Hidden Love

By Lov3W4rRomanc3

127 3 0

"I'm in fucking love with you, (Your name)," he whispers and that's when I let my tears of joy run down my ch... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

4 0 0
By Lov3W4rRomanc3

Stepping out of the shower first, Jungkook grabs us each a towel to which I make a dress out of around my wet skin while he wraps his towel around his waist. Another three knocks sound over my door before I am too stepping out of the shower.

"It's better if you answer it," Jungkook says quietly, "it could be staff."

I simply nod while stepping past him only to have my left butt cheek slapped again making a quiet gasp leave my lips and to turn to him while continuing to the door of the bathroom. Jungkook throws me a wink while smirking making me blush as I am opening the bathroom door, pulling it to leave a small gap behind me and then going over to the main door of my hotel room.

My mind races with who could be at my door, but when I open the door, it's a woman around my height that I've never seen before.

"Hello," she beams at me to which I feel obligated to respond to her smile with my own.

"Hi," I reply back just as happily, "I'm sorry, I just got out of the shower."

She smiles widely while shaking her head, "don't worry about that."

Wow, she has a good aura about her.

"I was just wondering, are you a dancer for the PTD tour?" She asks curiously to which I nod as a response, "ah good."

Turning her head to look down the corridor of the seventh floor, her eyes glance from door to door sitting in the silence-filled hallway before turning her attention back to me.

"I'm looking for Jungkook," she says but there's something about her tone that makes my defence go up like a ball of flames.

Even though her demeanour radiates a happy-go-lucky person, there is something about that tone she uses to say otherwise. Like she's subtly showing off that she knows Jungkook personally and that I should watch myself around her.

"Oh," I say quietly, "I haven't seen him."

"Ah damn," she mumbles under her breath before glimpsing down the corridor again, "well, if you do see him, can you tell him that Jihan came looking for him?"

What, the actual, fuck?

"Sure," I continue to be quiet.

"I'm his girlfriend by the way," she states before bidding me goodbye with a subtle bitter tone before striding away from my door down the corridor.

I'm left to stand at my door in shock, staring at the space her head was just in before mindlessly stepping back and closing the door. The moment the lock of the door clicks, the bathroom door swings open and Jungkook is staring at me like I am staring at him - in shock.

Opening my mouth to say something, I see the look of panic wash across his face before he interrupts me.

"She's not my girlfriend," he rushes.

Scoffing, I turn away from the door and walk over to the side of the bed to plonk myself down on it, Jungkook watches me as I do.

"I know she's not," I sigh heavily, "I remember what Jimin told me."

Without a word, Jungkook storms over to his pants from the open doorway of the en suite. Snatching his pants up from the floor and rummage them around until he finds his phone in his pocket and digs it out before clicking the power button.

Watching his eyebrows crease together, he flicks his thumb over the touchscreen before cocking his head to the side.

"The fuck?" he mumbles under his breath, "she didn't text me, and I certainly know I didn't tell her I was coming to America."

Half-heartedly scoffing, Jungkook looks over at me with confusion written across his features.

"You're BTS, you don't need to tell someone specifically if you're coming to America or not," I say while leaning back onto my elbows, "the whole world knows whether you tell them or not."

"Oh," he says quietly when the realization hits him, "that's right."

When his eyes are focused back onto the lock screen of his phone, I roll my eyes and silently scoff. It baffles me how he forgets how famous he is despite being in the industry for nearly ten years.

"I don't understand though," he sighs in distress before taking up the empty space next to me, "I haven't spoken to her in over a year."

"Maybe she was waiting for you to text her, but then asked someone else when you hadn't," I suggest with a shrug of my shoulders even though he doesn't look away from his phone.

"Maybe," he sighs again.

Just when silence falls around the room, his phone pings to tell him that he's just received a new text message.

"Speak of the devil," he mumbles under his breath.

Even though I can see his phone's screen clearly from where I am sitting, I look away to where my dresser is sitting on the far-side wall so that I don't invade his privacy. However, I feel the bed dip when he shuffles closer to me and then practically shoves his phone into my face forcing me to go cross-eyed to see what he's showing me. Although all I can just about see is a pair of tits nearly hanging out from the top I saw just a few minutes ago captioned with something that I can't read at this close proximity.

"Look what she sent me!" He shrieks and I couldn't help but burst into laughter from how high pitched his voice had gone.

