Dreams are meant to be achived

By shadowcat2206

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Have you ever had a dream? one that no matter what others tell you, deep down your heart you know you will be... More

Author's Note
The start
¿What does it take to be a hero?
First day at UA
Bakugo friend or foe?
Getting to know Class 1-B
Who could be the class rep?
Class 1-A vs League of villains
Not a Chapter
The aftermath of the attack
The Sport festival
Unexpected Friends
The start of the Internship
Heroes vs Hero Killer
What are we?
Girls night
Getting ready for the final exams
Final exams
Author Note 3
Fun time with class 1-A
School trip
To save a friend
Love or Foe?
Plans and Ilusions
The traitor
License Exam Part 1
License exam part 2 and more

Villains at the training camp

298 9 56
By shadowcat2206


I know it's been a long while since the last update but I hope this chapter is interesting enough to cover for it ;)

as always I hope you are all safe and sound, I send you all a virtual hug!

Jirou's POV:

I was woken up by knocking on our door, when I opened the door there was Momo and Itsuka-san holding breakfast

"Good morning beautiful, since yesterday you treated us, we believed it was the best to repay you the same way" Momo said and I blushed so hard I even felt the heat on my ears, this was cute and all but I was still in pajamas and had bed hair

"g-give me a second to wake Mina up, and change" I said

"Awww, but you look so cute with your messy hair, let me wake Mina pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease" Momo begged and I blushed more mumbling nonsenses

I don't know what Momo did but Mina was up in a flash having breakfast

"Are you excited about today's training?" Itsuka-san asked us

"Excited is not exactly the word I would use, I'm pretty sure today will be harder than yesterday" Mina said and Momo and I nodded

After finishing our breakfast I took the dishes to the kitchen and washed them, and then joined the girls in the lobby

Of course the first one to get there again was Bakugo, he was in a good mood or so it seemed since he was grinning approaching us

"Ears! You better do your best today out there" he told me

"Hello, good morning to you too Bakugo and what do you mean by my best?" I asked him

"Last night when I was going to bed along with the nerd, we overheard Mandalay we would all train together, and I want revenge from the tournament, I will defeat you!" he half told half yelled me

"First of all, calm down we don't know if we will go against each other and second of all it's too early to be yelling" I told him while rolling my eyes

"Someone is as eager to prove they are strong as ever" Todoroki-san said

"Good morning Shoto" Momo said, Itsuka, Mina and I waved him

"Good morning girls, is Bakugo giving you trouble? I can get rid of him" Todoroki-san said

"What do you mean I'm giving them trouble you half and half bastard" Bakugo said fuming

"Nah, Bakugo is just being himself, he wouldn't be my best friend otherwise" I said and Bakugo stopped looking quite shocked

"Am I your best friend?" he asked and I nodded

"Well dah, who do I run to if I have trouble? Beside my amazing girlfriend of course" I winked at Momo who blushed in return

"Tch, whatever Ears, you are my best friend as well" he said

"Is that a smile you are trying to hide Bakugo?" Mina teased him

"I'm not hiding anything you shitty Alien" I laughed, and shock my head

"Save your energy for today's training kids" It was my dad that was finally early "You will need it"

We then proceed to wait for our classmates and our teachers, we were then divided in 3 teams my team consisted of Bakugo, Todoroki, Aoyama, Mina, Denki, Tooru, Itsuka-san, Iida-san, Shiozaki, Kodai-san, Kamakiri, Bondo, Yanagi and Fukidashi-san

"Group 3 you will train with me today" Tiger said, welp that was our que to go to him "Now that the teams have been assembled you will be assigned a partner, we will have an old school military training" I was assigned to work with Kodai-san, we then walked to the base of the mountain

"First we will run 5 miles as warm up, stay close to your partners, if 1 of you stay behind, both will run 5 additional miles, we will line up by pairs if the pair behind you passes you, you will run 1 additional mile" Tiger then smiled "but to make things interesting and that I know you will all give your best, the first duo that crosses the finish line will have a free pass for next exercise

"Are you ready Kodai-san?" I asked my partner

"Hmm!" Kodai-san said while nodding

We started running after Tiger, the warmup was not that bad, I was actually surprised no one tried that hard to skip the next exercise no one wanted to burn their energy I guess, In the end the one's that were free were Tooru and Bondo-san

"Did you and Kodai-san had a nice talk while running?" Mina asked me while getting beside me

"Kodai-san doesn't really speak that much so no, but it was a nice company" I answered her

"For our next exercise we will run an obstacle course, this time your partner will be your competition, the one that loses will have to do 200 crunches, the obstacles consist of a low wall, a ground ladder, a low crawl, some over & under obstacles, a cargo net, a deep trench, more under & over obstacles, an horizontal ladder, a 5-foot drop and a high crawl, I expect nothing but exceptional from all of you" Tiger said, did they had this for their own trainings or did he prepared it just for us?, either way it was too much

"Ah for the two that got the free pass on the exercise you will have to do 100 crunches and 50 sit ups" Tiger said

"What? I thought we were free of doing any exercise" Tooru complained

"I just said you were not going to do this particular exercise your classmates will do, not that you wouldn't do anything, now stop complaining and start doing your task" Tiger said

We were positioned pair after pair to do our obstacle course, Kodai-san and I were the 4th pair so that gave us a little chance to rest a little

"Hmm" Kodai-san softly said pleased that we could rest a little

"Kodai-san how are you feeling after the warmup? Are you ready to beat me up?" I joked with her, and she smiled softly and nodded her head, she then pointed to the woods behind me, I turned to where she was pointing and "saw" Kota behind a tree watching us train, Kodai-san might not speak that much but her senses were really sharp, I was surprised I hadn't notice Kota being there

