Ebott High School-Female Fris...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

129K 2.5K 2.3K

Female Frisk,Chara and Betty X MaleReader (9th Book) Disclaimer: -Undertale belongs to Toby Fox -GlitchTale... More

Story Style
Chapter 1 School Orientation
Chapter 2 First Day
Chapter 3 Lunch Time
Chapter 4 Making Friends - Part 1
Chapter 5 Making Friends - Part 2
Chapter 6 Magic Lesson
Chapter 7 Skeleton
Chapter 8 Gym Class
Chapter 9 After School
Chapter 10 Hanging Out at The Mall
Chapter 11 Feeling Unwell
Chapter 12 Friendly Gifts
Chapter 13 Calling & Texting
Chapter 14 Amusement Park
Chapter 15 MTTTV Talk Show
Chapter 16 A Day with Betty Part 1
Chapter 17 A Day with Betty Part 2
Chapter 18 Enchanted Jerk
Chapter 19 Helping Betty
Chapter 20 Making Plans
Chapter 21 Kitten
Chapter 22 Class President's Assistant
Chapter 23 School Party
Chapter 24 Halloween Party
Chapter 25 Lack Lust
Chapter 26 You Are Filled with Desire
Chapter 28 Feast
Chapter 29 Misunderstood
Chapter 30 Touring
Chapter 31 Festivities
Chapter 32 Touring Once Again
Chapter 33 Polygamy Developments
Chapter 34 Sudden Developments
Chapter 35 Rainy Day
Chapter 36 First Time
Filler Chapter: Ignored
Chapter 37 Winter Break
Chapter 38 Jolly Christmas
Chapter 39 Relationship: Updated

Chapter 27 Platonically

2K 43 18
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

Your POV

*A few days later

*The third school day of the week just ended and you were walking out of the school building with Frisk and Chara

*Frisk holds your hand and you look at her excited smile.Most likely it's due to the fact you agreed to go on a date with her.A "Platonic date", in your suggestion but she was still happy no matter what date it is if you agreed to go on one with her.You notice Chara looking somewhat upset but she hasn't said anything for a while now

"What time do you wish to go home?"You asked Frisk
"After our date of course"Frisk said looking happy

"Platonic date"You said

"Same thing"Frisk said strongly then she looks at Chara

"Chara.Are you sure you don't want to come too?"Frisk asks curiously

"I'm sure"Chara said in a somewhat stern tone
"Ok Mr. grumpy. I'll see you back home"Frisk said

"Don't keep her out too late tonight"Chara said to you in a kinder tone

"We're just going to the mall"you replied
"I know.But I know Frisk longer than you"Chara said while she looked slightly worried

"Don't spoil the excitement for him"Frisk smiles

"I should call Asriel since-"You said while you put your hand in your pants pocket to get your phone but

"He knows"Frisk said
"He does?"You asked
"Trust me"Frisk smiles
"Ok"you said then you pulled out your hand from your pants pocket

*Chara walks off to head to her bus and you and Frisk started to head to your dorm so you can use your car.On the walk to your dorm Frisk still liked holding your hand but you were curious to know what made her ask you out on a date

"Did you planned this with my brother?"you asked
"Maybe"Frisk said acting as if she doesn't know what you're talking about


"You remembered my schedule?"you asked
"..No.It's just a coincidence that we're both free today.Just a coincidence"Frisk said sounding suspicious

"Ok.I'll trust you.I'm just curious why you're holding my hand"you said with a little curious smile
"..I'm curious to know why you're ok with it?"Frisk asks sounding calmly curious

"Because I don't mind.Just don't X me"You said

"Awww"Frisk complains but she smiles
"Ok.Only O's for our date"Frisk said in a happy tone

"For the rest of our platonic date, you mean"you asked
"Platonic?"Frisk said sounding clueless
"Platonic"You said

"Not a little bit of flirting?"Frisk asks
"I'm ok with you're flirting.I won't hold you back"you said calmly
"Why now?"Frisk asks curiously with a smile

"Because it's just us.I think that's the best time to flirt.Don't you think?"you said in a calm tone with a smile

*Frisk hugs your arm and the softness you felt clouded your thoughts with a brief memory that first of experience of lust but Frisk is..has bigger softness compared to Betty.You felt nervous and focus on going back to your dorm.Luckily when you entered the Monster Dormitory, Frisk lets go of you and she walks along with you to the go up the elevator..