Jungkook, having realized the pitch of his voice too, laughs along with me while dropping his phone from my face.

"Why are you showing me that?" I chuckle while coming down from the laughing I just endured, turning to look at him in the face.

"Because I want you to know that I'm not interested in anyone else," he says while glancing around my face as though he's admiring art.

A blush covers my cheeks from just how he's looking at me, but I realize that I'm leaning closer to him as though I'm being pulled in by a siren's song.

"I want you to trust me," he whispers as he too leans in as well.

His phone gets abandoned onto the mattress of the bed before it slips off the edge onto the floor because of the dip that my bum has made at the side of the bed. Cupping my jaw with his now free hand, but just before he gets to land his lips on my own, a set of three knocks gets sounded through my door. With a low growl, Jungkook hastily gets up from the edge of the bed and stomps his way over to the door before swinging it open. I didn't even get the chance to register what he was doing before it was too late, but thankfully it was only Jimin that comes bursting in through the door and slams the door behind him in what seems to be a mess of panic.

"Jungkook!" He shrieks even though he's staring at him standing right beside him, "Jihan is here!"

A frustrated moan leaves Jungkook's lips while rubbing his hands over his face.

"I know!"

Blankly, I stare at the two men by my door before something occurs to me.

"Why did you come here?" I ask directly at Jimin with my eyebrow raised.

Even though his eyes are still wide in panic, he looks over at me before blinking and gulping, his eyes scanning my near-naked body still lounging on the bed. However, Jungkook steps in front of Jimin suddenly to block his view from me.

"Stop staring at my woman," Jungkook growls lowly at Jimin only to receive a confused look from the less panicked man still pressed up against the door; a shy smile reaches my lips.

"My woman?" Jimin asks before glancing over Jungkook's shoulder at me before looking back at Jungkook, "you two together now?"


"Yes," I interrupt Jungkook only to have him whip his head around fast enough that he could break his neck, but I look straight past him and at Jimin, "what's this about Jihan?"

I don't know where this sudden confidence has come from, but I'm relishing in it and using it until it decides to run for the hills.

"I don't know who told her, but she's downstairs at the party asking everyone where Jungkook is," Jimin explains to which I nod while staring off to some point in the room in thought.

However, just like earlier tonight, I could feel Jungkook's eyes burn into me making me glance over to him to see he in fact is staring at me, still in shock.

"Can't you just ask her to leave?" I question Jimin.

"She's being showered in attention by all the men in room at the moment," Jimin sighs, "including that guy you were dancing with earlier."

A scoff leaves my lips since I partly had a feeling Chris would abandon the idea of me and him eventually. It just tells me that the idea he had as a date was a stepping stone to seducing me into bed.

Jungkook snaps out of his state of shock and turns back to Jimin, but I catch the look of disgust on his face before I miss it.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook snaps unknowingly at Jimin only making the smaller man jump in surprise, "Chris is just trying to get laid?"

Now he seems to be talking more to himself than Jimin even though he's staring right at him.

"I suppose?" Jimin says quietly with a shrug of his shoulders before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion at him.

"That doesn't matter," I say offhandedly, "Jihan has already come up here looking for Jungkook."

Jimin's eyebrows shoot up before the look of disinterest washes over his face. I suppose he's not surprised that Jihan went on a hunt for the man currently standing in between Jimin and me. Then Jimin's line of sight points directly at Jungkook whose eyes are trained towards the floor.

"You know she'll hang around here until she sees you," Jimin says softly.

"I know," Jungkook sighs, "but I don't want her thinking she's going to have her way with me."

A small smile braces my lips when I notice how worried Jungkook is, and I know it's more because he's worried about how I'm going to think and feel rather than whatever situation Jihan decides to throw at Jungkook.

"I'll speak to her," I speak up suddenly making both men look at me with both of their eyebrows reaching for the stars, "I'll just say that you're not interested in talking to her."

Jimin and Jungkook exchange glances before Jimin shrugs his shoulders again. They're both just as clueless about what to do just as much as I am, but it's the only idea I have that could possibly work.

And so, with the idea not being denied, I stand up from my laid down position before grabbing my dress from the floor and carrying it with me to the bathroom before shutting the door behind me so that I can have some privacy while I change, but not because of Jungkook, because of Jimin.

