MHA Boyfriend Scenarios

By CrimsonFoxx005

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The boys that will be included in this: ~Deku💚~ ~Bakugou💥~ ~Todoroki❄🔥~ ~Kirishima❤~ ~Tamaki💙~ ~Dabi🔥~ ~... More

About You
Hero/Villian Outfit and Name
How You meet
Becoming Friends/Meeting Again
Realizing He likes you/you like him
First Date
Phone Names
The type of boyfriend he is
First Kiss
How yall kiss
Favorite place to kiss you
Favorite part of you
Your dorm/room
When he gets jealous
How yall cuddle
When you get jealous


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By CrimsonFoxx005

You were walking to school together when you noticed something was off with your bestie. "Izu-chan, are you okay?" He hummed in response and looked over at you and smiled, "O-Oh yea, I'm good. I do have some6to talk to you about though." You nod, "I'm listening." He shook his head slightly, "Not right now, can you meet me at the cherry blossoms after school?" You frown slightly but nod, "Of course!"
You walk into the cherry blossom field to see Izuku standing under one if the trees admiring the beautiful scenery. He doesn't notice you until you're next to him and wave with a smile, "Hey Izu, so what did you want to talk about?" He looks at you and nods, taking a deep breath, "I wanted to say that I think you are so brave, smart, funny, and beautiful. I've felt this way since we were kids, you make my world shine brighter." He grabs your hands in his, "You make me want to fight harder to be a great, I fight harder to be your hero so I guess what I'm trying to say is..I like you n/n and I would like if you gave me the honor of taking you on a date." He was blushing and looking at your intertwined hands. You smiled, "I like you too Izu. I've liked you since the day I met you." He looked at your eyes with a smile, "I would love to go on a date with you."

The Baku squad was all aware that Bakugou liked you. Everytime you weren't around he spoke highly of you and when you were around he wouldn't take his eyes off you. So they dared him to ask you out on a date.

You were both in the commons area watching tv. "Oi Ice Witch." You sighed and looked over at him, "You're interrupting the fight scene, this better be good hedgehog." His face was lightly dusted with pink and he was looking away from you, "I-I like you so go on a date with me." Your eyes widen slightly and your mouth went slack at his boldness but quickly turned into a mischievous smile. You crawled over to him on the couch, you propped one hand on the back next to his head and the other on the armrest, you were inches from his face. "Is the all mighty Katsuki Bakugou really asking me to go on a date with him?" He kept looking away, his face turning more red from your proximity, "Wh-what if I am? Are you gonna answer or just toy with me?" You chuckle and lean closer, "Of course I will Kacchan." You then kissed his cheek and ran. "WHY YOU LITTLE-"

You were eating lunch with the deku squad when you eyed Todo-chan's soba. "Hey Todo-chan, can I try your cold soba?" You were leaning close to him, Izu-chan and Ura-chan were busy talking and not paying attention. Todo-chan sighs and pushes the soba toward you, "Only because I like you." You blush slightly, "You like me?" Todo-chan looks at you with a slight smile, "How about I take you out to dinner tonight?" You blush more and smile, "I'd love to."

You sitting in your dorm scrolling through Instagram when you hear a knock on your door, you open the door and see Kiri with his face almost as red as his hair. "Hey Kiri, what's up?" He took a deep breath, "There is something I have to say. I've liked you since the day I met you, I just couldn't work up the nerve to say anything." He looked at the ground, waiting for rejection, "I..I like you too Kiri." His face lit up and he pulled a red rose from behind his back, "That's great news! In that case, will you do me the honors of treating you to a date tomorrow?" You smile, blushing slightly as you take the rose, "Of course!"

Mirio had noticed how Tamaki looks at you and decided to help his buddy out.

Your group was eating lunch when Mirio nudged Tamaki slightly, "So Tamaki.." Tamaki looked up and hummed in response, "Are you ever going to work up the nerve to ask out my sister?" Tamaki and you turned as red as tomatoes, "W-W-What do y-you mean?" Everyone smiled, "We all know you like eachother so why not ask her out already buddy? I'll even help with the date." Mirio was smiling huge and you looked at the table, "I-I wouldn't mind a-a date with y-you..Tama." Tamaki was shocked and stared at you, "R-Really?!" You smiled and nodded

He has been asking you out since that first day but you always turned him down.

