Survivor Croatia: Temple of S...

By Misfit298

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Over the next 39 days, 18 Americans from different walks of life will be marooned on the jungles of Croatia s... More

Episode 1: Food for Thought
Episode 2: Raining Tension
Episode 3: Leading the Blind
Episode 4: Staying Alive
Episode 6: The Worst Vegan Ever

Episode 5: Double Down

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By Misfit298

Okay, back with another episode. Now this one will be interesting because now we have a swap to deal with however it may not come in the way that certain people may think. Once this episode ends, we will be going from 14 castaways to 12. Yep, I'll be doubling down on eliminations today and I'm quite looking forward to it. After all, the more people that get eliminated, the closer I get to finishing off this story. And I have said before how excited I am to see how this whole season looks completed. I said the same thing about Panama and that story I was more than proud of for how I did. So we'll see how this one compares.

Not only that but I kinda need to keep it consistent with the whole 3 day schedule. I can always switch to two days but that'd feel weird and less natural for me to try. Maybe in a future season we'll see what happens. So, all three immunity idols have been found, all of them have yet to be played and are in possession of Moana, Vinnie and Kenny, 3 very capable players. How far will they be able to make it? Will Damian's cross-tribal plan actually work? All this and more may or may not be answered this episode. Also yay for me managing to get this one out in less than 3 months! I'd call that progress. Don't expect me to keep this up though, my motivation has highs and lows and I'm trying to make the most of my highs as I can.

Current Tribes.




Moana (Kornati Immunity Idol)






Vinnie (Vorona Immunity Idol)






Kenny (Juburi Immunity Idol)



Jeff: Previously on Survivor!

The Vorona tribe was shown placing their torches.

Jeff: After Lauren barely survived tribal council, the guys re-solidified their alliance!

Andy: She was throwing us all under the bus at one point or another.

Vinnie: It's alright, I believe you.

Jeff: At the Juburi tribe, people got tired over Nigel's work ethic.

Emily (confessional): He's conserving his energy, trying to make the best of a cruddy shelter.

Jeff: The reward challenge allowed for more tribal interactions.

Vinnie: Nigel, you got a parrot?

Nigel: Damn.

Jeff: And after the Vorona tribe won their first reward...

Jeff: Vorona wins reward!

The tribe was shown cheering while the next scene showed Lauren volunteering for the Temple of Secrets.

Lauren: I'm going.

Jeff: And Lauren chose to miss out on the reward, fearing her position on the outs hasn't changed.

Lauren: Camp Visit or Camp Raid? I'm going to pick the Camp Visit.

Jeff: And with her decision, the Kornati tribe received an unexpected visitor.

Lauren: Hey guys! Hope you don't mind me intruding!

Everyone was shown welcoming Lauren to their camp.

Jeff: And with her arrival, came a new plan from Damian to save him and Luke from another tribal council.

Damian: If either of us have a chance to help secure immunity for both tribes, Juburi goes to tribal, they lose a member and hopefully self destruct.

All three were shaking each other's hands.

Jeff: And at the immunity challenge, the twist where only one person could run the whole challenge, meant the plan took full effect.

Jeff: Vorona wins immunity!

Lauren: Put the ones with three yellows on the bottom.

Damian nodded and the next scene was him completing the puzzle.

Jeff: Kornati wins immunity! Juburi going to their first tribal council of the season!

Jeff: Back at the Juburi camp, Kenny tricked Brendan and Jayda in to thinking Kate had the immunity idol! Switching their sights from Nigel to her!

Kenny: So does Kate have it?

Jayda: I'm not sure but right now I don't want to take the chance.

Brendan (confessional): Kate's been playing us all for fools. She's the puppet master all along.

Kenny (confessional): They bought it hook, line and sinker.

Jeff: And at tribal council, the duo were blindsided as Kenny executed his plan, sending Brendan packing.

Jeff: 4th person voted out of Survivor: Croatia, Brendan.

Brendan was not pleased as he presented his torch.

Jeff: Brendan, the tribe has spoken.

Jeff: 14 are left. Who will be voted out tonight?



The 5 surviving Juburi members made it back to camp, some already wanting to get down to business.

Jayda (confessional): Coming back from tribal, I was already prepared to call a couple people out. We had a shot to get out a threat who's weak in challenges and get out a possible immunity idol.

Jayda: Nice job Kate, you played them for fools.

Kate: What're you talking about? You're the one that's been plotting and scheming, trying to get Nigel and I out.

Jayda: Yeah and for good reason.

Kate: Go on, what is it?

Jayda: You have a hidden immunity idol, don't you?

Nigel was shown confused at this as Kenny was getting cold feet.

Kate: The heck are you talking about? Tribal immunity?

Jayda: No, one you have for yourself that you can play at tribal council!

Kate: Okay I'm hella confused right now, how could you even assume I had one?

Jayda: When we got back to camp, we saw a little note in your bag.

Kate: What note?

Kate was then looking in her bag.

Kate (confessional): Jayda had one of her psycho crazy fits again. But that doesn't matter since she's next. If Kornati and Vorona want to gang up on us for the rest of these challenges then I can deal with that later.

Kate: I don't see a note in here.

Jayda: Yeah, you wanna hide it now, don't you?

Kenny (confessional): I'm not sure how excited or nervous I should be at this point. Kate and Jayda are fighting, a couple dots are starting to align but I don't think they've realized that I was the one behind all this. So it's kind of thrilling to be honest with you.

Emily and Nigel were then talking behind the shelter.

Emily (confessional): I was trying to stay calm, I mean it's tough when you're left out of what's going on but I really couldn't complain. If Jayda couldn't leave then Brendan was at least collateral.

Emily: I mean of course I would've loved to have been told before hand but I'm really not mad. As long as one of those two left, I really didn't care who.

Nigel: I didn't even think the plan would come together, I thought I'd be the one targeted.

Nigel (confessional): I was pleasantly surprised to come out of tribal without any cannonballs heading my way. Kenny does have me a bit sketched out. Did he plant that clue? Was that how he wanted Kate to get targeted?

Emily: I think we should be in good shape.

Nigel: I think so too.

Nigel (confessional): If that's the case, I don't like it one bit. I don't want Kate getting any more heat because of whatever Kenny wants to do. Kenny doesn't run me, he must get Mr Chef and I confused because I am not the puppet.

Nigel walks back to the group and things hadn't quite smoothed over yet.

Jayda: I'll make sure you guys regret keeping me here. It's really on now.

Nigel: It's been on since the beginning of the competition, I dunno what game you're playing.

Jayda: I'm going to bed, whatever you guys want to do, leave me out of it. Cause I've just had it.

Kate: Gladly.

Jayda then went towards the shelter.

Kate: Guys, I swear. I had no clue there even was a clue.

Emily: You think you were set up?

Kate: No doubt in my mind.

Kenny: I think she was the one who planted it there. She probably wanted more reasons to target you since you were the weakest link according to her and Brendan.

Kate: Probably, that's the only thing I can gather at this point.

Emily: I wouldn't dwell on it too much. It happened, it's in the past. I'm sure us four are on the same page. While I would've liked it to have been her tonight, I'm not bothered. I'm too tired to argue at this point.

Kenny: Thanks for understanding.

Kate (confessional): It did annoy me a great deal that someone would go through that much effort just to try and frame me for a clue. It's just really petty high school stuff like trying to frame someone for cheating on your ex. Crazy to think about what lengths these people are going to go to for a million dollars. Kinda scares me but I'll swallow it and move on.


The sun was rising on the thirteenth day. Things were surprisingly quiet with the Vorona tribe. Zane was busy cooking rice.

Zane: Hey you guys! Rice is done.

The 4 all gathered around.

Vinnie: Gotta hand it to you dude, you're getting better at this.

Zane: Wow, thanks

Vinnie (confessional): Lately Zane and I have managed to tolerate each other a little bit more. He doesn't annoy me as much but we're still looking for that middle ground kinda.

Zane (confessional): Vinnie's actually a pretty cool guy once he wakes up on the right side of the bed. We now know what to expect from each other after a while. I guess that's how siblings learn to get along. Or maybe it's the lack of eyebrows that makes him less annoyed with me.

Andy: Yeah this is getting way more easy to stomach down.

Andy (confessional): We've had 2 courses of rice every day. So that's 26 portions of just plain rice I've had to stomach and we're on our 27th. But lately Zane has stepped up in to the head chef spot and is doing pretty well for himself. I knew keeping him around was going to pay off.

Lauren remained mostly quiet for the morning until Vinnie spoke up.

Vinnie: So what exactly happened over at Kornati? Why'd you help them with the challenge?

Lauren: Yeah about that, it's kind of a long story.

Zane: We got like a good couple hours until the next reward challenge so fire away!

Lauren (confessional): As much as it pains me to have wanted to keep the info to myself, I knew I had to make them think I was still with them, so I bit the bait and spilled.

Lauren: So while I was at Kornati, there was this plan made by Damian to where us two tribes would look out for each other if we could and eliminate more of the Juburi tribe.

Zane: Wow...

Lauren: How does that sound to you guys?

Andy: Anything to keep us safe. Good going with that decision.

Lauren: Thanks.

Andy (confessional): This is exactly what I wanted to happen. I wanted Vorona to keep on losing so that the other tribes would underestimate us and see us as numbers, now Kornati is eager to team up with us and wipe out Juburi. I can take full advantage of this plan and come in to the merge in a good position.

Vinnie was nodding his head in agreeance.

Vinnie (confessional): The main part I got out of that was that Damian, the guy with more piercings than a pirate, came up with this. This tells me straight away that he's the main strategist on that tribe and that he's someone that I have to take out if I want a chance at winning.

Zane: So they're down to 5, so that's an alliance of 9?

Lauren: Granted we're not sure if it's gonna last but it's worth a shot to keep it up for a while.

Zane (confessional): So Lauren's more than just a pretty mermaid who can catch fish, she's actually got some brains behind those locks.


Luke and Damian were chopping wood to help with their fire. Luke was struggling

Luke: How do you manage with this thing?

Damian: Just gotta have the right technique. You'll get the hang of it, you had to face a snake the other day. This is nothing!

Luke: Yeah well a snake ain't as dense.

Moana then checked on Sarah who was laying in bed.

Moana: How are you holding up?

Sarah: Still hurts.

Sarah (confessional): Yesterday, after we won the immunity challenge, we all celebrated by having some cooked coconut. I ended up getting a raw piece and it actually damaged my tooth and my gum because I chewed on it so hard.

Moana: Just keep using water and you'll get there.

Sarah (confessional): The part where my tooth grows got a bit swollen, so my tooth sticks out and when I try to close my mouth or chew on some food, it pushes that tooth back and it causes for excruciating pain.

Sarah: I'm struggling to concentrate, I barely have any energy.

Luke: Take all the time you need.

Luke (confessional): It's tough to see Sarah suffer like that, especially since she's one of our toughest workers. People do generally overlook how severe a toothache is, it's one of the most painful things imaginable.

Rachel: You think trying to pull it out will help?

Damian: Yank out someone's tooth, cause that'll stop the pain.

Rachel: I tried it with my sister, I mean sure she cursed me out for a couple days but after that, pain was all gone.

Sarah: How did you do it?

Rachel: Some dental floss and a bit of arm work.

Sarah: Well can't do much good with what's out here.

Rachel (confessional): I want Sarah to get better, it's not fair that she has to sit by while everyone else has to work. And sometimes more pain is the answer. Did that come out wrong?