"You know, it's always better to watch from the front row rather than behind a tree" I said loud enough for Kota to hear, Kodai-san giggled softly at my choice of words

Kota then got out of his hiding a little ashamed we had discovered him

"It's.... It's not like I wanted to see you, you are all still clowns I just... I just wanted to see if you were really strong like my aunt said" Kota said blushing a little, I see that he had talked with his aunt, I'm glad for him letting others inside to support you when you are down is the first step to feel better

"We are the best kid, you better remember it before you become an extra" Bakugo said ready to start his obstacle course, I was not surprised when Bakugo won his race against Todoroki but it had been damn close all the time, they were head-to-head giving everything, after the festival they have been having this competition against each other of who was better and all I can say is that boys will be boys

"You better try harder next time Icy-hot, you are losing your touch" Bakugo said after crossing the finish line to what Todoroki-san just huffed and started doing the crunches

In no time it was Kodai-san and myself turn, we started running, I could hear Kodai-san breathing she was pushing herself a lot, she probably didn't want to do the crunches, I don't blame her neither do I want to do them, when we got to the 5 feet drop I was the first one to drop I just had to do the crawl and this would end just as I was about halfway through I heard a crash behind me

"Are you ok Kodai-san? Can you continue?" Tiger asked my partner

"Hmm" Kodai-san said giving her thumbs up, I know she said she was ok but I could hear her breathing and heartbeat, she had hurt herself but for some reason she wanted to continue, watching her determination I knew if I went to help her or didn't give my best would make her effort pointless, so I continued my way, when Kodai-san crossed the finish line I turned to Tiger

"Can I take my partner to the infirmary please?" I asked him

"Yes, I can see the pain in her eyes too, you might, but after please return, we haven't finish the training" he said and I nodded

Kodai-san watched us and without warning I lifted her bride style making her blush

"Sorry Kodai-san, but if I asked you, you would say you are ok, because you want to prove something probably to yourself, but I can't stand here watching you hurt yourself" I said and then activated One for all to get to the infirmary as quick as we could

We were jumping from tree to tree, Kodai-san had been afraid at the start, she had buried her face in my chest because of it and when she had calmed down she had thrown me an apologetic look

"You have nothing to prove, you know" I started and Kodai-san looked at me

"hmm" she said and by her face I knew she was looking down on herself, she reminded me of my girlfriend, both are strong I just wish they could see it too

"I know what you are thinking, and stop, you are as strong if not more that anyone here, a race won't prove anything, you have the mind, the heart and the power to become whatever you want to become, so train, become better but at the same time take care of yourself, ok?" I said, Kodai-san then looked at me and said nothing, in no time we reached the infirmary, but before we entered she grabbed my shirt making me look at her

"t-thanks" I was surprised it was the first time I had actually heard her speak

"You are welcome" I smiled at her and took her inside, in there we were told by recovery girl she had sprained her ankle and was fixed in no time, we then went back to where our team has been

"Welcome back girls, I'm glad you both are ok and that you got here just in time for our last exercise" Tiger told us

"And what would that exercise be?" Mina asked, I was surprised it would be our last exercise since I was not tired at all

"We will get to the peak of the mountain and back, there won't be breaks, and we will do so by running no walking allowed, also no quirks allowed" ah there it was, what would destroy us today

I don't know how much time it had passed before we were back to the building we were staying but I do know we were the last team to get back, at this point I could barely stand and my legs felt like jelly

"Are you guys alright? Please take a sit baby" Momo asked us, I knew if I sited I wouldn't be able to get up so a shake my head

"let's make the dinner and then I will sit, but thanks Mo" I said kissing her cheek

After we were finished making dinner we were all sited enjoying our dinner

"I hope you all had a good day with your training tomorrow the teams will stay the same, but those who trained with me will train with Pixie, those who trained with Pixie will train with Tiger and those who trained with Tiger will train with me, please after having dinner go to rest" Mandalay said

"Kyo I was wondering if you wanted to come to Itsuka's and my room" Momo said and I nodded I was tired as fuck but I could never say no to spending time with Momo

In Momo's and Kendo's room:

"welcome" Momo said

"Thank you for having me" I told Itsuka-san

"It's no problem at all Jirou-san you are my friend after all" Kendo-san said

Momo and I were sited on Momo's bed while Itsuka-san was on hers

"How was your training today?" I asked

"It was not that bad we had practice fights against our teammates all day, sometimes alone, sometimes in teams, what about yours?" Itsuka-san asked me

"Tiger training is way more... old style that I expected, we had a military training that ended with running up and down the mountain, no quirks allowed all day" I said

"Damn, guess we will die tomorrow Momo" Itsuka-san said and Momo nodded

"Why don't you lay down a little then Honey, we can keep talking like that" Momo said and I nodded

"That would be awesome thanks" I then lay on Momo's bed, my head resting on her legs, she the started softly stroking my hair

"A lot has happened this months haven't it?" Momo asked

"I guess but that just means our life is interesting" Itsuka-san answered

I could hear Momo and Itsuka talking on the back, but the tiredness was winning the battle against me, and surely having Momo's hand on my hair was not helping

Momo's POV:

"Now, tell me, how is it to have a girlfriend like Jirou-san?" Itsuka-san asked me and I blushed

"Itsuka! how can you ask that?, she is literally here" I said

"Don't worry about that, she is out" Kendo said pointing to a sleeping Kyoka

"She is... just amazing I can't describe it, but she makes my heart race every time she is near me, she is always so cute that makes me want to kiss her all the time, she makes me feel loved, makes me feel I can always do better, she is always there for me, I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend" I answered truthfully

