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By starrysnite

238K 11.2K 9.7K

โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค โ ๐™’๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™š.. ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™๐™š๐™ก๐™ก ๐™–๐™ข ๐™„? โž โˆ˜โ‚Šโœงโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โœงโ‚Šโˆ˜ You lived a normal and casual life in the twenty-f... More

Intro !! Woohoo !!
Your Bitchass Woke Up Late
I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore..
WHAT THE HEL- Wait Nvm It's Only A Chipmunk
Exercising - Your Worst Enemy.
As Dumb As A Roc- Boulder.
Worst Cooks In Ameri- Japan
Mr. Fox Beats Your Ass
Cancelled Sabito On Twitter
Surprise Party
R.I.P., Tanjirou's Long Hair
Old Friend
How To Kick Balls: 101
Haganezuka With The 'Tude
Kazumi Worries For Your Bowels
In The Depths
a/n (not rly tho, just me complaining)
Fedora Fucker
That's A Lot Of Damage!
Disney Princess
Enter: Boar Bitch
Eeny Meeny Miney Moe...
Sherlock Holmes
Knee Murderer
WikiHow: To Flip Off A Lower Moon
Hang In There! (Literally!)
The Hashira's Reenactment Of Judge Judy
You Threatened.. Muzan Kibutsuji?
Get That Away From Me!
Pathetic Attempt At Charades
Mission Impossible!
Girls Don't Fart
Six In The Morning
Wakey Wakey, Eggs and Bakey!
Truths Revealed
You Screw Yourself Over
Haganezuka Throws A Tantrum
Au Revoir!
All Aboard!
Don't Let The Bedbugs Bite!
Trouble In Paradise
Eyes Opened
Let's Make A Deal
Reunited At Last
Bitter Goodbyes
A Father's Love
You Turn Into An Old Man
Zenitsu's Stomach Goes Through World War III
Awkward Conversations 101
Shenanigans But Make It Fancy
Getting Blackmailed By A Toddler! Whoopee!
Who Doesn't Love Getting Slammed Into Fourteen Walls?
Second Guessing
The Hardest Thing
Eli Having No Sense Of Direction
Revealing The Truth
Life Without You
Enter: Flamboyant Bitch
Mission Impossible-er
Flashy Lights
Inosuke Goes Through Puberty
Another Day, Another Blackmail
Eli Gets Extremely Humbled
Dรฉjร  Vu๏ฟผ
Slandering Eli, Pt. 2719
im alive !! woo!! (a/n)
The Emergence
That One Britney Spears Song
Broken Record
Enter: The First Wife
Lucky Is She
Karma, Bitch!
At Long Last
His Perspective
After The Storm
Heart to Heart
Slipped Out
Room Arrest
The Great Ice Cream War - Chocolate Vs. Vanilla
Training Dummy
Not-So Sleeping Beauty
No Ifs, Ands, Or Buts
Into The Village
Mohawk Boy
Read The Room
You're Not Schizophrenic, Are You?
The Key
A Puny Crow Kicks Your Ass
Fucked Up Version Of Excalibur
Oh No, He's Hot!
Somebody, Fix The Wifi..
You're Single, Aren't You?
Hips Don't Lie!
In Which: You Drown Like The Titanic

The Return of The Psychopathic Swordsmith

1.3K 88 65
By starrysnite


updates MAY be a little more spread out bc of track season, but not definite!


i love reading all ur comments on this story istg😭 it's so fun to read them 😈

WARNING : Swearing , Vomit


So, here's the thing.

You may have been a bit of a dumbass- no, a full blown dumbass.

With everything going on in your head recently, you had messed up the time altogether.

On the bright side, the Red Light District got pushed back, giving you more than enough time to get better if luck was on your side. Then, you'll be able to go on the Red Light District mission!

Then, there's the bad news.

One, not only are you stuck with Eli and Zenitsu until the rest of the gang gets back from their business, but two, your condition isn't getting any better.

You had thought the nausea, dizziness and headaches would go away sooner, but after a full day, it seems to have gotten worse.

So now, not only are you trying to sneak in some training, (and had failed every attempt so far), but you also have to convince Shinobu and Aoi that absolutely nothing is wrong with you physically.

Fast forward to the present, you, Eli, and Zenitsu, (along with Hoshi), laid in silence in the shared room. You each were now changed into comfier clothes, finally being able to take off the tattered, fancy ones.

Eli broke the silence, letting out a groan, "I never thought I'd say this.. but when the hell is everyone getting back?!" Zenitsu chimed in, "I miss Neeezzuukoooo-chaaannn!!"

You abruptly sat up, before standing next to your bed, "Y'know what, Shinobu and Aoi can't make me rest forever!" Eli rolled his eyes, "Really, this again? You've complained more than 100 times about this!" Zenitsu sweatdropped, "(Y/N)-chan.. have you ever thought that maybe resting would be for the best..?"

You shook your head, "Nope! Look, just wait, I'll feel as good as ne-" You paused mid-sentence, beginning to slightly sway and clutch your head. Hoshi let out a small chirp of nervousness, but before you could pass out, you plopped yourself back on your bed, "Or maybe not."