Moana: Maybe you gotta leave to get a root canal.

Sarah: I'm not leaving this game. No way.

Luke: I mean who knows? It might clear up.

Moana: Just get some water in there to hopefully ease the swelling.

Moana (confessional): The elements are really kicking our asses out here. We thought we were doing fine for like the first couple days but things can take affect that you don't even realize take affect.

The tribe all hugged Sarah, showing their support.


Jeff: Come on in guys!

The Vorona and Kornati tribes both entered the area that Jeff was awaiting them for the upcoming reward challenge. They both filled their respective mats and waited for a bit as the Juburi tribe were the last to arrive.

Jeff: Vorona and Kornati getting their first looks at the new Juburi tribe...

Rachel *whispering*: Jayda's still there?

Damian *whispering*: Damn it.

Jeff: Brendan voted out at the last tribal council.

There were a couple widened eyes at Brendan leaving.

Jeff: Vinnie, surprised to see Brendan out of the game?

Vinnie: I know it may see surprising but every tribe has to make tough decisions. We don't know their story, they don't know ours.

Nigel: Brendan was annoying, end of story.

This caught a couple laughs as Jayda shook her head, glaring daggers at the comedian.

Jeff: Glad to see you guys are all living together in harmony...

Jeff paused before proceeding.

Jeff: You guys ready to get to today's reward challenge?

Emily: Yep

Damian: Let's do it.

Jeff: Now today's challenge is unique in that only one tribe will win. Here's how it works: Each tribe has one row of 8 color coded ceramic tiles. On my go, one at a time you will take your slingshot and a marble, you will take aim and attempt to knock out one of the tiles of the other two tribes. When your tribe is out of tiles, you're out of the challenge. Last tribe left standing wins reward.

Everyone nodded at this, some unsure of how to even use a slingshot.

Jeff: That reward will be an advantage in the upcoming immunity challenge, and trust me, this is a big one. In addition, they will send someone from either of the losing tribes to the Temple of Secrets, alone. Worth playing for?

While most players shook their heads in agreement.

Jeff: Alright. Kornati and Juburi, you guys have 1 extra player. Who are you sitting out?

Sarah raised her hand fairly quickly while Juburi took more time.

Emily: My arms are kinda weak.

Nigel: I can't aim, my concentration is terrible.

Both were struggling to decide until Jayda spoke up.

Jayda: Have Nigel sit out, you don't need much strength with slingshots.

The tribe all reluctantly agreed with this.

Kate: That makes sense I suppose.

Nigel then raised his hand along with Sarah.

Jeff: Nigel and Sarah, you can both take a seat on the sit out bench. As for the rest of you, I'll give you a minute to strategize, work out the order that everyone will be firing and we'll get started.

Everyone then took their positions. The first 3 stepped up with their slingshots.

Jeff: Okay, first ones taking their shots are Moana, Zane and Emily. Remember, your goal is to break the tiles of the other teams, not yours.

Moana and Emily were both on Vorona's platform, facing their tiles while Zane was on Juburi's platform.

Jeff: And right away we see where certain people are aiming. Vorona is looking to be the first target.

Vinnie: Surprise surprise...

All three took a bit to get used to their slingshots before loading them with marbles, aiming towards the ground where the tiles are facing upwards.

Jeff: Here we go. 3, 2, 1, toss!

All took their shot and managed to get their targets.

Jeff: Emily knocks out Juburi's first tile, Zane and Moana take out Vorona's first two tiles. Vorona already down to 6 tiles after the first round.

Kornati were clapping as Moana stepped down.

Jeff: Next group, come on up.

The next 3 all came up and decided on their targets.

Jeff: Lauren's aiming for Kornati, Luke's aiming for Juburi and Kate's aiming for Vorona.

Zane: Why you guys got beef with us?

Kenny: You kinda messed us up with little miss puzzle whisperer over there.

Nigel: You guys started the beef, we're just seasoning it and hoping to chow down.

Jeff: Here we go. 3, 2, 1, go!

Everyone took their marbles and fired away.

Jeff: Lauren breaks Kornati's first tile, Luke breaks Juburi's second tile.

Kate was cursing to herself.

Jeff: Kate gets nothing.

Emily: It's alright, Kate.

Jeff: Vorona and Juburi are both down to 6 tiles, Kornati down to 7. Next group. The more tiles you have, the better off you are.

A short montage was shown of marbles being fired and tiles being smashed with a couple players cheering and clapping with Jeff speaking at different points.

Jeff: Damian breaks one of Juburi's tiles!

Jeff: Andy with a long shot!

Jeff: Rachel's on fire!

Jeff: Vinnie connects!

Jeff: Kenny breaks one of Kornati's tiles!

The montage was over and very few tiles remained.

Jeff: After that round, Vorona down to 1 tile left, Kornati and Juburi each have two tiles left. We're getting down to it.

Rachel, Vinnie and Jayda were up.

Jeff: Rachel and Vinnie both aiming for Juburi, Jayda aiming for Kornati.

All three had to aim their slingshots further since their targets were quite the distance compared to the closer ones.

Jeff: 3, 2, 1, fire!

Jayda fired straight ahead and grinned as she missed. Vinnie also missed though was very annoyed while Rachel connected and was thrilled.

Jeff: Jayda and Vinnie both miss! Rachel annihilates Juburi's tile! Juburi down to 1 tile left, they're tied with Vorona! Kornati still with two tiles!

Rachel then high fived Damian as he went up.

Damian: You know how many windows I've broken with this thing? I feel right at home

Andy: Okay, tough guy

Damian then turned to Kenny.

Damian: If you finish them off, I'll miss on yours.

Kenny: Deal.

Andy: Oh so that's how we're playing? Okay.

Andy then marched from Juburi to Kornati.

Damian: Okay well I can come over here to make sure ya'll are out.

Andy: Go right ahead.

Damian stepped forward on to Vorona's platform.

Jeff: Okay, Kenny and Damian both looking to take out Vorona's last tile, taking them out of the challenge completely. Andy aiming for Kornati, seeing if he can get them on an even playing field. 3, 2, 1, go!

Damian tossed but missed (unintentionally) but Kenny finished the job, taking out Vorona's last tile, Andy repaid the favor though, managing to smash through Kornati's second to last tile.

Jeff: And just like that, Vorona is out of the challenge! But Andy still managed to get a last shot in with Kornati, getting them down to their last tile. Both Kornati and Juburi are down to their last tile. This could be it.

Moana and Emily stepped up and shook each others hands.

Jeff: It's Moana vs Emily. Both looking to take the victory home for their tribe.

They both loaded their slingshots and took aim.

Jeff: Here we go. 3, 2, 1, Fire!

Both fired away but both missed.

Jeff: Moana too far, Emily too short. Both missed on that. Next two!

Luke and Kate then made their way up to the platform, slingshot and marbles in hand.

Damian: Come on Lukey...

Jeff: Kate and Luke. Each looking to take out the last tile for the other team.

Both took deep breaths as they took aim.

Jeff: 3, 2, 1...

All was quiet for the tribes as Jeff delivered the signal.

Jeff: Fire!

Both took aim and...

Jeff: Luke misses!

Luke: Dammit.

Kate then manages to hit the tile but only some of it came off.

Jeff: Kate clips the tile! Not enough, it's still standing, it still counts, Kornati is still in this!

Rachel then breathes a sigh of relief as she went up while Jayda looked nervous.

Jeff: Rachel and Jayda. For the third time, we'll see if any tiles break. Can Jayda can finish what Kate started, or will Rachel bring back Kornati's lead that they had all challenge?

Both took aim, arms getting tired from all the slingshot pulling.

Jeff: 3, 2, 1, fire!

Jayda once again managed to miss while smiling. Rachel meanwhile caught Juburi's tile dead center, causing her tribe to cheer for her.

Jeff: Rachel for the win! Kornati wins reward!

The tribe all high fived and hugged each other for the second time today. Jayda then went back to her tribe, doing her best to look dejected.

Jeff: Kornati, congratulations.

Jeff then pulled out a bottle with the Croatian flag with a sealed envelope inside. Luke went to get it.

Jeff: Now, the bottle is sealed. It must remain sealed until the next immunity challenge. You'll bring that bottle with you and you'll read the instructions.

Luke: Roger that.

Jeff: In addition, you'll now decide who out of one of the losing tribes will go to the Temple of Secrets where they will have a dilemma to face. Who's it gonna be?

Kornati spent very little time discussing this as they had their mind made up.

Rachel: Gonna be sending Jayda.

Jayda nodded and got her things ready.

Jeff: Okay Jayda, head on out. A boat will pick you up.

Jayda grabbed her belongings and made her way to where the boat was located.

Jeff: As for the rest of you, head back to camp. And stay dry. Heard there may be some heavy weather this evening.

All three tribes started to head back to their camps.

Nigel (confessionals): I wasn't that bothered that we lost the challenge. After all, it was only for a boring advantage. I can think of a thousand things I'd prefer. A lemonade, cheeseburger, a bed, a cruise...

The screen then faded out as Nigel continued talking.

Nigel (confessional): That paper didn't even look as tasty as the idol clue!


The boat drifted towards the temple as Jayda stepped off, quite intimidated by the snake statues.

Jayda: Wow, so this is it, huh?

Jayda (confessional): I knew how to use a slingshot since I was 10, self defense lesson. What I didn't want was our tribe to win. I knew that if Kornati wins, I'd be sent here and I'd be able to get something that'll help me out.

Jayda: Whatever's facing me, I'm ready.

She grabbed her torch and headed inside. She noted the last 4 sections were burnt out from rotting in the cave. The 5th section was now uncovered and Jayda focused on that.

Section #5 - Day 13 - Mutiny or Immunity

Your tribe has lost their chance at the immunity advantage, but what they don't know is what follows next. Tomorrow's immunity challenge will not only determine who is safe from tribal council, but it will also determine the two new tribes for the next portion of the game. In season's past, many players with generous amounts of potential have had their games come to an end because of a tribe swap in which they were landed in the minority. And most who have survived this tricky situation, did so by securing immunity. Your case is quite the opposite. If you feel like you are in danger on your swapped tribe, you can use this advantage to mutiny to the other tribe and choose someone on the other tribe to swap with. If you accept this advantage however, you forfeit your shot at the upcoming immunity challenge, meaning you are vulnerable at the impending tribal council. You have a chance to change history but it comes at a hefty price. Good luck, and remember, choose wisely.

Jayda: Wow, so a tribe swap and an immunity challenge tomorrow. This is huge info.

Jayda (confessional): This is a massive game changer. Not only do I have the info about the tribe swap that's going to happen, I now have the chance to make sure that I'm in a good position for when it happens.

Jayda: I'm already a pretty huge target coming off of that tribal and challenge, this'll put me even more out there. I could use that immunity for leverage.

She then read through the section a second time.

Jayda: "Vulnerable at the impending tribal council". What does that mean? That I'm going to tribal council no matter what and to an extent everyone else? I have no idea how this swap is going to work. It could be the tribe who wins gets to pick members to add on to their tribe. It could be an individual thing.

Jayda sighed at this.

Jayda: Immunity isn't a guarantee for me though, and I always love to go for the guarantee.

She then made her decision.

Jayda: I'll accept the mutiny advantage just in case. I may not even have to use it but as long as I can get some power in this game.

Jayda then exited the cave.

Jayda (confessional): No matter what happens, I know I'm of no use to my tribe. So it's time for me to explore my other options and see if I can get back on top of this game.