"Wow, someone fell hard" Itsuka said and I nodded smiling still stroking Kyoka's hair

"I should probably take Kyo to her room to let her rest" I said while wondering how to lift her without waking her

"What if you let her sleep here tonight?" Kendo-san said "I won't tell if you don't" she said winking at me

I smiled at Kendo-san and she helped me lift Kyo to not wake her up, and we then lay her on the pillow so she could rest, I was about to leave her and sleep on the floor to not bother her when she grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me close, for a second I thought she had woken up but surprisingly she hadn't, but she had pulled me hard enough to make me fall on the bed next to her, allowing her to cuddle me but making me blush like mad

"Awww so cute, goodnight love birds" Kendo-san said before turning off the lights, I kissed Kyoka's forehead and then let myself drift off to sleep

The next day Kyoka POV

When I woke up I was greeted by the warm arms of my girlfriend, memories from last night then rushed my brain I had fallen asleep on her bedroom

I blushed and tried to get up without waking her

"Morning beautiful" she greeted me

"Sorry for waking you babe, good morning" I told her "I will go take a quick shower, you can sleep a little more" I said kissing her forehead and going to the showers as quietly as I could

After showering I made my way to the living room and was surprised to see Kota there

"What are you doing up so early young man?" I asked him

"I... I was looking for you" he said

"Me? Well I'm here now so what am I good for?" I smiled at him

"I wanted to thank you, the day you spoke about what happened to you... I felt less alone in this, I don't know how to explain it, but I would like to try and let others in like you said, starting with my aunt" he said

"I'm glad to hear that young man, more because I know your aunt would also like that" I said petting his head

"C-Could I see your training today?" he asked me

"Sure kiddo, just be careful if things get dangerous, ok?" I said and he nodded

"I see you guys have put your differences aside" Momo said getting closer to us and kissing my cheek

"We sure did love" I smiled at her

"Is she your girlfriend?" Kota asked me

"Yes she is young man, and between us, she is the best one" I said winking at Momo

"Ew, girls are icky" Kota said and I laughed

"You will probably change your mind in a few years" I said petting his hair

"No, I don't think so" he said sure of himself and I giggled

"Whatever you say young man" I said

"It's so good to see you making friends Kota" Mandalay said

Kota didn't said anything but he kept looking at Mandalay

"Jirou-san could I speak with you for a moment please?" Mandalay asked me

Momo nodded at me

"Sure" I said going to Mandalay

"I know you are supposed to train with me today along with your team but someone asked me to train you today, please forgive me for not being able to train you today and report to the lake on the east from here" Mandalay then bowed and left

"That was weird" I said

"What did she want?" Momo asked me

"She said that someone asked to train me today, it's probably my dad but it's strange that he didn't get me himself" I said

"Maybe it's someone else" Momo suggested

"Maybe, anyway I should get going, see you later babe" I said peeking her lips, earning another ew from Kota, I laughed and made my way to the lake

Momo's POV:

After Kyouka went away everyone started making their way to the living room, I was still next to Kota and he seemed a little down that Kyo was not here

"Hey, don't be sad kiddo, you can make more friends today, and Kyo will be back in a flash you will see" I told him and he smiled a little

"D-do you think they will want to become my friends?" he asked me

"I don't think so" he was so sad when I said that but I finished with "I know so" He then looked at me and I smiled at him

"Hi Mo, hello there Kota-san are you ready to watch us train again?" Mina asked Kota, and I figured he had gone watch Kyo yesterday

Kota nodded and said "Only if you let me"

"Of course you can watch kid, so you see who is the strongest one among the extras" Bakugo intervene, and I laughed

"Don't take Bakugo that seriously, he can sound mean but he has a big heart" I told Kota, my words making Bakugo blush even if he tries to hide it

"He has the manliest heart, he will help you in a flash even if you don't want him to" Kirishima said, by how he was looking at Bakugo I knew he felt something for him, and I knew because that's how I look at Kyo

Kirishima's word made Bakugo blush harder

"Nonsenses, now get ready to get your asses beaten" Bakugo said

"Kacchan you really need to learn how to take a compliment" Midoriya-san said

"No one asked you nerd" Bakugo said

"Someone is in a bad mood, where is that best friend of yours? we need her to defuse you" Shoto asked

"Kyo was asked to train on the lake, so she won't be back soon, guess we are stuck with angry Bakugo" I said giggling

"Damn Ears, I was looking forward to beat her first" Bakugo said

"You wouldn't even be able to touch her, and we know it" Shoto told Bakugo, and all I could think was here we go again

"What did you said Half and half bastard?!" Bakugo yelled at Shoto

"What you heard explosive Pomeranian" Shoto said, I was sure they would have started fighting if the professors didn't get to the living room in that moment

"Morning guys, we were talking over the night on the plans on how to train you today and we decided it was the best to train all together, so let's forget about the teams and follow us please, todays training will focus in both your individual strengths and your team collaboration" Tiger told us and we were all lead to a plain

"Today, you will have to confront the "villains" and save the hostages they have as well as the victims of natural disasters, you will be able to form groups with whoever makes you feel comfortable, remember this is a training so give your best" Tiger said giving us his thumbs up

"Ponytail, since Ears is not here.... C-could I be in your team?" Bakugo asked me

"You want to be with me?" I asked him

"Yeah... why wouldn't I want to? You are smart, kind and not a pain in the ass like IcyHot" he said like a matter of fact

"I would love to be on your team Bakugo" I said

"Bakubro, could I be with you as well?" Kirishima asked

"Whatever shitty hair" Bakugo said

"Count me in as well" Mina said

"Oh great the Alien will be with us" Bakugo said smiling

"The alien and the Pikachu" Kaminari said giving us thumbs up

"Ugh, say something Ponytail, tell them no" Bakugo said and I just shrugged

"I believe in the saying, the more the merrier" I said laughing at Bakugo's reaction

