Battle of Overlords

By sharpeyes123

149K 5.8K 4.1K

following the fight against the hero and the third ranked, just when accelerator was about to finish off misa... More

Chapter 1: A Brand New World?✔
part 1 - first battle
part 2 - experiment
part 3 - different view
Chapter 2: The true Dragon Lord ✔
part 1 - slane theocracy
Part 2 - confrontation
part 3 - the black scripture vs dragon lord
part 4 - a catastrophe accelerator
part 5 - accelerator vs zesshi
chapter 3: The science kingdom ✔
part 1 - the contract
part 2 - funds
part 3 - replica
part 4 - a normal day in science
Chapter 4: Awakening ✔
part 1 - new ally?
part 2 - Accelerator vs Cocytus
part 3 - Accelerator vs Cocytus II
part 4 - important meeting
part 5 - Envoy from the sorcerer kingdom
Chapter 5- A Declaration Of War ✔
part 1- a new target
part 2 - preparations
part 3- preparations II
part 4 - preparations III
part 5 - strengths
Chapter 6: Science vs Magic ✔
part 1- awaited battle
part 2- true form
part 3 - wild magic
part 4 - reawakening of a monster
part 5 - you win some you lose some
part 6 - psychopath
part 7 - It wasnt you
part 8 - Ainz Ooal Gown
part 9 - man vs monster
Chapter 7 - Conquering The Great Tomb ✔
part 1 - The second floor
part 2: the seven star sisters
part 3: unshakable presence
part 4: bird's eyeview
Chapter 8: Magic War✔️
Guess whos back???
Clarifications for Chapter 8
Part 1- ainz ooal gown vs the platinum dragonlord
Part 2- the tide of the war
Part 3- A touch of reality
Part 4- Change
Part 5- The Road To Victory
Part 6- Existential crisis

part 5: the 5th floor

1.2K 78 21
By sharpeyes123


tomb of nazarick / 3rd pov

a goddamn pervert.

that was the thought that ran through the esper's head as he witness the scenery before him.
He had been running through the seemingly endless dark hallway for what seemed like an hour now, when he noticed purple-ish light shining from one side of the hallway. Accelerator knew that the exit towards the next floor was at the end of this long hallway, meaning that the room he was now approaching was something else. More specifically...

"One of that woman's playrooms, huh?" Accelerator thought.

"I don't know much details about it, but from what I saw, she apparently has a bunch of these playrooms scattered all over this floor."

It was drawing closer now, just a few more meters away.

"This is something she purposefully created across this floor, right? In that case, there may be something there that could be a weakness to her."

"At the very least, it wouldn't hurt to check..."

His footsteps echoed in the hallway, as he brought his foot down for the final step.
The light illuminated his figure, and accelerator turned to look inside...

And froze in his spot.

The first thing that registered with the esper was the sudden flow of hot air eminating from the room.

it was a dim lit room, though it was a chamber not uncommon in the current era, it was still the first time accelerator had seen one in person.

filled with just about every adult toys you can imagine, it was a renowned place meant to fulfill one's lustful desires.

a sex chamber.

"what is this...?"

never mind why such a thing existed down here, but as he stared repulsively at the sight, he realized that this just about told him everything he needed to know about this being they call shalltear.

he didnt pay the place another glance, and with a single tap of his foot, he dashed off at impossible speeds towards the end of the long collidor.

towards the 5th floor of this impenetrable dungeon...

Science kingdom / 3rd pov

[fallen down]
A giant pillar of light followed by an explosion rang out across the kingdom. The interior where the two being once stood ground had been completely destroyed, leaving way for the moonlight of the sky to illuminate the battlefield.
The damage caused by the super tier spell stretched out for miles and besides the the dragon lord and ainz himself, nothing left seem to stood as far as the eye could see.

"I'm glad we evacuated everyone in time. If it wasn't for my items, I'm not sure even I would have come out of this unscathed." The dragon lord thought.
"Do you understand our difference in power now? You cannot beat me, give up now and you can still walk away with your life."

"Don't think so highly of yourself, there were eight beings long ago who also wielded power as great as yours. But even they fell in the end, you will be no different."