*Then entering your dorm room

"Could I use the bathroom really quick?"Frisk asks
"Of course.I'll just get my keys"You replied

*Frisk entered the bathroom but she brought along her school bag.You didn't think too much of it as you entered your room, place your school bag away, then you put on a different shirt since you're going out on a platonic date.Several minutes later, you got your car keys and you left your room and notice Frisk hasn't come out yet

"Frisk?"You called out
"Almost done"Frisk's voice from the bathroom

"Ok"you said

*You texted Asriel about your platonic date with Frisk but he replied with a "😉 👍 " followed by another text saying "Good luck 😊"

(So Frisk did plan this)

*You hear the bathroom door open and you see Frisk..wearing something cuter, a little revealing from the top but still cute nonetheless. Frisk smiles at you while she walks up to you

"Now I'm ready"Frisk said sounding ready
"You look..cute"you said
"Thank you.Do you have a spare jacket I can borrow?"Frisk asks curiously
"Sure.It's in my room"You said

*You led Frisk to your room and showed her your closet

"Take your pick"you said with a bit of enthusiasm

*Frisk check through your jackets or hoodies and she ended up picking one that's a little too big for her size

"You sure you want to wear that?"You asked while you couldn't help but smile
"Yeh.It feels like I'm wearing a soft blanket"Frisk smiles

*Frisk takes off the jacket and she holds it out towards you

"Hold it for me please?"Frisk asks kindly
*You put your jacket in your phone

"Is that all?"you asked
"Mhm"Frisk smiles and nods

*You and Frisk started to leave your dorm room, then you both headed down to go inside your car.You started to drive to the mall and Frisk started to ask you question on what you want to do before or after the movie.You were up for anything and Frisk asks if you're interested in spending time at her place.You didn't mind and Frisk smiles and started to talk about how you should come over once and while just to watch movies

"Then why did you ask me on a date to the movies?"you asked

*Frisk's neutral expression is all she responded as she looks at you
"That's not important"Frisk said then she looks forward
"Heh.Whatever you say"you smiled

*You see Frisk blushing then you looked towards the road


*Later on, you and Frisk are in the mall and began to walk over to a sweet shop you both agreed on going to.You entered Muffet's Spider Café and began to line up

*Frisk holds your hand and you looked at her
"You really like holding hands"you said
"Because we're on a date"Frisk said cutely happy

"Hm.How's President stuff been lately?"You asked
"Nothing really worth talking about now.Since I'm really excited for next month"Frisk said

"December...Christmas?"You said then asked

"Do the people of the Underground celebrate Christmas?"Frisk asks
"Well..they do because of me.It's a long story"You said and immediately dismiss what you said

"I don't mind hearing it.It sounds interesting"Frisk said sounding genuinely interested

*You and Frisk were next in line and you both see Muffet smiling in a curious way while she notices you and Frisk are holding hands

"On a date?"Muffet asks
"Yes"You said

*Muffet looked shocked
"A platonic date"Frisk said
"Aww.Thought I have something new to share with my dearies"Muffet said with a little smile

"What will it be today?"Muffet asks

*You and Frisk ordered what pastries you wanted and you ordered a small size cup of coffee for Frisk.After that you and Frisk went to sit down at a round table with big window on your left.Frisk gets comfortable in her seat and she smiles at you while she blushes a little

"..About the Underground Christmas"Frisk said in a curious tone
"Uhh where do I begin.."You said while you carefully think of how to explain to Frisk

*You explain to Frisk how Christmas in the Underground is basically a child's ideal of Christmas.Which makes sense since you were a child prince who shared the Christmas idea to your brother then later on told the King and Queen

"But Christmas decorations stuck around at a certain place in the Underground which was nice to see how much my people like Christmas"You said looking calmly happy

"That's a sweet story.Your parents are so nice to do that for you"Frisk said kindly

"What about your parents?"you asked curiously

*Frisk looked surprised and her expression became sad
"They're..not here"Frisk said looking down while her voice sounded heartbroken

"..Im sorry"You said when you assume Frisk's parents passed away

"I'm already fine with it.We have an apartment thanks to my uncle who's acting as our foster parent.Rent free until high school graduation.."Frisk said with a sad smile

"How about talking about something else"Frisk quickly said while she sounded worriedly nervous

"It's not a topic I'm a stranger to Frisk"you said in a calm tone
"..Right.I just don't like talking about it is all"Frisk said sounding sad

"Completely understand.So how do you celebrate Christmas?"you said trying to change the subject

*Frisk looks at you with a bit more excitement in her expression
"Chara and I always have a Christmas movie night while having our own style of Christmas dinner"Frisk said with a little smile