"Since you believe that I guess you can count us in" Shoto said dragging Deku

"And me of course" Itsuka-san said

"Hmm!" Kodai-san said reaching us

"Ugh could this be worse?!" Bakugo said

We all laughed and made our way to the forest where the "villains" and the people we were supposed to rescue were waiting for us

Meanwhile with Jirou:

When I got to the Lake, my dad was waiting for me

"Why didn't you get me yourself if you wanted to train today? You know where my room is" I said

"It would have been too troublesome, today we will push your limits with your quirk" Dad said but his words made me lift and eyebrow, he had never referred to my power as quirk he either says One for all or Earphone Jack

"Ok..." maybe I was hallucinating but something deep inside me told me to hold my tongue about one for all, at least till I knew what was going on with my dad

"Good, sent it to the water and don't stop" he said and I started sending waves to the water

"Keep your strength, stop before your max" it was a voice in the back of my mind

"Told you I will be your friend kid, and I would be here, now don't use all your energy I sense trouble ahead" the voice... Nana said, and I believed her

So I would stop every 10 minutes, faking I was too tired and resting for 10 minutes, we continued doing this back and forward till the chill in the air told me it was getting dark

I was faking my tiredness again, making it seem like I could barely move

"Mhm, was that all?" Dad said and I just shrugged

"You know I can't use Ear whack that much time" I said testing my "dad"

"What do you mean Ear whack? I guess you are referring to Earphone jack" he said and I relaxed a little but the hair in the back of my head raised, I don't know why but my senses kept screaming at me to stay alert

"Yeah you are right, anyway I should go back to my friends" I said, trying to get away into the safety

"You leave so early? But I wanted to present you a friend" he said, and while he did so, a person walked out of the woods he was all muscles It was so weird; his head was so tiny compared to his muscles

"This is muscular, he has been a friend of mine for a while" Dad said

"Nice to meet you, but now that we have been presented I should really go, dinner is not made alone right?" I said trying to joke

"Don't be like that Jirou, at least say a proper hello to him" "dad" said

I got closer to them trying to make this as quick as I could and I bowed a little, letting it show that I didn't trust him

Just in the time I was doing that Muscular grabbed my arm

"w-what are you doing?" I asked

"Why, he is only doing his orders" someone said from the woods, it was Shigaraki that was now out of the woods smiling at me

"W-what?, dad?" I said turning to my "dad" to see him disintegrating and leaving a girl instead, one with a psycho smile and a knive pointing at me

"Now now Toga we promised Muscular this one, so please go get them" Shigaraki said

"I just wanted to take a sample for my task" the psycho said while scratching my cheek with her knive and taking some of my blood

"This will be enough" she said going away

"You promised me the strongest one, this one is just a toothpick" Muscular said still holding me by my arm

"I promise you this one is the strongest one, and a pain in the ass too, so deal with her fast, I will see you in a few when you kill her so we can deal with the rest" Shigaraki said

"I won't let you touch them" I said

"If I were you I would be more concerned about my own safety rather than theirs" Shigaraki said and just in cue muscular threw me to the lake and like a pebble I bounced till I crashed on a rock, I needed to think of a way to get out of here to warn them but I would probably had to fight that guy I just wish I was strong enough

Back with the guys Momo's POV:

We didn't had to walk that much to find our first set of civilians and our first "villain" Pixie

"what's the plan Ponytail?" Bakugo asked me

"There are many of us and only 1 villain so I suggest some of us distract the villain while the others free the civilians, starting with Mina, your Acid quirk will work wonders on whatever is bounding the civilians, Shoto you should help Mina as well, if things get out of control with the villain you can create an ice wall to separate us making more time for you to escape, Deku go with them as well you can carry those who are injured and can't move on their own, does that sound ok with you?" I said and everyone nodded

"That means the rest of us will fight Pixie right?" Itsuka-san said and I nodded

"hmm" Kodai-san said grabbing some screws from her pocket

"If you need more, tell me I can make them for you" I said while creating a staff to fight, to what Kodai-san nodded

"So you are here to confront me heroes, I won't make this easy for you" Pixie-bob said creating many earth golems, this was the first time I had seen her use her quirk and it was amazing, she had easily created 20 human sized golems and they all seemed ready to kick our asses

"Get ready extras to not be left behind!" Bakugo yelled launching himself to battle as always

Kodai-san threw a screw on top of the golems an it suddenly became a gigantic screw that fell right on top of the golems destroying them, Kaminari was frying the golems, Kirishima and Itsuka san used their martial arts knowledge to destroy every golem threw their way, I was also destroying some 1 by 1 but they kept coming, and I knew that they wouldn't stop, not if we don't destroy the source so the next wave of golems I used my staff to jump them and got in front of Pixie-bob pointing my staff at her

"it's over, give up" I told her

"You are right, there is not much I can do on a 1 v 1 situation young hero, but the problem is, I'm never alone" Pixie said leaving me confused, that's when a golem grabbed me from behind and threw me to the nearest tree making me crash against it

I underestimated her; I shouldn't have let her create that golem

"Momo are you ok?!" Itsuka-san asked me still fighting the golems

"I'm ok, I will help you right away guys" I said

"You better do Ponytail; they don't seem to be stopping soon" Bakugo told me and I got up

"Back already, that was fast young hero" Pixie said and I grabbed my staff, they were all counting on me, I had to do this for them, for myself

