Stuck In Time

By StephanieMcnear

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Lyra was living her life as a single mother, when her world gets turned upside down. Finding herself in the p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

204 7 0
By StephanieMcnear

Several days passed. Ardeths mind went back to her glowing face. "I'm getting married." The sentence repeated over and over. When she first said it she looked like she couldn't believe it. Then her face started to glow, her lips spreading into a big smile, her eyes shimmering with happiness. He could see the tears reflecting the morning sun before gliding down her face.

"You thinking of your goddess my friend." One of the men he was on duty and overseeing the different locations they swore to protect, teased him. He watched his leader get lost in thought, a boyish grin appearing on his face every time. Ardeth immediately stoned his facial expressions. "Shut up." He snapped, mad his thoughts were interrupted. But refocusing on what he's here for.

He was getting a bit frustrated, he's been away 6 days and still had a few more to go. It would take another 2 days or more to get back, he had left Lyra with his mother, she was quiet but by the time he left his mother was giggling while Lyra was a blushing mess.

He was in the main room preparing, before he checked on her first before leaving. Seeing her unable to look at him without putting her hands over her face, face red as a ripe apple. Kneeling before her, he pulled her hands into his, feeling a grin taking over. Taking and pulling her hands to his mouth, he laid a few kisses on her knuckles. Feeling her try to pull them back, made him laugh. Before getting up, using one hand to smooth over her hair then traced her jaw with a finger. Turning to leave to do his routes.

Lyra laughed with Fareeha, Ardeths mother. She has learned quickly, his mother was impressed. She too learned some new recipes, and one morning she couldn't find her in the house. She was breathing heavily panicking a bit thinking she ran when she heard a feminine sighing sound. Going towards the noise, she found her hanging upside down from a tree. A few pieces of fabric tied around a branch, Lyra wrapped up in it. She looked in shock when one leg stayed straight fabric wrapped around it the other bent, her back arched, the bent leg was almost touching her head.
"Lyra!" Fareeha shouted loudly in shock.
The girl turned her head in the woman's direction quickly. "Good morning." The older woman almost felt her heart stop watching her adjust herself then sliding down the fabric to the ground. Her clothing is what shocked her. Her harem bottoms were pulled and tied high up on her thighs showing the pale skin, one of the tops she wore exposed her stomach and arms. Pulling her shawl off rushing to the girl to cover her from any prying eyes, especially men. Pulling her in the house, she whispered loudly at her pulling her in the bedroom to make her dress appropriately. "What are you doing? What if the men seen you?"
Lyra looked at her in confusion. "I was doing yoga. I was almost finished." She explained. "Yoga. What is that? Nevermind. You need to dress." She started pulling at the ties holding her bottoms, then turning to get her more appropriate clothing.

"It's a exercise. Though it's usually done on the ground, I haven't done aeriel yoga in a while." Fareeha looked confused, stopping as she picked up the makeup. "Exercise? Why would you need exercise?" While Lyra changed she could see slight muscle under her skin, her words getting quieter. Every move the girl made, she could see how toned she was. Everything the girl had done these last few days, she realized she was more flexible and stronger. "So is this the only type you do? Is it easy?" Lyra looked at her wondering if she should inform her more. She had never seen other women in the village doing anything besides chores or taking care of their children.

"It can take some time before being flexible and strong enough. But it can make you feel so relaxed." Nodding her head she felt more curious. "What else do you do?" "Well." She stared wringing her hands, not knowing if it was acceptable or not. Pacing for a moment, she took a deep breath. "Belly dancing." "Belly dancing?" His mother's eyebrows shot up. "Yes. Ardeth took his swords with him so I can do it without them." "You dance with weapons?" Fareeha asked, a smile brightening her face. What a woman. Ardeth will be most pleased to hear his future wife could keep him occupied and most of all happy and his undivided attention when home. On top of that the girl was strong. It was not completely uncommon for women to be taught how to fight. The girl was a quick learner. "This will stay between us. And if you want to continue this exercise, we will need to speak to the builders." Lyra looked confused. She thought they were just going to add a few rooms to Ardeths current home. "No need to be confused. Come let me show you."

After helping Lyra apply some makeup to her eyes. She lead her outside. Walking closer to the oasis then turning to the right. The homes seemed a little bigger. Fareeha had linked arms with her. Reminding her every once in a while to lower her eyes to men but nod in greeting to other woman. Stopping right next to a area with foliage around it. She saw there were men clearing some of the plants, not destroying them if they could help it. The men stopped upon seeing Fareeha, and moved closer. "I have a request. Build a large room, big enough for our Chief to train and high ceilings with strong rafters." The men nodded before going back to what they've already done, the men that had left for the city had come back with different ideas. This change would make the home even larger. It was already eight times the size of the current one and was to have a second floor on top of that.