Kornati got back to camp, thrilled by their win but curious about the advantage.

Sarah (confessional): I think this is the first time that we've been so nervous about winning a challenge before. We'd normally get excited about food or something to help out with camp. This time we get back and it's just business as usual.

Moana: Well now we have a day and a half to procrastinate, wondering what the hell is in that bottle.

Luke: I'm not worried. An advantage is an advantage, right?

Rachel: It just feels off that it's what we get out of a reward challenge. I don't know, I think I'm paranoid.

Luke: I mean to me, food is it's own advantage. Fuels you up.

Damian: Right but hopefully this gives us a bigger edge than just your typical food supplies.

Later that day, Luke was walking in the jungle, checking up on something he was working on.

Luke (confessional): People can get so wrapped up in this game that they often forget the beautiful things in life. So something I wanted to put together was this nest. Big enough for two people.

Luke: I've never tried this before. Did make believe before when I was a kid but that's really the only experience I have up until this point.

He then started to describe his work.

Luke: I chopped a couple trees down to get a good view. I laid out some logs at the bottom, put the palm fronds on top. And to top it off, the collection of feathers we got from those chickens came in real handy, as there are so many of those things, I was able to cover the whole bed.

Rachel then approached him.

Rachel: How's it going?

Luke: I think it's done. Want to try it out?

Rachel: Couldn't hurt.

Rachel then tried it out.

Rachel: It's a step up from our shelter, that's for sure. Could do with a couple pillows.

Luke: If you could get a couple pillows and a blanket here then I think it's a perfect fit.

Rachel: Yeah that'd be great!

Rachel (confessional): Luke... I mean bless the guy, he's adorable. And not even in like a romantic way, he's just like a little kid. If I were to ever have a son which according to my relationship streak is unlikely, I'd want him to end up exactly like Luke. And that's a weird thing to admit to since kids normally annoy the crap out of me and I don't think I'll be able to handle any of them.

Luke: I call it the star gazing nest. Will probably have to cover it in case the feathers blow away but I think it's pretty solid.

Rachel: No for sure, I think it's great.

Luke: If you and Damian want to use this then by all means, you have my permission.

Rachel: Thanks but I ain't too sure stars are even his thing.

Luke: How's about clouds?

Rachel: Kinda kills the magic. I'm more of a night person.

Rachel (confessional): I mean I sure as hell wouldn't act like that, I think that behavior's quite annoying to be frank. But something about certain people having their outlets from time to time, it's almost endearing.

Luke then proceeded to weigh the feathers down with a couple more logs.

Luke: I now pronounce Luke's star gazing net open!

He and Rachel then high fived as they headed back to camp.


Zane and Andy were both sitting by the waterfall, relaxing.

Zane: I'll tell you dude, I am shocked by how this game is going so far. One minute you're on the bottom, the next you're involved in some convoluted schemes.

Andy: It's what makes Survivor such a complicated game to navigate.

Zane: I think we're going to do just fine. Between Vinnie and I getting along as well as his weird immunity idol thing, I'm hoping it'll really help us do some damage.

Andy: Well ideally we want him to be doing the damage. We need to make sure that the other tribes view him as the figurehead of the Vorona tribe, that way they're more likely to approach us.

Zane: Who knows what could come next at this point?

Andy (confessional): I do want to make sure I'm not controlling Zane too much, I am trying to get in to better graces with him since he knows that I do sometimes go that extra mile. I not only want the other tribes to believe Vinnie is the bigger threat, but I want Zane and Lauren to think that as well. So that's the image that I'm trying to put in to motion for today.

Zane (confessional): Andy messes with my head a lot, going back to the very first tribal. I trust him because he saved me and I do have fun seeing the other tribes go back and forth. If I can pick the right allies, it'll lead to my domination.


The Juburi tribe got back to camp, down 2 members from yesterday.

Emily: I'm tired of having these challenges where those other tribes are ganging up on us. That's just so unsportsmanlike.

Kenny: They're jealous that we've been doing well. It's pathetic really.

Nigel: Kind of a cheap get out of jail free card.

Kate: Was Jayda even trying in that challenge?

Nigel: No clue. I don't think she wanted to be around us any longer.

Kate (confessional): So we ended up losing another challenge thanks to those other tribes. Kornati's advantage could be anything at this point and it scares me senseless. That and Jayda going to the Temple getting whatever she can over us. Safe to say these have been a pretty crappy couple days for us so far.

Emily: I'm scared, I do not want those tribes to have the satisfaction of picking us off, one by one.

Kenny: Well listen, as long as the four of us look out for each other, we'll hopefully be able to make it through whatever's waiting for us next.

Nigel: I think at this point we have no choice.

The 4 all put their hands together and celebrated their new alliance.

Emily (confessional): I've gone back and forth on whether I can trust Kenny after last tribal but I think at this point I have no other choice.

Kate: I guess winning does have it's drawbacks.

Emily: At least if we lose, we can finally get rid of Jayda.

Kate: That's true, she gets on my last nerve.

Nigel: She's filled all my nerves with dread.

Emily (confessional): We have 2 tribes, or more specifically, 9 other people in this game who want to just wipe us Juburi members off the map completely. And I want to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen.


The storm that Jeff foreshadowed came full circle and the tribe were huddled in their shelter.

Moana: This is brutal man.

Rachel: I don't think we've had a storm this rough before.

Rachel (confessional): At first we thought we had a pretty sturdy shelter but this rain is absolutely chewing us up.

Sarah was visibly shaking, trying her best to make sure her tooth didn't slam against her mouth to create more pain.

Sarah (confessional): This game is just not getting easier. Between my tooth, the hunger, the weather that changes like night and day. I'm just not sure how much longer of this I can take.

Luke: This would be the perfect setting for one of those horror movies.

Rachel: Stop, I do not want to go to sleep thinking about that.

Sarah: I heard Croatia has very strict rules. Chances are they have all those serial killers locked up in prison anyways.

Damian gulped at this.

Damian (confessional): I do feel like I'm getting closer to everyone out here, but it's difficult when they bring up the whole being a criminal and being locked up. It just makes me concerned that if I were to tell them that I was a former criminal, they would just be scared to even talk to me. I know they're gonna find out eventually. I just... I have to stay focused on what I came here to do.

Damian: Can we not talk about prison?

Rachel: Why?

Damian: I just have a fear of being locked up I guess, with no escape.

Sarah: Nah, I respect that. We all have fears. Let's just try and get some rest.

Luke: Didn't mean to get under your skin there dude.

Damian: It's fine.

While his tribe mates tried to go to sleep, Damian shed a single tear before closing his eyes.


The sun was rising as the castaways were closing in on their two week milestone in Croatia. Lauren got up and decided to go for a swim.

Lauren (confessional): When I'm not doing work around camp, I like to take some time to myself, go swimming for a bit. I tend to avoid the deeper end in case I run in to some fish

She then went underwater for a bit to admire the sea life.

Lauren (confessional): It really does help take your mind off of things. And it helps fill my spirit up for whatever is to come. At this point, I'm ready for anything.

Meanwhile, Vinnie was chopping some wood for the fire near treemail.

Vinnie: What the...

Vinnie (confessional): So I was gathering some firewood to keep the fire up for breakfast and then I see something in treemail.

Vinnie opened the bird house style treemail box and saw a note along with a bag.

Vinnie: Well this is weird.

He then stared at the bag.

Vinnie: Can only assume we're using this thing for something.

The Poker Player then jogged his way back to camp where Zane and Andy were just waking up and Lauren was drying off from the water.

Vinnie: Yo guys! Treemail!

Andy: Wait, already?

Zane: What could this mean?

All 4 tribe members gathered around as Vinnie opened the note.

Zane: Cute bag.

Vinnie: "Square off in an arena, against your opponents. Balance and strength, the two crucial components. David beat Goliath, using brains over brawn, be the last one standing, or you could be the next one gone".

Lauren: It's that challenge, that sumo type challenge. Got to use those bags to push each other off.

Zane: The heck does it mean last one standing? Ain't we doing this in tribes?

Andy (confessional): So treemail took us by surprise. We usually have an off day between the reward and immunity challenges. But we're going in to it straight away. Makes me think that there's something else going on here.

Andy: This challenge can't be done with 3 tribes, can it?

Vinnie: If so, we can just strike another deal with Kornati.

Zane: Sure thing.

Lauren (confessional): I'm all for trying to find ways to win, but I just don't like that we're screwing this tribe over and over again as a result. Especially since they've been trying. It's a moral conflict I'm struggling with.


Kenny was shown practicing with the bag by whacking a tree with it.

Emily: Wish we had two of those things so we could practice against each other.

Kate: I'm sure we can figure a couple strategies out along the way.

Kenny: I think the best move is to lay low, have your bag below your opponents bag, that way you get more weight in when it comes to pushing them.

Nigel: Smart guy.

Kenny (confessional): We have an immunity challenge today and literally our only priority is to win, that's how we make it through. We have to be, as this note refers it as "the last one standing".

Emily: Not only do we have a challenge to worry about, we also have Kornati's advantage. Whatever it is.

Nigel: We got this, right guys?

Kate: Damn right. I've never been so pumped for a challenge before.

Kenny: My only loyalty right now is this group. I want us to stick together.

The 4 all had a group hug.

Emily (confessional): I never like for things to come down to the wire but with us it seems like the other tribes have drawn that line in the sand. And we have to fight back or we're toast.

Everyone gathered their things in preparation for the challenge.

Kate (confessional): Despite us practicing all day, I do not have the most confidence. If this sumo thing is another 1 person at once kinda thing then we can fully expect to be teamed up on.


Jeff: Come on in guys!

The 13 individuals, currently still in their tribes all made their way to the beach. Awaiting them was this giant platforms with a padded bag on both sides.

Jeff: We'll now welcome back Jayda, returning from her stay at the Temple of Secrets.

Jayda got off the boat to re-join her tribe, not making eye contact with any of them.

Jeff: First thing's first, I will take back tribal immunity.

Nigel and Lauren handed back both pieces of the statue as they, as well as everyone else, noticed the cloaked pole next to the host.

Jeff: Okay, now I know you all weren't expecting the immunity challenge today however this game is about to take a turn. I'd like everyone to hand over their buffs.

Everyone followed Jeff's instructions as the host went around to collect all of the discarded buffs.

Jeff: At this moment, 3 tribes are no more, you are all individuals.

Everyone gasped at this except for Jayda.

Sarah (confessional): At that point, I was thinking "No way is the merge this early, right?".

Jeff: Let me address the question on everyone's minds. We are not merging.

Confusion grew more on some people's faces as they were wondering what Jeff had up his sleeve.

Jeff: This immunity challenge is critical. We will have 2 individuals win immunity, one man and one woman. In addition, these players will be tribe captains.

The silence grew increasingly tense as everyone found out that they were not only competing for immunity, but for power.

Jeff: Now, tribal council will take place tomorrow. Both tribes will attend them separately. Both tribe captains will be safe at this vote.

Moana: What...

Kate: No way

Jeff: That's right. After this challenge, 2 new tribes will be formed, 2 people will win immunity, both tribes will go to tribal council, both tribes will vote someone out. Understand?

Multiple heads nodded as Jeff continued.

Jeff: Let's get to todays individual immunity challenge. Here's how it works, this challenge will be run in two sets, one for the guys, one for the girls. On my go, two people will face off. Using padded, foam bags and you will attempt to push your opponent off of the platform. If your opponent knocks you off the platform, you're out of the challenge. The last man, and the last woman left standing win individual immunity, safe from tribal council tomorrow and in addition will be responsible for selecting new tribes.