Eli scoffed, "We told you so! But noooo!!" He then started to mock you using his hand, "My name's (Y/N), and I'm an overworking moron! Bleh bleh bleh!!" Zenitsu snapped at Eli with an irk mark on his forehead, "SHE'S NOT A MORON!"

He then turned to you, lowering his tone, "Buuuutt he is right about the overworking part.. I mean, we just got back from a mission! How are you not drained?!"

Before you could answer, Aoi walked into the room, "Hey, (Y/N)!" You turned your attention to her, sending her a small wave, "Wassup, Aoi?" The girl in question placed her hands on her hips, "Normally I wouldn't condone this.. but there's a visitor here for you."

You slightly widened your eyes, partly from excitement of finally being able to leave the room, and partly from panic of having to try and not barf or pass out while you walked.

You sent Eli and Zenitsu a panicked look, before turning back to Aoi. You stood up extremely slowly, forcing a strained smile, "A-Alrighty! You can leave the rest to me..!" Aoi raised a brow, "..I was going to anywa—? That's not the point. I'm going to go back to making dinner, the visitor is waiting at the front gates."

She pointed to you, wagging her finger, "But after the visit, you are to come directly back here! No pit stops, no nothing! I'm already doing you a solid here, but after this, you gotta rest!" You nodded, "Mhm! Gotcha!"

With that, Aoi turned around and left, leaving you in the dust. You put Hoshi down on your bed, petting her with your index fingers. You then slowly but surely stepped towards the door, giving Eli and Zenitsu a shaky thumbs up, "Wish me luck.."

Soon enough, after what seemed like forever, you had reached the front gates of the estate..

...after taking at least ten stops on the way.

Hey, you got way too nauseous and dizzy just walking 5 minutes! You gotta do what you gotta do!

You looked left, then right, trying to scout out the visitor. You leaned against a pillar after getting somewhat dizzy, "Helllllooooo?? Listen, bud.. whoever you are, I'm so fucking dizzy right now so why don't yo- EH?!"

Once you finally caught sight of the visitor, you were immediately taken off guard. You began to slightly shiver in his presence.

Who wouldn't? You were coming face to face with none other than your swordsmith, Haganezuka.

You let out a small squeak in fear, before speaking slowly but surely, "..Hey..! So.. uh.. nice to see you? Before you say anythin-"

Haganezuka interrupted you, pulling out his signature knife. He fumed while his mask stared directly into your soul, "WHERE. IS. THE. REDHEAD."

You blinked owlishly, before squinting your eyes and crossing your arms, "Why should I tell you? You're too hostile! Man, do you need therapy sessions or something?" You interlocked your fingers, pretending to be a therapist, "And how does that make you feel? Hm?"

Haganezuka rushed at you, knife in hand, "TELL ME, YOU BITCH!" You dodged Haganezuka last minute, before attempting to sprint away, "WHY'D YOU EVEN VISIT ME?? YOU DON'T HAVE A SWORD TO GIVE ME, MORON!!"

You tried to scurry up the tree in a last ditch effort to escape Haganezuka, "AHA, YOU LITTLE SHIT! TRY AND GET ME UP HERE-" You abruptly paused, suddenly getting extremely dizzy.

You began to lose your grip on the trees branches, before you started barreling down to the earth, "WAAHH!! HOLY SHIT!" Luckily for you, before you could make contact with the dirt ground, a pair of arms caught you.

You hesitantly cracked your eyes open, instantly being greeted by a worried Tanjirou's face, "AH! (Y/N), ARE YOU OKAY?!" You blinked in confusion, "Eh- Tanjirou?" You paused, letting the situation set in.

Once it finally set in, you let out a cheer, "TANJIROOOUUU!!! YOU'RE BAAACCCKKK!!" You wrapped your arms around his neck, lightly pecking him on the cheek.

Tanjirou sent you his signature smile, "(Y/N)! I missed you! We can catch up later.. but.. why were you up in a tre- EH?! HA.. HAGANEZUKA?!"


Tanjirou's eyes grew to the size of cantaloupes, "E-EH?! I'M SORRY!! I'M VERY TRULY SORRY!! WE WERE UP AGAINST A POWERFUL DEMON!!" Haganezuka began to charge right for the two of you, (three if you count Nezuko in her box), "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!"

You let out a yelp in alarm as Tanjirou started to book it the other way, with you still in his arms. You began to call out to Haganezuka, "ARE YOU INSANE?! LISTEN MAN, CAN WE DO THIS ANOTHER TIME?! I'M NOT IN THE MOOD, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY, TO DO THIS WILD GOOSE CHASE WITH YO- URGF!"

You immediately brought your fist up to your mouth, whose cheeks were puffed up. Tanjirou noticed your dazed and nauseous state, so as he ran, he looked down to you, "(Y/N), are you okay?! What happene- ACK!"

You wiggled out of his arms, before falling to the ground. You finally uncovered your mouth, before retching onto the grass next to you. Tanjirou immediately started to freak out, "WHA- (Y/N)??!"

He rushed over to you, but as he did so, Haganezuka still charged towards the both of you while carrying his knife.