"My family does almost the same thing.Except sometimes we spend it in different places"You said

"That's sounds nice"Frisk said in a somewhat happy tone
"..I'm happy to invite you and Chara.If you like to of course"You said looking curious

*Frisk smiles
"I'll think about it.Thanks for the early invitation"Frisk said looking a bit more happier
"Your my friend, and I would've invited you no matter what"You said without a doubt

*Frisk blushes and she looks a bit nervous

*Muffet came by and she served your orders at your table while she winks at you

"It's Platonic, Muffet.And thanks"you said
"Just giving you my thanks.Your presence keeps bringing me more customers here and in the Underground.Enjoy your order"Muffet said looking happy

*Muffet walks away and you looked at Frisk

"I hope the coffee is to you're liking"you said sounding hopeful

*Frisk took a little sip of the coffee and she looked surprised

"This is really good"Frisk said sounding and looking surprised
"Better than you're favorite coffee shop?"you ask curiously

*Frisk took another simp and she smiles
"I think this coffee is my new favorite"Frisk smiles

"Glad to hear it"you said being relieved Frisk looks happy again

"..Thanks"Frisk said looking nervous while she blushes
"This is a surprise"you said with a curious smile

*Frisk looks a little confused

"I never seen you act nervous before"you said

*Frisk blushes more


"Is this your first date?"you ask
"N-No.I've went on dates before"Frisk said acting nervous
"Hm"You said while you gently stared at Frisk

"Ok.I'll stop asking questions if it makes you feel uncomfortable"You said
"I am comfortable.You're making me want to smooch you"Frisk said acting cute
"You weren't nervous smooching me before"You said

*Frisk blushes but she looked determined

"Don't make me do something you like"Frisk sternly said

(Was that a flirt threat?)

"..I think you've been doing that almost every day ever since we met"You said with a caring glance and a gentle smile

*Frisk blushes red and she looks nervous again

"Want me to stop?"you said almost chuckling from Frisk's reaction
"..Yes..and no"Frisk said shyly
"Hmm"you smiled curiously
"I'll stop.I wouldn't keep you from enjoying your desserts"You said

*You and Frisk quietly enjoyed your orders until Frisk finally said something which brought back the topic about Christmas events here in the city and she wanted to know how it compares from the Underground


*You and Frisk finished enjoying your desserts then you both left to head to the movies.Frisk held your hand and she looks at you with a determined expression.You calmly smiled when you knew Frisk would act like this from your playful teasing.You and Frisk discuss what movie to watch and she liked to watch something romantic.Unfortunately there wasn't any romantic movies.So you had to choose a movie genre you both enjoyed

*You entered the movie theater and entered the theater room where Frisk led you to the top seats where you both sat down while Frisk sat on your left.Frisk requested for the jacket, which you gave to her.You see Frisk put it on and she looks happily cozy.Frisk looks at you with a curious expression

*Frisk smiles

(Here we go again)

"Cuddle?"Frisk asks looking flirty
"There isn't enough space"You said while you tapped the armrest between you and Frisk

*Frisk looks down at the armrest between you and her then she puts her hands on it and she made the armrest bend backwards, aligning itself with the back cushion between the two seats, while providing space for the both of you to cuddle

"Now there is"Frisk said
"When did this existed?"You asked looking curious
"Never mind that"Frisk said dismissively

*Frisk did the same to the her chair's left armrest then she stands up and looks at you.Frisk ask you to put your legs on the chairs, which you did, and she looks at how she can cuddle with you.You made Frisk float off the ground then you made her float over you then made her lay on top of you.Frisk gets comfortable and she puts your arms over her


"If you wanted to do this.We could've done it at your place"You said
"Chara won't allow me"Frisk said shifting in place to get comfy
"Why not?"You asked

*Frisk faces up to look at you
"Because flirting isn't allowed in the house"Frisk said sounding fake sad
"That sounds ridiculous"you smiled
"That's what I said"Frisk said in a enthusiastic agreeing tone

"Oops"Frisk said while she realizes other people are around

*You quietly chuckled

"(Sigh)At least we're alone"Frisk said quietly with a smile
"My place doesn't have a no flirting rule"you said
"How about in your room?"Frisk asks curiously
"..No?"You said sounding unsure

*Frisk stares at you and she holds your hands and places them on her stomach

"I was just joking"Frisk smiles
"I've known you for quite a while to know you aren't.But feel free to be yourself when you come by later"you said calmly

