Infinity (BNHA x (Gojo) Reade...

By AshleyLea9

265K 7.4K 4.2K

Gojo Y/N who was born as a part of the powerful gojo clan inherited the sacred clan quirk along with her brot... More

Author's Note
~ Gojo Y/N ~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Please read this!

Chapter 18

7.9K 202 184
By AshleyLea9

3rd POV

The sound of Todoroki's soft footsteps echoed through the silent hallway as he walked back to his class, hands in his trousers' pockets. His face was tilted down, gazing at the floor as his mind was still processing over what had happened during the past few hours.

Y/N explained everything to him including her past and Aizawa being her adoptive father.
He knew from the first day he saw her that there was something special about her. She was mysterious. From her breathtaking appearance to her stone-cold glares, warm smiles she gives, and the glint of sadness that takes over her face from time to time. He knew it was weird, him being so observative of her, but he couldn't help it. Mysterious or not, she was just another girl. There were more girls in class 1-A but he didn't give a shit about them. They all were classmates, nothing more. He was surprised when he found himself thinking about her even after school hours. Maybe because she was the only one who he had talked more than two words with. He didn't understand.

When she explained about her life he felt his heart ache. He thought his life was shitty, but what was his past compared to hers? She lost everything. She's the main target of an evil organization. And now she found out that her childhood best friend has become a villain who was trying to wipe out the hero society. She was trying hard not to break down during her explanation. Her voice was shaking and her beautiful eyes became glossy. Todoroki couldn't take it. He sat on the side of her bed and wrapped his arms around her. He was not used to being close to people and physical affection was something strange to him. That made him surprised by his own actions. When he felt Y/N slowly wrapping her arms around him, he tensed down. After a few seconds, they both let go, with a warm feeling clouding their hearts.

As he was walking back to his class someone bumped into him along the way because Todoroki was not looking where he was going.
It was the shy greenette,

"Oh, Todoroki-kun! I'm sorry!" He quickly muttered, before running again. Todoroki watched as Midoriya panted, stopping in front of the infirmary door and then going inside.

'Other than me, Midoriya knows about her past too...... No wonder, they seemed to be best friends after all.....'

'Or are they more than best friends?'

Todoroki wondered as he took a few steps back also stopping in front of the infirmary door to see Midoriya silently sobbing while hugging Y/N tightly. Y/N was stroking his hair comfortingly as her chin rested on his shoulder. Seeing the sight Todoroki felt another unfamiliar feeling which he did not like one bit.

He started walking again deciding to ask Fuyumi about all those strange feelings he was having lately.

Apart from every weird feeling and thought on his mind one memory still happened to be bothering him the most. From the moment he heard that villain say it before dissapearing into the portral, it has been,

"I'll come back for you Y/N, I definitely will."


At the League of villains hideout-

Shigaraki POV

Kurogiri was tending to my wounds, as my thought wondered around my childhood best friend who I thought to be dead but, was alive. What happened a few hours ago felt like a dream, a hazy memory. I couldn't describe if it was a good dream or a nightmare. She wasn't dead.... those people who took her and her family didn't kill her, that was enough to make me extremely happy. But today because of me she almost died again. I almost killed her........
"Y/N-CHAN! WHERE ARE THEY TAKING HER?! NO! LET GO OF HER! DAD DO SOMETHING!" My cries echoed through my house as the members of Kyomeru dragged Y/N, Satoru, and Uncle Shin out after cuffing them with quirk restraining cuffs.

"Tenko, stop yelling! You can't do anything about it!" Dad hissed as he tried to stop me from going after them.

"NO! where are they taking them?! Why aren't you stopping them?!" I kept struggling to break free from my father's grip as my and Y/N's teary eyes met for one last time. I heard dad sigh before he began to speak again. "There are going to kill them....."

I froze in place as I stared at Y/N's fading figure with wide eyes.


"Kotaro..... Why did you reveal that to him?" My mother spoke in a broken voice while sniffling slightly.

"He needs to face the reality and needs to understand how cruel the world is..." Father said tightening his grip on me.

"We helped them as long as we could..... We can't do anything now, if I did that organization will destroy us too. I can't let that happen." He said throwing me inside the house and then speed walking back to his room.
I wonder what happened to Uncle Shin and Satoru. Are they alive too?

