Predators (Mei x Reader)

By StatBlast9

17.5K 313 117

After surviving a tragic Kaiju attack in your home of Adelaide city, Operation Blackout was set into motion... More

Chapter 1: Operation Blackout
Chapter 3: Atlas and the Predator
Chapter 4: The Girl from Bogan
Chapter 5: The Clash of Clayton
Chapter 6: Hope
Chapter 7: Never-Never Valley
Chapter 8: Bunyip-Man
Chapter 9: Through the Divide
Chapter 10: Love and Loss
Chapter 11: The Path to Sydney
Chapter 12: Homecoming

Chapter 2: Project Alpha

1.8K 31 15
By StatBlast9

???: Hey, they're waking up.

Your eyes slowly began to open and found yourself in a dark room, illuminated only by pale green lights lining the ceiling. You were lying on some sort of bed, staring straight up at the ceiling and a few people wearing medical masks and lab coats were standing around you, looking down.

Y/N: W-Where am I?

???: Don't worry, you're safe here.

Your head was throbbing and you tried to sit up. The room was filled with medical beds and counters piled with medical tools. You had bandages wrapped around your arm and abdomen, but you couldn't remember anything.

Y/N: What happened, and who are you?

???: My name is Doctor Jason Mawrow, you were injured during a Kaiju attack, you've been asleep ever since.

Y/N: How long?

Jason: About five years.

Y/N: What!?

You finally remembered everything that had happened, the Kaijus, your parents, Sam, everything. You looked down at yourself and noticed you were taller than you remembered, you grew at least six inches, and you felt your hair which had grown down to your elbows.

Jason: We were able to treat your injuries and nurse you back to health. You are still recovering though so take it easy. There is a bathroom just down the hall if you would like to clean up.

Y/N: Okay.

You were still trying to process everything that had happened and trying to understand how you had slept for five years. In the bathroom, you found a pair of scissors and a comb along with other toiletry. You cut your hair short and combed before heading to the shower to wash yourself. All throughout, you couldn't get over this feeling that something wasn't right. On your way to the bathroom, there were no windows and from what you've heard, recoveries from Jaeger incidents took only a few months, never five years. You couldn't explain how you new, but you felt something was up. After you finished washing up you stepped outside and a man in a lab coat was waiting.

Man: We have a room prepared for you, if you would follow me.

The man led you down a few hallways before stopping in front of a metal door.

Man: You can stay in this room until you have fully recovered.

Y/N: Thank you.

The room had a simple bed, a night stand, a desk with a single drawer and a small wardrobe with changes of clothes and footwear. Once the lab coat man closed the door, you took off the dirty clothes that you had on and changed into one of the black shirts, cammo cargo pants and some brown leather boots from the wardrobe. There was also a black jacket hanging there which you put on as well. You found this all so weird, how did they know you were going to wake up at that exact moment? Why weren't there any windows? Who are these supposed doctors? You didn't want to wait for answers. There was a clock on the night stand indicating that it was six o'clock at night, you planned to wait until late at night and sneak around to see what their deal really was.

Six Hours Later

It was just around twelve when you woke up from a small rest. You couldn't hear any chatter or footsteps outside so you figured now was as good a time as ever to begin your search. Just as you thought, when you opened the doors, there was nobody anywhere. You started down the hall to the right and checked each of the rooms. Nothing really caught your attention, just some beds, counters and hung up lab coats, until you stubbled upon this one room. The door was slightly ajar and you could see rows of blinking lights which seemed to be connected to electronics of some sort. You carefully opened the door, stepped inside and shut it quietly. After finding a light switch, you confirmed your suspisions and were presented with several shelves filled with thin electronic files and what you recognized as a file reader at the end of the room. A single file was sitting on the desk near the file reader and what it was titled made you jolt with concern.

Project Alpha
Subject: L/N, Y/N
Log 32

After shaking off your stunned expression, you carefully placed the file in the reader and began playing the recording. It depicted a room identical to the one you woke up in, with Doctor Jason standing near a bed. It looked as if you were the one on it.

