Do him? (Scott x Jim...

By Writer160

22.9K 769 857

Scott is on the hunt for a Queen in order for him to take over Rivendell as King...Or so he was meant to be... More

Future Queen
I object!
Date gone wrong
Together at last
Getting him back
An idea
Secret entrance
Until next time...

You again...

1.8K 69 115
By Writer160

Scott's POV

Xornoth and I were still walking home, him explaining to me what happened after I ran off. "What about mum and dad?" 

"I tried talking to them, to convince them, but you know how stubborn they are..." I sighed. When they had their mind set on something, there was no changing it. I had to figure out a way to get out of this.

"And princess Katherine?" 

"She didn't know about the wedding either...oh! And she asked me to give you a message when I found you!"

"What was it?"

"She wanted to apologise for what happened and congratulate you on coming out...even if it was under the circumstances it was." He whispered the last part jokingly.

"I'll have to thank her next time I see her. But what are we going to do about the wedding?"

"Katherine and I were able to convince our parents and hers to cancel it." 

I smiled. "Thank you!"  

We had finally reached Rivendell again. "Scott! There you are!" Dad came angrily walking up to me. "Is that any way a soon-to-be King should be acting?"

"Dad! He's been through a lot, just give him time to calm down." I smiled at how protective my older brother was being. He glared at dad and grabbed my arm, leading me inside. When we stepped one foot inside the door, Xornoth let go of me and stared at the door we had just come through, an angry expression on his face. "After everything that happened and he's trying to tell you how you're supposed to act? It's his fault you ran away in the first place!"

"Xornoth, it's ok. I understand that he was probably just worried about where I was."

He sighed, then turned around to leave, but before he left, he turned his head back. "Good luck, brother." Then he was gone. I smiled and walked to my room.

I laid on my bed and my mind immediately flashed to Jimmy. He was not only handsome, but he also helped me when he didn't even know me. That was so kind of him! I-I think I like him, but he's straight, I it's never going to be more than friendship. I started to feel sad, the thought of Jimmy never liking me back hurt. Right on cue, my door was slowly pushed open and a head appeared around the door. 


I turned my head the other way. "What do you want?"

Dad slowly pushed the rest of the door open and walked over to sit on my bed next to where I was laying. "Scott, I'm sorry for over reacting. I should have accepted you, not get angry." I looked back over to dad and he seemed genuinely sorry, I decided to give him another chance. I let out a small smile and let him continue talking. "Your mother and I have talked and we were a bit hesitant at first but have agreed to allow you three days to find a future king, but once those three days are up, if you haven't found one, we will be choosing a queen for you."

I was a bit sad to hear I only had three days, but at least they were giving me a chance. "Thanks dad." I smiled and hugged him. At first he just sat there as still as a statue, then he wrapped his arms around me. This was the first time we had hugged in years. 

After he left, I started thinking about how I was going to find someone in three days. Then my mind flashed back to Jimmy. I can't be thinking of Jimmy! He's straight. I closed my eyes, feeling tears well up in them, then, before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

~In the morning~

Today was the first day of looking for a future king. I was dressed and ready to leave, so I told my family I was going out, then walked out the door.

It had been twenty minutes since I had left, but still no one. I decided to head over to spawn to see if there would be any possibilities there. Even if I couldn't find anyone, it wouldn't be the end of the world picking up some cute clothes.

I got to spawn and started walking around looking. No one in particular stood out, until I saw a man standing at the checkout. I started to walk over, but as I got closer, I realized there was something oddly familiar about him. He must have heard me coming because he spun round to face me. "H-Hey Scott!"

I smiled, blushing a little. "Hey Jimmy." He turned back around to finish paying, then we walked out of the shop together.

"So...What are you up to?" I asked in an attempt to start a conversation.

"Oh, I was just buying some meat, we're running out. What about you?"

"" I didn't know whether I should tell him. 

He must have realized something was wrong because he stopped and turned to me. "Are you ok, Scott?"

"Uh, yeah...just...something my dad said-that's all." I sped up to get away from the awkward moment.

"Scott! Wait up!" Jimmy yelled as he attempted to catch up to me. I slowed down for him.

"Sorry Jimmy..."

"It's ok, just tell me when you're ready ok? No rush." He was so sweat and thoughtful. I loved that about him.

"Thanks." After a few minutes of walking in silence, I decided to tell him. "Uh, Jimmy?"

"Yes?" He sounded cheerful, as always.

"Um...I'm ready to explain..."

"Go ahead." He nodded for me to continue talking.

"Well...last night my dad apologized and said I have three days to find a future husband or they'll choose a princess for me to marry." He stopped walking and hugged me.

"Oh Scott, I'm so sorry." A tear dropped down my face as I hugged him back.

Jimmy's POV

There was something about the hug that felt comforting and warm. Like I was always going to be safe in Scott's arms. I was sad when he pulled away and started talking. " should we do now?" He said, scratching his head.

"Oh, um...I don't know, what do you want to do?" 

"How about we go back to Rivendell and watch a movie?"

"Sure!" For some reason, I was excited to watch a movie with Scott. My face started to heat up as we walked back to Rivendell.

When we got back, I followed him to his lounge room and we both sat down on the couch next to each other. We decided on a movie and started watching.

After a while, I felt something land on my shoulder. Scott had fell asleep on me. My cheeks went red. After the shock subsided, I lowered my head to lay on his, closing my eyes to go to sleep.

~20 minutes later~

"Wow! You found someone already? it's only been a day. I'm so pound of you son." I lifted my head to see the King of Rivendell standing in front of us.

"What?! N-No! He's j-just my f-friend!" Hearing that hurt, just a friend? Why did I even care? It's not like I like him or anything...right? When he was talking, Scott sounded flustered for some reason. I realized what was happening and felt my cheeks heat up. I probably looked like a tomato so I hid my face. 

"Oh...I just assumed, since you two know, never mind. You have two days left, keep looking." Then he was gone. I looked back up again as Scott turned to me.

"S-Sorry about t-that..."

"I-It's f-fine..." I was blushing madly so I turned away so Scott wouldn't be able to see. I felt something gently touch my shoulder.

"Hey? Why don't we finish off the movie?" I turned back around and nodded, not that I was even watching the movie. All I could think about was Scott and how close he was to me.

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