Watching them scurry about. Re-measuring, then moving to the far right. Laying out string and driving sticks into the ground. Before she could watch any further, his mother pulled her away. Leading her through the village till they had reached the same home Ardeth brought her to get her clothing. They were preparing her wedding clothes.

Being poked, prodded, dragged, having so many things thrown at her made her tired. For the past several days it had been this way. While his mother left, it was still daylight out. She grabbed the small bag he had left her with coin. She went to these women asking if they had long strands of fabric. When she said she didn't want anything made just the fabric. They figured she wanted to make something herself. Looking through what they had, she found strong, well made fabric. It would take almost an entire bolt the fabric was wrapped around but she would make do. Getting some sewing materials and scissors. She spent the rest of the day and night making the strips strong. She slept till his mother came the next morning. Learning to cook, then taught more about their people, then to the seamstress.

Early the next morning, she made her way outside. The sun had not risen yet. Checking out the few trees that were behind the house, looking at the branches, she found what she was looking for. Climbing the tree wasn't too difficult. Doesn't seem like they trim them, so plenty for her to step on. Reaching her destination, she straddled the branch and slowly made her way out. Once she was, what she figured a good four feet out. She tied each fabric around the branch, making sure it was secured. Then tied the other.
Once all was said and done. She pulled herself over the the first one, gripping the branch when she hauled one leg over. She used her feet to feel for the fabric. Grinning when she did she started lowering herself. Wrapping some of the fabric around her ankles and shins. Once she was just hanging from the branch, she had grabbed ahold of her homemade aerial hammock and swung once she let go.

Sliding herself down about halfway, she could tell she was up about ten feet. She started doing smaller exercises, before moving to others. Some she couldn't do since this was a makeshift, but it was fine. The sun had risen, the cool air was getting warmer. Not too hot, from what she was told, winter was almost over, and soon it would be hot again. Just when she was doing her last stretch, she heard her name almost being screamed. Like the person was scared. Turning to look. She saw Fareeha, though upside down, she looked terrified. Shifting then sliding down the fabric, she found it very similar to silk. She was startled when a shawl was thrown over her and she was dragged into the house. His mother going on about being seen, and what she was doing, then more clothes and jewelry being tossed at her, her ties that she used for her hair were pulled from her bottoms making them drop down.

After explaining everything and answering anything she asked, his mother had a twinkle in her eye. Dressing herself and with his mothers help finally had makeup on. Fareeha made a comment under her breath about Ardeth needing to get her a mirror and other things for their new home. His mother looked at her in approval before dragging her out again.
Seeing the build site shocked her. From what she could make out from the strings and sticks the home was overly huge, and his mother's request for an additional large room made her shake her head. She knew he was the chieftain, but this seemed a little overboard. She wanted to ask him but they were already starting on a wall.

The seamstress and her daughters informed them the wedding clothes would be done in about two weeks. After being there for hours, his mother brought her to a couple stands before bring her back home. Settling down at the table, pulling out the fruit and other items they bought she couldn't help but ask. "When is Ardeth coming back?" Fareeha looked up from cutting an apple before replying. "Hopefully, if all is well, several days at most. They normally stay for 10 days." She smiled handing Lyra a few slices that were on a plate.

"What about the wedding? When is the ceremony?" She had started on another fruit before smiling at her. "Can't wait to marry my son." She said teasingly. Lyra just blushed. "It should be soon once your clothes and Ardeths are finished, the wedding and celebration will be set up. I would say less than a month at least." Hearing how short of time. Her heart raced, she couldn't remember being in a relationship or anything for that matter. She would get bits and pieces but not enough to put together. Hathor had come to her again. Showing and telling her things, but never answering some, to her, important questions like why she couldn't remember where she was from and what happened after she had seen her injuries. She did however tell her, the seer would not live but a few more months. She didn't know what to say about that. The woman seemed out of her mind. And had know idea what it had to do with her.

She knew once Ardeth was back, his clothing would be prepared. Then wait. He would probably have to leave again to patrol. But when he returned they would be married. Not showing it, she felt frustrated. She had knowledge about men, but couldn't remember if she had ever been with one. He would every once in while hold her while they ate. He would try to feed her. She would wake up wrapped in his arms. Speak sweetly to her. It all felt like to much. She liked him, she did. Yes she was excited to get married, but she knew very little about him. She had only been in the village a week at most before he had to leave. So she just set in mind to talk to him when he returned. She wanted to know more. She heard from his mother many stories not just as the man he is now but a child, which would cause both to erupt in giggles. The seamstress and her daughters, while she seemed happy, her daughters not so much. It seemed a few of the younger women were jealous. Some of his fellow men, she had watched mock fighting, had spoke highly of him.

She just wanted to know for herself. Many people can portray a person as amazing, but is it the truth. She would find out when he returned.

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