*Frisk gets comfortable laying on you and she looks towards the movie screen.It felt obvious Frisk was trying to flirt, in a way, and she also seem to enjoy watching a movie with you.With just you.You didn't say another word and just enjoyed Frisk's comfy company when she felt like a soft pillow.And it wasn't the jacket that made her feel soft and cozy

*The movie started and Frisk rested comfortably while you felt surprised this is all she wanted to do.You expected she'll whisper endless flirts to you but instead she just wants cuddles.You didn't mind either one but you were happy cuddling with her and you could almost fall asleep.Especially since you just had an exhausting gym class


*The movie was over and the movie credits started to roll in
"Frisk?"you said curiously

"I'll kiss you if you wake up"You said

*You got your phone out and waited several minutes to wait out other people who began leaving the theater room.After you notice everyone but you and Frisk were gone.You called Chara in finding sagely advice to wake up Frisk

"Hello?"Chara said
"Hey Chara.Are you busy?"You said and asked
"No.Why?"Chara said curiously
"It's about Frisk"You said
"Is she asleep?"Chara asks

"Yeah"You said
"Are you sure?"Chara asks
"I'm pretty sure"You replied


"Just put your phone next to her ear"Chara said
"Are you going to yell?"You asked sounding worried

"No.I know what to say.Also don't make sure if I'm on speaker"Chara said
"Ok"you said
"I want you to make sure I'm not on speaker"Chara strongly said 

"Done"you said

*You put your phone next to Frisk's right ear


*You hear Frisk complaining groaning and she shuffles around while she's trying to hug something that isn't there.Frisk grabs your phone and she pulls it out of your grasp then she puts out your phone above her face.Frisk taps the screen of your phone

"Awake?"Chara said
*Frisk made the face cam look towards you but Chara's face came screen is black

"Turn on your camera"Frisk said in a tired grumpy voice
"No.You're welcome"Chara said
"Thanks"you said

*Chara ended the phone call

*Frisk went to your camera app and she took a selfie with you and her together.Frisk sits up and she started to do something with your phone.You hang your right leg off the chair and you sat up straight then you rested your head on Frisk's shoulder.Frisk pauses her movements for a moment

"Uhm (Y/N).Kinda forward aren't you?"Frisk said sounding startled but it sounded as if she didn't mind it

*You felt embarrassed and you quickly move your head off her shoulder while you slightly lean back

"Didn't mean to appear that way"you said sounding nervous and you felt embarrass

*Frisk quietly giggles to herself and she leans back to lay on you.You see her sending the picture she took to her phone

"I don't mind.If you ask politely"Frisk said with a flirty smile
"..Like how you're laying on me?"you asked
"You did that yourself.You use your magic to make me lay on you remember?"Frisk said

"You didn't complain"you said sounding slightly embarrass
"I'll get off you if you don't like it"Frisk said strongly
"Still don't know why we have to go to the movies if you wanted to do this"you said trying to change the subject

*Frisk gave you your phone back and she gets off the chair then she looks at you
"Lets go to my place"Frisk said
"..For?"You asked
"To be my pillow tonight"Frisk said looking certain about it
"We have school tomorrow"you retorted

*Frisk taps your left leg and you move your left leg off the chair since that what Frisk wanted.Frisk went to stand in front of you and she went to sit on your lap, sideways, with her body leaning by your left and her legs were curve.Frisk puts her arms around you

"I want my kiss for waking up"Frisk said looking flirty

*You immediately blushed red and Frisk smiles

"..I-I said if you wake up and you were awake the whole time"you said trying to sway away from her flirtatious acts
"No.I woke up the moment you said you'll kiss me"Frisk said softly while she leans a little bit closer

"How about a flirt?"you asked
"Nope"Frisk said
"Just..close your eyes"You said nervously

"I said close them"you said strongly
"They are"Frisk complains
"I know they aren't"You said

*Frisk smiles and she closes her seemingly already closed eyes.You give a quick peck to Frisk's cheek and you see her cheeks immediately blush while she happily smiles.Frisk returns the favor and she kisses your cheek but she press her lips against your cheek with more enthusiasm

*Frisk leans back and she happily smiles at your blushing face

"Can we leave now?"You said feeling hot and nervous

"The credits are still rolling.I think we can kiss each other until it's over"Frisk said
"I didn't agree to that"you said
"Maybe I'll forget this and we can go on another date"Frisk said

"I have a busy schedule"you said
"Then you call me for another date"Frisk said in a flirty tone