The platinum dragonlord's voice echoed as if a roar. It's clear each and everyone of his words hold power.

It's not far fetched to call him the strongest of the dragonlords.

"Ahh, you're speaking about the eight-greed kings?"

"Sorry, but those guys are not on my level."

"Even if they are from an unknown guild, ainz ooal gown is the strongest guild in Yggdrasil, no one else matches up to us.."


"Wait a minute.

"There is one thing I want to confirm..."

Ainz red eyes glowed as of excited.

"It's already been confirmed that other players from Yggdrasil were sent here, obviously Yggdrasil isn't a game that existed 800 years ago, meaning the players being transported at the same time but in different times in the new world is the most probable conclusion..."

"..then maybe those guys too..."

"Yes..there is just one thing that will allow you to see another day.."

"My friends...if you can confirm the existence of one of my friends.."

The dragon race is the oldest of the new world.

Their lifespan allow them to live through several generations, some of them even being alive before the age of tier magic, when wild magic was still what dominated the world.

"It's unfortunate, but those from the greed kings generation are the only ones I've come across who refer to themselves as 'players."

Ainz couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not.

Well, it didn't matter really...

"I see, then.."


Ainz casted an incantation, and in the next moment, a magical clock took form on his back.

This was the death strengthening spell that could only be used once every 100 hours.

[the goal of all life is death]

Following it, he activated one more spell.

"[widen magic: Despair Aura]"

A black mist spread across the 200-diameter terrain like a visible breeze.

This spell known only to the overlord class who has mastered death to the truest sense had now being activated, and following it..
The clock with its hand marking the twelve o'clock began to turn...

The platinum dragon lord wasn't stupid. He could sense something seriously bad would happen once that clock stops.

Though he can't match ainz in power, he arguably had much more battle experience and was confident enough in his battle IQ as a dragon lord.

With each counting second, the black mist grew heavier, denser, and more ominous.

Like certain death looming closer and closer towards you with each passing second.


That final step had at last arrived.


the clock had made a full rotation and once again struck the twelve o'clock.

Twelve seconds had passed.

And the world around the platinum dragon lord turned black...


Great underground tomb of nazarick / 5th floor

Accelerator blasted through the gate doors.

Cold Air immediately burst forth but accelerator remained indifferent.


...Similar to the previous floors, this one looked like it was its own world.

Glaciers and snow stretched out as far as the eye could see.
hard and heavy wind blowed harshly and the temperature was well below 0 degrees.

Had it been anyone besides accelerator, they certainly would have been feeling it.
Thanks to his vector control however, the weather felt no different than fall.

Accelerator did a quick scan of the area.

There were many small establishments such as igloos and the likes, on top of what appears to be some type of ice prison on the far side left side of his vision.

Even from here, accelerator could make out people inside that were frozen solid, alongside various other creatures.

But, of all those things, only one structure truly caught his attention...

...and that was the frozen castle that stood right in front of him.

In the far distance.

"Each floor apparently has it own guardians right?"

"Then...does that mean this floor belongs to that bug thing from back then..?"

Accelerator thought to himself.

"My head is still a bit fuzzy on what happened on the later half of our fight, but if he's still alive, then looks like we'll be meeting again sooner than I thought."

With both his hands in his pockets and satisfied grin, accelerator took the first step towards the castle...


his eyes widened in shock as his head instinctly moved to the side, dodging the attack.

"Was that..."

Though the ammo used for it was some type of magic element, there was no mistaking it...

"A sniper..."

From that castle, someone just tried to snipe him.

A rifle...

A sniper rifle!

Evidence of the real world...

"There's no way this fantasy world that still does war with spears and horses would have something scientifically advanced as sniper rifles."

"In other words..."

"It's not from this world."

"At the very least the information didn't come from this world..."

"Oh, I missed."

Cz delta cocked her AWM-338 as she prepared for another shot with her usual stoic face.

"Hey hey! Did you get him! Hey hey!"

Lupusregina cheerful gestures was more distracting than helpful, but CZ didn't let it show on her face.


