Being a Hero's a Gas

By Bfghunter2

525 30 16

Now having a certain clown as a father has its perks. one of which is access to a certain green can of gas. W... More


The Fist Laugh

146 7 2
By Bfghunter2

Being a Hero's a Gas!

Warning: this chapter is DARK. it contains child abuse, homophobia, violence, death and a permanent injury.

SAT: Japanese equivilant of SWAT

Chapter 3: The first laugh

Batman frowned as the crane finally arrived, its mechanical arm raising a caged platform which could comfortably hold six people. Stabding on the platform already was the Crane's operator who opened the waist height door and ushered them on. Kyoka and Momo carefully picked up the unconscious greenette with the stretcher and got aboard the platform, the blonde teen who had now recovered from his quirk's drawback stumbled on behind them while clutching his head in pain from the headache.

"Uh, you hopping on?" The operator asked batman nervously.

"I'll make my own way down." He replied bluntly before leaping off the cliff face while using his cape as a glider to touch down safely.

The fog had finally cleared away leaving the full extent of the damages and unconscious villains clear to see. Already officers were rounding up the unconscious villains and a dozen SAT members were surrounding the now bound on metal creature with an exposed brain as they cautiously herded it out of the facility. The sound of hydrolic pistons besides him marked the decent of the crane's cage.

"Damn this guy is big." One of the officers grunted as he and another officer dragged an unconscious hippo faced villain from the conflagration zone, he looked to of been attacked by a bird of some kind going by the scratch marks.

"Tell me about it." The other officer grunted. "I'd rather have to drag around Fatgum than this guy."

"Yeah, atleast Fatgum won't eat you, this guy was wanted for acts of cannibalism." The first officer gagged in disgust.

A metallic thud marked the end or the crane's decent before the sound of sliding metal on metal marked the opening of the door as the heroes in training carried the stretcher off the platform. Already paramedics were rushing in to check the teens over. Batman frowned as he looked at the discarded gas canister that had at one point been in the creature's mouth. It looked like someone took Joker's gas canisters and inverted the color pallet to be primarily purple instead of green. Two officers had it on the ground with an evidence tag as they took pictures to be used later.

"Batman, who's kneecap privlages do I need to revoke for harming my son?"

[Years ago]

Izuku always knew he was different even for a kid who was quirkless. His skin was white as bleach, his hair a vibrant neon green and despite what some people thought he wasn't always skin and bones, he was actually rather muscular, had been since he was ten. Day in and day out he was tormented by the other children in the school. Parents were no better. It was a common sight for Izuku to see parents glaring at him, ushering away their children while saying he, HE, was the freak of nature and a villain in the making. He didn't understand, ever since he could remember he only wanted to make people smile like All Might could, to be able to say "I Am Here!" and make everything alright.

He did some searching for what made people laugh and how to make people happy, then he stumbled by accident onto a woman, a new hero who had just graduated her heroics school called Miss Joke. Her quirk was rarely actually used outside villains and yet she did her best to make people laugh and forget the troubles of the world. It was at that moment he knew he that even if he could never be the next all Might, he would be the one who makes people laugh and bring joy to their lives, while there was a Jokster to bring the laughter, there needed to be a Jester to keep people happy.

So, that is what he did. He would become the Jester that people needed, wether it was allowing them to beat the crap out of him, entertaining a sad child or even sacrificing himself to allow others to get away from bullies, instead drawing their ire to himself. More often then not he came home bloodied and bruised, waving off his mother's questions in the process.

Then one day, things took a dark turn. He knew plane as day he wasn't the son of Hisashi Midoriya, the drunkard made that clear from as early as Izuku could remember. It had started out simple enough, like many 7 year olds Izuku was a curious child, always wanting to see what was what and how things worked. So one day while his mother was working in the kitchen and Hisashi was drinking himself into a stupor watching Boxing on the TV, Izuku decided to see what was under the cabinet in the bathroom. For the most part is was normal ordinary stuff, shampoo, conditioner, spare scrubbing brushes, the extra tooth paste, that was until Izuku came across a small black box with metal lining.

Ever the curious child Izuku decided to open the box, finding inside a small collection of colored powders not unlike paints and a small golden tube with a seam running down the middle of it. Izuku merely blinked in confusion before opening the tube, giving a firm tug as one end of it went flying across the room where it landed in the shower. Inside was a bright red stick of waxy material that he had seen his mother use in the past.

