Who am I? (choose your own ad...

By RibcagesAndBookpages

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this is a story where you choose your own reaction to things, and see where things take you!!! This is a com... More

Level one
Reject. I'll find my own way out (apologized)
thank and flirt back (apologized)
stare at his face (scoffed)
sigh (scoffed)
Step around him (reject)
Change your mind (Reject)
Give up (flirt back)
Look for weapon (flirt back)
Take hand (stare)
stand (stare)
yes (change mind)
No (change mind)
Breathing (give up)
Check on Azara (Give up)
open door (weapon)
wait (weapon)
quickly let go (take hand)
keep holding it (take hand)
Take handkerchief (yes)
push hand away (yes)
get on (no)
grab the stool (no)
Dimmeor (open door)
Azara (open door)
Pull back (open door)
push off (wait)
stay (wait)
Help (let go)
stand to side (let go)
grab again (keep holding)
I'm okay (handkerchief)
don't touch (handkerchief)
make stay (check on)
insult (check on)
scream (Dimmeor)
hold on tight (Dimmeor)
shout at (Azara)
thank (Azara)
go to them (pull back)
open (pull back)
don't go (push off)
help fight ( stay)
stay out of the way (stay)
smile and nod (help)
shake head (help)
hide it (to the side) (x)
show him (to the side)
hide it from D (grab again)
show Dimmeor (grab again)
slap (shout at)
apologize (shout at)
snap (thank)
explain (thank)
two men. (snap)
alone (snap)
put me down ! (explain)
blush (explain)
Level two.

go with (push off)

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By RibcagesAndBookpages

You nodded a bit and began to follow them into the forest, walking for sometime until your feet began to ache unlike any pain you've felt before, and your body ached like you strained every muscle in it. You slowed until you sat on a large rock, and Azara moved to you, looking worried, and gently picked you up bridal style
"Don't worry, y/n, I'll just take you to where we decided camp should be for the night." He says, taking you to a giant fallen log, setting you down beside it. He then went and searched for fire wood, leaving Dimmeor to guard you, and then when he returned, Azara built the fire and Dimmeor lit the fire. How? Well, Dimmeor's hands began to glow a brilliant orange, and a beautiful orange smoke began to swirl from his finger tips make it's way to the wood, just barely brushing against it, then immediately lighting the wood on fire.

Once done, the three of you went to sleep for the night, you sleeping between the two men, not touching though.

​​​​​​➡️ Level two.

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