"Huuuuh?? You missed? That's not like you!"
"Are you sick? Hungry??"
"Hey hey! Can you aim for his legs so he doesn't die as fast?!
Hey hey! Are you ignoring me??"


A smacked to the head quickly shut her up, much to CZ's delight.

"Don't go bothering CZ so much." The eldest of the sisters, yuri alpha, fixed her glasses as she gave a stern glare to the former.

"Ha..haha..sorry about that..."


"Hurry and get ready. The enemy has already reached here, now isn't the time to wander around."

"How are things on your end, CZ?"

Yuri directed her attention to her younger sister.


"Not moving."

Though not showing it, CZ was surprised to see the esper standing perfectly still.

Ususally, when one narrowly avoids certain death through a failed sniping attempt, the first course of action would be to take cover until the sniper is located.
In which case, it is best for the sniper to relocate as to not give away their position.

And yet, he stood there. Hands in pocket, standing perfectly still.

Was he inviting her to take another shot?

CZ aimed her weapon and peered through her scope, only for a look of bewilderment to quickly escape her expressionless face.

The accelerator was staring right at her.

With the most evilest grin she had ever seen.

From the very beginning, he had already found her.

To think humans could emit such malicious intent. That glare alone was its own [despair aura], obviously it wasn't on par with ainz-sama's, but it's certainly one of those things that would keep you up at night.

CZ quickly shot up from her spot!

She needed to find a new place to snipe, and fast!

The distance between him and the castle was still several kilometers apart, if she finds a new place, she could snipe him before he gets to close.

She's a soldier afterall.

She turned to give him one last look before going...

But he was already gone.



The first to react was yuri alpha as she readied her battle gloves.

Just in time, as the wall in front of CZ broke apart and a kick aimed for her head came crashing through.

Yuri was quick to push CZ to the side as she shielded herself with her gloves, taking the full blunt of the kick that sent her flying through numerous castle rooms.

Now, all that remained was CZ and accelerator.

"You better be ready....I've got a ton of questions for you, third-string."
"He. is. here."

Chilled air escaped cocytus nostrils as he once again readied himself for their rematch.

"Everything is in place." Solution says.

"We will go help out our sister now." Narbarel stated.

"Ohh are we finally gonna fight him?" Lupusregina eyes glowed with excitement at the thought.

"Watch yourself, for a human, he is rather strong, so stick to the plan." Narbarel stated sternly.

"Booh I know already. Jeez, why is everyone acting like I can't control myself."

The wolf in maid clothing replied while pouting.

"We only need to buy time for aureole-Chan right? Then she can seal him."

"Just keeping him busy and stalling is good. Don't get close enough to get yourself injured. Once the sealing is up, cocytus-sama will take it from there."

With their plans confirmed, they quickly made their way.

Leaving cocytus by himself to gather his thoughts.

"Two times already I have sullied the name of Ainz Ooal Gown."
"I am unfit to call myself a guardian, let alone the sword of Ainz-sama."

"All I can do present accelerator's head to ainz-sama."

"This. Is. My. Attempt. At. Redemption."

The plan was set in motion and the die had been rolled.

Accelerator's end was now set in stone.

In that freezing room, cold air menacingly escaped cocytus's nostrils...

Outside the great underground tomb of nazarick/ 3rd pov

The winds flung around violently as the deep darkness dragon lord descended on the ground.

"At last you've arrived."

"Heh, here I was getting ready to go by myself." Zesshi said delightfully.

The pile of injured bodies formed a trail behind her.


The captain began, but there was no need to say any more.
The members of the black scripture all readied their weapons as well as magic items each had received from the platinum dragon lord for this battle.

"On the other side of that portal...lies monstrous beings not of this world..."


The captain clenched his fist to calm himself.

It wasn't like him to get nervous.

Everything needed to win this battle was already in their possession. If they couldn't pull it off, then no one could.

"Let's go!"

A/N: how long has it been my peoples?!
With the release of overlord season 4, y'all already know I had to make a comeback!

Don't go getting too excited tho, im only releasing 2 chapters rn and I'll start writing again in the next 3 months.
I'll explain further in the next chapter, for now...


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