I launched myself to the golem it was bigger that the ones the others were fighting but he was still that an earth golem.... Wait earth that was it, I needed to make time thought, so I battled the golem for about 5 minutes, avoiding his attacks, and then backed away so my creation could be revealed, from my back erupted a canon, but not a normal one it was a water canon the Golem unknowing my plan went after me and just when he was in front of me I shoot him with water making him become mud, Pixie seemed surprised and proud but this time I was ready, I went to her with my staff again

"Give up or I won't give you time to create another one" I said pointing my staff to her head

Pixie then lifted her hands in defeat and the golems my friends were fighting disappeared

"You win this time heroes" she said

Mina, Shoto and Deku came to us

"All hostage were rescued and are now safe in the headquarters" they said and I smiled

"You guys did amazing; I didn't even noticed you took the hostages" Pixie-bob said

"Those fighting me did awesome also, it was getting hard for me to keep up, specially you little girl, you noticed my weakness and took advantage of it, I couldn't have done it better" she said giving me a high five

We all smiled, thanked her for the fight and lesson and then continued our way, we all had agreed we should try to rescue people now, so we could rest a little besides it was getting late and over the night it would be harder to find people

We were near the base of the mountain when we heard

"Help! Over here!" We looked at each other before running to the sound we were surprised to see our "survivors" were none other than Mandalay and Aizawa-sensei they were at the bottom of a hole and I wondered how to get them out

"Anyone has any ideas here?" Mina asked

"I could create an Ice leader to help them up" Shoto said

"No, Ice is slippery and it could hurt them further" Itsuka said

"I could go down there and pull them up with my explosions" Bakugo said

"You could also hurt them with said explosions" Mina said

"Mm, Deku can you use your telekinesis this far?" I asked him

"N-no, not with out it being unstable, it's safer if I'm closer to them" he said and I nodded

"Ok this is what I'm thinking, I could create a rope long enough for Deku to get to the bottom safely, in there he can use his telekinesis to pull them up, but we will all have to pull Deku at his command so it all go well, what do you think?" I said

"I-I don't know Momo that sounds dangerous" Deku said

"Hmm!" Kodai-san said giving me thumbs up and smiling it was so strange to see her smile that it made me smile as well

"I agree as well" Itsuka-san said

"Count me in to pull the nerd" Bakugo said

"I won't let anything happen to you Izuku" Shoto said and Deku blushed nodding, were they a thing already? If so why was I not informed?

Shoto must have felt my stare on him since he turned to me and said "later" and I nodded

We followed my plan that surprisingly went smoothly, in no time both Mandalay and "unconscious" Aizawa-sense were out giving us thumbs up

"You did great guys good job" Mandalay said

"I'm proud you got to work with others Bakugo, keep it that way" Aizawa-sensei said

"Whatever, I only agreed because Ponytail's plan sounded like the smart thing to do" Bakugo said

"And it was, indeed, great job Yaoyarozu-san thanks to your plan and thanks to Midoriya-san being careful you rescued both survivors unscratched, but now that I look at your team, I am surprised my daughter is not with you did she wanted to try and work with others?" Aizawa asked, he smiled and I was confused

"What do you mean? I was the one surprised you were here I thought you were the one that asked Mandalay to train with her today" I said and both Mandalay and Aizawa looked at each other

"No one asked me to train with Jirou-san, who told you that?" Mandalay said but she... she had told us herself

"Y-you, you approached Kyo, Kota and myself this morning you asked to speak with Kyo, she said you told her someone asked you to train her today at the lake" I was getting anxious what the hell was going on

"She is telling the truth aunt, you did I was there but it was weird because you called me Kota" Kota said getting out of his hiding, was he following us all this time? Damn that kid is a ninja

"I.... sweetie I never call you Kota and besides I woke up late today when I got to the lobby Tigger had already said the instructions" oh shit

"What's going on?" I asked, we needed to go to that lake

I ignored everyone and started running towards the east where the lake was, I could hear everyone behind me

"Oi ponytail, wait up we need to make a plan" Bakugo words felt far away all I cared about at that moment was Kyouka

Just when I was back in the headquarters, Bakugo and Mina both reached me

"Everything is going to be fine Momo, she will be ok you will see, but right now we need to make a plan if she isn't ok?, we need you to calm down and think of a way to help her" Mina said

"Where are the others?" I asked them and they turned back to see nothing

"T-They were right behind us" Mina said, just then some bushes started moving we prepared our fight stances, we didn't knew what was happening but it probably wasn't good

Just then a heavily injured Kyouka made it out of the bushes panting

"Kyo! Oh my god are you alright?" I asked her, running towards her

"Yes, but Momo there are villains here they plan on attacking us, they got to me first" Bakugo and Mina gasped but something was odd, Kyouka doesn't call me Momo, even as friends she would call me Yaomomo, so I took a step back

"Can you help me get to the infirmary?" Mina and Bakugo were about to rush to her side when I stopped them

"What are you doing Ponytail?, she is injured" Bakugo said

"How did you get here Kyouka?" I asked her and both Mina and Bakugo looked at me as if I was crazy not wanting to help my girlfriend while she was bleeding

"What do you mean, I walked here, I escaped the villain that attacked me, I knocked him out with Earphone Jack" she said and I took a look to her bleeding left ear, with that bleeding I was sure her earphone jack wouldn't be working properly that meant... I grabbed a rock and threw it with all my force towards her face, for a moment I wanted it to hit her straight in the face that would mean the girl in front of me was in fact my girlfriend, when the "Kyouka" in front of me grabbed the stone as fast as I threw it I was left there to think, where was my Kyo and what happened to her so this girl could try and supplant her and what was her goal

"Why would you do that Ponytail, can't you see Ears is injured?" Bakugo asked clearly worried about Kyo