"Neat." The seven year old kid hummed to himself as he climbed onto the stool by the sink, allowing him to see the mirror before him. He leant forwards as he applied the lipstick in as neat a manor as he could. The end result was splotchy and crude to say the least. He hummed to himself as he leant forwards to get a closer look in the mirror, unaware of the door opening to the side of him or the click of the lock until with a yelp he was spun around, the collar of his shirt held tight against his throat making it difficult to breath. The face staring at him was one of drunken anger and hatred from Hisashi.

"You snot nosed little fucker!" The man raged as he yanked down hard causing Izuku to tumble off the stool and hit the ground hard with a yelp of pain. "I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT YOU ARE JUST LIKE THAT FUCK OF A FATHER!"

"HISASHI! OPEN THE DOOR!" Inko screamed as she started punching the door loudly.

"It hurts." Izuku sobbed as he tried unsuccessfully to remove Hisashi's hands from his shirt.

"YOU THINK I AM DUMB YOU SHIT?!" Hisashi screamed as he partly lifted Izuku up only to slam him back down, ignoring the screams of his wife. "YOU VILLAIN BRATS DONT DESERVE TO LIVE!"

"I'm sorry!" Izuku whimpered, his vision foggy and dancing with static around the edges.

"HISASHI YOU BASTARD OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" Inko screamed as she rammed her shoulder into the door, trying to pop the lock open or bust it down to save her son.

Hisashi growled as he leant in close. "Sorry won't cut it villain!" He snarled, wrapping his hands around Izuku's throat and squeezing.

For Izuku, it hurt worse than anything he ever experienced. His vision grew darker as he desperately tried to claw at Hisashi's arms and face, it didn't seem to work beyond making the man angrier.

In desperation izuku tried to grab something, anything to make the man stop. His hand brushed against something sharp, cutting his fingers open. Ignoring the pain in his hand he grabbed whatever it was and swung it at Hisashi's face. A splash of blood as a cut opened up across his face. A scream of rage. He could breath again. He gasped and coughed as he crawled away from the drunken man for the door. With a yank of his leg he slammed face first into the floor breaking his nose as he screamed in pain.

"IZUKU!" Inko screamed as her efforts to open the door became more frantic.

"I SHOULD OF KILLED YOU YEARS AGO!" Hisashi snarled in Izuku's face as he flipped the bloodied and terrified kid onto his back, hoisting him up by his shirt.

"LET HIM GO!" Inko shouted as the door finally gave way. With a scream of rage the woman tackled Hisashi into the bathroom sink making him drop Izuku. There was a sharp pain and his vision went black.


Everything hurt. The room smelt weird, sterile, as if someone took a bottle of cleanex and soaked everything in it. He opened his eyes only to groan in pain and shut them again, it was too bright.

"Hey there, you're finally awake woof." A man's voice stated to his left.

Turning his head Izuku squinted as the blurry outline of a dog's head was visible. "What?" He groaned in pain.

"I'm senior officer Kenji Suragamae." The dog explained. It was not Izuku noticed it wasn't a dog, just a man with a dog's head. "You had a nasty bump kid, can you tell me what happened?"

"W-where's my mum?" Izuku stuttered slightly.

"We can go see her soon but we need to know what happened, your neighbours heard a commotion and called the police, we found you and your family knocked out in the bathroom." The man explained gently.

"I, I was playing with mum's make-up then Hisashi lifted me and started to hit me." Izuku shuddered. "H-he tried to kill me." He sobbed.

"It's okay, you can take all the time you need." The officer stated gently as Izuku continued to cry.

"M-mum t-tried to s-stop him." Izuku sobbed. "I-I cut his face and I'm not a villain! I'm not!"

"Its okay kid, its okay." Kenji placated. "I'm sorry to say but until everything is resolved and your mum wakes up you'll be in foster care. Your father will be in a cell so he can't hurt you okay?"

Izuku nodded shakily as he gulped nervously. Sadly while they were able to keep Hisashi locked up for his crimes, Izuku's testimony plus the physical evidence in the bathroom, the neighbor's accounts of Hisashi's violent personality and a past record of agrivated assault as a teen was enough to have him locked up. Sadly for Izuku however, his mum still hadn't woken up and after two years he was starting to wonder if she ever would.

Then one day, a new person arrived and took him in from his previous foster parents, The Hatsumes, don't get him wrong the Hatsumes were nice people but they simply didn't have the room to look after two kids after being forced to move. His new guardian was kind if somewhat eccentric at times and genuinely cared for Izuku,  having him in their home for two years, double that of the time he spent with the Hatsumes before one night while having dinner they asked a question. "Young Izuku, for these past two years I've seen you as a son to me, I know I can't replace your mother but until she wakes up would you like me to adopt you?"





Who do you think the one who adopted Isuku is?

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