodbye as we left.

Class D.

They were really nothing special or interesting.

Most of the class was divided into little groups.

Like the popular girls and the pervert otaku's.

However, the pale and blonde smug individual were interesting.

The pale one for obvious reasons.

And the blonde one, well he still seemed self absorbed but he stared at me the whole time I was in that room. Even when I stared back, he never hesitated but rather enjoyed it.

I was impressed.

I hope to see who he actually is soon.

And with that, we made our way back to Class E to report our evaluation of Class D.


(( How'd you guys like the chapter? It was much much longer than all the other ones so far. First look at all the other classes as well. Thought I do want to mention, there are still some crossover characters in the other classes that I didn't end up including here. You'll see them sooner or later. ))

(( Also, thank you guys very much for the support and 2K reads.  I'm really happy to see you guys are enjoying this so far, motivates me even more. ))

Published On: 27th April 2022.

Word Count: 4529.

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