"Where is she? And who are you?" I asked the copy

"What do you mean Momo?" Mina asked me

"This is not Kyouka" I said

"And how could you know that?" Bakugo asked me, really.... First of all she was my girlfriend and second of all how could they not know

"Bakugo give me a reasonable explication as to how could Jirou make her way back exactly to the headquarters if her quirk was not working properly" he looked at me confused

"How would she stop the stone I threw not knowing where it's coming from" something seemed to click on him when I said that

"Come on guys we are all friends here, just take me to the infirmary so I can rest" that made Bakugo's eyes open like globes

"Where is Ears and what have you done to her!" he said sending an explosion to her

The copy then jumped away from his attack her copy fading away

"Aw you are all cute but no fun" said a blond girl with little fangs and a psycho smile

"I said where is Jirou?, I won't ask again" I said with my staff pointing at her

"Ok ok, jeez you can pick the remains of your friend at the lake, that if Muscular left any" she said smiling, triggering Bakugo who punched with all his might sending her flying to the woods

"We should take her to the teachers" Mina said

"We should... but I have to make sure Kyo is ok" I said

"We are on the same page Ponytail" Bakugo said and Mina nodded

"Right now the changing psycho is not important, let's go rescue our friend"Mina finished before we rushed to the lake

Jirou's POV:

After crashing with the stone I made my way back to land but of course that thing was waiting for me, I sent him the biggest wave I could create and sent him flying to the nearest tree, letting me get to land

"Not bad but not great" he said launching at me, I jumped to the side just in time to avoid his attack, his attack was so strong it made a hole on the floor

"You can't escape every time" he said, I activated one for all and said

"Who said anything of escaping?" punching him with the most force I could support at the time, he was again flying crashing with tree after tree

"That was a little better but still not even close to my ankles" he said getting up and preparing to get to me, I was honestly scared, I had attacked him with what I can do at the moment and he didn't even flinch

After what it seemed to me at least to be hours of me avoiding his punches I was glad all those muscles made him slow if not I would be dead already but I was getting tired, slower I just wished someone could save me but if I can't save myself no one will

I had just evaded another attack from muscular jumping to the right, but to my misfortune I had jumped next to the edge of the lake, I lost my balance for a second but that second was all Muscular needed to grab me by the collar and punch me, I tried to protect me with my arms but the impact I received was too strong I was now the one flying crashing against tree after tree, I tried to get up but everything was hurting, I tried to focus but my conscious was fading

Muscular got next to me again, grabbed me by the collar

"I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye" I whispered to no one in particular, just when I thought it was my end a wave of water hit us both and separated us, to my surprise the water didn't hurt me further but it seemed to do hurt Muscular who was still crashing trees

"A-are you ok?" Kota asked me

"What are you doing here?! It's too dangerous" I said

"I knew you needed help so I came to help you" he said and I saw the movement in his hands that matched the waves attacking muscular

"Thank you for saving me" I smiled at him

"it's what a hero must do right?" he was breathing heavily, his power seemed strong but being so young I'm sure he can't hold it that much, Kota then stopped his waves and that gave Muscular the time to get up again

"Shit we need to go" I said

"it's time to kill two kids" Muscular said running toward us, I was able to jump to the side but he managed to grab Kota by the collar

"Give up girl or I kill the kid here and now" Muscular said

"Don't listen to him, go away Jirou" Kota said with all the bravery he could

Watching this guy use a small kid made my blood boil I couldn't let him kill Kota, I activated One for all again but this time I wasn't bothering about the limits of my body

"Don't worry Kota I will save you; he won't hurt you" I tried to reassure the kid, but muscular then punched Kota away making him crash against a tree knocking him

"I will never forgive you!" I screamed while feeling the rush of power in my veins, all my muscles were screaming in pain but I knew my 100% wouldn't be enough if I wanted to defeat this guy I would have to give my plus ultra

Momo's POV:

We were running towards the lake as fast as we could, when we were close enough we hear trees going down one after another, that would mean they were fighting, which meant Kyo was alive, we looked at each other relieved and ran faster ready to help Jirou

When we got there a big muscular guy, was holding Kota, he was so big his head seemed too small for his body it was a weird sight, we heard he was planning on killing Kota and Jirou say she would save Kota, then the muscular guy punched Kota, I hoped the little kid was ok, then Jirou screamed she wouldn't forgive the guy and she started glowing a dark purple energy was going off her body, it was the most power I have seen her display but I couldn't help but thought about the day she broke her legs

"Kyo..." I whispered, I ran to Kota to make sure he was ok, thankfully he was still breathing and didn't seemed to have grave injuries, just a gash on his forehead

I turned back to Kyo who's hair was now going up by the air the force was creating

"Not even your best will be able to defeat me kid, understand it already" Muscular said going to punch her

"Maybe not, but that won't stop me from trying to protect my friends, Hell smash!!" Kyo said jumping towards him so fast I almost lost her, her fist connected with his chest while his connected to her face

We could see how Muscular's punch started to weaken while Kyo's only became stronger, Muscular's insides glowed for a second before he was flying up, and then finally crashed on the ground hopefully dead, but of course he wasn't so I created some titanium chains to hold him if he woke up before we sent someone here to get him

"Kyo!" I yelled when I saw my girlfriend drop on the ground breathing heavily

"Mo... how is the kid?" she asked as soon as she heard me

"he will be fine but what about you" I said

"I am fine, we need to warn everyone, villains plan to attack us all again, they are all here, and there is this girl that can change appearances" Kyo explained while pushing herself up with her left arm, when I looked at her right arm it seemed to have been obliterated she must be in so much pain I'm surprised she hasn't black out, her legs didn't seem broken but they were heavily injured