Jeff then turned to the covered pole next to him.

Jeff: Here are the immunity necklaces.

He uncovered the necklaces and in front of the 14 individuals were 2 necklaces, both with green vines as the base. Hanging off of them were 5 separate pieces of metal in the front, in the shapes of shields. Representing them were the 5 coats of arms of Croatia: Illyria, Dubrovnik, Dalmatia, Istria and Slavonia.

Vinnie: Those look amazing.

Luke: Now I want to win.

Jeff: Here's where Kornati's advantage comes in to play. Who has it?

Moana: Right here!

Jeff: Moana, why don't you go ahead and read it?

Moana cracked open the bottle and unsealed the note, ready to read it.

Moana: "Only 8 of you will participate in this immunity challenge. Your tribe is not only guaranteed to compete today but they will also be responsible for picking who else plays and who sits out".

Jeff: So, just to be clear. Kornati, you are about to decide who else will get a shot at immunity and who will be forced to sit out. To balance out gender, you will be picking 2 men and 1 woman. One more thing, since Jayda made a decision at the Temple, she's already ineligible to compete so you can't pick her.

Damian: Wouldn't have done it anyway...

The former Kornati tribe all discussed their options.

Luke (confessional): Our main strategy going in to this was that we did not want any of the Juburi members to win but we also wanted to pick who we think would be easiest to beat.

Jeff: Have you all made your decision?

Damian: Yeah. For the men, we're going to be picking Vinnie and... Nigel.

Nigel was initially shocked but stepped forward to join the Kornati group as did Vinnie.

Jeff: And the woman?

Damian then looked at his three options before making his decision.

Damian: Lauren.

Jeff: Lauren, come on over.

Lauren: Thanks.

Kenny: This is such bullshit...

Kate (confessional): Initially we were pretty pissed that only one Juburi member was chosen and the fact that it was Nigel showed that they did not want a Juburi member getting the power. I'm just really hoping Nigel wins so we can turn the tables.

Jeff: So, competing for immunity for the guys, we have Damian, Luke, Vinnie and Nigel. And competing for immunity for the girls, we have Moana, Rachel, Sarah and Lauren. As for the rest of you, no shot at immunity, you can sit on the beach for a while to watch. We'll draw for spots to determine who goes first.

The 6 unchosen players of Kenny, Emily, Kate, Jayda, Zane and Andy all sat down to watch while everyone else swam out.

Jeff: Okay first match is for the guys. We have Luke taking on Damian. Whoever wins this match moves on to the finals.

Both former tribe members shook hands as they picked up their sumo style bags. Luke looked nervous as Damian cracked his neck.

Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!

The duo charged at each other, Luke got Damian on his knees real quick.

Jeff: Luke makes the first move, but Damian's still fighting back!

Damian pushes Luke near the edge whilst scrambling to get back up.

Jeff: Luke with a quick recovery! Almost goes in the water!

Luke does his best to pin Damian down and was successful.

Jeff: Luke has Damian down!

With a lot of his strength, Luke tries to push Damian close to the water but is unable to get more than a couple inches in.

Jeff: Luke trying to slowly inch Damian off the platform.

Both were pretty tired at this point as Luke was barely making any progress.

Luke: Alright, get up. Let's start this again.

Luke then offered his hand to Damian to help him get up. Jeff and everyone else taken aback by the gesture.

Jeff: Wow, Luke trying to give Damian another shot to start clean. Very sportsmanlike.

Damian was still half bent over but as Luke was turning around, he raised his bag and tried to knock Luke off only for him to barely dodge.

Jeff: Wow Damian trying to take advantage! Almost succeeds but Luke is still in this!

Luke was then furious as he gathered his strength to push Damian further and further to the edge until...

Jeff: Luke does it! Damian is out of the challenge! Luke moving on!

Everyone then clapped for Luke as he turned to Damian.

Luke: That was a crummy move, dude.

Damian: Sorry, not sorry.

The sky then faded over as the next pair climbed on to the arena.

Jeff: Okay, we have our first showdown for the girls. Moana vs Sarah.

Both girls shook each others hands.

Moana: This is going to be tough.

Sarah: Just picture me as someone else, I'm picturing you as my ex.

Moana: I'll picture you as my old gym teacher.

Jeff: Both girls trying to picture fighting someone else.

Both picked up the bags, Moana grabbing the blue one while Sarah got the pink one.

Jeff: Here we go. Survivors ready? Go!

Both charged at each other, unfortunately Moana slipped, causing her to headbutt Sarah's mouth.

Sarah: Ah, damn.

Moana: You okay?

Everyone was cringing at the site, including Jeff.

Sarah then felt around and felt her aching tooth loosen. She managed to pull it out completely.

Jeff: What's happening, Sarah? You need medical?

Moana: She just lost a tooth.

Sarah: Honestly, thank god cause this thing's been bothering me for a couple days now.

She was then coughing.

Moana: You need to lie down?

Sarah: Yeah, a lot of blood. I'm going to have to forfeit.

Jeff: You sure, Sarah?

Sarah: Yeah I don't want my blood to end up on anyone else while fighting and making them sick or something. I'll need to wash up.

Jeff: Okay, Sarah forfeits. Moana by default is moving on to the finals.

Moana: I'm really sorry.

Sarah: Don't worry about it.

Sarah then ends up on the beach as she is handed a canteen by Rachel.

Sarah: Thanks.

The last two guys to face off now boarded the arena.

Jeff: Okay, next round. Nigel vs Vinnie. These two were picked to compete. Whoever wins this moves on to face Luke in the finals.

Both eyed each other as they grabbed their bags. Their tribes watched on, feeling tense.

Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!

Vinnie went low as he ran at Nigel, pushing him full force to the edge. Nigel tried to get his balance back but ultimately fell in.

Jeff: Vinnie after Nigel and with one push Nigel's in the water! Vinnie moving on to the finals!

Kate: This sucks...

Nigel got back from the water to re-join his former tribe.

Nigel: I'm a laugher, not a fighter.

Kenny: Don't worry about it, guy's a machine.

Lauren and Rachel then made their way to battle.

Jeff: Round 2 for the girls. It's Lauren against Rachel. Whoever wins this moves on to face Moana for immunity.

Lauren: Good luck.

Rachel: Hope you can swim.

Jeff: Survivors ready? Go!

Both slowly approached each other.

Jeff: Who's going to make the first move?

A split second passed before both met in the middle in a collision, both on their knees. Rachel got up and tried to push Lauren.

Jeff: Rachel has Lauren down! But Lauren's fighting back!

Lauren then aims for the legs and manages to gain the upper hand.

Jeff: Lauren managing to stay in this! She's got Rachel on the edge!

Rachel then dodges Lauren's attack and manages to get back in the middle.

Jeff: Amazing recovery from Rachel!

Both then pushed against each other for a while in the middle.

Jeff: Tense match so far, both girls giving it everything.

Rachel then manages to get the advantage strength wise and pushes Lauren closer to the water.

Jeff: Both girls now on edge, this'll be close.

Rachel then tackled Lauren with her bag, pushing both girls in to the water.

Jeff: Lauren in the water first! She's out of the challenge. Rachel moving on!

Rachel then clapped before she and Lauren re-joined the others.

Jeff: Okay, the final match up for the guys. It's Luke against Vinnie. Whoever wins this takes home immunity and will be a tribe captain.

Both guys, whilst tired from their previous fights, were still determined to win immunity.

Jeff: Here we go, for immunity. Survivors ready? Go!

Both guys met in the middle with a big push. Luke keeping Vinnie from the center.

Jeff: Luke coming on strong, Vinnie ain't backing down.

Luke tried to push Vinnie off but Vinnie did a twist to get out of Luke's aim.

Jeff: Vinnie doing his best to stay alive!

The opponents continued to clash, trying to get the advantage over each other.

Jeff: Massive stakes. Not only are you fighting for immunity, you could also be fighting for your future in this game.

Luke and Vinnie continued to clash. Vinnie got low and manages to knock Luke back a bit.

Jeff: Vinnie knocks Luke down!

All this was happening as their former tribe members were cheering them on, knowing that they were fighting for control.

Luke was doing his best to push Vinnie but was quickly running out of breath.

Jeff: Luke slowly falling out of it, can he hang in there?

Luke tried to get back on his feet only for Vinnie to knock him down again.

Jeff: Luke down again!

Luke then tried to rush towards Vinnie who stepped to the side, causing Luke to run past him and gives Vinnie an opening to knock him down for good.

Jeff: Vinnie has Luke! This could be it!

And with one final push, Luke ends up in the water.

Jeff: Luke is in the water! Vinnie wins individual immunity!

Vinnie then backflipped in the water in celebration whilst him and Luke shook hands.

Zane: Nice job dude.

The former Vorona tribe were mostly happy that Vinnie won but others looked worried about this turn of events.

Rachel: Alright, let's do this.

Jeff: For the final match for the girls. We have Rachel vs Moana.

Both were swimming in the water at the same time, side by side.

Moana *whispering*: Who do you want to win?

Rachel *whispering*: I can win, cause you still have the idol. You won't get the blood on your hands.

Moana *whispering*: Hmm...

Their conversation was cut short as they reached the platform. They climbed up and went to opposite sides where their bags were waiting for them.

Jeff: This is it, our final match. Rachel and Moana, both Kornati members. We'll see how this shakes up.

Tension was in the air as the former Kornati members eyed each other down.

Jeff: Survivors ready?

They got in to their starting positions, both wanting to aim low.

Jeff: Go!

Like the past couple of matches, both met in the middle however Rachel was able to push Moana closer and closer to the edge.

Jeff: Rachel not messing around, this could cost Moana...

Rachel then made quick work of the match by pushing Moana in to the water.

Jeff: And it does! Moana in the water! Rachel wins immunity!

Rachel raised her bag in the air as everyone clapped for her. Everyone then reunited at the beach along with Jeff.

Jeff: Rachel, Vinnie, come on over.

The two sumo champions went to claim their necklaces. They turned around as Jeff put one around each of their soldiers.

Jeff: With these around your neck, not only are you safe at tomorrows tribal council, you are also tribe captains.

Things grew tense as Rachel and Vinnie both looked at the 12 remaining players.

Jeff: Here's how this'll work, you'll take it in turns choosing one person to be on your tribe. You're picking for your whole tribe, no one else will get a say in this. At the end of this, we'll end up with two tribes of 7. Both tribes will have a day to get to know each other before tribal council tomorrow night where both tribes will attend, one after the other where you'll vote someone out. Meaning after tomorrow night, we will go from 14 players to just 12.

Both nodded their heads at this as Jeff got the bags of buffs.

Jeff: Rachel, your tribe will be the new Kornati tribe. Vinnie, your tribe will be the new Juburi tribe.

Rachel and Vinnie received their bags which had the new, fresh buffs in them.

Jeff: You guys will do rock, paper, scissors to determine who will draft first.

They faced each other with their hands out and chose their metaphorical weapon.

Jeff: Vinnie has paper, Rachel has rock, Rock covers paper, Vinnie gets first pick. Who're you picking?

Vinnie: My first pick is gonna be Zane.

Zane: Wow, okay.

Zane walked forward and claimed his buff

Jeff: Zane is now a member of Juburi. Rachel.

Rachel: Damian.

Jeff: Rachel chooses Damian.

