ll The Uzukage ll

By IdkWhyiHaveW4ttpad

195K 5.2K 1.4K

Naruto was banished from that terrible village konoha. Naruto is mistreated in his village. Naruto was false... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 28

Part 4

10.1K 247 99
By IdkWhyiHaveW4ttpad

Naruto had woken up, and he was vastly more enthusiastic than usual.

The Akatsuki will finally start rebuilding uzushiogakure.

Naruto rubbed his eyes, and squinted a few times, to meet with an Obito standing right next to his bed.

"That's kind of creepy" Naruto looked over at the Uchiha.

"I know" obito grins.

"Are you ready! We're gonna rebuild uzushiogakure!" Obito beams.

"You seem more eager than me, and of course I'm ready!" Naruto beamed.

Obito grinned as he pulled Naruto up and dragged him out of the room.

"Obito! Don't just drag Naruto, he still seems sleepy" Itachi scolded.

"Whatever, you mother" obito grumbled.

"Here, eat first and we'll head off, kay?" Konan handed Naruto a bowl of ramen, and smiled.

"Thank you!" Naruto grinned, as he grabbed the bowl.

Naruto had slurped up the last of his ramen, and placed the bowl down. Obito instantly threw his hands in the air. "Naruto is done! Lets just go already!" Obito beams.

"Lets do this!" Deidara cheered.

"Hai!" The akatsuki all agree.


They were all jumping from tree to tree, Naruto had his kitsune mask on, Obito of course had him, while the rest didn't have any mask.

Naruto's mind was swirling with thoughts, he had always wished to rebuild uzushiogakure, and he could finally do it. He was surprised that he could still concentrate and keep his eyes on the road.

Itachi jumped to Naruto's side. "Excited Naruto?" Itachi chuckled.

"Hai! It's always been my dream." Naruto grins under his mask.

"Well, you'll accomplish that dream, with the assistance of the Akatsuki." Itachi smiled.

Naruto grinned under his kitsune mask "hai, thank you nii-san" He was certainly glad, that he met the Akatsuki, they all treated him well, and saw Naruto as their little brother.


The journey was quite long since Obito kept complaining, and whining, saying his legs were hurting, Konan had to smack him, to get him to start moving again.

"We're here" Nagato declared openly, as he jumped down from the tree, and settled on the ground.'

The rest of the Akatsuki followed along.

Naruto sunshined beside Nagato and took a look at the place, it was quite damaged, but the Akatsuki would rebuild it.

"Looks like we got a a lot of work to do, lets start" Nagato announced. "Hai!" Everyone cheered.


Kurama was cuddled up, laying in the grass, watching as Naruto used his clones, to lend extra assistance. "Kit!" Kurama called out to him. Naruto turned around, and sun shined to Kurama's side. "Hai, you need something kyuu?" Naruto sat down.

"Just a Suggestion, but try to send a message to Gaara, tell him what we're accomplishing, I'm sure he'll be glad to help. " Kurama's tails swayed.

"Never thought of that! I'll do it now!" Naruto beams.

Naruto clasps his hands together and concentrated gathering a small amount of chakra. Red chakra leaked from Naruto's hands, onto the floor. The chakra slowly gathered, and started to merge together forming a little fox, made of chakra. "Ah! I keep forgetting how cute these are!" Naruto beamed.

Kurama scoffs.

"Konan! Can I have some paper!?" Naruto yells.

"Sure!" Konan yelled from a small distance. A piece of paper, flew and landed in Naruto's hand. "Thank you!" Naruto yells." Your welcome !" Konan replied back.

Naruto wrote down.

Hi panda!

Im building uzushiogakure with the akatsuki, and im wondering if you could help. You don't have too, just asking, cause I know your busy, being kazekage! How is it like being a kage? Is it fun? Oh and how's your siblings! Tell kankuro i hate him, and tell temari, that I like her more then kankuro. Of course also how are you? Are you doing well? Make sure to eat and drink, kay? Oh and shukaku, kurama still doesn't like you. Back to the topic, im just asking for help, you don't need too!

-Sincerely your favorite best friend

(Cough, Naruto)

Naruto read the letter over and over again, making sure, he didn't make any mistakes. "Hey kyuu! Is this alright?" Naruto showed the letter to kurama.

"It looks good" kurama's tails swayed.

"Kay!" Naruto beams.

He gives the letter to the little chakra fox. "Take this to Gaara, kay?" Naruto grinned. The chakra fox, yipped, as it ran away.