I then lifted her, not saying anything

"I can walk, we need to get to them Mo" she said

"No, you don't get to be this hurt and still think of others, think of yourself too, and if you don't want to do that, think of what it makes me feel seeing you this hurt!" I said crying it hurt me to see her like this, to see her in pain and not being able to help her

"Mo..." she said "I'm sorry, but I can't let them get injured, and while I can fight I will, for their sake, for yours, for mine" she said cleaning my tears, I knew this was her heart speaking, and it was a precious ideal but

"You won't protect anyone if you are dead" I whispered

"That's true but I'm not about to let myself be killed, less if I have someone as beautiful inside out like you by my side" she then smiled at me and I laughed a little crying

"You dork, I love you, don't do this to me" I said kissing her forehead

"that's the Mo I like, the smiling one, now can you let me walk please? All this not moving my muscles is making them hurt more" Kyo said, I sighed, shocked my head and let her touch the ground

"I know you want me to go to the infirmary but could we at least warn my dad before?" Kyo said

I nodded "we can do that" she smiled and kissed my lips

"Thanks beautiful, thanks for always being here" she said

"always" I answered her

"Kyouka! You scared me but man are you strong, you destroyed his ass" Mina said and Jirou giggled

"Nice job Ears, you are not as an extra as I thought" Bakugo said

"I'm glad you both guys are ok too" Jirou said and I saw tears go down both Mina and Bakugo's eyes, they then ran to hug her

"it's ok guys, I'm ok I swear" Jirou said petting Mina's hair "now let's get going before more people get injured"

Bakugo carried Kota as we made our way back to the plain where we found Mandalay, Pixie bob they seemed to be surrounded by villains but just when we were about to intervene, Tiger and ragdoll got there to punch the villains and that gave Pixie-bob time to create muscular golems that trapped most of the villains leaving a lizard like villain alone, making him retreat

"I'm so glad you guys are ok" Mandalay told Tiger and Ragdoll

"Mandalay" I said making her turn to us, her eyes landed on all of us and then on Kota

"KOTA!" she ran to us

"He is ok, he received a strong hit to his head, but there are no signs of internal damage" I said

"It's my fault, I'm sorry" Kyo told Mandalay who looked at her up and down

"You saved him right?" Mandalay asked

"To be honest with you he saved me first, if he hadn't use his waves on the guy I would have died, but then he grabbed Kota and I couldn't stop him before he hurt Kota,I'm so sorry" tears were strolling down Kyo's face and then she bowed to Mandalay

"I can see by your injuries kid that you fought with all your strength, to be honest with you I'm not even sure how are you standing, that's how he could be taken here, you saved him, I'm sure that villain would have killed both of you if you hadn't stop him, so please accept my thanks, as a teacher, as a friend, as an aunt thank you for saving my nephew!" Mandalay said bowing to Kyoka

"A-aunt, don't cry" Kota said while waking up

"Kota!" we all said, his aunt jumped next to him while cleaning her tears

"Are you alright sweetie?" she said kissing his cheek

"Yes, thanks to Jirou she said she would save me from that big guy and she didn't lie, I know she was the one to defeat that walking muscle" Kota said and I giggled the guy was indeed a walking muscle

"a walking muscle... could that be.... Omg did you fought against muscular alone?" Pixie-bob said

"Eh? He did say that was his name" Kyo said

"Wow kid you are strong and lucky he is really dangerous, I'm glad you are alive" Pixie continued

"Where is he now?" Tiger asked

"He is knocked out next to the lake, tied up so authorities can get him" I said and they nodded looking at each other

Mandalay then used her quirk; it was like if her voice was everywhere

"Attention students, right now there is a villain attack going on, if you can hide and stay safe, reinforcements are coming here, but if you are confronted by them fight you have your tutors permit to use your quirks to defend yourselves, give them all you got, if you see others injured, help them the best you can, we will go try and help you all, I wish you all the best" Mandalay said

"That's what I wanted to hear" Bakugo said with little explosions on his hands

"I know it's a lot to ask but could you help us gather your friends and take them to the headquarters?" Mandalay asked and we nodded

"Let's divide so we can cover more space, I will go with the Alien here while you 2 go together" Bakugo said

"Don't you want to go with Kyo?" I asked

"As if you were to let me go with your injured girlfriend, I'm realistic here" Bakugo said and I laughed

"True" I said while Kyo shocked her head

Kyo and I then entered the woods on our west while we were walking looking for everyone I saw a yellow gas getting to us and that couldn't be good, quickly I created 2 gas mask and gave one to Kyo "Put it on honey" I said

I didn't know what this gas was neither did it felt right to breath it, I decided to make more gas masks in case we found others the firsts we found was Itsuka-san I quickly gave her a mask and another if she found someone, and we parted ways to keep looking for others, we then found Tsuyu and Ochaco, sadly they were knocked out by the gas but they seemed to be fine and breathing, I put a mask on both and we continued our search, after finding more knocked out classmates we found a gas dome inside we heard a gunshot and in a flash Kyo was in front of me trying to protect me

"You won't be able to stop us you useless kids, what is that? Is it the metal fatigue you are getting softer, die already, we will just take the angry kid anyway, he will make a great asset to us villains" someone said

Several more shots were heard, I was worried about my classmates

"I think it's strange, a world where someone with a one-side tracked mind like you is fawned over just because of where you went to school it's not right isn't it?!" the villain said again sounding annoyed

"Tetsutetsu" It was Itsuka's voice

"I told you, I can tell your movements from the flow of the gas" the villain said

"It doesn't matter if you can tell how I move" Itsuka-san said

"I can't believe you think so high of yourself with a pitiful quirk like that" the villain said