Damian walked over, hugged and kissed Rachel on the cheek before claiming his buff.

Jeff: Vinnie, next choice.

Vinnie: Andy.

Jeff: Vinnie going with Andy.

Andy walked over and fist bumped the two.

Jeff: Rachel, next choice.

Rachel then took a moment before her next decision.

Rachel: I'm picking Moana.

Moana nodded as she walked over. Both tribes were now at 3 members each.

Jeff: So far both tribes look the same. One has all Kornati members, the other has all Vorona members.

Emily: Yep...

Jeff: Vinnie, back to you.

Vinnie took a moment, split on this decision before Andy whispered.

Andy *whispering*: We want to keep her close.

Vinnie: I'm picking Lauren.

Lauren sighed as she was still with her old tribe mates.

Jeff: And just like that, the entire Vorona tribe is sticking together. Rachel, you picking another Kornati member?

Rachel: I'm picking Sarah.

Sarah laughed at these turns of events as she went to join all of her not so new tribemates.

Jeff: You both have 3 selections left each. Vinnie, no matter what, you're ending up with someone new on your tribe.

Vinnie: Sure am. For putting up a fight out there, I'm choosing Luke.

Luke grew shocked as he approached all the Vorona members, Lauren looked slightly happier at this. Rachel and her tribe were nervous at this.

Jeff: Wow, all the Juburi members have been left until last. Kenny are you surprised at all?

Kenny: Seeing how the reward challenge went down, I knew how things were going to shake up.

Jeff: Rachel, you're now picking one Juburi member to be on your tribe.

Rachel took a moment with her decision.

Rachel: I'll pick Kate.

Kate sighed as she joined the new Kornati tribe, claiming her new blue buff.

Jeff: Vinnie, you're choice.

Vinnie: I'll choose Kenny.

Kenny: At least I ain't last...

Jeff: Kenny remaining on the Juburi tribe. Rachel, we got 3 people left.

Rachel sighed as she didn't see any 3 options to be beneficial to her. She turned to Moana to motioned towards the panda hat wearing comedian.

Rachel: Okay, I'll pick Nigel.

Nigel: Get picked twice. Thanks.

Nigel patted Kate on her back, happy that the two of them are still together.

Jeff: Vinnie, last choice. Bare in mind you're now selecting for both tribes.

Vinnie nodded, but his decision was made pretty easily.

Vinnie: I'll choose Emily.

Emily then walked over, drawing the last pink buff in the bag.

Jeff: Emily remains a member of Juburi. Jayda, this means you're now a member of Kornati.

Jayda took a couple seconds and looked at both tribes, deciding if she wanted to use her advantage or not. Ultimately she decided against it as she went over to get her new dark blue buff.

Jeff: Okay, we have our new tribes.

New Tribes.

Kornati: Rachel, Damian, Moana, Sarah, Kate, Nigel, Jayda

Juburi: Vinnie, Zane, Andy, Lauren, Luke, Kenny, Emily

Jeff: Now, before you both head back to camp, there's a little something I'm going to tell you.

Everyone grew silent.

Jeff: Hidden in each beach is something called a hidden immunity idol. Some of you may already know about these, others this may come as a shock to you. What's important to note about these is that they can be played before the votes are read but after they are cast. If you have one and you play it, for either yourself or someone else, then any votes cast against them will not count and the person with the next highest number of votes will be voted off instead.

This took some people by surprise but most remained neutral about this.

Jeff: That's something to think about as you head to your new beaches. Here's a map to both beaches.

Maps were handed out to everyone.

Jeff: Okay, I'll see both tribes at tribal council tomorrow night where two people will have their adventures end tonight.

Both tribes began to head out.

Jayda (confessional): I decided not to use my mutiny strictly because I'm a lone wolf out here. Using it will only give people an impression that I have a relationship with these people. And I don't. Mark my words, I will make it through tribal council tomorrow night. Just you watch.


Most of the original Kornati tribe returned to their beach as they knew it, however the three newcomers had a whole new camp to adjust to.

Sarah: So here's our camp, it ain't much.

Kate: It holds up better than ours, that's for sure.

Kate, Nigel and Jayda all set their stuff down and started exploring. The 4 Kornati members all stayed at camp.

Rachel (confessional): After winning that immunity challenge, I knew that I wanted Kornati to stick together. So I picked my 3 closest allies as well as 3 safety nets that we can simply dispose of whether we wish.

Damian: This could not have worked out any better.

Sarah: If both tribes stick to what they said they were going to do, there will be only 3 of those Juburi members after tonight.

Damian: We have single handedly cut that tribe in half and I'm proud of us.

Damian (confessional): It does suck that Luke's over there on the other tribe by himself but as long as he doesn't say or do anything stupid, he should make it through.

Moana: Who do we think should go first?

Rachel: I really don't care but I think Jayda, she's annoying and probably has something from yesterday.

Moana: That is true.

Sarah: Do we want to seal this now? That way we won't have to talk about it much?

All 4 shook each others hands on this.

Rachel: Who do we think the other tribe will target?

Sarah: Oh they have to gun for Kenny here.

Moana: Kenny's the only one keeping that tribe together. They'd be in shambles. He's their best player.

Damian (confessional): Of course I still remember the whole deal I made with Kenny on Day 1. Not exactly sure where we stand after Lauren and I teamed up at that one challenge, but that's just a door that's open for me if I need it on the off chance he manages to survive.

Nigel and Kate meanwhile were scanning their new situation as they were down at the river.

Nigel: This certainly ain't ideal.

Kate: This is what I was scared was going to happen.

Nigel: I'm sorry I couldn't hold my own back there.

Kate: Don't feel bad. They knew what they were doing.

Kate (confessional): So it turns out that reward was more powerful than even we thought. It shook up this game like crazy. And now Nigel and I stand a 2/3 shot of possibly going home.

Kate: We have 2 options here. Option 1: Convince them to vote out Jayda over us.

Nigel: Well that doesn't sound too bad.

Kate: Option 2: Try to make nice with Jayda and see which of those Kornati folk would want to side with us.

Nigel: Or option 3, find one of those immunity idol things that Jeff was talking about.

Kate: Well seeing as Jayda more likely than not, planted that piece of paper in my bag, no doubt in my mind she must've found it by now.

Nigel: Yeah that is a good point.

Nigel (confessional): I'm not being honest with Kate but at the same time, not exactly lying either. Kinda in purgatory. I know Kenny has the idol, still debating on whether I actually still trust him or not. So I'm pretty much juggling with that info right now. But when you're playing with new people, you gotta find any edge you can.


After arriving at camp, all of the new Juburi tribe members were introducing themselves to each other.

Kenny: It ain't much but it's camp. I'm sure you guys will make do.

Zane: Not too bad. Can see why ya'll have done so well these past few challenges.

Kenny: Yep...

Luke meanwhile was still looking around, kind of nervous.

Luke (confessional): It's definitely scary being the only Kornati member to have switched beaches. It's like being the rich new kid at school. People may want to be friends with you for being rich or they could hate you cause they think you're too priviledged or something. Boy do I know that life.

Lauren: Nice to have some new faces around here.

Andy: Yeah it was getting kinda bleak back at our old beach.

Vinnie (confessional): When I saw a chance to keep the Vorona tribe together, I absolutely took it. I was debating whether or not I wanted Lauren on my tribe but I got scared that the other tribe could've gotten her and turned her against us. And I also got Luke just in case we needed to weaken that Kornati alliance, he'd be an easy person to take out.

Luke and Lauren were relaxing in the shelter together.

Lauren: So glad we got swapped together.

Luke: Me too, glad to have someone I somewhat know.

Lauren: No matter what, I'll make sure you aren't the one targeted by them

Luke: Thanks. I was pretty scared at first.

Lauren (confessional): I was pretty ticked off that I couldn't get away from the Vorona alliance at first. I was hoping to win immunity and pick the people that I want to work with while leaving them on the other tribe to get picked off. Luke and I developed a pretty solid relationship back at Kornati camp so it's nice to have him here so that we can maybe finally get a chance to work together.

Lauren: I pray that this is a new beginning for us.

Luke: I hope so too.

Zane and Andy had temporarily wandered off together to celebrate their new position.

Zane: That could not have worked out any better for us.

Andy: Now Vinnie is seen as the biggest threat and has all the blood on his hands.

Zane: It'll be nice getting a break from being targeted.

Andy: Agreed. I think for now our best play is to just play up the fact that we're both just Vinnie's minions and that way he'll always get targeted over us. We make it to merge and see what options lay ahead for us.

Zane: What about Lauren?

Andy: We just have to keep her close, keep her reassured that she is still a part of the tribe no matter what because we need her vote.

Zane: That is true. Really praying that we did enough to convince her that staying with us is the smartest thing she can do right now.

Kenny meanwhile was walking by himself and saw Vinnie.

Kenny: Hey man.

Vinnie: What's up?

Kenny: Just wanted to check in. Know I didn't exactly get the best vibes from the swap.

Vinnie: To me you have nothing to worry about.

Kenny: Is there a tribal consensus yet?

Vinnie: Right now it's between Emily and Luke in terms of who we want to target.

Kenny: Fair enough. I pray that we don't end up at tribal again.

Vinnie: Me neither.

Vinnie (confessional): Kenny and I have this connection what with Dianne interacting with both of us but now that she's out of the game, I'm not too sure how I feel about him personally.

Kenny: I promise you I'm a good provider, I can help out in challenges. Whatever you need to get done. Luke is only gonna be a number for those 5 people. The guy's a threat.

Kenny (confessional): I'm trying to see what I can work with. Emily and I are pretty clearly on the outs so I'm trying to work whatever angle I can to see how we can work ourselves in to the majority with Vinnie.

Vinnie: It's tough. I want this tribe to be the strongest it can and is Emily really stronger than Luke?

Kenny: Whatever you decide man, just keep me updated.

Vinnie: I promise you're good.

Vinnie (confessional): If Kenny does have the idol from Juburi camp, and he may feel the need to play it tonight. Maybe the safe play is to get the Vorona four to target Emily.

Vinnie then met up with Andy and Zane.

Vinnie: So right now the vibe I'm getting from Kenny is that he doesn't want to turn against Emily.

Andy: I mean why would he? We weren't exactly subtle with letting the Juburi people know where they stand.

Vinnie: I know but what can they do about it?

Zane: If these idols were in all camps, what's the odds Kenny or Emily has one? Heck we don't even know about Luke.

Vinnie: We just have to go with the safest option I think. Emily's gonna weigh us down.

Andy: I agree. We have to make sure there's nothing going on between Luke and Lauren and them wanting to do anything against us.

Vinnie: If they have an idol, I promise mine will be played for one of ya'll.

Zane: That means a lot dude.

Andy: Yeah, glad to know we're still solid through all this.


It was late morning with everyone up and already a few hours away before tribal. Moana was walking through the forest.

Moana (confessional): So it's tribal council tonight and it's absolutely vital that I get the correct person to leave tonight.

Jayda then spotted her.

Jayda: *Yawn* Morning.

Moana: Good morning. How did you sleep?

Jayda: Pretty crappy. Sucks to have Nigel's snoring still.

Moana: Yeah, pretty weird to have him and Damian as the only guys over here.

Jayda: Hopefully that won't weigh us down. Speaking of which, I'm absolutely open to voting whoever here. Being last picked was a pretty uneasy feeling.

Moana: I don't get all the hate for you really. Like if I were in your position and saw both the other tribes helping each other, I'd be pretty irritated as well.