You groaned, "Goddammit.. when the hell is this gonna pass?!" Tanjirou crouched down next to you, placing a calloused hand on your forehead, "You're not sick, are you?!"

Before you could open your mouth to answer, Haganezuka had already caught up to the both of you. You turned your head to the side, before coming to the realization you wouldn't be able to dodge him.

But then, something horrifically embarrassing happened.

The type of embarrassment that you'd suddenly remember in a few years when trying to go to sleep, and end up cringing and rolling around in horror.

The type of embarrassment where you immediately slap both your hands over your face and shrink into a ball.

It was as if it happened in slow motion.

Haganezuka had ran straight into your puddle of vomit.

Oh, but that's not it.

He then proceeded to slip and fall backwards cartoon style. The type when the person in the cartoon does a small backflip before landing on their back in the end.

He fell to the ground with a thud, landing right in your own puke.

Tanjirou let out the loudest gasp ever, as you merely stared at your swordsmith in shock. Tanjirou rushed over to him, "WAAAHH!! HA-HAGANEZUKA!!! ARE YO- ARE YOU OKAY!?"

Haganezuka robotically sat up, before stiffly snapping his head towards you. You each stared at eachother in complete and utter silence, until he started to make a beeline towards you, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!! DIIIIEEE!!"



After what seemed like an eternity of running away from your insane swordsmith, Aoi and the butterfly triplets had abruptly opened a gate, ushering you and Tanjirou over, "You two!! Over here!"

You each barreled into the garden, before Aoi slammed the gate behind the two of you. Tanjirou let out a sigh of relief, "THANK YOU!!"

You fell to your knees almost immediately, taking in deep breaths slowly but surely. Tanjirou bent over on his knees, doing the same thing as you.

Kiyo immediately rushed over to you, "WAAH!! (Y/N)!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Followed by Naho, "YOU LOOK PALE!! WAAAHH!!" Then finally Sumi, "DO YOU HAVE A FEVER!?"

You slowly and shakily raised a thumbs up, since you had barely any energy to respond.

Meanwhile, Tanjirou turned to Aoi, "Is (Y/N) feverish? She threw up while we were getting chased-" You crawled over to the two and sprang up, forcing a strained smile, "What ever.. could you
mean.. Tanjirou? I'm as.. fit as a whistl-URG!"

You bent over, clutching a fist over your mouth. But for the sake of the lie, you'd have to make a big risk.

You stood up, slightly trembling, and then swallowed your vomit down. You fought the urge to make a disgusted face.

You sent Aoi a sheepish smile, "Anyways.. the moral of the story is I'm feeling amazing! And Tanjirou is back! Woo!"

Aoi raised a brow while crossing her arms, then proceeded to tap her foot impatiently. The butterfly triplets furrowed their brows on the sidelines.

Aoi then spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Oh, really? You're feeling amazing? Then.. you won't mind if I take your temperature, do you?"

You hesitantly nodded, still forcing a strained smile, "..Yep..!" Tanjirou furrowed his brows, "(Y/N).. I'm pretty sur-" Aoi sent him a glare, causing him to shut up.

She then pulled out a thermometer from her pocket, "Okay. Lets do it now then, hm?" She raised it to your mouth, "Open wide, (Y/N)."

You nervously sweatdropped, before opening your mouth, "Aaahhhhn.." Aoi placed it underneath your tongue, allowing you to close your mouth.

On the side, Kiyo, Naho and Sumi were whispering in each others ears.

"Do you think she has a fever? (Y/N) wouldn't lie about it!"

"As much as I love (Y/N), she definitely has a fever! She must think she doesn't!"

"Please don't be a fever! Please don't be a fever!!"

After a minute passed, Aoi raised both of her brows once she glanced at the thermometer. She took it out of your mouth, before speaking in a sly tone, "Oh, you don't have a fever? Then why does this read that your temperature is 38.3° Celsius?"

A moment of silence ensued.

The triplets burst into a chaotic episode.




Tanjirou then spoke up, "You should be in bed, (Y/N)! What are you doing out here?!"

"Aoi said I had a visitor! Turns out the visitor was our psychopath sword smith that wants the both of us dead!"

You then owlishly blinked, before speaking up, "Listen, Aoi. I'm a demon slayer, not a mathematician. What the hell does 38.3° Celsius mean in normal words."

Aoi spluttered before facepalming, "YOU HAVE A FEVER, MORON! THAT'S WHAT IT MEANS! IT'S 101° FAHRENHEIT!!" She lowered her tone, pinching the bridge of her nose, "If you had a fever earlier, why didn't you say so?!"

You ran your hand through your hair, "I didn't know I had a fever, Aoi!! I didn't want you or Shinobu to know I was sick, because then I won't be able to go on missioooonnnsss!!"

Aoi placed her hands on her hips, "Well, you're right! You're not going on any missions! You are to go back to your room, and stay in bed until you feel better! No ifs, ands or buts! Got it?!"


Well, to put it in simple words..

you're screwed.


Word Count : 2227

sorry 4 late chapter !

see ya in the next update !!

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