Jason: Project Alpha video log 32. The fifth transfusion was a success and the subject's vital signs are stable. Unfortunately, this was our last dose of Kaiju blood and will not be able to continue injections until more is obtained. A total of forty percent of the subject's blood is now detoxified Kaiju and we are almost ready to begin the solo Drift test. The time has almost come. Once Project Alpha is a success, we will be able to take anything we want. No man nor Kaiju would dare stand against this weapon. No one....

The recording ended and all you could was stand there, paralysed with fear. These people weren't doctors, they were mad scientists, and you were their lab rat. Before you could continue your search of the numerous files, you heard footsteps and muffled voices coming from down the hall. You quickly removed the file, put it back on the desk and hid behind one of the counters. Doctor Jason as well as another scientist entered the room.

Jason: So, you mean to tell me that we are out of sedatives.

Scientist: Th-That is correct.

Jason: And what about the expidition team, have we heard from them?

Scientist: Unfortunatly no, we have been led to believe that they were killed by Kaiju.

Jason: So, we can't put the subject back to sleep and we are out of Kaiju blood.

Scientist: Y-Yes sir.

Jason: *Sigh* Five years of work, all gone to pot. If they discover Project Alpha and find out we kept them asleep for five years, they'll never join our cause. I guess we have no choice.

Scientist: T-To do what?

Jason: Send someone to kill the subject, we'll restart from the beggining tommorow morning.

If you didn't know these people were crazy before you sure do now. All at the same time, you felt furious and terrified, that these people wasted five years of your life, just for some crazy experiment. You had to escape this place, or you would wake up the next day with a knife in your chest. You made a quick decision and flipped the desk along with the file reader at Doctor Jason and the scientist and began to make a break for it. The desk flew across room at incredible speed hitting them both in the face. It seems that this Kaiju blood had an effect on your physical state as well. As you ran out the room to find an entrance you heard Jason shout from behind you.


You ran down those hallways as fast as you could trying to find an exit. You had to knock over some scientists along the way to keep them from grabbing you. Finally you found a stairwell that could lead down to the ground floor, but a hoard of scientists and what looked like security guards armed with rifles were running up the stairs, so the only place you could go was up. You burst through a set of doors at the top of the stairs as you heard several bullets fly from below. You weren't expecting what you saw outside. Before you were tons of ruins that used to be your home Adelaide city, almost nothing was left from it. However, one thing did survive the Kaiju's carnage. Standing upright infront of a makeshift hangar bridge was Predator, a little rusted but in good condition. You ran straight for it, narowly avoiding flying bullets from the few guards that were there. You ran inside the Predator, locked the doors and began its start up sequence.

Y/N: MIRA, begin start up sequence!

There was no response.


You then notice that within the conn pod, several electronics were destroyed, it seemed they didn't want MIRA foiling their plans. There was nothing else you could do, MIRA was out of commission and you had no co-pilot, but then you remmembered what that recording had said.

Jason: ...we are almost ready to begin the solo Drift test.

You figured now was as good a time as any for a test. You started the Jaeger using its manual start up system and stepped into the pilot's position. You felt this enormous shock of pain as all this information came flooding in and painful memories flashed before your eyes. Once the time had passed, you were in full control of the Predator. It should have been impossible, but here you were, piloting solo. You noticed that your veins were glowing a bright purple, most likely from the luminescent Kaiju blood mixed with your own. By that point you were filled with anger and frustration and couldn't let their obsurd experiment continue. You took a step back from the hangar bridge and drew your axe to begin your rampage. A few bullets futily hit your Jaeger as you took a big swing with your axe which tore through half of the building. You felt like your Jaeger was moving much faster than you remember as you destroyed the last of the facility, and you noticed Doctor Jason shout something as he fell from a platform. The building was now nothing more than a pile of rubble, you had done your job, and your only goal now was to get as far away from this place as possible, so you turned away from the place that used to be your home and started your journey.

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