"Whether it's pitiful or not depends on how it's used!" Itsuka said while using her hands to wave the gas, letting us see inside, where a masked guy was pointing his gun at Itsuka-san

"Above all for those at UA with a One-track mind, when everyone else would think I can't take it anymore" in a flash Tetsutetsu was on the left of the mask guy punching him with all his might braking his mask and crashing him to the ground "That's when we will shine, because we don't give up, we acomplish no matter what we deal with"

When the villain was knocked out the gas stopped, Tetsutetsu went back to his human form and gasped for air

"Wow guys you did a number on him" Kyo said "great job" she said giving them a thumb up

Kyo, Itsuka and I took the masks away breathing the now clean air

"What did he meant by taking the angry kid, were they referring to Kota?" Itsuka-san asked

"No, that can't be Kota is with his aunt already so I don't think they will go after him if he is with a pro hero, angry kid... angry kid..." I suddenly got it

"Bakugo" Kyo and I said at the same time

"I will go search for him, stay with Itsuka and Tetsutetsu love" Jirou said

"But you are injured it's better if we all look for him" I said

"it's faster if I go alone honey, please understand I have to protect him" I sighed knowing there was no way I would win and nodded, Kyo then activated one for all and jumped from tree to tree

"Will she be ok?" Tetsutetsu asked

"She will" I said "let's continue looking for others"

While continuing our search we found Awase-san and Kodai-san, we were still looking for others when a Nomu appeared from no where and attacked us

Tetsutetsu went metal again to punch the Nomu, Itsuka used her big fist to hit it as well, Kodai-san threw it the biggest screw she could do and I created a canon to shoot it with along with canon balls, after many rounds of canon balls and the Nomu hitting everyone, I started to feel lightheaded and the thing was still like nothing, it suddenly stopped dead in track and turned away from us, ignoring us, that could only mean the villains were retreating, and that meant they had their goal... I then created the smallest track device I could come up with and gave it to Awase

"Paste it to the monster" I said breathing heavily, he took the device from my hands and threw it to the Nomu using his quirk to weld it to it's skin we watched powerless how the Nomu went away

"We need to go to the headquarters you all need to go to the infirmary" Awase-san said, we all agreed, he helped me get up and we made our way to the headquarters, I was just hoping I would see Kyo there

Jirou's POV:

I was going through the woods looking for Mina and Bakugo when I heard a cry and a saw a monster bigger that the tree themselves

"What the hell is that?" I asked myself

"Kyouka! Please help me" It was Kirishima, he seemed fine beside a cut on his left arm

"What do you need help with? Are you alright?" I asked

"No, yes ugh it's difficult to explain but we need to stop that monster, it's.. Tokoyami, we were being attacked by a villain, I asked him to use his quirk even thought he said it was not safe to use it at night and now he can't control himself" Kirishima explained

"ok then what are we waiting for?" I said jumping to the tree following the path Tokoyami had left

When we reached him Tokoyami was "crying" again it was like a war cry

"Tokoyami-san listen to my voice I'm your classmate Jirou, everything is ok now, you defeated the villain , you are safe now, please calm down" I started and Tokoyami attacked me, I evaded his attack and sighed

"I'm sorry Tokoyami-san" I said before using one for all to jump towards his head and slapping him as hard as I could

"w-what?" he said

"Welcome back friend" I said while dropping to the ground, thankfully Tokoyami caught me before I landed face first to the ground, I was glad he was himself again but this time I knew I had broken my legs as well, even if I hadn't used more power that I can stand, my legs were heavily injured already

"Shit..." I said

"What were you doing when I found you Jirou-san? Thanks again for helping me with Tokoyami here" Kirishima said

"I was looking for Bakugo, the villains... that's his goal to capture him" I said

"What?" Tokoyami said

"Yes and now I can't go after them" I said pointing to my broken legs

Tokoyami then carried me on his back

"As a thank you for saving me from myself let me be your legs, and let's help Bakugo" he said

"That's the manly thing to do after all Tokoyami" Kirishima said

"Thanks guys" I said while we made our way through the woods we then found Shigaraki, he was next to a Nomu, the psycho girl, a spike haired guy and a Top hat guy

"Ah you made it out alive, what a shame" Shigaraki said knowing well enough he was referring to me, the top hat guy then showed us 2 small balls I could hear voices from them one was Bakugo's and the other was Mina's I needed to save them not caring about my injuries, I activated One for all again and jumped at the top hat guy, I was fast enough to snatch the balls from him I was ready to let my friends go first I opened Mina's who hugged me

"Thanks Jirou, you saved me" she said and I quickly opened Bakugo's but nothing happened, the top hat guy then took a ball out from his hat and opened it, it was Bakugo that was being held by the Nomu,

"Ears!" Bakugo screamed he was then muffled by the Nomu but I swear I could hear him say "Don't come"

A portal appeared behind the villains and they took a step back, I couldn't let my friend be taken by them so I launched again trying to reach him with my hand but just as my hand was about to touch his, the portal closed, I punched the ground, I couldn't save him, my best friend was now with villains that were trying to kill us and I couldn't do anything about it

I felt so powerless, all I could do was cry silent tears, Mina then hugged me and said

"We will get him back that is a promise" she said and I nodded, Tokoyami carried me back to the headquarters where we were greeted by everyone

"Where is Bakugo?" Itsuka-san asked

I looked to the ground as tears threaten to come out again

"We couldn't save him" I said

"No..." Momo said

"Villains have Bakugo and we can't know what they will do to him" Kirishima said punching a tree

"Right now, we need to get you to the hospital but take for sure pro heroes along with myself will look for him everywhere and make him go home safe and sound" Dad said, I know he was saying the truth but I couldn't help the broken cry that escaped my lips as for now I could have lost my best friend forever

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