You were sitting at the bar when you heard someone come up behind you, "Hey Songbird, you seem a little down." You turn around on your stool to see Stitches with a concerned look, "Sorry.." He chuckles and sits next to you,"Nothing to be sorry for. So what's up?" You sigh and twirl your glass slightly, watching the liquid swirl in the glass, "I feel like I don't get out enough, like I'm the most boring villian there is." Stitches chuckles and holds out his hand, "Then take me up on my numerous offers and let me take you out on a date." You smile, "You know what, I'll take you up on that." You grab his hand and he smiles, "Perfect! I know just where to go!" He leads you out the bar by the hand, you giggling behind him.

The league had noticed how their fearless leader would look at you and they had cooked up a plan.

You sat at the bar with Kuragari, well you sat while he cleaned a spotless glass. You were playing on your phone when you realized how quiet it was, "Hey Kura, where is everyone?" He simply shrugged and didnt look at you, "Probably still sleeping." You frown at him, "Its 3 in the afternoon, Kura.." He didn't answer or even look at you,"You could check their rooms." You groan and go to wake everyone up but they arent in their rooms, "What the fuck?" You go to the last room, Shigaraki's room. You can hear cursing on the other side the door, you put your ear against it and hear Shiggy's deep raspy voice, "What the fuck do you mean?" Pause "Get your asses back to the base" Pause "I will fucking dust you if you don't get back right now!" Long Pause, he must be on the phone with Dabi or Toga. "It doesn't matter if I like her or not. She wouldn't want to be with me." You frown slightly and open the door and peek in, Shiggy was staring out his window, his phone carefully held in his hand against his ear. You clear your throat and he turns around and you could swear you saw his cheeks tinge pink and he abruptly hung up his phone, "Y/n? When did you get here?" You rub the back of your head and stare at your shoes, "I-I overheard your conversation..s-so who's the lucky girl?" You hear him walk over to you and carefully takes your hands in his, you look up at him to see his face dusted with pink, "You..If you feel the same..would you like to go on a date with me?" You smile and feel your face heat up, "Of course I do, Shiggy."

You had just gotten done with a mission and got back to base, you were badly injured during it.

You slowly limped through the front gate, your left eye was closed to keep the blood and grim out of it. The white on your Villian Costume was splattered with blood and torn in some places, your left arm was gripping your right side trying to ease some of the pain. Your hair was messy with some sticking to the blood on the left side of your face. You had a deep gash from the top of your left eyebrow down to the middle of your cheek, it was steadily releasing blood. Almost..there..You gazed up at the building in front of you and smiled weakly as you saw the door open with Kai standing there with shock and anger, "A-Angel?" You opened your mouth to speak and collapsed the ground.
Your eyes fluttered open, well, your right eye does, to see you had been brought to the infirmary in the Shie Hassaikai Home, you look downwards and see you are now wearing white sweatpants and a black sports bra. There was bandages wrapped around your torso, arms, and hands; you bring your hand up to your face gently and feel that there is a bandage over the left portion of your face. That explains why my vision looks odd. You're thoughts are cut off by the door opening to reveal one of the stay-in nurses, she sees you're awake and she smiles as she walks over to you, "Glad to see you are awake, Mistress. How are you feeling?" You bring your hand back to your lap and smile weakly, "Not dead so that's good." Your voice sounds rough, "Can you tell me what you remember, Mistress?" She looks at you warmly, her hands holding a clipboard. "I went out on a mission, got the shit beat out of me, but completed the mission. I forced myself to get back to the base and then..nothing, I dont remember anything past the gates.." She nods and writes something down, "You collapsed after making it through the gates, luckily Master saw you. Surprisingly he insisted on being the one to carry you here-" Her smile fell to a look of horror, "- oh no..I was suppose to let him know as soon as you woke.." She then left the room. A few minutes passed of you looking at your hands and out the window. You hear the door open and before you can look over you feel something in your lap and something over your leg. You look down and see a rare sight..Kai has his head in your lap and his arm over your legs and you hear muffled crying. "K-Kai..are y-you okay?" He gets up, sits in the chair next to your bed and looks at you; he isnt wearing his mask and his eyes are full of tears,"I-I was so scared that-that I lost you.." His voice sounded so quiet and broken, you've only seen him like this once which was after his mom died, "I'm okay Kai-San, I'm a tough Angel." Kai chuckled slightly at the nickname that he gave me. "I need to say made me realize that I could lose you one day and I shouldn't wait for things that matter." You put your hand in his, telling him you're listening, "I-I like you, Angel..Will you let me take you on a date? Once you've healed of course.." You smile, "I was starting to wonder if I should make the first move-" you chuckle, "I would love to go on a date with you Kai-San."

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