And most importantly, she is training to be a hero............
"You know Tenko-chan, let's both train and get super strong, and then let's become great heroes together!"


"Pinky promise!"
Our promise............

We both broke it huh? Life isn't fair. If she didn't get taken away from me back then and I didn't get a shitty quirk like this maybe life would have turned out differently.

I sighed.

I wasn't mad at Kurogiri for not taking Y/N to our hideout at that time. In fact, I was glad he didn't. The injuries she received from Nomu were needed to look after by professionals. Back then my mind was a mess. I was not thinking clearly.

But now I am, and I'm determined,

'Don't worry Y/N.........I will come back for you, and I will save you from those false heroes.'

"Izuku, everything is okay now. I'm completely fine"

I said trying to comfort the crying boy.

"B-But Y-Y/N-chan y-you almost d-died and I-I didn't d-do anything...... I-I d-didn't protect y-you......" He whimpered while burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"It's not your fault Izu, I shouldn't have let my guard down. You were also occupied by fighting villains. And as if a single punch could kill me, so stop crying now okay,"

Izuku pulled back nodding slightly as he wiped his tears. His cheeks were tinted pink from crying and his hair was messier than usual. He looked adorable.

"I-I'm glad you are ok Y/N-chan." He said as a soft smile formed on his face.

I smiled in return, ruffling his hair.

"What about you? Did you get hurt?"

He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh-umm..... Yeah, I got hurt......a bit..... But I'm okay now! Recovery Girl healed me!"

I didn't trust his words when he say he got hurt 'a bit'. This boy surely might have jumped into danger without second thoughts and must have broken a few of his bones.
'But like he said he's fine now, everyone is fine.'

Before I could speak, a knock was heard from the door.

"Come in"

The door opened and a familiar man wearing a beige-colored trench coat and the same colored hat walked in.

"Tsukauchi-san?" I and Izuku both said simultaneously.

"you know him?" Izuku asked looking at me with confusion. I only shrugged in response.

The said man smiled, greeting both of us. "Y/N, it's good to see you again. It's been a while."

"You too Tsukauchi-san, what brings you here?"

"Ah, I'm assigned to investigate this case. Also, I came here to check up on the school security system as well as All Might. I met Mr. Midoriya before, there too." I nodded as he spoke again.

"Mr. Midoriya, would you mind giving us a moment alone. I have something important to discuss with Y/N."

(Time skip)

It was the day after the USJ incident. I was finally back home. Hizashi drove me there as Aizawa was still at the hospital recovering.

"Y/N, WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO EAT FOR LUNCH?" Hizashi yelled from the living room while I was drying myself after having a nice warm bath.

"Anything is fine," I said loudly enough for him to hear.

"ALL RIGHT! " Even though he was yelling from down stairs I could hear his voice as if he was right next to me. I was used to it anyways.

After changing into a comfy outfit I went downstairs.

Hizashi's back was facing my direction as he was doing something on the countertop. The kitchen was kind of messy with batter, flour, various kinds of bottles, and packets sitting here and there on the countertop. Nemuri was peeking over hizashi's shoulder holding a bottle of whipping cream arguing over something with him. Hearing my footstep Nem turned and smiled widely.

"There you are my little teddy bear! Come here!" She said pulling me in for a hug and then guiding me to the dining table.

"Sit and close your eyes" She ordered and I did as she told.

"Aaaand open!" After a few seconds, she said and I opened my eyes to see a plate of delicious-looking pancakes topped with different kinds of sauces, berries, and whipping cream, in front of me.

"TA DA!" Hizashi and Nemuri yelled presenting their hard work.

A smile crept onto my face and a warm feeling filled my heart.

"Come on, come on! Take a bite!" They said pushing a knife and a fork towards me.

I took a bite and my eyes sparkled because of its deliciousness.

"Thank you guys, this is delicious!" I said while going in for another bite.

They smiled softly in return.

"We're glad you liked it!" Nem beamed and Hizashi ruffled my hair.

"Anything for you Y/N!"


It was the day after two days from the USJ incident. I couldn't sleep. Now I was having more and more nightmares about my past and they are getting worse.