Jayda: Thanks a ton for understanding. I really want to vote for Damian since Rachel's safe but I know that no one else would be down for that.

Moana: Yeah probably not the best idea.

Jayda: Guess I'll vote for Nigel then?

Moana: Yeah that'll work. I'll talk to the Kornati alliance later today and see if they're interested.

Jayda: Cool, thanks.

Jayda (confessional): I'm trying to get in good with Moana. I think she has the most power as of right now. If Kate or Nigel leave then that's really no issue for me.

Moana (confessional): After thinking through my options, I don't want Jayda to leave. Nigel and I have our deal from the Temple last week, so really the only person that remains is Kate.

Later in the day, Nigel and Moana were talking by the water well.

Nigel: Is there any way out of this for me?

Moana: As of right now? I still need to talk to everyone. But I don't think Kornati's splitting here.

Nigel: I wouldn't mind getting out Jayda if that's what you guys want. She annoys the hell out of me.

Moana: How do you feel about Kate?

Nigel: She's the only person that keeps me sane out here. I don't want it to be her, and even if it is, I won't vote for her.

Moana: Fair enough. It may take a lot, it's between those two for sure.

Nigel (confessional): Yeah Moana didn't exactly give me much to work with here. She said it's between Jayda and Kate. So I'm thinking that Kate and I need to vote for Jayda.

Kate then approached Sarah who was sawing wood.

Sarah: I wish there was a way that I could keep all 3 of you guys around. I hate the fact we have tribal forced on us.

Kate: Me too. But hey, I understand.

Sarah: Thanks. This hurts me a lot.

Kate (confessional): Things are just looking more and more bleak for me at the moment. Moana ain't cracking, Sarah ain't cracking. I don't even think Jayda's cracking.

Damian and Rachel then watched from a distance as Kate and Sarah continued their conversation.

Damian: Still think you chose the right people?

Rachel: I'm not too sure at this point. I don't like the fact that they're going off with them. Especially with immunity idols at stake.

Damian: It would be the easy option to stick with Kornati. We had a deal and the other tribe would be pissed that we went back on it.

Rachel: They sure would. I do think Moana and Sarah have more trust with us now than when we did with Curtis gone.

Damian: Would it be any issue to vote one of them off?

Rachel: You mean now? I don't think that's a good idea.

Damian: I don't like the fact that they have so much control.

Rachel then sighed.

Rachel (confessional): I do think Damian has a case of always wanting to make big moves. He always wants to be in control, he's always paranoid about not having all of the intel. And I think that gets to him a lot out here. I've been tight with Moana and Sarah this whole game and to turn on them this early? It just doesn't sit right with me.

Damian (confessional): Moana and Sarah are way too powerful. I know I made this deal with Kornati and Vorona to stick together but at this stage? A new swap means a new game. Sarah's social skills combined with Moana's idol is way too much. Split them up and we have a whole new game.

Rachel: Do you want me to run this by Nigel and Kate?

Damian: Probably a good idea. I don't want them getting suspicious of me.

The sun then started setting, letting everyone know that they did not have long before their trek to tribal. Rachel put on her immunity necklace as Nigel and Kate approached her.

Kate: The both of us know we're on the outs. We're planning to vote for Jayda. I'm not sure if that's cool with you or not but it's all we got.

Nigel: It's a pretty crappy situation. Not trying to put pressure on you.

Rachel: Well that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. You see Sarah and Moana going off together, right?

Kate: Yeah, those two do talk a lot. Heard they're trying to pull Jayda in. Not sure if it's for a three person thing.

Rachel: Well what do you two think about getting one of them out?

Nigel: You don't even have to ask. Who's idea was it?

Rachel: Damian, I'm worried he's playing too hard and it'll blow things up for the both of us.

Rachel (confessional): I picked Damian first for my tribe because I thought I could trust him. I made probably a big mistake doing that, I should've picked Luke instead of going with my heart. Last time I make that mistake.

Kate: What's the issue with voting for him then?

Rachel: At this point? I don't see why not.

Nigel: If they're all voting erratically then we won't have to worry about pulling in a fourth.

Rachel: It's something to think about. If you guys want to make that move, then it's something that I'm all for. He's becoming a liability.

Kate: Thank you so much for talking to us.

Rachel: Anytime. Just keep me updated where you guys are leaning.

Rachel then left as Kate and Nigel turned to each other.

Nigel: Well that was a freebie.

Kate: Can we trust her though? I think at this point we have no choice.

Nigel (confessional): It would make a shit ton of sense to gun for Damian. I still have that deal with Moana from the Temple that I don't wanna go back on. At the same time though, she wanted me to vote for Kate who is my closest friend out here.

Nigel: We could always stick with Jayda.

Kate: Jayda's always gonna target us. That's difficult to keep around I think.

Kate (confessional): The plus side of getting Jayda out is that Moana and Damian will be after each other at that point. This would put Nigel and I in a very powerful position as we wouldn't have to worry. But then there's also the possibility of Rachel playing us. So really, what option do we have?

Nigel: It's getting late. Time to head for tribal.

Kate: I'm gonna throw up.

Nigel: Me too, twice probably.

Kate and Nigel then headed back to join the group as Damian looked at them. He then looked at Rachel.

Damian: We all good?

Rachel: Definitely.

One by one, everyone went to grab their torches. Damian and Nigel were the last to do so as Damian quickly whispered in his ear.

Damian *whispering*: Moana has an idol.

Nigel was left speechless as he was at the back of the tribe.

Jayda (confessional): I am so ready to get to tribal. I'll be expecting 5 Nigels on those parchments and whoever those two clowns vote for.

Rachel (confessional): So I'm still on edge going in to tribal. There's almost no certainty about what's going to happen and I know that whatever decision I make is going to speak volumes about if certain people will be able to trust me.

Damian (confessional): I'm getting cold feet right now. I'm going back on a deal that I made just a few days ago. But I know it'll all be worth it in the end. I will come out of this tribal on top.


Kenny and Emily were up early, gathered around the camp while the Vorona majority was out fishing.

Kenny: I'm not sure what to do at this point, I feel like we're hitting a bunch of dead ends.

Emily: It sucks. I don't want either of us to go.

Kenny: Me neither.

Kenny (confessional): I still have my immunity idol and I could very well play it if I feel like Vorona is trying to trick me. If I play it, I'm guaranteed to survive this vote and make it to the final 12 and who knows what happens from there?

Meanwhile the Vorona tribe were all in the ocean, debating about the vote.

Lauren: I do think that Kenny is the bigger threat.

Zane: Kenny's more useful in challenges. Emily's pretty sketchy for me.

Andy: Kenny does seem to be the one that holds the Juburi tribe together.

Vinnie (confessional): I could go back on my deal with Kenny, or I can try and see if there's a bridge there. The possibility of two idols on my side is what's really convincing me to want to take that risk.

Lauren: I see a clam, I'll get it.

Lauren (confessional): Even when I'm trying to work with these people, it's difficult. I don't see why keeping Kenny just to help us in challenges is a big deal. If we lose again, oh well, we can get rid of Emily. I want Kenny gone as soon as possible. As much as I want to turn on Vorona, I just feel like the timing isn't there. I want to be thinking logically, not emotionally.

Meanwhile, Luke woke up and joined the two former and current Juburi members.

Luke: How you both feeling this morning?

Emily: You can probably guess how we're feeling.

Luke: I wouldn't have made the same decisions he made had I won.

Kenny: You would've picked your tribe.

Emily: We have nothing to lose at this point if you wanted to join up with us.

Luke: I made a promise to Kornati that I'd stick with them.

Kenny: Well you don't necessarily have to vote with us...

Kenny then reached in to his bag and pulled out his idol.

Emily: Is that...?

Kenny: You're the only two people I'm telling. I can use this to even up the numbers. We can make it past the next tribal council 3 on 3. If you give us a heads up where the votes are going. I can use this to save us. You get out of this with no blood on your hands.

Luke: Damn, that's tempting.

Kenny: Since we can't vote for Vinnie. I say we go for the next biggest fish.

Luke: And who do you think that is?

Emily: Andy's been the one trying to play this whole "behind the scenes" type game.

Kenny: I've seen him had good conversations with the other 3 that they've all never had with each other.

Emily: I think that's our best bet.

Luke: Alright, I'll have to think about it.

Kenny: Sounds good, take all the time you need.

Emily (confessional): I absolutely love this. Kenny has a 50/50 chance of getting it right and having us both survive tonight's vote. It's gonna be difficult trying to get Luke with us but he has to realize that he's going to be next.

Luke (confessional): This vote has hit me hard. I know Damian and Rachel are gonna be shocked and I made a promise to them, but it wouldn't hurt for me to make a move strictly for myself. What they don't know won't hurt them, right?

Luke then walked off as Emily turned to Kenny.

Emily: You serious about playing that?

Kenny: I hate that it has to be this early but I'm not having those two tribes get the upper hand on us like this.

Emily: That's awesome. I think we can really turn the tide of the game like this.

Lauren then came across Luke by himself and went to join him.

Lauren: What's up? You look frazzled.

Luke: Just a lot weighing on my mind.

Lauren: Well it's no good to keep it all in. We can trust each other, right?

Luke: Yeah, it's just Kenny gave me an ultimatum.

Lauren: What kind?

Luke: I tell you this, it is kept between us.

Lauren: Absolutely, you have my word.

Luke: You know those immunity idols that Jeff was telling us about? Kenny has one.

Lauren: Wait, really?

Luke: Yeah he showed it to me this morning. Says if I give him the heads up about where the votes are going, he can use it to shift the numbers our way.

Lauren: Wow, that's huge.

Luke: You sure you don't wanna switch sides?

Lauren: I just don't feel like it's the right time. And those two only met you, you will be expendable to both sides if it comes to a 3-3 deadlock and I won't be able to save you.

Luke: This is heavy, these idols really throw things through a loop.

Lauren: I think if you can convince Kenny not to play it, that'll be your best option.

Luke: You sure about that?

Lauren (confessional): These damn immunity idols really do shake up the game. First Vinnie has one which he may or may not play, and now Kenny has one which he's more than likely to play tonight. I want to prevent both immunity idols from being played because that'll give me more options after that vote.

Lauren: I still have your back, I don't want those Vorona people to target you.

Luke: Well thanks anyway.

It was now getting late as Luke and Kenny gathered quickly.

Kenny: So what have you heard?

Luke: I dunno man, I think you're better off not playing it.

Kenny: Really? Why?

Luke: They want to vote off Emily. You'll still have that idol afterwards to protect yourself.

Kenny: I dunno man, that seems worse for my odds.

Luke: It's up to you. I'm giving you that choice because I trust you.

Meanwhile Vinnie and Lauren met up.

Vinnie: You good with everything?

Lauren: Yeah, I don't think they have anything.

Vinnie: Good, if they did, I'll play mine no problem.

Vinnie (confessional): I've never been more nervous for a tribal despite the fact that I have immunity. Something still feels off about this whole thing. Kenny and Emily seem a bit too calm despite the fact that one of them are about to leave. As for Luke? Who knows what's going through his head right now.

Andy and Zane meanwhile followed everyone else.

Andy: Just gotta keep our heads low and we're sure to dominate.

Zane: Damn right.

Andy (confessional): I'm not really sure who those two are about to target and for me it doesn't really matter. It's 2 votes against 5 or 4 against 3 depending on where Luke stands. I really don't have much to worry about right now. The smartest thing everyone can do is just stick to the plan.