*You smiled a little when Frisk clearly wants to go on an actual date

"That's a problem when I only go on dates with someone who's my girlfriend"you said
"How do I be your girlfriend?"Frisk asks

(Shit shit shit shit.Didn't think this through)

"..By not flirting or kissing me"You said trying not to sound nervous
"That's not going to work"Frisk smiles
*You put your right arm under Frisk legs and you put your left arm behind her back then you stood up while you carried Frisk who looked surprised

"I believe you can try.But you can continue to flirt and kiss me if you still want to.If you like to keep our platonic friendship"you said

*Frisk smiles then you continued to walk out of the theater room

"You can put me down now"Frisk said with a little smile
*You walked out of the theater room

"(Y/N) put me down"Frisk said looking nervous
"You didn't mind earlier"you teased
"Put me down.Or I'll kiss..your lips"Frisk said looking nervously determined

*You gently put Frisk down

"I'm a good kisser"Frisk said strongly
"Want to prove it?"You said while you looked serious while you looked like you were ready to  kiss Frisk

*Frisk blushes and you took a step back
"Just kidding"you teased

*Frisk looks blushing upset but you continued walking out of the Movie Theater.You and Frisk walked together while she hugs your arm.Frisk didn't say anything but you glance at her face to know that she's still upset how you made her become flustered.You and Frisk left the mall and see the evening-night sky then you both walk where you parked your car

*Frisk leans her head against your arm
"This has been fun"Frisk said sounding relaxed
"Surprised you haven't been flirty.Being flirty with words in a sense"you said
"I'll be happy to change that"Frisk said looking ready

"Anything to make you happy.Sweetheart"you smiled

"Oooo~.I'm your Sweetheart now?"Frisk said looking happy
"You can be my girlfriend if you dislike being called Sweetheart"you said

*Frisk looks at you with a flirty expression

(Not the reaction I would've liked)

"Girlfriend?"Frisk asks while stares flirty curious at you

"Yeah..A girl who's also my friend"You said sounding calm

"Wooooow.Just break up with me if it's like that"Frisk said looking and sounding disappointed

"I don't want to break our friendship.Who else will flirt with me every day?"You complained in a playful way

*Frisk smiles
"Then maybe you should give me a good reason to continue our friendship"Frisk said while she taps her finger on her pouty lips
"Ice cream?"you asked
"No..Wait..Ok.Ice cream"Frisk said looking interested

"Back to the mall?"you asked
"I know a good Ice cream shop that makes good waffle cones"Frisk said sounding excited
"Alright"you said with a smile


"Also a kiss on the lips"Frisk said
"Hm?"You asked
"A kiss"Frisk looks at you
"What?"You said looking confused
"(Y/N)"Frisk said looking neutrally upset
"Frisk"You said in the same upset tone as her

"Don't make me smooch you"Frisk threatens
"Wouldn't be surprised if you did"you said
"Oh just count on it"Frisk said sounding determined


*An hour later

*You are driving back to Frisk's apartment after a good time enjoying some good ice cream in a waffle cone.Frisk looked happy and she decided to take a rest on the drive back to her place.Once you drove into the parking lot of her apartment, Frisk appeared to be sleeping


"I'll just call Chara"you said while you did nothing but check Frisk's reaction

*Frisk 'wakes' up and she looks at you

"A kiss goodbye?"Frisk quietly cutely asks
"..Ok"you said when you oddly felt relax agreeing to her suggestion

*Frisk smiles and she leans towards you with her cheek facing you then you hesitated for a moment but, to amuse her flirty nature and to strengthen your friendship with her, you gently pecked her cheek. Frisk smiles and she left your car and running happily out and up the stairs.You smiled and you started to drive back to the Monster Dormitory


Frisk's POV

*I entered my apartment room and I quickly run to find Chara who is eating chocolate while she's watching tv on the couch

"Chara.(Y/N) kissed me!"I said happily

*Chara almost coughs in response while she looked shocked

"On the cheek"I said
"(Clears throat) You said it was just for fun"Chara said sounding surprised

"It was.He started to flirt with me and it all turned out to be fun"I said feeling happy
*Chara looked a bit sad

"That's it?"Chara said sounding sad
"Mhm.He also likes you to.."I said then I had an idea
"To what?"Chara asks me

*I smiled
"You'll find out soon"I said in a cheery tone

*I went to my room to start texting (Y/N) to know confirm my suspicions on a certain hunch I've been wondering about.Also to flirty text him all about the kisses he gave me


Next Time

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