"Did I just talk to chakra?" Naruto mumbled as he turned to kurama.

"I think its normal, I am made of chakra you know?" Kurama chuckled.

"Right!" Naruto scratches the back of his head.


The akatsuki, had made a few, homes, buildings, and much more, but it still wasn't big enough, to be a entire village.

Naruto had received a letter, from Gaara.

Dear Naruto.

Thats wonderful, you'll be a amazing kage, and of course I'll help you out. I'll put a sand clone, to do my work, and I'll head off. I told kankuro what you said, and now he's crying in a corner. Temari, is rubbing it in kankuro's face. I ate and drank, today so don't worry, you make sure to eat and drink too, okay? Shukaku. Says "fuck you" to kurama, by the way. I'll see ya kitsune- chan.

- Gaara

The akatsuki, had also, made the entrance to uzushiogakure, obito complained a lot.


Naruto, and the others, made more buildings, with the help, of Naruto's shadow clones. "Kit, a certain, panda is here." Kurama, announced.

Naruto's eyes, glow. "Finally!" Naruto beamed. As he sun shined away.

Obito just blinked, looking at the spot Naruto was. "Uh, okay, let's continue" obito chuckles, as he grabs, multiple pieces of wooden beams.


Naruto sun shined, and instantly got met with a hug.

"Naruto!" Temari hugged Naruto tightly.

"Hi! Nee-san!" Naruto beamed, hugging her back.

Kankuro scoffs, as he crosses his arms and looks away. "That's favoritism Naruto." Kankuro grumbled.

Temari stuck her tongue out at Kankuro, and Kankuro just glared at her.

Temari and Kankuro also saw Naruto as their little brother. Well at least the nice little brother

"Long time no see, huh kitsune?" Gaara's sudden entrance made Naruto jump.

"Panda!" Naruto beamed as he jumped onto Gaara, giving him a bear hug. Which also made both of them fall.

"Damnit!" Kankuro whines.

Gaara hugged Naruto back.

Itachi sun shined over to the four, and was quite surprised to see the sand siblings here.

"Ah, Gaara-sama Temari-sama Kankuro-sama, greetings, it's good to see you again." Itachi smiles.

"Greetings Itachi-sama" Gaara, had Naruto on his back, still giving him a hug. Gaara let his hand out, for Itachi to shake, which Itachi gladly took.

"Yo! Itachi" Kankuro waved.

"Hello, Itachi" Temari smiles.

Itachi looked over at Naruto, who was getting carried on Gaara's back. Itachi chuckles, Naruto was 15, and is still acting like a child, which he didn't care, cause he was like a little brother to him.

"Naruto, your not 12 anymore, get off Gaara-sama's back" Itachi chuckles.

Realization hit Itachi.

If Naruto was on Gaara's back, then were was his gourd, with all the sand.

Itachi scanned them, and his eyes landed on Kankuro, who had the gourd on his back.

'Oh I see' Itachi thought.

"Anyways, we're here, to help Naruto build uzushiogakure" Gaara announced.

"Oh, I see, alright then, let's go" Itachi smiled.

Gaara nodded.

"Are you gonna get off Gaara?" Itachi knitted a brow, looking at the blonde, on Gaara's back.

"Nope, carry me there" Naruto mumbled.

Itachi sighed. "Sorry Gaara-sama" Itachi chuckled.

"It's alright, I don't mind" Gaara, said with his normal expression.

"Alright then, let's go" Itachi led the way.


They reached the entrance of uzushiogakure, where the akatsuki were all doing their own things. They we're all taking a break from building.

Obito, was face planted  into the floor.

Deidara was arguing with hidan.

Nagato explaining things to sasori, and kisame.

Zetsu, was asleep.

Konan, comforting kakazu, because he was almost broke.

Once the akatsuki noticed Itachi, they all looked at their direction, obito got up, Zetsu woke up.

"Gaara-sama, it's great to see you." Nagato, walked over to the 5.

"Nagato, it's good to see you too." Gaara greeted.

The rest of the akatsuki greeted the sand siblings as well.

"So what brings you here, Gaara-sama?" Konan, handed him some water.

"I'll help Naruto out, of course" Gaara drank some of the water.

Konan smiles. "Great! Breaks over, let's continue!" Konan announced.

"Hai!" Everyone cheered.

Gaara helping Naruto rebuild a village, and helping him become a kage?! 😱😱

Just best friend things 🤞

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