Everyone then started to collect their torches, ready to head to tribal.

Emily (confessional): Kenny and I's fate rests in the hands of Luke and Kenny's idol. I really hope to make it through, it's too early for me to go home.


Kornati was the first tribe to attend tribal council. The 7 members all entered the area one by one, set their torches down and sat in front of Jeff and the flame.

Jeff: Rachel, Kornati managed to win the advantage for this immunity challenge which turned out to be quite major. You ended up winning and drafted a tribe with 4 former Kornati, and 3 former Juburi. Was that strategy on your end.

Rachel: Absolutely. We've always said that Juburi was a powerhouse in challenges, they've won the most out of any of us. So either they'll be an asset in the next few challenges, or they'll be an easy vote for when we have to come back here.

Jeff: Wow, Kate. Rachel just laid it out cut and dry.

Kate: I can't say I'm shocked, it has been pretty apparent, at least for the last couple days that people are viewing Juburi as this giant 6 headed threat and they had to keep chopping the heads off. It happened with Brendan, it can happen with two more of us tonight.

Jeff: But that's the other interesting thing Damian. While you're considering who to vote off, you have no idea what the other tribe will do when they get here. How do you take that in to consideration?

Damian: It's a gamble because we did not manage to keep the entire Kornati tribe together. Luke is over there on Juburi and if that tribe gets a sense that we went back on something, they could easily cut him loose just to weaken us as a tribe.

Jeff: Rachel, would you have picked Luke had it came down to it?

Rachel: Absolutely, it's always good to keep your allies fate in your own hands. Luke is a strong player, he almost won yesterdays challenge. But I think Vinnie knew what he was doing.

Jeff: Jayda, today you gave up your shot at winning immunity and potentially being in that powerful position. And now here you are, vulnerable and seemingly on the outs. Any regrets about your decision?

Jayda: I knew that whatever would've happened, I would not have won a challenge that was so physically demanding. So it was better for me to get something that was already offered to me. But I think tonight I'll be okay.

Jeff: How can you be sure?

Jayda: I talked to everyone and to let them know that I am basically a lone wolf and that I am willing to align myself with anyone who will extend that olive branch.

Jeff: Moana, that's a pretty convincing pitch, Jayda saying that she can be another person for you guys if you choose to keep her.

Moana: It's nice to hear because as the numbers are dwindling, you have to think about who's going to be on your side when the game becomes individual. And if you choose to align yourself with the wrong people, that could spell disaster for your game.

Jeff: Nigel, what do you do when numbers are against you? Because Kornati have made it no secret they're sticking together.

Nigel: Well I haven't exactly been the strongest player in terms of challenges, I know that. All of the tribes so far have been to tribal council at least once. They went and voted off Curtis, whether that was unanimous or not, there is a pecking order.

Sarah: There is also the added factor of immunity idols which have been brought to light only yesterday. Those not only keep you safe but they can nullify votes as well, meaning that the power can shift if it ends up getting played correctly.

Jeff: Kate, another interesting point by Sarah. Have there been any talk of hidden immunity idols so far?

Kate: So far I don't think it's quite set in that it's a thing this season. It's difficult to figure out how to navigate but knowing that there's that silver lining, that chance to save yourself. It is somewhat reassuring.

Nigel then leaned in and whispered to Kate.

Kate *whispering*: Are you sure?

Jeff: Damian, a lotta whispering going on.

Damian: I'm not too concerned, they're just trying to find a way in which they can possibly save themselves. They didn't control the growing threat that was Juburi. They've been safe the first 3 tribals.

Jeff: Jayda, Damian brings up a strong point which is threat management.

Jayda: You can't really control the process of a whole tribe. I'm not going to point fingers in terms of who were the main bread winners of Juburi but we did end up going to tribal thanks to them.

Damian: And what would've happened had they not gone? We would've gone up against 6 of them. And 5 is still a lot better than 6.

Jeff: Nigel, you were the only one from Juburi chosen to compete in the individual immunity challenge. Did you end up feeling responsible after you went out the first round?

Nigel: Yeah a bit. But that's a tell tale sign that challenges are just not for me. Anyone can drag me as far as they can in to this game and through the merger and that's one less person you have to fight against.

Jeff: Rachel, has there been any thought in regards to the merge?

Rachel: Of course, and there's a strong chance that not all the Juburi members will be gone by then, there are some that we may have to compete against for one of these.

Rachel then motioned to the necklace around her neck.

Jeff: Sarah, there's an interesting line in that you want to have your strongest members around to help you with those tribal challenges but not so necessarily the individual challenges, how do you find that medium?

Sarah: You just have to wait for that opportunity and plan ahead for it. Not one person can win every single immunity challenge, there's just no way that can happen. So you just have to have that killer instinct. People often overlook the physical portion of the game where I argue that's just as vital as the social and strategic portions.

Nigel then leaned in to whisper to Rachel who merely listened. Damian eyed this.

Jeff: Damian, would you agree that the physical part of survivor is just as important?

Damian: There is no doubt in my mind. Most winners would not even have won had challenges not existed, they would've been out of the game way sooner. And that's why I love this game, there are so many silver linings, so many possibilities as to what can happen. It's great.

Jeff: Kate, if it is one of you Juburi members going home tonight, then why keep you?

Kate: I think my situation is pretty similar to Nigels in that I'm not exactly the best at challenges but I also think I can help keep the spirits up. I'm a firm believer that whenever there's a low, there's always a high that follows. And that's what I've managed to follow in my life and it's worked out for me. And I may be the youngest in this competition, I'll be 20 next week and I would quite like to celebrate my birthday on Survivor.

Jayda: Ponderosa sounds like a much more luxurious place for a birthday, no offense.

Kate: Maybe it is, maybe I like to celebrate birthdays in the most obscure ways. When you have 19 of them, they kinda get old.

Nigel: Or when you have 32 and that's when you have first thoughts of a mid life crisis.

This got the tribe to burst out laughing including Jeff who smiled at the whole thing.

Jeff: Rachel, what's going to change about this tribe after tonight's vote.

Rachel: Some of the spirit may be lost, I'm sure that whoever gets voted out is someone who will go on to do great things with their life and it'll be difficult. But game wise, I'm sure this person will understand.

Jeff: Alright, let's get to the vote. Rachel, you have individual immunity. You keeping it for yourself?

Rachel: Yes sir.

Jeff: Okay, cannot vote for Rachel. Everyone else is fair game. It is time to vote. Jayda, you're up first.

Jayda got up first. She took the lid off her pen and scribbled down Nigel's name.

Jayda: Told you I'd get even. This vote was 15 days in the making

She did her usual smile as she lifted the lid to put her vote in. Rachel was up next, relieved that whatever was to happen, she'd be awake on Day 16. She placed her vote in. Sarah was the third one up as she showed her vote for Kate to the camera.

Sarah: You seem like a nice person and I really wanted us to work together. But picking off your tribe has been a priority for us since the beginning. Hope you understand my friend.

Sarah then returned to her seat. Nigel walked up next.

Nigel: Well whatever happens, someone's gonna end up half drunk and pissed off...

Nigel pondered his vote before making his decision. His partner in crime Kate was the next to vote. Her vote was shown from a different angle, not revealing who it was for.

Kate: This is just a precautionary vote, I have to make sure Nigel and I make it past tonight. I don't even know who to trust anymore.

Moana was next up, really pondering her vote before making her decision. Last up was Damian, who was really feeling the pressure of the vote, unsure if he was in danger or not. He then returned to his seat, completing the voting process.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

All was silent as Moana and Sarah looked at each other for a brief moment while Damian looked nervous. Jeff then returned with the urn.

Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and you'd like to play it, now is the time to do so.

The silence remained within the group. Some heads were turning but ultimately no one stood up.

Jeff: Okay, I'll read the votes.

Jeff opened the urn and pulled out the votes, one by one.

Jeff: First vote, Kate.

Kate crossed her eyes, nodding.

Jeff: Nigel. One vote Kate, one vote Nigel.

The duo looked at each other, almost guilty.

Jeff: Moana.

Moana scratched her chin, knowing who the vote may have been from.

Jeff: Kate. That's 2 votes Kate, 1 vote Nigel, 1 vote Moana.

Kate had her face in her hands, she couldn't even look at the remaining votes.

Jeff: Moana.

Moana's face froze, looking down, slightly confused, and stared straight forward.

Jeff: Moana.

Moana: Huh?

Moana looked at Sarah who's jaw dropped.

Jeff: That's 3 votes Moana, 2 votes Kate, 1 vote Nigel, 1 vote left.

Moana then slowly turned to Damian.

Moana: You didn't...

Damian: Say hi to Curtis for me.

Moana's fear struck eyes then turned to Rachel, someone who she considered her ally. Their gazes met as Jeff read the last vote.

Jeff: 5th person voted out of Survivor: Croatia... Moana.

Rachel then turned away, Moana slowly got up from her seat. Sarah started to get teary eyed.

Jeff: Moana, need you to bring me your torch.

Moana gathered her belongings and went for her torch. Jayda merely chuckled at this turn of events.

Jeff: Moana. The tribe has spoken.

Moana shook her head as her torch got snuffed in to smoke and ashes. She left without a second glance to anyone. Kate and Nigel merely looked at each other in relief.

Jeff: Well in this game it's less about what information you have, and more so how you use it that counts. We'll see how much tribal divisions mean after tonight. Grab your torches, head back to camp. Goodnight.

The remaining 6 all got their torches and one after the other, left the tribal council moments before the other tribe would join.

Final Words.

Moana: I thought I played this game the right way, I thought I put my trust in the people I thought would trust me but it turns out that three of them stabbed me in the back.

Rachel's vote: I made a promise to you, but I also made a promise to myself, and I stay true to one person in this game.

Moana: Rachel and Damian and Nigel, they're in this game and willing to do anything it takes to make themselves feel good. No doubt in my mind, Sarah's gonna get even with them. I hope she wins.


Damian: Moana

Kate: Moana

Nigel: Moana

Rachel: Moana

Moana: Kate

Sarah: Kate

Jayda: Nigel


Moments after one tribe exited, the other tribe entered, completely unaware of who was voted off. Jeff was waiting for them as they all gathered around the 7 seats and sat down.

Jeff: So Andy, looking at the tribal divisions. Is it fair to assume that with 4 former Vorona that you are all sticking together.

Andy: At this point it only makes sense for us to do so. We've already been to tribal council twice. This was our big break. As soon as Vinnie won immunity, he was able to keep us all together and give us that protection.

Jeff: Vinnie, safe to assume this turned out how you wanted?

Vinnie: Sure was. Tribe swaps in seasons past have been completely unpredictable and out of everyone's control in terms of how it changes their game. I was not only able to be one of the three that competed but I also won this very important challenge. This is the safest I've been all game. I've always had to come in to tribal worrying about whether or not I'm gonna get votes. This now changes fate.

Jeff: Luke, Rachel picked every other Kornati member and left you for last. Vinnie then ends up picking you. How does it feel to be in this position.

Luke: At first it was petrifying, like I was alone on my little island. But I think I've made the most of this new opportunity. I've gotten to get to know everyone here and just over 24 hours later, one of us is going home.

Jeff: Did Rachel not picking you make you feel concerned about where you stood with her.

Luke: I do believe she still trusts me, she just trusts the other three more. I took no offense to it. People have made me feel a part of this tribe, and we'll see what happens.