However, as I get changed into my dress, I can hear their hushed conversation through the barrier to the en suite.

"When did you two get together?" Jimin asks quietly

"Apparently tonight," Jungkook answers back just as quietly.

"What do you mean apparently?"

"I haven't asked her yet, she just said we were when you asked."

"Bet you're the happiest man on the planet though," Jimin chuckles quietly.

"You have no idea," Jungkook chuckles back happily.

The rest of their conversation gets spoken in their native tongue so I cannot listen to what else they have to say, but I just happen to be finished getting dressed before I am stepping out of the bathroom and over to where my heels were discarded by the bedside table.

Slipping my heels on, I notice that the two men have fallen silent making me glance over my shoulder at them only to see Jungkook is checking me out quite blatantly while Jimin does it not-so-subtly.

"Jungkook," I say which catches his already undivided attention to me, "you might want to be keeping a lookout for prying eyes."

My joke's hint doesn't go unnoticed and I watch as Jungkook rounds to Jimin making him look like his life is flashing before his eyes.

"Oh hell no!" Jimin shrieks before quickly leaving my hotel room faster than the speed of light.

I'm giggling from the brief interaction between the two men before I fall silent when Jungkook turns back to me away from the door, scratching the back of his head as he does.

"So, are we together now?" He asks with a hint of confusion laced into his tone, his brown orbs searching my face for a visible answer.

Smirking, I straighten out my dress before walking over to him to land a perfectly sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Only if you want us to be," I whisper onto his skin only to hear a growl as an answer.

"You know I want us to be, but I don't even know how you feel about me," He whispers back, turning his body to fully face me and landing his hands on the curves of my waist.

Nonchalantly ringing my arms around his neck while allowing a smile to grace my lips.

"I thought you already knew when Sunghoon had let it slip," I say only for his mouth to hang open in shock, "I've liked you for a very long time, Jungkook."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks tightening his grip on my waist to bring me closer to him.

"At first, I didn't think you liked me back," I reply honestly with a shrug of my shoulders only to get a sad pout to form on Jungkook's face, "I've liked you since I was staying at your place."

Now Jungkook's mouth hangs open while his eyebrows furrow in disbelief.

"(Your name)!" He playfully scolds making me giggle, "that was almost two months ago."

"I know," I say softly back, "but what about you? How do you feel about me?"

Nibbling on my bottom lip in anticipation of his answer, I watch as his eyes flick down to my lips before his thumb comes up to grace over the skin of my mouth to release my bottom lip from my teeth's grip. Slowly, he brings his face closer to mine so that our foreheads land against each other.

"Can I be completely honest with you?" He whispers with a deep sigh of contentment and I hum my response.

Watching him close his eyes softly, he then smiles widely.

"I'm in love with you," he whispers gently.

Happiness is all I can feel at that moment. Just an overwhelming sense of happiness that I succumb to brings tears to my waterline. I try and keep my tears of joy silent, but a sniffle rats me out making Jungkook suddenly lean his forehead away from mine and open his eyes to regard my expression: a massive grin, the mentioned tears of joy and the blush that has inevitably made its way to my cheeks. My grin is responded to by his own grin before he gently places his forehead back against my own and looks deeply into my eyes.

"I'm in fucking love with you, (Your name)," he whispers and that's when I let my tears of joy run down my cheeks.

Intoxicated by happiness, I've completely forgotten about the woman rampantly looking for Jungkook downstairs and instead smash my lips onto Jungkook's, sending him back against the wall beside the door. Hastily kicking my shoes off and slipping out of my dress, I press my naked body up against his, still covered at the waist, torso. Grabbing his cheeks, I passionately give him my kiss only to receive it back just as passionately while he allows the towel to drop from his waist before picking me up and marching us over to the bed, the kiss never stopping.

Once again landing across the bed, Jungkook breaks the kiss slowly to hover his lips over mine and for him to stare adoringly into my eyes.

"I'm not going to rush you into saying it to me-"

"I love you too," I quickly interrupt him only for a brief look of shock to reside on his features, "I promise you, I love you."

His bottom lip gets tucked under his teeth before I'm feeling my core being slowly stretched out by his length. Gasping at the feeling, I hadn't even realized how ready we were for each other but I guess the sudden expression of love can do that to a person. However, I watch as his adoring stare turns into a dark hooded look of passion.

"You," he states, "are mine."

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