I climbed down from my bed and walked to the balcony.
Nightmares weren't the only problem.
My mind was constantly questioning about what had happened to them........


"Tsukauchi-san, any news about him yet?" I asked eagerly as soon as Izuku left the room.

"No Y/N, I'm sorry...." He said frowning sadly as I sighed.

"It's been almost two years......"

"I know," Tsukauchi sat on a chair beside my bed before continuing.

"It's like he vanished into thin air. Whoever running this organization is a total mastermind. It's crazy how he kidnapped Lin without leaving a single evidence!"

I hummed in response while looking down at my lap.

"What about the prison realm......?"

He shook his head, putting his hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm sorry Y/N, it's the same as Lin's disappearance. But, we are trying our best."

"Thank you, Tsukauchi-san." I lifted my head giving him a faint smile which he returned.

"Of course, I'll make sure to let you know immediately if we found anything."

Flashback over

'Why Kyomeru has to take away everything I love away from me......? It is all because I am a part of the disgusting clan. I wish I and my family were never Gojos. Then my life would be much different.......'

While I was thinking about Master Lin and Nii-san a sudden memory of the man who was responsible for all of this came to my mind.

I frowned and clenched my fists as my blood started to boil in anger.

'I'll make sure you pay for everything you did!'

"Y/N?" I got startled as I heard a voice from behind.

I turned around to see Aizawa standing on the doorstep of the balcony.

Forgot to mention, he returned home earlier today, covered in bandages head to toe looking like a mummy.


"Can't sleep?" He asked walking to stand beside me.

I hummed in response continuing to stare back at the sky filled with stars.
"Same" He said.

"You should be resting, you know. I don't know why even they discharged you so early."

"You're the one to talk, you got injured badly too." He said also starting to admire the beautiful sky.

"hey, they weren't that bad, at least not bad as your injuries," I said rolling my eyes slightly.

He became quiet for a moment and I knew what was to come.


"Yes....?" I sighed as he glanced at me from the corner of his eyes.

"We should talk about what happened back then......."

I silently waited for him to continue.

"How do you know that villain? Who is he to you?"

"So you witness it too huh?" He nodded replying, "Yes"

Going through these memories over and over again is painful. Just thinking about the fact that the sweet, kind, innocent Tenko I knew was now a villain.....most probably a murderer........ I didn't wanna talk about it,or even think about it.

But I owe Aizawa an explanation. I had to explain.

"He was my childhood best friend...- " For a moment Aizawa had a shocked expression on his eyes, nonetheless he gestured for me to continue.

"Do you remember what I said about my past life at the interview? After my mother died my father, brother and I moved to one of my father's friend's houses which was Tenko's father's house. It was a big help, him letting us move in considering the situation we were in. Tenko's father Kotaro, and my father were childhood best friends. Their relationship didn't last long due to Kotaro suddenly becoming very distant and cold after his mother's death. I remember my father and Tenko saying that his mother was a hero and she had died on duty. I think because of that Kotaro always despised heroes. But Tenko....., he was not like him..."

"What do you mean? Didn't he hate heroes back then too? He clearly does now...." Aizawa said.

"That's what I don't understand, he always wanted to be a hero back then. He played hero games every chance he got despite his father warning him not to. Every time Kotaro punished him for it, yet Tenko never stopped. He looked up to every hero, especially All Might..... Something bad must have happened after I left....Something.......really bad......" I covered my face with my hand rubbing my eyes and leaning against the railing of the balcony.

"Are you ok...?" Aizawa asked also leaning onto the railing backwards after taking a moment to process everything I said.

"Yup, I'm not gonna cry again. I have cried enough during the past few days. I was becoming like Izuku..." I said shaking my head, smiling sadly.

He returned a small sad smile from under his bandages and opened up his arms which were in casts. "Come here"

I walked in wrapping my arms around him as he rested his chin on my head.

"Everything is getting worse and worse.... Maybe in the end Kyomeru will win...." I said sighing burring my face into his shirt.

"No, don't say that Y/N. Everything will get better and we won't let Kyomeru win. You will always have us by your side, alright?"

"Thank you, dad..." I said with a faint smile forming on my face.


At Kyomeru organization headquarters

3rd POV

Inside a room on the ground level of a luxurious and modern building, there were five people. One was handcuffed to a chair while the other four stood around him. Other than them, two heavily armed security guards were standing behind the door of the room.