Jeff: Kenny, what was the feeling like after the swap? Because it doesn't seem like you're in the power position, but there is still a chance for you to survive.

Kenny: It was a real heart drop. I felt like I had gotten along with Juburi and we've managed to stay strong through thick and thin but obviously the other tribes have wanted to split that up. These last three challenges, Juburi has lost worse than what we started off with.

Jeff: And you're positive that's not just the days kicking in.

Kenny: No, I think those two tribes have made a deal and I think it was thanks to that Temple that caused for some cross tribal interactions.

Jeff: Lauren, how big of a part has the Temple of Secrets played thus far?

Lauren: The Temple of Secrets is a massive game changer in terms of how things are approached. When I went there last time, I got to interact with Kornati and we were just sick of losing. That was our opportunity to change that and we took it. And Survivor is like life, when an opportunity comes, you take it and you run with it, otherwise you're gonna regret something that you didn't do and could've done.

Jeff: Emily, how are you feeling about tonight? You didn't get a shot at immunity and now we're at tribal where one of you could be going.

Emily: I tried not to let it get to me but it is difficult when you're fighting an uphill battle and are guilty by association with an entire tribe. But tonight I think Vorona is gonna stick together and it'll be either Kenny or I leaving tonight.

Jeff: Zane, what were the pros to keeping Luke around that you discussed.

Zane: The list goes on. He helps a ton in camp and is gonna be a great asset in challenges, he always cooks us rice, he's really been a main provider for us, and he's someone that sticks to his word. All that in under 2 days. Gotta respect the effort.

Jeff: Luke, does that make you feel more confident going in to tonight.

Luke: It is a nice feeling but at the same time, it's just who I am, it's how I function, it's what I enjoy. I would do this for anyone under any circumstance. And I wouldn't change that at all.

Jeff: Kenny, what do you do? You have to vote somebody out to make it through tonight and obviously you don't want it to be you.

Kenny: You try and find whatever edge you can. I was telling Luke this morning that Emily and I are only 2 people, we're only 2 easy votes. There's a huge possibility that merge can't be for a while and you want to make sure you can survive until then. And if her and I are both voted out, who's next? Regardless of how much you do at camp or how much you want to prove your loyalty, those four will not split.

Jeff: Luke, what do you make of Kenny's pitch?

Luke: It does not make my decision any easier. I do want to go through this whole game, saying I was able to stick to my word no problem. This is a massive problem.

Jeff: Vinnie, yesterday I revealed that there were now hidden immunity idols around camp, how did that play effect in to your game.

Vinnie: It brings a lot more paranoia yet a whole new level of strategy. You can use it for yourself, you can use it for someone else and most importantly, you don't know if someone has it or not. So it weighs a lot and something we'll have to prepare for every tribal moving forward.

Jeff: Andy, do you think it's better to have an idol or better that you have nothing to do with it.

Andy: It can go both ways. While having that immunity that you can give yourself is always nice, you always have to wonder when the right time to play it is. Asking yourself questions such as "Am I playing it too early", "Am I hanging on to it too long", or "Are people targeting me yet". It absolutely messes with your mind day in and day out.

Zane: It also puts alliances to the test. Do you have enough people in your corner? Because if so then you won't have to worry as much about it since there's less of a chance you end up as the one with the next highest number of votes.

Jeff: Emily, what reasons are there to get rid of anyone else at this stage in the game? Why keep you around?

Emily: I don't see myself as a long term threat to anyone here. We're not going to be playing in tribes forever. The merge will come, the jury will come. Vinnie is a massive physical threat as proven today. Andy on the other hand, very good at talking to people. And almost everyone loves Lauren.

Zane: What about me?

Emily: I can't really think of anything for you right now.

Jeff: Zane, is that reassuring? Someone straight up telling you that you aren't a threat.

Zane: It's nice. I was targeted at the very first tribal council but that wasn't because of my threat level, it was because of my own actions. And that leads me to believe that if anyone is going to be responsible for my elimination, then it's gonna be me. And I think I can live with that.

Kenny: Can you live with waiting the whole game, knowing you could've made a move, yet didn't?

Zane: Doesn't really appeal to me much to make a move. I'm trying to be good, I don't wanna get on anyone's nerves. I try to be quiet.

Jeff: Vinnie, is Zane quiet?

Vinnie: Listen, Zane and I have had our issues in the past but we've managed to move on like adults. We more so have a complete tolerance of each other and it doesn't get in the way of what both of us came out here to do.

Jeff: So it's more so a business agreement for you both?

Vinnie: You could say that. As long as it's something that'll benefit both of us then there's really no reason why the other person can not agree to it.

Jeff: Andy, where would you say your place in the tribe is?

Andy: I'd say I'm the peacemaker. I hear people out, I consider all options and I execute them with the people I trust.

Emily: And that's also why people may want to get rid of him.

Andy: Maybe, but I'm here and I've put myself in to this position just like you've put yourself in to that position. Unlike me, unlike Vorona, we're all here, we don't have to worry about what connections lay on the other side because there is none. As for you guys you still have 3 other members on that side and the second we let our guard down will be the second you guys regroup and dominate just like you did in the pre-merge.

Jeff: Kenny, why keep you?

Kenny: I'm one competitive son of a bitch. The first thing I'll make sure you know about me when we first meet each other is that I hate losing. I can help out a lot in challenges and the more challenges we win, the less we have to worry about sending people home which I think is what Vorona and Luke need to take in to consideration.

Emily: It sucks that we're fighting against each other for our lives here because Kenny and I, we've been on the same tribe since Day 1, we're each others only connection in this new tribe.

Kenny: I know, it hurts. But this is what it comes down to. If those four aren't gonna turn against each other and keep Luke around for his tribe pride then there's literally no other option. Either way this vote will roll out tonight, it'll be a massive affect on us as a whole.

Jeff: Lauren, how does it feel to have two different people who are both pitching their case as to why they should stay, using their own personality?

Lauren: It is difficult at first, knowing that they're both putting it all on the table. And while we appreciate it, ultimately a tough decision is going to have to be made either way you look at the game. Anything can happen in Survivor which is something that is always worth keeping in mind.

Jeff: Luke, has this tribal council in anyway impacted your decision?

Luke: I think it's made more clear. I know how tight the Vorona 4 are, yet they have no connections on the other tribe, and I know how tight these two are and yet they do have connections on the other tribe. So really it's around equal pros and cons for me.

Jeff: Zane, did people try and find out if there was a crack between the four of you?

Zane: Not today, not yesterday, not at all really. And truth be told, I don't think there is a crack to be found. If there is, I will be left speechless, jaw dropped 20 stories beneath me, with my head turning every which way.

Jeff: Okay, and with that. It is time to get to the vote. Vinnie, you have individual immunity. You keeping it for yourself?

Vinnie merely nodded his head as the others looked to Jeff to continue.

Jeff: You cannot vote for Vinnie. Everyone else is fair game. It is time to vote. Zane, you're up first.

Zane slowly got up and breathed heavily. He went up to the voting booth and took a moment to cast his vote. Emily was up next, writing Andy's name on her parchment Toy Story style.

Emily: You've got an enemy in me buddy. Just watch.

She then forcefully folded her paper and crammed it in the urn. Following her was Andy, who returned the favor.

Andy: There, I wrote your name down too

Andy walked back to sit down. Vinnie was next to vote. The poker player took a deep breath before casting his vote. Next was Luke who took a moment before making his choice.

Luke: I guess tonight we'll find out who was really telling the truth after all.

Next was Kenny, who made sure his immunity idol was safe in his pocket, still conflicted about what to do with it. And finally, Lauren sighed as she approached the last parchment. She looked back at the group. Emily was nervous yet trying to stay calm whilst Andy and the rest of Vorona seemed fairly confident. Lauren placed her vote in the urn before sitting down.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

Emily and Andy were shown glaring daggers at each other with Kenny in the middle of it all.

Jeff: Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and you'd like to play it, now is the time to do so.

Vinnie looked at his tribe, trying to read everyone's faces.

Emily: Kenny...

Kenny then looked at Emily, who stared right at him. The Vorona alliance all looked at the spectacle.

Emily: Please...

Kenny was now looking more and more nervous before he looked away from Emily, who looked down.

Jeff: Okay, I'll read the votes.

All was silent as Jeff pulled the first vote.

Jeff: First vote, Emily

Emily shook her head in disbelief.

Jeff: Andy. One vote Emily, one vote Andy.

Andy's facial expression stayed fairly neutral through out.

Jeff: Emily. Two votes Emily, one vote Andy.

Nothing much changed as Zane patted his ally's back.

Jeff: Andy. We're tied, two votes Emily, two votes Andy.

Emily then tried to look at Luke and Lauren, but felt a cold shoulder when neither of them would look at her.

Jeff: Emily, that's 3 votes Emily, 2 votes Andy.

Emily shook her head, about to gather her belongings.

Jeff: 6th person voted out of Survivor: Croatia, Emily. That's 4, that's enough. Need to bring me your torch.

She got up, not making an effort to hug or glace at anyone left in those seats. She presented her torch in front of Jeff.

Jeff: Emily, the tribe has spoken.

Emily watched as her torch got snuffed, her fire was gone which meant so was she.

Jeff: Time for you to go.

Everyone watched as she made her way out of tribal, clearly in no rush to stay.

Jeff: Well tonight, tribal loyalties were put to the test, some motives were questioned and the vote spoke volumes. Welcome to tribal council everyone. Grab your torches, head back to camp. Goodnight.

There was some clear guilt within some people tonight though not everyone. Andy and Zane clinked their torches like wineglasses before heading back. The credits now started to roll.

Final words.

Emily: I really am proud of myself, there's not much else to it. I thought I was out of my element, but it turns out my tribe was that good that we had to get taken out. I'm not sure what's in store for Kenny or any of the Juburi members who survived tonight but I can only wish the best for them. I can't wait to see my kids again.


Andy: Emily

Lauren: Emily

Luke: Emily

Vinnie: Emily

Zane: Emily

Emily: Andy

Kenny: Andy

Jeff: Next time on Survivor!

Sarah: I do want to work with you guys moving forward.

Kate: I respect you for being straight up with me.

Sarah: We need to split that power couple up right now.

Jeff: Sarah seeks out new allegiances.

Kate (confessional): I don't see why I shouldn't work with Sarah at this point.

Jeff: Kenny's actions from days ago come back to life.

Rachel: You think he planted that clue there?

Jayda: I swear, he pinned us against each other.

Jayda (confessional): Kenny's going down.

Jeff: But a twist with the temple of secrets may throw a wrench in the plans.

Jeff was shown talking to both tribes at the immunity challenge.

Jeff: Tonight, someone from both tribes will be spending the night at the Temple of Secrets.

Damian (confessional): What the hell do I do now?

13th place: Emily

14th place: Moana

15th place: Brendan

16th place: Dianne

17th Place: Curtis

18th Place: Gail

Well, there you have it. Our double tribal episode ended with Moana getting blindsided by her alliance and Emily going out in quite the emotional way, kinda like Chloe from last season. But one thing was for sure, is that not everyone is planning on sticking to the anti-Juburi plan after all, we'll see how that changes the game in the next couple of episodes. Not surprisingly this one was pretty tough to write. I never get how Survivor handles double tribal episodes but I think I did alright for my first shot at it. 

Next episode we'll see how these new tribes handle being with each other and what alliances shall happen. Thanks everyone again for reading. Feel free to leave a review telling me what you enjoy and what you think I could improve as well as who your favorite player is so far. 

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