The handcuffed man had brown long hair with a few strands of grey hair, and wore a traditional Japanese men's kimono which was torn here and there but looked somewhat clean except for the old faint bloodstains. His head was hanging low and his dark green eyes were filled with hatred towards the men who were standing in front of him.

"It's almost been two years and you still haven't said a single word......" One of the four men spoke sighing dramatically. He had shoulder-length raven hair and uneven bangs that mostly covered his left eye hiding the area of his cracked skin. He had sharp features with grey eyes which a lot of ladies found attractive. He was tall and slim and was wearing a black-colored suit with a long white coat which had patterns on the end.

"Too bad you don't have any family or anyone close, that we could take as a hostage to make you talk. If did everything would have been over a long time ago." He spoke again flopping down on his expensive-looking office chair.

"I'm telling you again boss, we could always follow a nice torturing method to get him to reveal information!" A grayish-blue-haired man with a patchworked face spoke as he was sitting on a table swinging his legs back and forth lazily.

"I agree with him for once...." Said another man- a very weird-looking man who was standing way back in the room with a hunched back posture. He had a volcano-shaped head and a single eye that was on the middle of his head.

"Ah, see! Even he agrees! Let me do it, let me torture him! Please, please, please!" The blue-haired man begged jumping down the table excitedly.

The grey-eyed ravenette chuckled in amusement before speaking.

"Nah, we can't do that. Haven't I told you that before Mahito?"

"Because we can't risk this old man with a bad health dying. He is one of Y/N's weaknesses. We need him, to defeat her. And I doubt he will talk even if we torture him. He is too stubborn and strong-headed." The other ravenette who had his long hair partially tied up behind his head and dressed in a gold-colored kasaya garment over back yukuta robe, said in a calm voice with his eyes closed.

"Took the words right out of my mouth" The leader of them spoke pointing finger guns at him while the blue-haired man pouted, "Aw man..."

"This is pointless, we don't need this man as a hostage to defeat that brat! Nor do the help of the leaders of those clans! we can kill her ourselves!" The volcano head said in an annoyed tone.

"You can't be serious Jogo, don't you know the power of a Gojo? You alone won't stand a chance against her." The leader said raising one of his eyebrows mockingly.

"Tch, but we did seal Gojo Satoru, the strongest. And I'm sure that brat is weaker than him." He said clicking his tongue.

"She's not weak, maybe she's not well trained or not have mastered cursed techniques." The ravenette in the monk attire spoke,
"We were able to defeat Satoru only because of the Prison Realm and me. And also we don't have the Prison Realm with us any more......"

"Whatever...." Jogo rolled his eyes.

"Speaking about the Prison realm, there is a possibility that Satoru might have escaped it by now. If so we can't let the siblings reunite. If we're unlucky they already might have..."
The raven-haired man stood up from his chair walking towards their prisoner.

"But I highly doubt it, with you being the only one who knows her location and you being trapped here for two years, it's not possible that he'd find her before us.  You did a good job hiding her, old man. I'll praise you for that." He clapped mockingly as his sharp, sinister grey eyes got met with the dark green eyes of the said man for a moment before he casually walked past him and stood staring at the Kyomeru logo hung on the wall as his right hand was holding his left, on his back.

"Just wait everyone. Little Gojo won't be happy for too long, cause I'm sure we will be meeting again soon. Then the Gojo clan will come to an end." He said as a sly grin formed on his face. His tone sent shivers down the brown-haired man's spine.

"Please be safe Y/N.... Please......stay hidden....." He thought closing his eyes and sighing.
A.N: Hey guys! I'm back! My last exam before the big exam just got finished. I was so tired of school and studies, and I'm glad I finally got a break. So I thought to write a chapter and update!
I realized how much I missed writing this when I started to write again and it's great to be back!
This chapter doesn't include the bnha plot, sorry about that.
But the organization finally made an appearance!
When you were reading it, you might have found that somethings are confusing, but trust me they'll make sense soon enough. If you have any questions don't hesitate to massege me or comment though. I'll explain as long as it doesn't spoil anything.
Well that's all.
Thank you guys for waiting patiently!❤

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